12 research outputs found

    Mycosis Fungoides and Sézary Syndrome: An Integrative Review of the Pathophysiology, Molecular Drivers, and Targeted Therapy

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    Primary cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCLs) constitute a heterogeneous group of diseases that affect the skin. Mycosis fungoides (MF) and Sézary syndrome (SS) account for the majority of these lesions and have recently been the focus of extensive translational research. This review describes and discusses the main pathobiological manifestations of MF/SS, the molecular and clinical features currently used for diagnosis and staging, and the different therapies already approved or under development. Furthermore, we highlight and discuss the main findings illuminating key molecular mechanisms that can act as drivers for the development and progression of MF/SS. These seem to make up an orchestrated constellation of genomic and environmental alterations generated around deregulated T-cell receptor (TCR)/phospholipase C, gamma 1, (PLCG1) and Janus kinase/ signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK/STAT) activities that do indeed provide us with novel opportunities for diagnosis and therapy.This work was funded by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), co-financed by FEDER: PI16/00156 and PI19/00204 to JPV, PI17/0957 to P.L.O.-R., J.P.V. and M.Á.P. also received private funding from the Asociación Luchamos Por La Vida (LPLV) and the Asociación Española Contra El Cancer (AECC), respectively. N.G.-D. was supported by a pre-doctoral contract from UC-IDIVAL

    Métodos de selección de terapia de linfoma cutáneo de células T

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    El método para seleccionar una terapia para el tratamiento de un paciente con linfoma cutáneo de células T (LCCT) comprende determinar en una muestra de dicho paciente la presencia de una mutación en al menos un gen seleccionado del grupo formado por los genes PLCG1, CCR4, IL-6ST, JAK1, JAK3 y cualquier combinación de los mismos, y seleccionar la terapia en función del perfil mutacional del paciente.Solicitud: 201231760 (14.11.2012)Nº Pub. de Solicitud: ES2469265A1 (17.06.2014)Nº de Patente: ES2469265B1 (06.03.2015

    Successful Direct Acting Antiviral Therapy in ChronicHepatitis C Normalizes IFN and IL2 Production in T Cells Together with TLR8 Expression and Functionality in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

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    Chronic hepatitis C infection (HCV) activates a systemic cell-mediated immune response characterized by the production of IFN? and an innate immune response addressed by the activation of TLR signaling. We aimed to investigate whether HCV eradication by direct acting antivirals (DAA) leads to a recovery in cell-mediated immune response and TLR expression and functionality. Blood samples were obtained in HCV infected patients before DAA treatment and at week +48 after the end of treatment. Results were compared to healthy controls. Cell surface expression of TLR8 was assessed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) by flow cytometry. Freshly isolated PBMCs were cultured with specific TLR8 agonists and intracellular production of cytokines was determined by flow-cytometry after ex vivo TLR8 activation with ssRNA 40. Production of IFN?, IL2 and IL17 was assessed by flow cytometry in T cells after polyclonal activation. Included were 50 HCV-infected patients and 15 controls. TLR8 expression in PBMCs was significantly increased before treatment and recovered normal levels at week +48. Production of IL1b, IL6 and TNF? dependent on the activation of TLR8 in PBMCs was also increased in patients before DAA treatment, with a significant reduction at week +48. Combined expression of IFN? and IL2 in CD4+ T cells in HCV-infected patients was significantly increased compared to controls and recovered normal levels at week +48. DAA-mediated clearance of HCV is associated with a decreased expression and activation of TLR8 in PBMCs until healthy control levels which is accompanied by a reduction in the Th1 response.This research was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), grant number PIE15/00079

    The presence of Merkel cell carcinoma polyomavirus is associated with a distinct phenotype in neoplastic Merkel cell carcinoma cells and their tissue microenvironment

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    Aims: Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an aggressive primary neuroendocrine tumor of the skin, associated with Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) in 49-89% of cases, depending on the country of origin and the techniques of detection. The presence of MCPyV defines heterogeneity in MCC; MCPyV-negative cases bear a much higher mutational load, with a distinct ultraviolet signature pattern featuring C > T transitions, as a consequence of exposure to ultraviolet light radiation. MCC stroma has not been thoroughly studied, although MCC patients benefit from therapy targeting PD1/PDL1. Methods and results: In this study, using Tissue Microarrays and immunohistochemistry, we have analyzed a series of 219 MCC cases in relation to the presence of MCPyV, and confirmed that the presence of MCPyV is associated with changes not only in the neoplastic cells, but also in the composition of the tumor stroma. Thus, MCPyV, found in 101/176 (57,4%) analyzable cases, exhibits changes in its tumor morphology, the density of the inflammatory infiltrate, the phenotype of the neoplastic cells, and the cell composition of the tumor stroma. MCPyV presence is negatively correlated with a higher level of p53 expression, and associated with a very high frequency (86%) of HLA-I expression loss, a higher apoptotic index, and a stroma richer in T-cells, cytotoxic T-cells, macrophages, PDL1-positive macrophages, and B-cells. Conclusions: Our findings provide evidence of the basic heterogeneity of MCC, supporting the hypothesis that the presence of MCPyV may induce a rich inflammatory response, which is at least partially avoided through loss of HLA-I antigen expression. On the other hand, MCPyV-negative cases show a much higher frequency of stronger p53 expression and, probably, p53 alterations.Dr. Piris is the principal investigator of all the projects funding this study. This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competence (MINECO, RTICC ISCIII and CIBERONC) (SAF2013-47416-R, RD06/0020/0107-RD012/0036/0060 and Plan Nacional I+D+I: PI17/2172, PI16/01294 and PIE15/0081), AECC, and the Madrid Autonomous Community

