928 research outputs found


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    The development of the evolutionary thought has been connected with the scientific work of several outstanding lepidopterologists: O. Staudinger, S. S. Četverikov, B. L. Astaurov, E. B. Ford, H. B. D. Kettlewell, G. de Lattin, E. Suomalainen. The scientific work of Professor Lorković worthily can be associated to these important researchers. He has been well known: in fine karyological techniques experimental hybridisation of critical species, as one of the pioneers of cytotaxonomy, he recognised very early the enormous variability of chromosome, best field experts of the Balkanic high mountains, as describer of the intermediate stages of the process of speciation and create the concept „semispecies”, often cited by the classics of the evolutionary biology, he created a new term - the “ecosurface” etc and etc. In his quite long life, and also scientific long work his scientific personality and humanity deeply fascinated.Razvoj i evolucija misli u ovom dijelu entomologije usko je povezana sa znanstvenim radom izuzetnih leptirologa kao : O. Staudinger, S. S. Četverikov, B. L. Astaurov, E. B. Ford, H. B. D. Kettlewell, G. de Lattin, E. Suomalainen. K njima se sigurno može pribrojati i znanstveni rad profesora Lorkovića. On je bio poznat po znanstvenom radu na mnogo polja u leptirologiji a posebno: finoj kariološkoj tehnici eksperimentalne hibridizacije kritičnih vrsta, kao pionir citotaksonomije, on je vrlo rano uočio veliku varijabilnost kromosoma, bio je najbolji terenski istraživač balkanskih visokih planina, kreator pojma semispeciesa, kao i eko plohe itd itd. U svom dugom životu ali i dugom znanstvenom radu njegova znanstvena i humana osobnost duboko je fascinirala

    The Acoustic Self in English Modernism and Beyond

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    Drawing on the analogy between musical meaning-making and human subjectivity, this book develops the concept of the acoustic self, exploring the ways in which musical characterization and structure are related to issues of subject-representation in the modernist English novel. The volume is framed around three musical topics—the fugue, absolute music, and Gesamtkunstwerk—arguing that these three modes of musicalization address modernist dilemmas around selfhood and identity. Varga reflects on the manifestations of the acoustic self in examples from the works of E.M. Forster, Aldous Huxley, and Virginia Woolf, and such musicians as Bach, Beethoven, Handel, and Wagner. An additional chapter on jazz and electronic music supplements these inquiries, pursuing the acoustic self beyond modernism and thereby inciting further discussion and theorization of musical intermediality, as well as recent sonic practices. Probing the analogies in the complex interrelationship between music, representation, and language in fictional texts and the nature of human subjectivity, this book will appeal to students and scholars interested in the interface of language and music, in such areas as intermediality, multimodality, literary studies, critical theory, and modernist studies

    The Acoustic Self in English Modernism and Beyond

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    Drawing on the analogy between musical meaning-making and human subjectivity, this book develops the concept of the acoustic self, exploring the ways in which musical characterization and structure are related to issues of subject-representation in the modernist English novel. The volume is framed around three musical topics—the fugue, absolute music, and Gesamtkunstwerk—arguing that these three modes of musicalization address modernist dilemmas around selfhood and identity. Varga reflects on the manifestations of the acoustic self in examples from the works of E.M. Forster, Aldous Huxley, and Virginia Woolf, and such musicians as Bach, Beethoven, Handel, and Wagner. An additional chapter on jazz and electronic music supplements these inquiries, pursuing the acoustic self beyond modernism and thereby inciting further discussion and theorization of musical intermediality, as well as recent sonic practices. Probing the analogies in the complex interrelationship between music, representation, and language in fictional texts and the nature of human subjectivity, this book will appeal to students and scholars interested in the interface of language and music, in such areas as intermediality, multimodality, literary studies, critical theory, and modernist studies


