11 research outputs found

    Characterisation for treaty purposes of manufactured dividends received in terms of securities lending arrangements

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    Equity securities lending arrangements are contracts whereby a shareholder lends his shares to a borrower for a period of time. If dividends are declared during that period, these accrue to the borrower, and the borrower pays a manufactured dividend to the lender as compensation. The applicable income tax legislation deems manufactured dividends to be dividends for purposes of dividends tax. However, unless manufactured dividends are governed by Article 10 of a double tax treaty, South Africa may not have the right to tax manufactured dividends received by non-resident lenders. This would result in a loss of revenue for the South African fiscus. This paper examined the qualification or characterisation for treaty purposes of manufactured dividend income earned by lenders in terms of securities lending arrangements. This examination was done through an analysis of the ‘dividends' definition in Article 10 of the 2017 OECD model convention. It was found that manufactured dividends are not ‘dividends' for treaty purposes, and are instead business income in terms of Article 7. South African domestic tax legislation was analysed, together with publications by the South African Revenue Service and National Treasury, and demonstrated that there is a risk of taxation not in accordance with the provisions of a convention, as well as a risk of revenue losses to the South African fiscus where a non-resident lender has no permanent establishment in South Africa

    Integrating heterogeneous across-country data for proxy-based random forest prediction of enteric methane in dairy cattle

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    Publication history: Accepted - 9 February 2022; Published online - 26 March 2022Direct measurements of methane (CH4) from individual animals are difficult and expensive. Predictions based on proxies for CH4 are a viable alternative. Most prediction models are based on multiple linear regressions (MLR) and predictor variables that are not routinely available in commercial farms, such as dry matter intake (DMI) and diet composition. The use of machine learning (ML) algorithms to predict CH4 emissions from across-country heterogeneous data sets has not been reported. The objectives were to compare performances of ML ensemble algorithm random forest (RF) and MLR models in predicting CH4 emissions from proxies in dairy cows, and assess effects of imputing missing data points on prediction accuracy. Data on CH4 emissions and proxies for CH4 from 20 herds were provided by 10 countries. The integrated data set contained 43,519 records from 3,483 cows, with 18.7% missing data points imputed using k-nearest neighbor imputation. Three data sets were created, 3k (no missing records), 21k (missing DMI imputed from milk, fat, protein, body weight), and 41k (missing DMI, milk fat, and protein records imputed). These data sets were used to test scenarios (with or without DMI, imputed vs. nonimputed DMI, milk fat, and protein), and prediction models (RF vs. MLR). Model predictive ability was evaluated within and between herds through 10-fold cross-validation. Prediction accuracy was measured as correlation between observed and predicted CH4, root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG). Inclusion of DMI in the model improved within and between-herd prediction accuracy to 0.77 (RMSE = 23.3%) and 0.58 (RMSE = 31.9%) in RF and to 0.50 (RMSE = 0.327) and 0.13 (RMSE = 42.71) in MLR, respectively than when DMI was not included in the predictive model. When missing DMI records were imputed, within and between-herd accuracy increased to 0.84 (RMSE = 18.5%) and 0.63 (RMSE = 29.9%), respectively. In all scenarios, RF models out-performed MLR models. Results suggest routinely measured variables from dairy farms can be used in developing globally robust prediction models for CH4 if coupled with state-of-the-art techniques for imputation and advanced ML algorithms for predictive modeling.This paper is the result of the concerted effort of all participants and support from the networks of COST Action FA1302 “METHAGENE: Large-scale methane measurements on individual ruminants for genetic evaluations.” The authors thank all individuals and groups who have directly or indirectly contributed to this work; special thanks are due to the technical and financial support from the COST Action FA1302 of the European Union. In addition, all financial and technical support from all participating countries and research centers involved in this work is greatly acknowledged

    Accuracy of methane emissions predicted from milk mid-infrared spectra and measured by laser methane detectors in Brown Swiss dairy cows

