1,803 research outputs found

    Material selection for a new type of fire extinguisher

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    Nowadays safety is a hot topic, damage inflicted to human beings is intolerable. Fire safety is a big concern in industrial areas, but in residential areas a lot less precautions are in place. Therefore a new type of fire extinguisher should be developed that should encourage the installation of fire extinguishers in commercial environments and at home. The design of this fire extinguisher has to answer to a lot of demands. From a legal point of view, the extinguisher has to comply with the PED regulations and the EN 3 standard. Extra demands are, given the purpose, superb performance, great ergonomics and an attractive visual design. One of the steps in the design process is to make a material selection based on needed and desired properties of materials. Also the possible processes for manufacturing are an important parameter

    Identity and acculturation : the case for Africa

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    Abstract: Despite the multicultural nature of African societies, there is still very little knowledge about acculturation and its association with identity on this continent Acculturation processes and outcomes are strongly associated with identity The objective of this article is to relate different models of acculturation (unidimensional, bi-dimensional, multidimensional) with the tri-dimensional model of identity (personal, relational, and social) Social identity components, such as ethnicity, religion, and culture, suggest a need for modification of Western models of acculturation to embrace the multifaceted realities of non-Western multicultural societies The social complexity and the continuous transition within African societies provides unique opportunities to examine and further develop the multidimensional acculturation models to take into account the social complexity which informs identity issues both within and across different African nations

    Tribute to Eileen J. Cox - Editorial

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    This issue is dedicated to Dr. Eileen Joan Cox on the occasion of her 70th birthday. Eileen is a very well-known phycologist who has made a major contribution to diatom research, for instance in terms of scientific papers published and species described (all listed in pages 412–414 of this issue) but also in addressing different topics (e.g. taxonomy of particular groups, the ecology of streams and tube dwelling diatoms, life-history and morphogenesis, valve terminology, the chloroplasts of living diatoms, and many others). The photos on the issue’s cover were chosen to reflect some of these aspects of Eileen’s work: Navicula oblonga refers to her work and advocacy of research on living diatoms; Encyonema refers to her earliest work on diatoms that live inside polysaccharide tubes; and Navicula refers to Eileen’s principal taxonomic focus over many years – the diatoms that used to be classified in the catch-all genus Navicula, which have now been split off and placed into many different genera. However, perhaps the most important contribution of a scientist is one that cannot be so easily measured, and that is the positive impact and influence the scientist makes on her/his colleagues. In this respect, Eileen’s contribution has been huge: she has always facilitated collaborations, welcoming students and visitors and putting facilities at their disposal, always taking care of the person as well as the work. She has also volunteered her time and energy generously to scientific societies, editing journals and many other good causes. Not surprisingly we (editors) did not have to make any effort to convince researchers to contribute to this issue. In fact, we faced the opposite problem in having to restrict the number of papers quite severely to keep the issue manageable. We would like to take this opportunity to apologize to all those who would have liked to contribute but have been left out.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Loss of heterozygosity for defined regions on chromosomes 3, 11 and 17 in carcinomas of the uterine cervix.

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    Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) frequently occurs in squamous cell carcinomas of the uterine cervix and indicates the probable sites of tumour-suppressor genes that play a role in the development of this tumour. To define the localization of these tumour-suppressor genes, we studied loss of heterozygosity in 64 invasive cervical carcinomas (stage IB and IIA) using the polymerase chain reaction with 24 primers for polymorphic repeats of known chromosomal localization. Chromosomes 3, 11, 13, 16 and 17, in particular, were studied. LOH was frequently found on chromosome 11, in particular at 11q22 (46%) and 11q23.3 (43%). LOH on chromosome 11p was not frequent. On chromosome 17p13.3, a marker (D17S513) distal to p53 showed 38% LOH, whereas p53 itself showed only 20% LOH. On the short arm of chromosome 3, LOH was frequently found (41%) at 3p21.1. The beta-catenin gene is located in this chromosomal region. Therefore, expression of beta-catenin protein was studied in 39 cases using immunohistochemistry. Staining of beta-catenin at the plasma membrane of tumour cells was present in 38 cases and completely absent in only one case. The tumour-suppressor gene on chromosome 3p21.1 may be beta-catenin in this one case, but (an)other tumour-suppressor gene(s) must also be present in this region. For the other chromosomes studied, 13q (BRCA-2) and 16q (E-cadherin), only sporadic losses (< 15% of cases) were found. Expression of E-cadherin was found in all of 37 cases but in six cases the staining was very weak. No correlation was found between clinical and histological parameters and losses on chromosome 3p, 11q and 17p. In addition to LOH, microsatellite instability was found in one tumour for almost all loci and in eight tumours for one to three loci. In conclusion, we have identified three loci with frequent LOH, which may harbour new tumour-suppressor genes, and found microsatellite instability in 14% of cervical carcinomas

    An item and construct bias analysis of two language versions of a verbal analogies scale

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    The Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey is a test of cognitive academic language proficiency that has been adapted from English into Xhosa by a South African team of researchers. This study was primarily concerned with the Verbal Analogies Scale of the Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey and aimed to extend previous research on the equivalence of the two language versions of the scale. The study employed a monolingual two-group design consisting of 150 mainly English-speaking and 149 mainly Xhosa learners in Grades 6 and 7. The first research objective was to investigate item bias (or differential item functioning items) in the Visual Analogies Scale across the Xhosa and English versions using logistic regression and Mantel–Haenszel statistical techniques. Five items were identified as differential item functioning. The second objective was to evaluate the construct equivalence of the two versions by conducting a factor analysis after removing the differential item functioning items from the scale. Two factors were identified. The first factor displayed significant loadings across both language versions. The second factor was stable for the English version but not for the Xhosa version. Results were supported by calculating a Tucker’s phi coefficient for both factors. It was therefore concluded that Factor 1 is structurally equivalent across the two language versions but that Factor 2 was not structurally equivalent. Thus, the detection and removal of differential item functioning items did not result in structural equivalence.Department of HE and Training approved lis