    Increased risk of MAFLD and liver fibrosis in inflammatory bowel disease independent of classic metabolic risk factors

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    ackground & Aims There is conflicting evidence regarding the prevalence of and risk factors for metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We aimed to determine MAFLD prevalence and risk factors in IBD patients. Methods Cross-sectional, case-control study included all consecutive IBD patients treated at 2 different university hospitals. Controls were subjects randomly selected from the general population and matched by age, sex, type 2 diabetes status, and body mass index in a 1:2 ratio. MAFLD was confirmed by controlled attenuation parameter. Liver biopsies were collected when MAFLD with significant liver fibrosis was suspected. In addition, age- and fibrosis stage-paired non-IBD patients with biopsy-proven MAFLD served as a secondary control group. Results Eight hundred thirty-one IBD patients and 1718 controls were included. The prevalence of MAFLD and advanced liver fibrosis (transient elastography ≥9.7 kPa) was 42.00% and 9.50%, respectively, in IBD patients and 32.77% and 2.31%, respectively, in the general population (P < .001). A diagnosis of IBD was an independent predictor of MAFLD (adjusted odds ratio, 1.99; P < .001) and an independent risk factor for advanced liver fibrosis (adjusted odds ratio, 5.55; P < .001). Liver biopsies were obtained from 40 IBD patients; MAFLD was confirmed in all cases, and fibrosis of any degree was confirmed in 25 of 40 cases (62.5%). Body mass index and type 2 diabetes prevalence were significantly lower in IBD-MAFLD patients than in severity-paired patients with biopsy-proven MAFLD. Conclusions MAFLD and liver fibrosis are particularly prevalent in IBD patients, regardless of the influence of classic metabolic risk factors.Acknowledgements: The authors report funding support from the Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER Grant (FIS - PI18/01304) related to this manuscript

    Cancer genomics paves the way to targeted therapy.

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    RESUMEN: La lucha contra el cáncer es aún un desafío mayor, con cerca de 14 millones de nuevos casos de cáncer al año y más de 8 millones de muertes anuales atribuidas al cáncer. Con la ayuda de múltiples servicios clínicos del HUMV y otras Instituciones, trabajamos para demostrar la hipótesis de que análisis integrados de genómica y secuenciación dirigida de alta profundidad en especímenes quirúrgicos de rutina puede generar datos firmes y relevantes sobre la complejidad molecular, composición subclonal, índice mutacional, firmas mutacionales y mutaciones precisas en genes con implicaciones terapéuticas; así generando una herramienta diagnóstica robusta que permita predecir sensibilidad a terapias específicas. In este proyecto, hemos podido demostrar que los estudios genómicos del cáncer demuestran dianas útiles para la intervención terapéutica y que la combinación de múltiples terapias inactivando rutas oncogénicas convergentes representa una opción plausible para pacientes con cáncer avanzado.ABSTRACT: Cancer is still a mayor challenge with something more than 14M new cases per year in the world and more of 8M patients dying yearly because of cancer. With the collaboration of multiple clinical services at the HUMV and other clinical institutions, we are working to demonstrate the hypothesis that genomics integrative analysis and high-depth targeted mutational analysis in routine cancer specimens may generate consistent, relevant data informing about molecular complexity, subclonal composition, mutational rate, mutational signatures and precise mutations in genes with therapeutic implications; thus generating a robust, solid, diagnostic tool that may allow to predict the sensitivity to specific therapies. In this project we have been able to demonstrate that cancer genome studies do demonstrate actionable targets, and that the combination of multiple therapies targeting convergent pathways represent a plausible option for advanced cancer patients

    Dopaminergic control of ADAMTS2 expression through cAMP/CREB and ERK: molecular effects of antipsychotics

