2,436 research outputs found

    NLO Corrections to the kernel of the BKP-equations

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    We present results for the NLO kernel of the BKP equations for composite states of three reggeized gluons in the Odderon channel, both in QCD and in N=4 SYM. The NLO kernel consists of the NLO BFKL kernel in the color octet representation and the connected 3→33\to3 kernel, computed in the tree approximation.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    The nature of the giant diffuse non-thermal source in the A3411-A3412 complex

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    VLA deep radio images at 1.4 GHz in total intensity and polarization reveal a diffuse non-thermal source in the interacting clusters A3411 - A3412. Moreover a small-size low power radio halo at the center of the merging cluster A3411 is found. We present here new optical and X-ray data and discuss the nature and properties of the diffuse non-thermal source. We suggest that the giant diffuse radio source is related to the presence of a large scale filamentary structure and to multiple mergers in the A3411-A3412 complex.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Second Order Gauge-Invariant Perturbations during Inflation

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    The evolution of gauge invariant second-order scalar perturbations in a general single field inflationary scenario are presented. Different second order gauge invariant expressions for the curvature are considered. We evaluate perturbatively one of these second order curvature fluctuations and a second order gauge invariant scalar field fluctuation during the slow-roll stage of a massive chaotic inflationary scenario, taking into account the deviation from a pure de Sitter evolution and considering only the contribution of super-Hubble perturbations in mode-mode coupling. The spectra resulting from their contribution to the second order quantum correlation function are nearly scale-invariant, with additional logarithmic corrections to the first order spectrum. For all scales of interest the amplitude of these spectra depend on the total number of e-folds. We find, on comparing first and second order perturbation results, an upper limit to the total number of e-folds beyond which the two orders are comparable.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The intracluster magnetic field power spectrum in Abell 665

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    The goal of this work is to investigate the power spectrum of the magnetic field associated with the giant radio halo in the galaxy cluster A665. For this, we present new deep Very Large Array total intensity and polarization observations at 1.4 GHz. We simulated Gaussian random three-dimensional turbulent magnetic field models to reproduce the observed radio halo emission. By comparing observed and synthetic radio halo images we constrained the strength and structure of the intracluster magnetic field. We assumed that the magnetic field power spectrum is a power law with a Kolmogorov index and we imposed a local equipartition of energy density between relativistic particles and field. Under these assumptions, we find that the radio halo emission in A665 is consistent with a central magnetic field strength of about 1.3 micro-G. To explain the azimuthally averaged radio brightness profile, the magnetic field energy density should decrease following the thermal gas density, leading to an averaged magnetic field strength over the central 1 Mpc^3 of about 0.75 micro-G. From the observed brightness fluctuations of the radio halo, we infer that the outer scale of the magnetic field power spectrum is ~450 kpc, and the corresponding magnetic field auto-correlation length is ~100 kpc.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication on A&A, language editing. For a high quality version see http://erg.ca.astro.it/preprints/a665_halo

    The spectral index image of the radio halo in the cluster Abell 520 hosting a famous bow shock

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    Synchrotron radio emission is being detected from an increasing number of galaxy clusters. Spectral index images are a powerful tool to investigate the origin, nature, and connection of these sources with the dynamical state of the cluster. The aim of this work is to investigate the spectral index distribution of the radio halo in the galaxy cluster A520, a complex system from an optical, radio, and X-ray point of view. We present deep Very Large Array observations in total intensity at 325 and 1400 MHz. We produced and analyzed spectral index images of the radio halo in this frequency range at a resolution of 39" and 60" and looked for possible correlations with the thermal properties of the cluster. We find an integrated radio halo spectral index alpha(325-1400) ~ 1.12. No strong radial steepening is present and the spectral index distribution is intrinsically complex with fluctuations only partially due to measurement errors. The radio halo integrated spectral index and the cluster temperature follow the global trend observed in other galaxy clusters although a strong point-to-point correlation between the spectral index and the thermal gas temperature has not been observed. The complex morphology in the spectral index image of the radio halo in A520 is in agreement with the primary models for radio halo formation. The flatness of the radial profile suggests that the merger is still ongoing and is uniformly and continuously (re-) accelerating the population of relativistic electrons responsible of the radio emission even at large (~ 1 Mpc) distances from the cluster center.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, A&A accepte

