57 research outputs found

    Proteomics as a tool to develop molecular indicators of nutritional condition in farmed gilthead seabream

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    Gilthead seabream is the main aquaculture species produced in Portugal, as well as in the Mediterranean. However, the winter disease syndrome, a series of metabolic and immune system disorders caused by low temperatures, affects seabream culture, leading to important industrial losses, either as mortalities or growth decreases during spring. These effects can be minimized through dietary optimisation, either improving diets for the end of summer season, or feeding seabream with a fortified diet during autumn/winter. However, the development of a fortified diet for autumn/winter is hindered by the lack of tools to evaluate fish metabolic and physiological condition. Nevertheless, the recent development of new generation molecular tools provides good perspectives to supply molecular indicators of condition that would support this task

    Quels enjeux pour la gestion des eaux urbaines ? Contribution à la formulation des services attendus par le système de gestion des eaux urbaines

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    International audienceLe système d'assainissement dont nous héritons s'est développé en couches successives, répondant chacune à des enjeux différents, et qui présentent une valeur patrimoniale très importante. Ces systèmes doivent aujourd'hui répondre à des enjeux de plus en plus diversifiés. Les techniques mises en ½uvre deviennent également de plus en plus diversifiées. Cette multiplication des fonctions et des dispositifs concourt à accroître le nombre d'organisations concernées et actives dans la gestion du système. Se pose alors la question de la coordination d'une pluralité d'organisations, gérant une pluralité d'ouvrages dans une grande diversité d'objectifs et d'intérêts. L'enjeu principal devient donc le développement d'un système durable de gestion des eaux urbaines qui se compose de dispositifs techniques et spatiaux, d'organisations en charge de ces dispositifs, et du bassin versant naturel correspondant au domaine d'influence. Cependant, pour gérer ce système, il faut dans un premier temps identifier les enjeux liés aux eaux urbaines. La multiplication des dispositifs et organisations, et le changement d'échelle pour considérer le système (ville + bassin versant naturel) nécessite en effet de repenser les services qu'il doit rendre. Cette communication propose une réponse sous forme de " marguerite des fonctions ". Les fonctions de service liées à la gestion des eaux urbaines et le mode d'obtention de la marguerite sont détaillés

    Strengthening the community health worker programme for health improvement through enhancing training, supervision and motivation in Wakiso district, Uganda

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    Objective: The objective of the project was to strengthen the community health worker (CHW) programme in Ssisa sub-county, Wakiso district, Uganda by providing a coherent, structured and standardized training, supervision and motivation package so as to enhance their performance. Results: The project trained all 301 CHWs who received non-financial incentives of t-shirts, gumboots and umbrellas, and 75 of them received solar equipment to support lighting their houses and charging phones. Twenty-four of the CHWs who had coordination roles received additional training. Three motorcycles were also provided to enhance transportation of CHW coordinators during their work including supervision. By end of the project, the CHWs had conducted 40,213 household visits, carried out health education sessions with 127,011 community members, and treated 19,387 children under 5 years of age. From the project evaluation, which used both quantitative and qualitative methods, 98% of the CHWs reported having improved competence in performance of their roles. In addition, the CHWs were highly motivated to do their work. The motorcycles were instrumental in supporting the work of CHW coordinators including monthly collection of reports and distribution of medicines. The project demonstrated that by improving training, supervision and motivation, performance of CHW programmes can be enhanced

    The development of arable cultivation in the south-east of England and its relationship with vegetation cover: A honeymoon period for biodiversity?

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    The onset of prehistoric farming brought unprecedented changes to landscapes and their biodiversity. Past biodiversity patterns are broadly understood for different parts of Europe, and demonstrate trajectories that have been linked to prehistoric and historic demographic transitions, and associated land-use practices. To our knowledge, this paper is the first attempt to directly link evidence of agricultural practice from the archaeological record to biodiversity patterns. Records of fossil pollen are used to estimate plant and landscape diversity patterns, and novel approaches are employed to analyse 1194 harmonised archaeobotanical samples (plant macrofossil remains) spanning the prehistoric and Roman periods, from southern England. We demonstrate changes in the use of crops and gathered edible plants and non-linear trends in cultivation practices. Whilst, overall, cereal production is characterised by ever larger and extensive regimes, different trajectories are evident for most of early prehistory, the Middle Iron Age and the Late Roman period. Comparisons with the Shannon diversity of fossil pollen records from the same region suggest a positive relationship between developing agricultural regimes and landscape scale biodiversity during the prehistoric period. The Roman period represents a tipping point in the relationship between expanding agriculture and pollen diversity, with declining pollen diversity evident in the records from the region

    Shape variability of the central sulcus in the developing brain: a longitudinal descriptive and predictive study in preterm infants

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    Despite growing evidence of links between sulcation and function in the adult brain, the folding dynamics, occurring mostly before normal-term-birth, is vastly unknown. Looking into the development of cortical sulci in infants can give us keys to address fundamental questions: what is the sulcal shape variability in the developing brain? When are the shape features encoded? How are these morphological parameters related to further functional development? In this study, we aimed to investigate the shape variability of the developing central sulcus, which is the frontier between the primary somatosensory and motor cortices. We studied a cohort of 71 extremely preterm infants scanned twice using MRI - once around 30 weeks post-menstrual age (w PMA) and once at term-equivalent age, around 40w PMA -, in order to quantify the sulcus's shape variability using manifold learning, regardless of age-group or hemisphere. We then used these shape descriptors to evaluate the sulcus's variability at both ages and to assess hemispheric and age-group specificities. This led us to propose a description of ten shape features capturing the variability in the central sulcus of preterm infants. Our results suggested that most of these features (8/10) are encoded as early as 30w PMA. We unprecedentedly observed hemispheric asymmetries at both ages, and the one captured at term-equivalent age seems to correspond with the asymmetry pattern previously reported in adults. We further trained classifiers in order to explore the predictive value of these shape features on manual performance at 5 years of age (handedness and fine motor outcome). The central sulcus's shape alone showed a limited but relevant predictive capacity in both cases. The study of sulcal shape features during early neurodevelopment may participate to a better comprehension of the complex links between morphological and functional organization of the developing brain
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