394 research outputs found

    An analysis of pitch and duration in material used to test L2 processing of words

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    The material reported on in this paper is part of a set of experiments in which the role of Information Structure on L2 processing of words is tested. Pitch and duration of 4 sets of experimental material in German and English are measured and analyzed in this paper. The well-known finding that accent boosts duration and pitch is confirmed. Syntactic and lexical means of marking focus, however, do not give the duration and the pitch of a word an extra boost

    Grondrechten en bronnen

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    Focus accent, word length and position as cues to L1 and L2 word recognition

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    The present study examines native and nonnative perceptual processing of semantic information conveyed by prosodic prominence. Five groups of German learners of English each listened to one of 5 experimental conditions. Three conditions differed in place of focus accent in the sentence and two conditions were with spliced stimuli. The experiment condition was presented first in the learners’ L1 (German) and then in a similar set in the L2 (English). The effect of the accent condition and of the length and position of the target in the sentence was evaluated in a probe recognition task. In both the L1 and L2 tasks there was no significant effect in any of the five focus conditions. Target position and target word length had an effect in the L1 task. Word length did not affect accuracy rates in the L2 task. For probe recognition in the L2, word length and the position of the target interacted with the focus condition

    Breast Amyloidosis: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Amyloidosis is an uncommon disorder characterized by extracellular accumulation of misfolded proteins in tissues. We report a unique case of localized breast amyloidosis in an asymptomatic 56-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus, presented as suspicious microcalcifications without mass on mammography. Vacuum biopsy confirmed amyloidosis, producing the typical apple-green birefringence under polarized light after staining with Congo-red. Further workup and follow-up to exclude development into systemic amyloidosis or hematologic malignancy is recommended. If negative, the prognosis is very good, thus no further treatment is needed. A brief review of the literature revealed more about the typical findings and recommended management

    The science-policy link in practice: how to propose an Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA)?

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    The BelSPO projects ANTAR-IMPACT, BELDIVA and MICROBIAN and literature data concerning the biodiversity in the inland biotopes of the Western Sør Rondane Mountains (Dronning Maud Land) indicated a very rich and unique terrestrial biodiversity on the nunataks in the surroundings of Princess Elisabeth Station, including biofilms and Biological Soil Crusts. However, there is potential for negative impacts due to visits and (human) disturbances, mainly driven by the presence of infrastructures in the vicinity. Therefore, the involved scientists initiated the process of creating an ASPA in collaboration with the relevant ministries (Foreign Affairs, Environment and Science Policy). The first step was the submission of a Working Paper (WP42) at CEP XX (2017) with a Preliminary assessment of the values to be protected, using the template of Appendix 4 to the CEP XX report. Other countries scrutinized the document and raised useful comments and questions. The Information Paper (IP42) submitted at CEP XXI (2018) contained the answers to these questions. The next step was the writing of a Management Plan, based on a Guide that includes all the elements to describe (annex to Resolution 2 (2011)). Several versions were discussed, also with the station operator. The WP15 was finally presented to CEP XXIV that forwarded it to the Subsidiary Group on Management Plan, where it will be further improved during the intersessional period. The process was a learning experience for the scientists, from creating the maps to developing management options, and lastly communicating the importance of the area to policy- and decision-makers.MICROBIAN15. Life on lan

    MICROBIAN : Microbial diversity in the Sør Rondane Mountains in a context of climate change

