10 research outputs found

    Diet quality, food groups and nutrients associated with the gut microbiota in a nonwestern population

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    Diet plays an important role in shaping gut microbiota. However, much remains to be learned regarding this association. We analyzed dietary intake and gut microbiota in a community-dwelling cohort of 441 Colombians. Diet quality, intake of food groups and nutrient consumption were paired with microbial diversity and composition using linear regressions, Procrustes analyses and a random-forest machine-learning algorithm. Analyses were adjusted for potential confounders, including the five cities from where the participants originated, sex (male, female), age group (18-40 and 41-62 years), BMI (lean, overweight, obese) and socioeconomic status. Microbial diversity was higher in individuals with increased intake of nutrients obtained from plant-food sources, whereas the intake of food groups and nutrients correlated with microbiota structure. Random-forest regressions identified microbial communities associated with different diet components. Two remarkable results confirmed previous expectations regarding the link between diet and microbiota: communities composed of short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) producers were more prevalent in the microbiota of individuals consuming diets rich in fiber and plant-food sources, such as fruits, vegetables and beans. In contrast, an inflammatory microbiota composed of bile-tolerant and putrefactive microorganisms along with opportunistic pathogens thrived in individuals consuming diets enriched in animal-food sources and of low quality, i.e., enriched in ultraprocessed foods and depleted in dietary fiber. This study expands our understanding of the relationship between dietary intake and gut microbiota. We provide evidence that diet is strongly associated with the gut microbial community and highlight generalizable connections between them

    Proteins associated with the metabolism of total body iron

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    ABSTRACT: Iron is an essential nutrient well studied for its role in human health, and much evidence exists regarding its metabolism, functions, interactions, and regulations. However, studies and analyses that have been done are often based on specific proteins and few integrate into a single text the characteristics of multiple proteins related to total body iron metabolism. Objective: Explore in-depth the molecular, metabolic, and modulation aspects of proteins that participate in iron homeostasis and related interactions. Materials and methods: A literature review was completed using scientific databases in conjunction with a search for related scientific articles published between 2006 and 2016. Results: Homeostasis of total body iron stores is a complex process that is highly regulated by various molecules that participate in an integrated manner in iron metabolism. In recent years, new proteins have been discovered regarding the humoral and cellular control of iron, some of which are also involved in the transport of other nutrients. Additionally, these proteins involve participation from various organs, tissues, and systems. This review includes proteins responsible for facilitating biological utilization of the nutrient, as well as those that protect cells from toxicity of this mineral.RESUMEN: El hierro es uno de los minerales más estudiados; existe amplia información en cuanto a su metabolismo, función, interacciones y regulación; sin embargo, los estudios y análisis realizados se basan en proteínas específicas y pocos integran, en un solo texto, las características de estas moléculas relacionadas con el metabolismo del hierro corporal. Objetivo: profundizar en los aspectos moleculares, metabólicos y de modulación de las proteínas que participan en la homeostasis del hierro y en sus interacciones. Materiales y métodos: se hizo una búsqueda sistemática de información en bases de datos científicas de artículos sobre el tema, publicados entre 2006 y 2016. Resultados: la homeostasis del hierro corporal, es un proceso complejo y altamente regulado por diferentes moléculas que participan de manera integrada en su metabolismo; en los últimos años han surgido nuevas proteínas, algunas de ellas participan en el transporte de otros nutrientes y se les ha encontrado relación con el control humoral y celular del hierro; además, involucran la participación de varios órganos, tejidos y sistemas. Esta revisión incluye proteínas encargadas de facilitar el aprovechamiento biológico del nutriente, así como aquellas que protegen a las células de toxicidad por exceso de este mineral

    Molecules implicated in maternal-fetal iron transport across the placental barrier: Role of Transferrin Receptor 1 and Ferroportin

