152 research outputs found

    Trovatori catalani e unitĂ  aquitana

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    Riassunto: l saggio analizza i rapporti tra la produzione poetica dei trovatori aquitani e calatani in occitano del XII secolo, in particolare tra Guglielmo IX d?Aquitania, Marcoat e Marcabru. In questa prospettiva il mio saggio ha lo scopo di ricostruire il quadro delle relazioni storiche e linguistiche tra il mondo catalano, la Provenza e il Poitou, con una verifica sulle fonti manoscritte.Parole chiave: trovatori catalani, Aquitania, letteratura medioevaleThe article will analyze the relationship existing between the lyric production of aquitaine and catalan Troubadours, with particular regard to Williams IX duke of Aquitaine, Marcoat and Marcabru. The study aims furthermore at reconstructing an outline of historical and linguistic relationships between Catalonia, Provence and Poitou with a survey of the manuscript sources.Keywords: Catalan troubadours, Aquitaine, medieval literatur

    Novel constraints on noncold, nonthermal dark matter from Lyman-alpha forest data

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    In this paper, we present an efficient method for constraining both thermal and nonthermal dark matter (DM) scenarios with the Lyman-\u3b1 forest based on a simple and flexible parametrization capable of reproducing the small-scale clustering signal of a large set of noncold DM (NCDM) models. We extract new limits on the fundamental DM properties through an extensive analysis of the high resolution, high redshift data obtained by the MIKE/HIRES spectrographs. By using a large suite of hydrodynamical simulations, we determine constraints on both astrophysical, cosmological, and NCDM parameters by performing a full Monte Carlo Markov chain analysis. We obtain a marginalized upper limit on the largest possible scale at which a power suppression induced by nearly any NCDM scenario can occur, i.e., \u3b1<0.03 Mpc/h (2\u3c3 C.L.). We explicitly describe how to test several of the most viable NCDM scenarios without the need to run any specific numerical simulations due to the novel parametrization proposed and due to a new scheme that interpolates between the cosmological models explored. The shape of the linear matter power spectrum for standard thermal warm DM models appears to be in mild tension ( 3c2\u3c3 C.L.) with the data compared to nonthermal scenarios. We show that a DM fluid composed by both a warm (thermal) and a cold component is also in tension with the Lyman-\u3b1 forest, at least for large \u3b1 values. This is the first study that allows us to probe the linear small-scale shape of the DM power spectrum for a large set of NCDM models

    Non-linear damping of superimposed primordial oscillations on the matter power spectrum in galaxy surveys

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    Galaxy surveys are an important probe for superimposed oscillations on the primordial power spectrum of curvature perturbations, which are predicted in several theoretical models of inflation and its alternatives. In order to exploit the full cosmological information in galaxy surveys it is necessary to study the matter power spectrum to fully non-linear scales. We therefore study the non-linear clustering in models with superimposed linear and logarithmic oscillations to the primordial power spectrum by running high-resolution dark-matter-only N-body simulations. We fit a Gaussian envelope for the non-linear damping of superimposed oscillations in the matter power spectrum to the results of the N-body simulations for k less than or similar to 0.6 h/Mpc at 0 &lt;= z &lt;= 5 with an accuracy below the percent. We finally use this fitting formula to forecast the capabilities of future galaxy surveys, such as Euclid and Subaru, to probe primordial oscillation down to non-linear scales alone and in combination with the information contained in CMB anisotropies

    Lyman- \u3b1 Forest Constraints on Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter

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    The renewed interest in the possibility that primordial black holes (PBHs) may constitute a significant part of dark matter has provided motivation for revisiting old observational constraints, as well as developing new ones. We present new limits on the PBH abundance, from a comprehensive analysis of high-resolution high-redshift Lyman-\u3b1 forest data. Poisson fluctuations in the PBH number density induce a small-scale power enhancement which departs from the standard cold dark matter prediction. Using a grid of hydrodynamic simulations exploring different values of astrophysical parameters, we obtain a marginalized upper limit on the PBH mass of fPBHMPBH 3c60M at 2\u3c3, when a Gaussian prior on the reionization redshift is imposed, preventing its posterior distribution from peaking on very high values, which are disfavored by the most recent estimates obtained both through cosmic microwave background and intergalactic medium observations. Such a bound weakens to fPBHMPBH 3c170M when a conservative flat prior is instead assumed. Both limits significantly improve on previous constraints from the same physical observable. We also extend our predictions to nonmonochromatic PBH mass distributions, ruling out large regions of the parameter space for some of the most viable PBH extended mass functions

    La tradizione trobadorica: manoscritti, fonti, compilazioni. Tavola rotonda (Milano, 12 maggio 2014)

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    La sezione raccoglie gli interventi presentati alla tavola rotonda "La tradizione trobadorica: manoscritti, fonti, compilazioni" tenutasi presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano il 12 maggio 2014, nel quadro del Convegno internazionale "Anomalie, residui e riusi nelle tradizioni liriche romanze medievali".The section includes the papers presented at the round table "The troubadour tradition: manuscripts, sources, compilations" held at the University of Milan May 12, 2014, as part of the International Congress "Anomalies, residues and reuse in medieval Romance lyrics traditions

    Tracking of the origin of recurrent mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in the North-East of Italy and improved mutation analysis strategy