    Evaluatie en waardering van de archeologische sites Rooiveld-Papenvijvers(Oostkamp, provincie West-Vlaanderen)

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    Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van het waarderend onderzoek op de archeologische sites Rooiveld-Papenvijvers in Oostkamp (West-Vlaanderen). De oudste sporen van menselijke activiteit in dit gebied gaan terug tot het mesolithicum. De bewoning tijdens het neolithicum is goed gedocumenteerd. Naast de opgegraven nederzetting te Waardamme Vijvers, leverde het proefsleuvenonderzoek te Papenvijvers een finaal-neolithische site (3de millennium cal BC). Verder leverden de beperkte prospecties op verschillende plaatsen, waaronder Oostkamp Nieuwenhove en Hertsberge Papevijvers, lithische artefacten op die naar alle waarschijnlijkheid tot een niet nader te bepalen fase van het neolithicum behoren. Deze situatie is vrij uniek voor Vlaanderen. Neolithische bewoning in de zandige delen van Vlaanderen ontbrak tot nog toe vrijwel, met uitzondering van enkele graven van de Klokbekercultuur. De opgraving te Waardamme Vijvers is bijzonder vanwege de ontdekking van de eerste en vooralsnog enige huisplattegrond uit het neolithicum in Vlaanderen. Sporen uit de bronstijd zijn dankzij de luchtfotografie heel talrijk in het gebied. Het desktop onderzoek leverde in totaal een negental cirkelvormige structuren op die naar alle waarschijnlijkheid mogen geïnterpreteerd worden als resten van grafheuvels uit de vroege en midden-bronstijd. Het is ook duidelijk dat de regio in de bronstijd bewoond was, o.a. door de opgraving op de site Waardamme Vijvers. Voor de ijzertijd is de situatie vermoedelijk gelijklopend. De enige nederzetting die uit deze periode werd aangetroffen komt eveneens uit de opgraving in Waardamme Vijvers. Voor de Romeinse periode beschikken we slechts over de sporen van een grafveld op Waardamme Vijvers en keramiekvondsten. Latere periodes zijn alleen via cartografische bronnen gedocumenteerd. Het rapport eindigt met aanbevelingen voor verder onderzoek en beheer van dit gebied

    Autoantibodies against MDA-LDL in subjects with severe and minor atherosclerosis and healthy population controls

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    Autoantibodies against oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) have been reported to be associated with atherosclerosis. However, data are not consistent. We compared the titres of autoantibodies to malondialdehyde-modified LDL in three groups, a case group with angiographically documented severe coronary stenosis (> 80% stenosis in at least 1 vessel, n = 47), a hospital control group with minor stenosis on the coronary angiography (< 50% stenosis in all three major vessels, n = 47) and a healthy population control group with no history of coronary heart disease (n = 49). Age ranged from 26 to 68 years. Subjects were frequency-matched for gender distribution and storage time of the blood samples. No relevant differences in autoantibody titre between case and control groups were found. The mean autoantibody titres (± S.D.) were 1.44 ± 1.82, 1.46 ± 1.40 and 1.62 ± 1.95 for cases, hospital controls and population controls, respectively. No correlations were found between autoantibody titre and age, number of cigarettes smoked and LDL or total cholesterol. Autoantibody titres were correlated wit

    The amount of preoperative endometrial tissue surface in relation to final endometrial cancer classification

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    Diagnosis; Endometrial carcinoma; Endometrial samplingDiagnóstico; Carcinoma de endometrio; Muestreo endometrialDiagnòstic; Carcinoma endometrial; Mostreig endometrialObjective To evaluate whether the amount of preoperative endometrial tissue surface is related to the degree of concordance with final low- and high-grade endometrial cancer (EC). In addition, to determine whether discordance is influenced by sampling method and impacts outcome. Methods A retrospective cohort study within the European Network for Individualized Treatment of Endometrial Cancer (ENITEC). Surface of preoperative endometrial tissue samples was digitally calculated using ImageJ. Tumor samples were classified into low-grade (grade 1–2 endometrioid EC (EEC)) and high-grade (grade 3 EEC + non-endometroid EC). Results The study cohort included 573 tumor samples. Overall concordance between pre- and postoperative diagnosis was 60.0%, and 88.8% when classified into low- and high-grade EC. Upgrading (preoperative low-grade, postoperative high-grade EC) was found in 7.8% and downgrading (preoperative high-grade, postoperative low-grade EC) in 26.7%. The median endometrial tissue surface was significantly lower in concordant diagnoses when compared to discordant diagnoses, respectively 18.7 mm2 and 23.5 mm2 (P = 0.022). Sampling method did not influence the concordance in tumor classification. Patients with preoperative high-grade and postoperative low-grade showed significant lower DSS compared to patients with concordant low-grade EC (P = 0.039). Conclusion The amount of preoperative endometrial tissue surface was inversely related to the degree of concordance with final tumor low- and high-grade. Obtaining higher amount of preoperative endometrial tissue surface does not increase the concordance between pre- and postoperative low- and high-grade diagnosis in EC. Awareness of clinically relevant down- and upgrading is crucial to reduce subsequent over- or undertreatment with impact on outcome
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