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    ABSTRACT: An adequate placental transfer of iron is critical to satisfy the high fetal requirements of this mineral, and to promote proper intrauterine growth and development. It also contributes to the prevention of iron deficiency and anemia, both of which are very frequent during the first two years of life, and associate with increased rates of morbidity and mortality. Different adaptations may occur in the placenta in the production of molecules that take part in the mother-tofetus iron transfer. With them, iron availability to the fetus is assured. Our aim with this review is to familiarize readers with the metabolic and molecular mechanisms of placental iron uptake, transport, regulation and release. With this knowledge, the importance of an adequate maternal iron state before and during pregnancy may be better understood.RESUMEN: La transferencia placentaria adecuada de hierro es crucial para satisfacer los altos requerimientos que el feto tiene de este mineral y para promover su crecimiento y desarrollo intrauterinos apropiados; de otra parte, contribuye a prevenir la ferropenia y la anemia, entidades muy frecuentes durante los dos primeros años de vida, y que se asocian con aumento de la morbilidad y la mortalidad en la infancia. La placenta es un órgano capaz de efectuar diferentes adaptaciones en la producción de las moléculas que participan en el transporte materno-fetal de hierro en respuesta al estado celular de este mineral, para asegurar la mayor disponibilidad para el feto. Esta revisión pretende acercar al lector a los mecanismos metabólicos y moleculares relacionados con la captación y el transporte de hierro por la placenta y con su salida hacia el feto, así como su regulación, para proporcionar elementos que le permitan comprender integralmente la importancia de un adecuado estado de hierro materno antes de la gestación y durante ella

    Malaria and malnutrition in children and household food insecurity : a review

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    ABSTRACT: Malaria and household food insecurity are public health problems in Colombia that should be studied in an integrated approach. Objective: to describe the relationship between malaria and malnutrition, deficiencies of vitamin A, zinc and anaemia in children; and household food insecurity, as well as the effect of retinol, iron and zinc supplements on morbidity and mortality in children with malaria infection. Methodology: Medline and other databases were searched. Results: the articles showed that protein-caloric malnutrition and deficiencies of both vitamin A and Zinc increase morbidity and mortality associated to Malaria infection. Studies of the effects of micronutrient supplements on morbidity and mortality associated to Malaria caused by P. falciparum confirmed that vitamin A supplements’ may has a protective effect; studies of zinc on malaria are no conclusive, although it has other benefits; and supplement of iron could presents a deleterious effects, an it seems to be influenced by children age and if it is administer alone o combined with zinc. There is a strong relationship between Household food insecurity and malaria. Prevention of household food insecurity should contribute to decrease children malnutrition and to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated to malaria. Conclusion: Improving household security could help to reduce malnutrition and micronutrients deficiencies in children, contributing to reduce morbidity and mortality associated to malaria. In endemic areas for P. falciparum vitamin A population supplementation has promising results. Studies of zinc are not conclusive and iron has deleterious effects.RESUMEN: La malaria, la desnutrición y la inseguridad alimentaria, son problemas de salud pública en Colombia, que deben estudiarse integradamente. Objetivo: describir la relación entre morbimortalidad por malaria con desnutrición proteico-calórica, anemia y deficiencia de vitamina A y de zinc en los niños e inseguridad alimentaria en sus hogares, al igual que el efecto de los suplementos poblacionales de retinol, hierro y zinc sobre morbimortalidad por malaria. Metodología: se consultaron Medline y otras bases biográficas. Resultados: la desnutrición proteico-calórica y las deficiencias de vitamina A y zinc, aumentan la morbimortalidad por malaria. Los estudios sobre los efectos de los suplementos poblacionales de micronutrientes en niños sobre morbimortalidad por malaria por P. falciparum muestran: los de vitamina A, sugieren efecto protector, los de zinc no tienen resultados concluyentes frente a la malaria pero otros beneficios y los de hierro, tienen efecto perjudicial. Los estudios sobre los efectos de tales suplementos sobre la morbimortalidad por malaria por P. vivax son incipientes y en el caso del hierro, parecen estar influenciados por la edad de los niños y si se usan solos o combinados con zinc. La malaria coexiste con la inseguridad alimentaria en el hogar y la prevención de esta última contribuye a reducir la desnutrición infantil y posiblemente la morbimortalidad por malaria. Conclusión: reducir la inseguridad alimentaria disminuirá la desnutrición infantil y las deficiencias de micronutrientes, así contribuirá a reducir la morbi-mortalidad por malaria. En zonas endémicas para P. falciparum, los suplementos poblacionales de vitamina A tienen resultados promisorios: los efectos de los suplementos de zinc no son claros aún y los de hierro son perjudiciales