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    A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that participate in the development and clinical manifestations of schizophrenia can lead to improve our ability to diagnose and treat this disease. Previous data strongly associated the levels of deregulated ADAMTS2 expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients at first episode of psychosis (up) as well as in clinical responders to treatment with antipsychotic drugs (down). In this current work, we performed an independent validation of such data and studied the mechanisms implicated in the control of ADAMTS2 gene expression. Using a new cohort of drug-naïve schizophrenia patients with clinical follow-up, we confirmed that the expression of ADAMTS2 was highly upregulated in PBMCs at the onset (drug-naïve patients) and downregulated, in clinical responders, after treatment with antipsychotics. Mechanistically, ADAMTS2 expression was activated by dopaminergic signalling (D1-class receptors) and downstream by cAMP/CREB and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/ERK signalling. Incubation with antipsychotic drugs and selective PKA and MEK inhibitors abrogated D1-mediated activation of ADAMTS2 in neuronal-like cells. Thus, D1 receptors signalling towards CREB activation might participate in the onset and clinical responses to therapy in schizophrenia patients, by controlling ADAMTS2 expression and activity. The unbiased investigation of molecular mechanisms triggered by antipsychotic drugs may provide a new landscape of novel targets potentially associated with clinical efficacy.Acknowledgements: We are highly indebted to the participants and their families for their cooperation in this study. We also thank IDIVAL biobank (Inés Santiuste and Jana Arozamena) for clinical samples and data as well as the PAFIP members (Marga Corredera) for the data collection. This work was supported by: SAF2016-76046-R and SAF2013-46292-R (MINECO and FEDER) to B.C.F., PI16/00156 (isciii and FEDER) to J.P.V., LUCHAMOS POR LA VIDA project to F.R.J. and J.P.V., SAF2017-83702-R (MINECO and FEDER), Red TERCEL RD12/0019/0024 (ISCIII) and GVA-PROMETEO 2018/041 (Generalitat Valenciana) to S.M. J.P.V. is supported by the RyC research programme (RYC-2013-14097) and F.R.J. by the predoctoral research programme (BES-2014-070615), from MINECO and FEDER

    Applied diagnostics in liver cancer. Efficient combinations of sorafenib with targeted inhibitors blocking AKT/mTOR

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. There is increasing interest in developing specific markers to serve as predictors of response to sorafenib and to guide targeted therapy. Using a sequencing platform designed to study somatic mutations in a selection of 112 genes (HepatoExome), we aimed to characterize lesions from HCC patients and cell lines, and to use the data to study the biological and mechanistic effects of case-specific targeted therapies used alone or in combination with sorafenib. We characterized 331 HCC cases in silico and 32 paired samples obtained prospectively from primary tumors of HCC patients. Each case was analyzed in a time compatible with the requirements of the clinic (within 15 days). In 53% of the discovery cohort cases, we detected unique mutational signatures, with up to 34% of them carrying mutated genes with the potential to guide therapy. In a panel of HCC cell lines, each characterized by a specific mutational signature, sorafenib elicited heterogeneous mechanistic and biological responses, whereas targeted therapy provoked the robust inhibition of cell proliferation and DNA synthesis along with the blockage of AKT/mTOR signaling. The combination of sorafenib with targeted therapies exhibited synergistic anti-HCC biological activity concomitantly with highly effective inhibition of MAPK and AKT/mTOR signaling. Thus, somatic mutations may lead to identify case-specific mechanisms of disease in HCC lesions arising from multiple etiologies. Moreover, targeted therapies guided by molecular characterization, used alone or in combination with sorafenib, can effectively block important HCC disease mechanisms.FUNDING: Grants from ISCIII, co-financed by the European Union (FEDER) (PI16/00156), Ramón and Cajal research program from MINECO (RYC-2013-14097) and FUNDACIÓN LUCHAMOS POR LA VIDA to JPV. Grants from ISCIII (RD06/0020/0107-RD012/0036/0060) to MAP. Grant from ISCIII (Ref. PIE15/00079) to JC & JPV. NGD is a recipient of a UC-IDIVAL pre-doctoral fellow. I.V. was also supported by the Ramón and Cajal research program

    B-cell lymphoma mutations: improving diagnostics and enabling targeted therapies

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    B-cell lymphomas comprise an increasing number of clinicopathological entities whose characterization has historically been based mainly on histopathological features. In recent decades, the analysis of chromosomal aberrations as well as gene and miRNA expression profile studies have helped distinguish particular tumor types and also enabled the detection of a number of targets with therapeutic implications, such as those activated downstream of the B-cell receptor. Our ability to identify the mechanisms involved in B-cell lymphoma pathogenesis has been boosted recently through the use of Next Generation Sequencing techniques in the analysis of human cancer. This work summarizes the recent findings in the molecular pathogenesis of B-cell neoplasms with special focus on those clinically relevant somatic mutations with the potential to be explored as candidates for the development of new targeted therapies. Our work includes a comparison between the mutational indexes and ranges observed in B-cell lymphomas and also with other solid tumors and describes the most striking mutational data for the major B-cell neoplasms. This review describes a highly dynamic field that currently offers many opportunities for personalized therapy, although there is still much to be gained from the further molecular characterization of these clinicopathological entities