    Risk assessment in different Judo techniques for children and adolescent athletes

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    Judo is a combat sport that involves throwing the opponent onto the back. When being thrown, head biomechanics may be related to head injury risk. This study aimed to assess head injury risks associated with four Judo techniques in children and adolescents with different experience levels. Twenty children (<12 years) and 20 adolescents (≥ 12 years) judoka were recruited. Each group was divided into non-expert and expert. Two inertial sensors were fixed on fallers’ head and torso. Two backward (o-soto-gari and o-uchi-gari) and two forward (ippon-seoi-nage and tai-otoshi) techniques were performed. Peak of linear and angular head acceleration magnitude, impact time duration, neck angle, and the Gadd Severity Index were assessed. Children did not show differences between techniques or experience levels. In contrast, adolescents showed greater linear acceleration peak in o-soto-gari than tai-otoshi (p = 0.03), greater angular acceleration peak in o-soto-gari and o-uchi-gari than ippon-seoi-nage (p < 0.05), and greater neck flexion in o-uchi-gari than ippon-seoi-nage (p = 0.004). Compared to expert adolescents, non-expert adolescents showed greater angular acceleration peak, impact duration, and the Gadd Severity Index in o-soto-gari (p < 0.05) and greater neck extension in o-uchi-gari (p = 0.02). Current results pointed out higher risks for adolescents judoka while being thrown with backward techniques, especially for non-expert participants. This study highlights the need of training athletes in controlling head and neck during back falls from a young age to become expert judoka in adulthood

    Preliminary Characterisation of Sardinian Red Grape Cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) According to Their Phenolic Potential

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    Fourteen cultivars and clones, mainly selected from the island of Sardinia (Italy) and grown in a collection field,showed significant quantitative differences in phenolic potential. An extraction method designed to reproducethe winemaking process was used to determine the amounts of extractable polyphenols, anthocyanins, catechinsand proanthocyanidins reactive to vanillin, and the proanthocyanidins in grape skins and seeds. The Sardiniancultivar Nieddera and the Spanish cultivar Graciano had the highest concentrations of extractable polyphenols,anthocyanins, catechins and proanthocyanidins reactive to vanillin. Four clones of the Cannonau cultivar (synonymGrenache) exhibited fairly high variability, with significant differences in berry and seed phenolic contents

    A WEBGIS for the knowledge and conservation of the historical wall structures of the 13th–18th centuries

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    The presented work is part of the research project, titled "Tecniche murarie tradizionali: conoscenza per la conservazione ed il miglioramento prestazionale" (Traditional building techniques: from knowledge to conservation and performance improvement), with the purpose of studying the building techniques of the 13th&amp;ndash;18th centuries in the Sardinia Region (Italy) for their knowledge, conservation, and promotion. The end purpose of the entire study is to improve the performance of the examined structures. In particular, the task of the authors within the research project was to build a WebGIS to manage the data collected during the examination and study phases. This infrastructure was entirely built using Open Source software. The work consisted of designing a database built in PostgreSQL and its spatial extension PostGIS, which allows to store and manage feature geometries and spatial data. The data input is performed via a form built in HTML and PHP. The HTML part is based on Bootstrap, an open tools library for websites and web applications. The implementation of this template used both PHP and Javascript code. The PHP code manages the reading and writing of data to the database, using embedded SQL queries. As of today, we surveyed and archived more than 300 buildings, belonging to three main macro categories: fortification architectures, religious architectures, residential architectures. The masonry samples investigated in relation to the construction techniques are more than 150. The database is published on the Internet as a WebGIS built using the Leaflet Javascript open libraries, which allows creating map sites with background maps and navigation, input and query tools. This too uses an interaction of HTML, Javascript, PHP and SQL code
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