    Relationship between malaria, malnutrition, food insecurity and low socioeconomical conditions in children of Turbo, Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: Malaria, malnutrition and household food insecurity are public health problems in Colombia that should be studied all an integrated way Objective: to study the association between malaria nutritional status, household food insecurity and socio-economic factors. Materials and methods: cross sectional study was carried out in a place called “El Tres”, Turbo-Colombia. Children 2-14 year old were divided in two groups: one group with malaria (76) and the other one without malaria (147). Nutritional status, food accessibility and socio-economic factors were analyzed. Results: prevalence of chronic malnutrition in children with malaria versus children with no malaria were: 39,5% and 25,2%, food insecurity was 94,7% and 92,5%, and mother’s scholar level was 3±3 y 4±3 (p=0,041), respectively. The risk to have malaria is increased in chronic malnutrition (OR:1,94;IC95%1,07-3,50) and by poor housing conditions as bad roof quality (OR:5,95;IC95%2,28-15,55), bad floor quality (OR:2,05;IC95%1,06-3,82) and not have electricity (OR:3,85;IC95%2,10-6,90). Conclusion: food insecurity was common in studied subjects, socio-economic conditions were low and the prevalence of chronic malnutrition was high. All these issues were strong associated with malaria. This is the first study carried out in Colombia that explores the association of malaria with child malnutrition and household food insecurity. Key words: malnutrition, food security, poverty, household food insecurity, socio-economic factors, children.RESUMEN: Asociar malaria con estado nutricional, seguridad alimentaria y factores socioeconómicos. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal, en niños de 2 a 14 años, del corregimiento El Tres, Turbo (Colombia), distribuidos en dos grupos, con malaria (76) y sin malaria (147). Se analizó estado nutricional, seguridad alimentaria y factores socioeconómicos. Resultados: las prevalencias en el grupo con malaria versus el grupo sin malaria fueron respectivamente: 39,5% y 25,2% (p= 0,028) de desnutrición crónica en los niños; 94,7% y 92,5% de inseguridad alimentaria en sus hogares y la escolaridad de la madre 3±3 y 4±3 años (0,041), respectivamente. El riesgo de pertenecer al grupo con malaria se incrementó por desnutrición crónica de los niños (OR:1,94; IC95%1,07-3,50) y por habitar viviendas precarias, con mala calidad de techos (OR:5,95;IC95%2,28-15,55), pisos (OR:2,05;IC95%1,06-3,82) y carencia de electricidad (OR:3,85;IC95%2,10-6,90). Conclusiones: se encontraron altas prevalencias de inseguridad alimentaria, condiciones socioeconómicas desfavorables y desnutrición crónica, esta última y las condiciones precarias de las viviendas se asociaron positivamente con malaria, la escolaridad de las madres fue menor en el grupo con malaria. Este es el primer estudio colombiano que asocia malaria, desnutrición y condiciones socioeconómicas adversas en niños. Palabras clave: malaria, desnutrición, inseguridad alimentaria, pobreza, factores socioeconómicos, niños, Colombi

    Dietary antioxidant intake is inversely associated with 2,3-dinor oxylipin metabolites, the major excreted oxylipins in overweight and obese subjects

