44 research outputs found

    A principal factor analysis to characterize agricultural exposures among Nebraska veterans

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    Agricultural workers are at an increased risk of developing chronic respiratory disorders. Accurate estimation of long-term agricultural exposures based on questionnaires has been used to improve the validity of epidemiologic investigations and subsequent evaluation of the association between agricultural exposures and chronic diseases. Our aim was to use principal factor analysis (PFA) to distill exposure data into essential variables characterizing long-term agricultural exposures. This is a crosssectional study of veterans between the ages of 40 and 80 years and who worked on a farm for ≥ 2 years. Participant characteristics were: 98.1% were white males with a mean age 65 ± 8 (SD) years and 39.8% had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The final model included four factors and explained 16.6% of the variance in the exposure data. Factor 1 was a heterogeneous factor; however, Factor 2 was exclusively composed of exposure to livestock such as hogs, dairy and poultry. Factor 3 included exposures from jobs on or off the farm such as wood dust, mineral dust, asbestos and spray paint. Crop exposure loaded exclusively in Factor 4 and included lifetime hours of exposure and maximum number of acres farmed in the participants’ lifetime. The factors in the final model were interpretable and consistent with farming practices

    Validation of semi-analytical, semi-empirical covariance matrices for two-point correlation function for early DESI data

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    We present an extended validation of semi-analytical, semi-empirical covariance matrices for the two-point correlation function (2PCF) on simulated catalogs representative of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) data collected during the initial 2 months of operations of the Stage-IV ground-based Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). We run the pipeline on multiple effective Zel'dovich (EZ) mock galaxy catalogs with the corresponding cuts applied and compare the results with the mock sample covariance to assess the accuracy and its fluctuations. We propose an extension of the previously developed formalism for catalogs processed with standard reconstruction algorithms. We consider methods for comparing covariance matrices in detail, highlighting their interpretation and statistical properties caused by sample variance, in particular, non-trivial expectation values of certain metrics even when the external covariance estimate is perfect. With improved mocks and validation techniques, we confirm a good agreement between our predictions and sample covariance. This allows one to generate covariance matrices for comparable data sets without the need to create numerous mock galaxy catalogs with matching clustering, only requiring 2PCF measurements from the data itself. The code used in this paper is publicly available at https://github.com/oliverphilcox/RascalC

    The age of the Universe with globular clusters: reducing systematic uncertainties

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    International audienceThe dominant systematic uncertainty in the age determination of galactic globular clusters is the depth of the convection envelope of the stars. This parameter is partially degenerate with metallicity which is in turn degenerate with age. However, if the metal content, distance and extinction are known, the position and morphology of the red giant branch in a color-magnitude diagram are mostly sensitive to the value of the depth of the convective envelope. Therefore, using external, precise metallicity determinations this degeneracy and thus the systematic error in age, can be reduced. Alternatively, the morphology of the red giant branch of globular clusters color magnitude diagram can also be used to achieve the same. We demonstrate that globular cluster red giant branches are well fitted by values of the depth of the convection envelope consistent with those obtained for the Sun and this finding is robust to the adopted treatment of the stellar physics. With these findings, the uncertainty in the depth of the convection envelope is no longer the dominant contribution to the systematic error in the age determination of the oldest globular clusters, reducing it from 0.5 to 0.23 or 0.33 Gyr, depending on the methodology adopted: i.e., whether resorting to external data (spectroscopic metallicity determinations) or relying solely on the morphology of the clusters's color-magnitude diagrams. This results in an age of the Universe t_ U=13.5+0.16 -0.14 (stat.)± 0.23(0.33) ( sys.) at 68% confidence level, accounting for the formation time of globular clusters and its uncertainty. An uncertainty of 0.27(0.36) Gyr if added in quadrature. This agrees well with 13.8 ± 0.02 Gyr, the cosmological model-dependent value inferred by the Planck mission assuming the ΛCDM model

    Inferring the Age of the Universe with Globular Clusters

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    International audienceWe present an estimate of the absolute age of 68 galactic globular clusters obtained by exploiting the distribution of stars in the full color-magnitude diagram. In particular, we jointly estimate the absolute age, distance, reddening, metallicity ([Fe/H]) and [α/Fe] of each cluster, imposing priors motivated by independent observations; we also estimate possible systematics from stellar modeling. Our derived distances for the globular cluster sample are in agreement with those obtained from GAIA using main-sequence dwarf stars (where available), and the inferred ages are in good agreement with those previously published. The novelty of our approach is that, with the adopted priors, we are able to estimate robustly these parameters from the globular cluster color-magnitude diagram. We find that the average age of the oldest globular clusters is tGC=13.32  0.1  (stat.)  0.5  (sys.), at 68% confidence level, including systematic uncertainties from stellar modeling. These measurements can be used to infer the age of the Universe, largely independently of the cosmological parameters: we find an age of the Universe tU=13.5+0.16−0.14  (stat.)  0.5 (sys.) at 68% confidence level, accounting for the formation time of globular clusters and its uncertainty. This value is compatible with 13.8  0.02 Gyr, the cosmological model-dependent value inferred by the Planck mission assuming the ΛCDM model

    The trouble beyond H0H_0 and the new cosmic triangles

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    International audienceThe distance ladder using supernovae yields higher values of the Hubble constant H0 than those inferred from measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and galaxy surveys, a discrepancy that has come to be known as the “Hubble tension”. This has motivated the exploration of extensions to the standard cosmological model in which higher values of H0 can be obtained from CMB measurements and galaxy surveys. The trouble, however, goes beyond H0; such modifications affect other quantities, too. In particular, their effects on cosmic times are usually neglected. We explore here the implications that measurements of the age tU of the Universe, such as a recent inference from the age of the oldest globular clusters, can have for potential solutions to the H0 tension. The value of H0 inferred from the CMB and galaxy surveys is related to the sound horizon at CMB decoupling (or at radiation drag), but it is also related to the matter density and to tU. Given this observation, we show how model-independent measurements may support or disfavor proposed new-physics solutions to the Hubble tension. Finally, we argue that cosmological measurements today provide constraints that, within a given cosmological model, represent an overconstrained system, offering a powerful diagnostic tool of consistency. We propose the use of ternary plots to simultaneously visualize independent constraints on key quantities related to H0 like tU, the sound horizon at radiation drag, and the matter density parameter. We envision that this representation will help find a solution to the trouble of and beyond H0