4,874 research outputs found

    Comprehensible and Engaging: A Study of the Effects of Engaging Aural Input on Written Output in Second–Language Acquisition

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    Valbuena, T. (2020). Comprehensible and Engaging: A Study of the Effects of Engaging Aural Input on Written Output in Second–language Acquisition Modern World Language teachers are moving toward a more communicative approach to teaching. Because this style of teaching requires the students to receive the majority of language instruction in the foreign language, teachers have to be creative in order to maintain the students’ attention. This study takes a look at the research done on student engagement and second–language acquisition. The research on these two topics strongly suggests that student interest is a major factor in student engagement and that intense engagement during aural input is directly related to second–language acquisition. The curriculum created for this project uses Stephen Krashen’s updated input hypothesis as a foundation for the activities within the curricular unit. It is filled with dynamic and engaging lesson plans created in response to research surrounding second–language learning, engagement and acquisition and it includes a three-time recurring formative assessment that will help the students and instructor identify how much language output growth is happening throughout the unit. (158 words

    ABC or AEI: A Comparison of Approaches to Early Childhood Education in Samoa

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    Due to discussion about the importance of early childhood education (ECE), the scene in Samoa has shifted. The present study compares and analyzes approaches to ECE in Samoa from three schools: Brilliant Star Montessori Preschool, Divine Mercy Preschool, and Saoluafata Preschool. Data was collected through participatory observation over the course of two and three days at each school. Results showed both similarities and differences within the preschools in themes such as play, academic curriculum, and classroom management. Analysis found ECE in Samoa is developing and potential tools to further improve the schools were presented. This study will provide a report for educators to refer to in the future

    Farmer's decisions and landscape change : an actor-based approach for land-use research

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    This dissertation has two objectives. The first objective is to link conceptually individual decisions and land-use/cover change (LUCC) patterns in rural regions. The second objective is to use these concepts to explore the influence of policy on LUCC as a response of farmers' decisions. To achieve these objectives, different approaches are used. Firstly, agent typologies are used to simplify and allocate the regional diversity of farmers' decisions. Secondly, an agent-based approach is used to link individual decisions and LUCC patterns in a regional model. Thirdly, this approach is applied to explore how farmers' response to national and global socio-economic and biophysical processes can affect the landscape of a Dutch rural region. Fourthly, this approach is applied to explore how farmers' participation in voluntary mechanisms to restore native vegetation can affect the landscape in rural Australia. Finally, the implication of these results for LUCC research and policy-making are discussed

    Message from the Editor

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    An introduction to this issue by the editor-in-chief

    Nola hezi baloreetan gizarte postmodernoan. Ikasketa Zerbitzuan eta Ikasketa Dialogikoan oinarritutako proposamena

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    [EU] Azken urteotan balore-hezkuntza debate eta berrikuntza kurrikular, pedagogiko eta metodologiko prozesuan sartuta dago, gizartean gertatzen ari diren aldaketetara egokitzen saiatuz. Lan honek balore-hezkuntzari erantzun metodologikoa ematea du helburu. Horretarako, gizarte postmodernoa, egungo balore krisia, balore hezkuntzaren garrantzia eta bere inguruko korronte ezberdinak aztertzen ditu. Korronte horietako batean kokatuz, Ikasketa Zerbitzua eta Ikasketa Dialogikoan oinarritutako metodoa proposatzen du. Azkenik, metodoaren balioa egiaztatzen du ikerketa praktiko baten bidez, hau da, metodoan bertan oinarritutako proiektu bat garatuz.[ES] En los Ășltimos años, la educaciĂłn en valores se ha visto inmersa en un continuo debate y proceso de renovaciĂłn curricular, pedagĂłgica y metodolĂłgica, tratando de adaptarse a los cambios operantes en la sociedad. El presente trabajo pretende dar una respuesta metodolĂłgica a la educaciĂłn en valores. Para ello, comienza por analizar la sociedad postmoderna, la actual crisis de valores y las diferentes posturas en torno a la educaciĂłn en valores. Tras posicionarse en una de estas corrrientes y presenta una propuesta basada en el Aprendizaje Servicio y el Aprendizaje DialĂłgico. Finalmente comprueba su idoneidad a travĂ©s de su implementaciĂłn prĂĄctica.[EN] In the recent years, education in values is facing a continuous debate and curriculum, pedagogic and methodological renovation process, trying to get adapted to the changes happening in the society. This paper tries to give a methodological answer to the education in values. Therefore, it analyses the postmodern society, the nowadays crysis of values and the different positions about the education in values. Choosing one of these positions, it presents a proposal, based in Learning Service and Dialogue Learning. Finally, it demonstrates the suitability of this proposal through its practical development, thus, implementing a project based on it