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    The Sør Rondane Mountains (SRM) represent a c. 900 km² large mountain range, encompassing a large range of terrestrial habitats differing in geology and soil characteristics, exposure time and microclimatic conditions. The objectives of the BelSPO project MICROBIAN are to (i) use a combination of remote sensing (Digital Elevation Model) and close-range field observation techniques to map physical habitat characteristics and the presence/extent of biological crust communities in the region of the Princess Elisabeth Station Antarctica (PEA), (ii) generate a comprehensive inventory of the taxonomic and functional diversity of microbial communities in these habitats by amplicon sequencing of the 16S and 18S rRNA genes and metagenomics, (iii) use mesocosm field experiments (Open Top Chambers and snow fences) to mimic the possible effects of future climate change on the taxonomic diversity of these microbial ecosystems, and (iv) conduct field experiments to inform policy-makers in view of decision making regarding environmental protection and prevention measures to reduce the introduction and spread of non-native species and to avoid cross-contamination between sites. The proposed research will provide a proof of concept to use high resolution satellite images for identifying regions of particular biological interest in East Antarctica and more broadly make a significant contribution to understanding Antarctic terrestrial microbial ecology.MICROBIA

    Comparison of norovirus genogroup I, II and IV seroprevalence among children in the Netherlands, 1963, 1983 and 2006

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    Noroviruses are a major cause of acute gastroenteritis worldwide and are a genetically diverse group of viruses. Since 2002, an increasing number of norovirus outbreaks have been reported globally, but it is not clear whether this increase has been caused by a higher awareness or reflects the emergence of new genogroup II genotype 4 (GII.4) variants. The hypothesis that norovirus prevalence has increased post-2002 and is related to the emergence of GII.4 is tested in this study. Sera collected from children aged <5 years of three Dutch cross-sectional population based cohorts in 1963, 1983 and 2006/2007 (n=143, n=130 and n=376, respectively) were tested for specific serum IgG by protein array using antigens to GII.4 and a range of other antigens representing norovirus GI, GII and GIV genotypes. The protein array was validated by paired sera of norovirus infected patients and supernatants of B-cell cultures with single epitope specificity. Evidence for norovirus infection was found to be common among Dutch children in each cohort, but the prevalence towards different genotypes changed over time. At the genogroup level, GI seroprevalence decreased significantly between 1963 and 2006/2007, while a significant increase of GII and, in particular, specific antibodies of the genotype GII.4 was detected in the 2006/2007 cohort. There were no children with only GII.4 antibodies in the 1963 cohort. This study shows that the high GII.4 norovirus incidence in very young children is a recent phenomenon. These findings are of importance for vaccine development and trials that are currently focusing mostly on GII.4 viruses

    Cellular HIV-1 DNA Levels in Drug Sensitive Strains Are Equivalent to Those in Drug Resistant Strains in Newly-Diagnosed Patients in Europe

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    Background HIV-1 genotypic drug resistance is an important threat to the success of antiretroviral therapy and transmitted resistance has reached 9% prevalence in Europe. Studies have demonstrated that HIV-1 DNA load in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) have a predictive value for disease progression, independently of CD4 counts and plasma viral load. Methodology/Principal Findings Molecular-beacon-based real-time PCR was used to measure HIV-1 second template switch (STS) DNA in PBMC in newly-diagnosed HIV-1 patients across Europe. These patients were representative for the HIV-1 epidemic in the participating countries and were carrying either drug-resistant or sensitive viral strains. The assay design was improved from a previous version to specifically detect M-group HIV-1 and human CCR5 alleles. The findings resulted in a median of 3.32 log10HIV-1copies/106PBMC and demonstrated for the first time no correlation between cellular HIV-1 DNA load and transmitted drug-resistance. A weak association between cellular HIV-1 DNA levels with plasma viral RNA load and CD4+T-cell counts was also reconfirmed. Co-receptor tropism for 91% of samples, whether or not they conferred resistance, was CCR5. A comparison of pol sequences derived from RNA and DNA, resulted in a high similarity between the two. Conclusions/Significance An improved molecular-beacon-based real-time PCR assay is reported for the measurement of HIV-1 DNA in PBMC and has investigated the association between cellular HIV-1 DNA levels and transmitted resistance to antiretroviral therapy in newly-diagnosed patients from across Europe. The findings show no correlation between these two parameters, suggesting that transmitted resistance does not impact disease progression in HIV-1 infected individuals. The CCR5 co-receptor tropism predominance implies that both resistant and non-resistant strains behave similarly in early infection. Furth
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