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    Since heritability of methane (CH4) emissions in ruminants was demonstrated, various attempts to generate large individual animal CH4 data sets were initiated. Predicting individual CH4 emissions based on equations using milk mid-infrared (MIR) spectra is currently considered promising as a low-cost proxy. However, the predicted CH4 emission by MIR in individuals still has to be confirmed by measurements. In addition, it is still unclear how low CH4 emitting cows differ in intake, digestion, and efficiency from high CH4 emitters. In the current study, putatively low and putatively high CH4 emitting Brown Swiss cows were selected from the entire Swiss herdbook population (176,611 cows), using a MIR-based prediction equation. Eventually, 15 low and 15 high CH4 emitters from 29 different farms were chosen for a respiration chamber (RC) experiment, where all cows were fed the same forage-based diet. A number of traits related to intake, digestion, and efficiency were quantified over 8 d, and CH4 emission was measured in 4 open circuit RC and daily CH4 emissions were also estimated using data from 2 laser CH4 detectors (LMD). The MIR-predicted CH4 production (g/d) was quite constant in low and high emission categories, and individuals across sites (home farm, experimental station), and within equations (first available and refined versions). The variation of the MIR-predicted values was substantially lower using the refined equation. However, the predicted low and high emitting cows (n = 28) did not differ on average in daily CH4 emissions measured either with RC or estimated using LMD, and there was no correlation between CH4 predictions (MIR) and CH4 emissions measured by RC measurements. When re-categorized based on CH4 yield measured in RC, differences between categories of 10 low and 10 high CH4 emitters were about 20%. Low CH4 emitting cows had a higher feed intake, milk yield, and residual feed intake, but differed only weakly in eating pattern and digesta mean retention times. Low CH4 emitters were characterized by lower acetate and higher propionate proportions of total ruminal volatile fatty acids. We concluded that the current MIR-based CH4 predictions are not accurate enough to be implemented in breeding programs for cows fed forage-based diets. In addition, low CH4 emitting cows have to be characterized in more detail using mechanistic studies to clarify in more detail the properties which explain the functional differences to other cows found

    Accuracy of methane emissions predicted from milk mid-infrared spectra and measured by laser methane detectors in Brown Swiss dairy cows

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    Since heritability of methane (CH4) emissions in ruminants was demonstrated, various attempts to generate large individual animal CH4 data sets were initiated. Predicting individual CH4 emissions based on equations using milk mid-infrared (MIR) spectra is currently considered promising as a low-cost proxy. However, the predicted CH4 emission by MIR in individuals still has to be confirmed by measurements. In addition, it is still unclear how low CH4 emitting cows differ in intake, digestion, and efficiency from high CH4 emitters. In the current study, putatively low and putatively high CH4 emitting Brown Swiss cows were selected from the entire Swiss herdbook population (176,611 cows), using a MIR-based prediction equation. Eventually, 15 low and 15 high CH4 emitters from 29 different farms were chosen for a respiration chamber (RC) experiment, where all cows were fed the same forage-based diet. A number of traits related to intake, digestion, and efficiency were quantified over 8 d, and CH4 emission was measured in 4 open circuit RC and daily CH4 emissions were also estimated using data from 2 laser CH4 detectors (LMD). The MIR-predicted CH4 production (g/d) was quite constant in low and high emission categories, and individuals across sites (home farm, experimental station), and within equations (first available and refined versions). The variation of the MIR-predicted values was substantially lower using the refined equation. However, the predicted low and high emitting cows (n = 28) did not differ on average in daily CH4 emissions measured either with RC or estimated using LMD, and there was no correlation between CH4 predictions (MIR) and CH4 emissions measured by RC measurements. When re-categorized based on CH4 yield measured in RC, differences between categories of 10 low and 10 high CH4 emitters were about 20%. Low CH4 emitting cows had a higher feed intake, milk yield, and residual feed intake, but differed only weakly in eating pattern and digesta mean retention times. Low CH4 emitters were characterized by lower acetate and higher propionate proportions of total ruminal volatile fatty acids. We concluded that the current MIR-based CH4 predictions are not accurate enough to be implemented in breeding programs for cows fed forage-based diets. In addition, low CH4 emitting cows have to be characterized in more detail using mechanistic studies to clarify in more detail the properties which explain the functional differences to other cows found.acceptedVersio

    Combining heterogeneous across-country data for prediction of enteric methane from proxies in dairy cattle

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    Large-scale measurement of enteric methane (CH4) from individual animals is a requisite for estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values. Direct measurement of individual CH4 emissions is logistically demanding and expensive, and correlated traits (proxies) or models can be used instead as a means to predict emissions. However, most predictive models tend to be specific and are valid mainly within the circumstances under which they were developed. Robust prediction models that work across countries and production environments may be built by combining heterogeneous data from several sources. However, combining heterogeneous individual animal observations on CH4 proxies from several sources is challenging and reports are scant in literature. The main objective of this study was to combine heterogeneous individual animal observations on CH4 proxies to develop robust enteric CH4 prediction models. Data on dairy cattle CH4 emissions and related proxies from 16 herds were made available by 13 research centers across 9 European countries within the Methagene EU COST Action FA1302 consortium on “Large-scale methane measurements on individual ruminants for genetic evaluations”. After a through edition and harmonization, the final dataset comprised 48,804 observations from 2,391 cows. Random Forest (RF) models were used to predict CH4 emissions and to estimate the relative importance of proxies for across-country predictions. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to detect potential data stratifications. Milk yield, milk fat, DIM, BW, herd and country of origin appeared to be the most relevant proxies in the prediction model. An overall prediction accuracy of 0.81 was estimated from the combined heterogeneous data. This study is a first attempt to develop methods and approaches to combine heterogeneous individual animal data on proxies for CH4 to build robust models for prediction of CH4 emissions across diverse production systems and environments. The methodology outlined here can be extended to combining heterogeneous data, pedigree information and genome-wide dense marker information for estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values for traits related to dairy system CH4 emissions. Keywords: enteric methane, heterogeneous data, prediction accuracy, methane proxies, random forest, dairy cattle