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    In our study we set out to find answers to the question of how today’s secondary schools students in Hungary assessed certain food products. We examined in the target group also the development of relationship between the preference of a certain product and its assessment from the health point of view. We assumed that both the preference and assessment of food for its effects on health were not only influenced by the gender of consumers but also by the type of the school attended and to a large extent by the development level of the region of domicile. In conclusion, young people had shown some signs of awareness of what is healthy eating and they had been able to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy foodstuffs, but their consumption was still significantly dominated by what they considered to be pleasant food. A possible consequence of this finding is that nearly a quarter of young people and a third of boys consider themselves suffering from overweight. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Kutatásunkban arra kerestük a választ, hogy a mai magyar középiskolások körében milyen a megítélése az egyes élelmiszeripari termékeknek. Vizsgáltuk, hogy az élelmiszerek kedveltsége és annak egészségesség megítélése között ho-gyan alakul a kapcsolat a vizsgált csoport esetében. Feltételezésünk volt, hogy mind a kedveltséget, mind a különbözÅ‘ élelmiszerek megítélését az egészségesség szempontjából nemcsak a fogyasztók neme, de az iskola típusa és a lakóhely sze-rinti régió gazdasági fejlettsége is nagy mértékben befolyásolja. Összességében megállapítást nyert, hogy bár a fiatalok mutattak olyan jeleket, hogy ismerik az egészséges táplálkozás alapjait, illetve hogy különbséget tudnak tenni egészséges és egészségtelen élelmiszerek között, mégis fogyasztásukat ma még sokkal inkább az élvezeti jellemzÅ‘k dominálják. Talán ennek is köszönhetÅ‘, hogy a fiatalok saját magukról kiállított bizonyítványa alapján közel egynegyedük küszködik súlyproblémával – a fiúknak pedig az egyharmada!questionnary, high schools, level of healthy consumption, kérdőíves felmérés, középiskolások, egészséges fogyasztás szintje, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing,

    Batch Extractive Distillation with Light Entrainer

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    Use of a light entrainer in batch extractive distillation is justified when the mixture boils at a high temperature, or when an appropriate heavy or intermediate entrainer cannot be found. Feasibility of batch extractive distillation with light entrainer for separating minimum and maximum boiling azeotropes and close boiling mixtures is studied in this article. Our test mixtures are: ethanol/water (minimum boiling azeotrope) with methanol, water/ethylene diamine (maximum boiling azeotrope) with methanol, and chlorobenzene/ethylbenzene (close boiling mixture) with 4-methylheptane. Feasibility, operating steps, limiting entrainer flows, limiting reflux ratios, and limiting number of theoretical stages are determined by parametric study on profiles maps, and verified by rigorous simulation. The effects of reflux ratio, feed ratio, feed stage, number of stages, and thermodynamic state of the entrainer are also examined. It can be established, as a result, that processes separating either minimum or maximum boiling azeotropes, or close boiling mixtures, in batch extractive distillation using a light entrainer are feasible

    Muistin siivous

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    Tutkielmassa esitellään roskan käsite tietojenkäsittelytieteessä, roskienkeruun keskeiset käsitteet ja perusmenetelmät muunnelmineen sekä nykyaikaiset tehokkaat algoritmit. Keskipisteenä ovat kuitenkin muistinhallintatutkimuksen 2000-luvun saavutukset, tutkimusaiheet ja tutkimusvälineet. Näitä hyödyntää tutkielmassa esiteltävä uusi CBRC-roskienkeruualgoritmi. Lisäksi katsastetaan ohjelmoijan vastuu automaattisessa muistinhallinnassa sekä ohjelmoinnissa käytettävissä olevat roskienkeruutietoiset välineet eräissä ohjelmointikielissä ja –ympäristöissä (Java, .Net, C++). Avainsanat ja -sanonnat: roskienkeruu, muistinsiivous, muistinhallinta, algoritmit, ohjelmointikielet CR-luokat: D 3.4, D.4.2, D.3.

    Non-abelian lattice gauge theory with a topological action

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    SU(2) gauge theory is investigated with a lattice action which is insensitive to small perturbations of the lattice gauge fields. Bare perturbation theory can not be defined for such actions at all. We compare non-perturbative continuum results with that obtained by the usual Wilson plaquette action. The compared observables span a wide range of interesting phenomena: zero temperature large volume behavior (topological susceptibility), finite temperature phase transition (critical exponents and critical temperature) and also the small volume regime (discrete β-function or step-scaling function). In the continuum limit perfect agreement is found indicating that universality holds for these topological lattice actions as well