The science-policy link in practice: how to propose an Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA)?


The BelSPO projects ANTAR-IMPACT, BELDIVA and MICROBIAN and literature data concerning the biodiversity in the inland biotopes of the Western Sør Rondane Mountains (Dronning Maud Land) indicated a very rich and unique terrestrial biodiversity on the nunataks in the surroundings of Princess Elisabeth Station, including biofilms and Biological Soil Crusts. However, there is potential for negative impacts due to visits and (human) disturbances, mainly driven by the presence of infrastructures in the vicinity. Therefore, the involved scientists initiated the process of creating an ASPA in collaboration with the relevant ministries (Foreign Affairs, Environment and Science Policy). The first step was the submission of a Working Paper (WP42) at CEP XX (2017) with a Preliminary assessment of the values to be protected, using the template of Appendix 4 to the CEP XX report. Other countries scrutinized the document and raised useful comments and questions. The Information Paper (IP42) submitted at CEP XXI (2018) contained the answers to these questions. The next step was the writing of a Management Plan, based on a Guide that includes all the elements to describe (annex to Resolution 2 (2011)). Several versions were discussed, also with the station operator. The WP15 was finally presented to CEP XXIV that forwarded it to the Subsidiary Group on Management Plan, where it will be further improved during the intersessional period. The process was a learning experience for the scientists, from creating the maps to developing management options, and lastly communicating the importance of the area to policy- and decision-makers.MICROBIAN15. Life on lan

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