    Integrating heterogeneous across-country data for proxy-based random forest prediction of enteric methane in dairy cattle

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    Direct measurements of methane (CH4) from individual animals are difficult and expensive. Predictions based on proxies for CH4 are a viable alternative. Most prediction models are based on multiple linear regressions (MLR) and predictor variables that are not routinely available in commercial farms, such as dry matter intake (DMI) and diet composition. The use of machine learning (ML) algorithms to predict CH4 emissions from across-country heterogeneous data sets has not been reported. The objectives were to compare performances of ML ensemble algorithm random forest (RF) and MLR models in predicting CH4 emissions from proxies in dairy cows, and assess effects of imputing missing data points on prediction accuracy. Data on CH4 emissions and proxies for CH4 from 20 herds were provided by 10 countries. The integrated data set contained 43,519 records from 3,483 cows, with 18.7% missing data points imputed using k-nearest neighbor imputation. Three data sets were created, 3k (no missing records), 21k (missing DMI imputed from milk, fat, protein, body weight), and 41k (missing DMI, milk fat, and protein records imputed). These data sets were used to test scenarios (with or without DMI, imputed vs. nonimputed DMI, milk fat, and protein), and prediction models (RF vs. MLR). Model predictive ability was evaluated within and between herds through 10-fold cross-validation. Prediction accuracy was measured as correlation between observed and predicted CH4, root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG). Inclusion of DMI in the model improved within and between-herd prediction accuracy to 0.77 (RMSE = 23.3%) and 0.58 (RMSE = 31.9%) in RF and to 0.50 (RMSE = 0.327) and 0.13 (RMSE = 42.71) in MLR, respectively than when DMI was not included in the predictive model. When missing DMI records were imputed, within and between-herd accuracy increased to 0.84 (RMSE = 18.5%) and 0.63 (RMSE = 29.9%), respectively. In all scenarios, RF models out-performed MLR models. Results suggest routinely measured variables from dairy farms can be used in developing globally robust prediction models for CH4 if coupled with state-of-the-art techniques for imputation and advanced ML algorithms for predictive modeling

    Integrating heterogeneous across-country data for proxy-based random forest prediction of enteric methane in dairy cattle

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    Direct measurements of methane (CH4) from individual animals are difficult and expensive. Predictions based on proxies for CH4 are a viable alternative. Most prediction models are based on multiple linear regressions (MLR) and predictor variables that are not routinely available in commercial farms, such as dry matter intake (DMI) and diet composition. The use of machine learning (ML) algorithms to predict CH4 emissions from across-country heterogeneous data sets has not been reported. The objectives were to compare performances of ML ensemble algorithm random forest (RF) and MLR models in predicting CH4 emissions from proxies in dairy cows, and assess effects of imputing missing data points on prediction accuracy. Data on CH4 emissions and proxies for CH4 from 20 herds were provided by 10 countries. The integrated data set contained 43,519 records from 3,483 cows, with 18.7% missing data points imputed using k-nearest neighbor imputation. Three data sets were created, 3k (no missing records), 21k (missing DMI imputed from milk, fat, protein, body weight), and 41k (missing DMI, milk fat, and protein records imputed). These data sets were used to test scenarios (with or without DMI, imputed vs. nonimputed DMI, milk fat, and protein), and prediction models (RF vs. MLR). Model predictive ability was evaluated within and between herds through 10-fold cross-validation. Prediction accuracy was measured as correlation between observed and predicted CH4, root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG). Inclusion of DMI in the model improved within and between-herd prediction accuracy to 0.77 (RMSE = 23.3%) and 0.58 (RMSE = 31.9%) in RF and to 0.50 (RMSE = 0.327) and 0.13 (RMSE = 42.71) in MLR, respectively than when DMI was not included in the predictive model. When missing DMI records were imputed, within and between-herd accuracy increased to 0.84 (RMSE = 18.5%) and 0.63 (RMSE = 29.9%), respectively. In all scenarios, RF models out-performed MLR models. Results suggest routinely measured variables from dairy farms can be used in developing globally robust prediction models for CH4 if coupled with state-of-the-art techniques for imputation and advanced ML algorithms for predictive modeling.ISSN:0022-0302ISSN:1525-319