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    Cardiometabolic disease risk factors, including obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and dyslipidemia, are associated with elevated oxidative stress biomarkers like oxylipins. Increased adiposity by itself induces various isomers of this oxidized lipid family, while dietary polyphenols show benefits in its regulation. Previously, we showed that specific co-abundant microorganisms characterized the gut microbiota of Colombians and associated differentially with diet, lifestyle, obesity, and cardiometabolic health status, which led us to hypothesize that urinary oxylipins would reflect the intensity of oxidative metabolism linked to gut microbiota dysbiosis. Thus, we selected a convenience sample of 105 participants (age: 40.2 ± 11.9 years, 47.6% women), grouped according to microbiota, cardiometabolic health status, and body mass index (BMI); and evaluated 33 urinary oxylipins by HPLC-QqQ-MS/MS (e.g., isoprostanes, prostaglandins, and metabolites), paired with anthropometry and blood chemistry information and dietary antioxidants estimated from a 24-h food recall. In general, oxylipins did not show differences among individuals who differed in gut microbiota. While the unmetabolized oxylipin levels were not associated with BMI, the total content of oxylipin metabolites was highest in obese and cardiometabolically abnormal subjects (e.g., insulin resistant), mainly by prostaglandin-D (2,3-dinor-11β-PGF) and 15-F-IsoPs (2,3-dinor-15-F-IsoP and 2,3-dinor-15-epi-15-F-IsoP) metabolites. The total polyphenol intake in this cohort was 1070 ± 627 mg/day. After adjusting for body weight, the polyphenol intake was significantly higher in lean than overweight and showed an inverse association with dinor-oxylipin levels in principal component analysis. These results suggest that the 2,3-dinor-oxylipins could be more specific biomarkers associated with BMI than their parent oxylipins and that are sensitive to be regulated by dietary antioxidants.The authors thank the volunteers who agreed to participate in this study, the Colombian Ministry of science, technology, and innovation (Minciencias; grant number 832-2018), and Grupo Empresarial Nutresa. They also thank the Ibero-American Programme for Science, Technology and Development (CYTED) – Action 112RT0460 CORNUCOPIA networ

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Estructura de costos por órdenes de producción y análisis de la relación costo volumen utilidad para la línea de producción de adoquines no texturizados en la empresa productora de prefabricados en concreto Arango Buitrago y CIA.

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    El presente trabajo de grado tiene como finalidad, presentar el diseño de una estructura de costos para la empresa de prefabricados en concreto Arango Buitrago, para la línea de producción de adoquines, específicamente para el adoquín Monocapa, que permita identificar, registrar y controlar los costos de producción. Respecto a los marcos de referencia, se describe todo lo relacionado con los costos, tipos de costo, bases de costeo, metodologías de costo y elementos del costo. Se detallarán aspectos importantes de la contabilidad financiera, definición, antecedentes y clasificación. Todo lo anterior hace parte del marco teórico y conceptual. La estructura de costos por órdenes de producción para la empresa de prefabricados en concreto Arango Buitrago, requiere de un análisis profundo y detallado de los diversos aspectos tanto internos como externos que se ven implicados en la determinación del costo unitario de los productos elaborados. Para lograrlo se desarrollaron tres capítulos, en los cuales se detalla el proceso productivo en la empresa, se identifican los elementos que debe ofrecer un sistema de costeo, se propone una estructura de costos totales y unitarios que le permita a la gerencia analizar y controlar los costos y tomar las decisiones respectivas. Finalmente se concluye y se proponen ciertas recomendaciones sobre los diversos aspectos analizados durante el desarrollo de la investigación.PregradoCONTADOR(A) PÚBLIC

    Higher Fecal Short-Chain Fatty Acid Levels Are Associated with Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis, Obesity, Hypertension and Cardiometabolic Disease Risk Factors

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    Fiber fermentation by gut microbiota yields short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that are either absorbed by the gut or excreted in feces. Studies are conflicting as to whether SCFAs are beneficial or detrimental to cardiometabolic health, and how gut microbiota associated with SCFAs is unclear. In this study of 441 community-dwelling adults, we examined associations of fecal SCFAs, gut microbiota diversity and composition, gut permeability, and cardiometabolic outcomes, including obesity and hypertension. We assessed fecal microbiota by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and SCFA concentrations by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Fecal SCFA concentrations were inversely associated with microbiota diversity, and 70 unique microbial taxa were differentially associated with at least one SCFA (acetate, butyrate or propionate). Higher SCFA concentrations were associated with a measure of gut permeability, markers of metabolic dysregulation, obesity and hypertension. Microbial diversity showed association with these outcomes in the opposite direction. Associations were significant after adjusting for measured confounders. In conclusion, higher SCFA excretion was associated with evidence of gut dysbiosis, gut permeability, excess adiposity, and cardiometabolic risk factors. Studies assessing both fecal and circulating SCFAs are needed to test the hypothesis that the association of higher fecal SCFAs with obesity and cardiometabolic dysregulation is due to less efficient SCFA absorption