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    14noopenopenCini, Giulia; Mezzavilla, Massimo; Della Puppa, Lara; Cupelli, Elisa; Fornasin, Alessio; D'Elia, Angela Valentina; Dolcetti, Riccardo; Damante, Giuseppe; Bertok, Sara; Miolo, Gianmaria; Maestro, Roberta; de Paoli, Paolo; Amoroso, Antonio; Viel, AlessandraCini, Giulia; Mezzavilla, Massimo; Della Puppa, Lara; Cupelli, Elisa; Fornasin, Alessio; D'Elia, Angela Valentina; Dolcetti, Riccardo; Damante, Giuseppe; Bertok, Sara; Miolo, Gianmaria; Maestro, Roberta; de Paoli, Paolo; Amoroso, Antonio; Viel, Alessandr

    Familial breast cancer: characteristics and outcome of BRCA 1–2 positive and negative cases

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    BACKGROUND: The clinical and pathological characteristics and the clinical course of patients with breast cancer and BRCA 1–2 mutation are poorly known. METHODS: From 1997, patients with breast cancer and a family history of breast or ovarian cancer were offered BRCA testing. The clinical and pathological features of patients with known BRCA status were retrospectively assessed and comparisons were made between cancers arising in BRCA positive and BRCA wild type (WT) patients respectively. Type of treatment, pattern of relapse, event (local relapse, contralateral breast cancer, metastases) free and overall survival were also compared in the two groups. Out of the 210 patients tested, 125 had been treated and followed-up at our Institution and were evaluated in this study. RESULTS: BRCA positive patients tended to be more often premenopausal (79% vs 65%) and to have positive lymphnodes (63% vs 49%), poorly differentiated tumours (76% vs 40% – p = 0.002 at univariate analysis, not significant at multivariate analysis) and negative estrogen receptors (43% vs 29%). Treatment was not different in the two groups. In the 86 BRCA-WT patients, the first event was a local relapse in 3 (3%), metachronous contralateral breast cancer in 7 (8%) and distant metastases in 16 (19%). In the 39 BRCA positive patients, the corresponding figures were 3 (8%), 8 (21%) and 3 (8%). There was no difference in event free survival, with a median of 180 months in both groups of patients. At 20 years, projected survival was 85% for BRCA positive patients and 55% for BRCA-WT, but this difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Although BRCA positive patients have more frequently negative prognostic factors, their prognosis appears to be equal to or better than in patients with BRCA-WT

    Selecting for BRCA1 testing using a combination of homogeneous selection criteria and immunohistochemical characteristics of breast cancers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>BRCA1 gene-related tumours are more frequently estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) negative with a lower prevalence of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) overexpression or amplification. We evaluated the effectiveness of a combination of homogeneously selected criteria and immunohistochemical (IHC) characteristics of Familial Breast Cancers (FBCs) in detecting BRCA1 mutation carriers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Primary breast tumours from 93 FBC patients defined by specific eligibility criteria, based on personal and familial tumour history, were evaluated by Allred's method. The BRCA1 molecular analysis, including Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA), was considered as the gold standard assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 10 BRCA1 pathogenetic mutations was found. With the exclusion of the tumours characterized by double positive receptorial status and/or strong HER2 positivity (3+), we identified 22 patients, 10 of whom resulted as BRCA1 mutation carriers. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were 100%, 83.3%, 45.4% and 100% respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings suggest that the IHC analysis by Allred's method improves our ability to select patients for BRCA1 testing.</p

    Phenotypic features and genetic characterization of male breast cancer families: identification of two recurrent BRCA2 mutations in north-east of Italy

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer in men is an infrequent occurrence, accounting for ~1% of all breast tumors with an incidence of about 1:100,000. The relative rarity of male breast cancer (MBC) limits our understanding of the epidemiologic, genetic and clinical features of this tumor. METHODS: From 1997 to 2003, 10 MBC patients were referred to our Institute for genetic counselling and BRCA1/2 testing. Here we report on the genetic and phenotypic characterization of 10 families with MBC from the North East of Italy. In particular, we wished to assess the occurrence of specific cancer types in relatives of MBC probands in families with and without BRCA2 predisposing mutations. Moreover, families with recurrent BRCA2 mutations were also characterized by haplotype analysis using 5 BRCA2-linked dinucleotide repeat markers and 8 intragenic BRCA2 polymorphisms. RESULTS: Two pathogenic mutations in the BRCA2 gene were observed: the 9106C>T (Q2960X) and the IVS16-2A>G (splicing) mutations, each in 2 cases. A BRCA1 mutation of uncertain significance 4590C>G (P1491A) was also observed. In families with BRCA2 mutations, female breast cancer was more frequent in the first and second-degree relatives compared to the families with wild type BRCA1/2 (31.9% vs. 8.0% p = 0.001). Reconstruction of the chromosome phasing in three families and the analysis of three isolated cases with the IVS16-2A>G BRCA2 mutation identified the same haplotype associated with MBC, supporting the possibility that this founder mutation previously detected in Slovenian families is also present in the North East of our Country. Moreover, analysis of one family with the 9106C>T BRCA2 mutation allowed the identification of common haplotypes for both microsatellite and intragenic polymorphisms segregating with the mutation. Three isolated cases with the same mutation shared the same intragenic polymorphisms and three 5' microsatellite markers, but showed a different haplotype for 3' markers, which were common to all three cases. CONCLUSION: The 9106C>T and the IVS16-2A>G mutations constitute recurrent BRCA2 mutations in MBC cases from the North-East of Italy and may be associated with a founder effect. Knowledge of these two recurrent BRCA2 mutations predisposing to MBC may facilitate the analyses aimed at the identification of mutation carriers in our geographic area
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