995 research outputs found
Embriogênese somática do mamoeiro e estabelecimento de um protocolo de seleção com Glufosinato de Amônio (GA) visando à geração de plantas geneticamente modificadas.
O Brasil é o principal produtor mundial de mamão, sendo responsável por 10% da área plantada e 25% da produção mundial em 2006, o que mostra uma alta produtividade da cultura no país. O desenvolvimento da cultura do mamoeiro tem sido limitado por diversos fatores como os relacionados à sua natureza dióica, à heterozigose, à suscetibilidade a doenças e à falta de métodos comerciais de multiplicação vegetativa. A embriogênese somática tem sido bem estudada em vários cultivares comerciais de mamoeiro. Esta técnica é, portanto, o meio pelo qual células somáticas se desenvolvem em estruturas que se assemelham aos embriões zigóticos (isto é, bipolar e sem conexão vascular ao tecido parental) com uma série de estádios embriológicos característicos, sem fusão de gametas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo induzir e desenvolver calos e embriões somáticos da variedade de mamoeiro Sunrise a partir de sementes oriundas de frutos imaturos de mamão presentes no BAG de mamão (Banco Ativo de Germoplasma) situado na Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura. Os frutos imaturos com aproximadamente 90 a 120 dias foram coletados no BAG, lavados com água corrente e hipoclorito 2%, e posteriormente, encaminhados para câmara de fluxo laminar, onde foi realizado o processo de desinfestação em condições assépticas. O meio de cultura foi composto de 1/2MS suplementado com 10mg/L de 2,4-D (ácido diclorofenoxiacético), 60g/L de sacarose, 10ml/L de vitamina de mamão (L-Glutamina, myo-inositol, thiamina, glycine, ácido nicotínico e piridoxina), 8g/L de ágar e pH 5,8. Para o estabelecimento da curva de seleção com calos embriogênicos de mamão utilizando como agente seletivo glufosinato de amônio. As concentrações usadas foram 0; 1; 2,5; 5; 10 e 15 mg/L. A formação de calos contendo embriões somáticos primários iniciou-se três a quatro semanas após a inoculação in vitro dos explantes, contudo pode-se observar um maior número de explantes em estádios mais tardios (torpedo e cotiledonar) após cinco semanas de cultivo. Para o experimento da curva de seleção com o herbicida glufosinato de amônio, foi possível observar inibição no crescimento e desenvolvimento de embriões somáticos nas concentrações de 5, 10 e 15 mg/L. Nossos resultados sugerem que o protocolo de indução de embriogênese somática de mamoeiro testado foi reproduzível, e apresentou uma alta frequência na indução de embriões somáticos secundários. O sistema Bar/Glufosinato de amônio (GA) para a seleção de embriões transgênicos de mamoeiro, deve ser realizado em concentração igual ou superior a 5 mg/L de GA.PDF. T27
The Role of Heating and Enrichment in Galaxy Formation
We show that the winds identified with high-redshift low-mass galaxies may
strongly affect the formation of stars in more massive galaxies that form
later. With 3D realizations of a simple linear growth model we track gas
shocking, metal enrichment, and cooling, together with dark halo formation. We
show that outflows typically strip baryonic material out of collapsing
intermediate mass halos, suppressing star formation. More massive halos can
trap the heated gas but collapse late, leading to a broad bimodal redshift
distribution, with a larger characteristic mass associated with the lower
redshift peak. This scenario accounts for the observed bell-shaped luminosity
function of early type galaxies, explains the small number of Milky Way
satellite galaxies relative to Cold Dark Matter models predictions, and
provides a possible explanation for the lack of metal poor G-dwarfs in the
solar neighborhood and the more general lack of low-metallicity stars in
massive galaxies relative to ``closed-box'' models of chemical enrichment.
Intergalactic medium heating from outflows should produce spectral distortions
in the cosmic microwave background that will be measurable with the next
generation of experiments.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, accepted to ApJ, models refined and minor
revisions mad
Optimal measurement bases for Bell-tests based on the CH-inequality
The Hardy test of nonlocality can be seen as a particular case of the Bell
tests based on the Clauser-Horne (CH) inequality. Here we stress this
connection when we analyze the relation between the CH-inequality violation,
its threshold detection efficiency, and the measurement settings adopted in the
test. It is well known that the threshold efficiencies decrease when one
considers partially entangled states and that the use of these states,
unfortunately, generates a reduction in the CH violation. Nevertheless, these
quantities are both dependent on the measurement settings considered, and in
this paper we show that there are measurement bases which allow for an optimal
situation in this trade-off relation. These bases are given as a generalization
of the Hardy measurement bases, and they will be relevant for future Bell tests
relying on pairs of entangled qubits.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
The violation of the Hund's rule in semiconductor artificial atoms
The unrestricted Pople-Nesbet approach for real atoms is adapted to quantum
dots, the man-made artificial atoms, under applied magnetic field. Gaussian
basis sets are used instead of the exact single-particle orbitals in the
construction of the appropriated Slater determinants. Both system chemical
potential and charging energy are calculated, as also the expected values for
total and z-component in spin states. We have verified the validity of the
energy shell structure as well as the Hund's rule state population at zero
magnetic field. Above given fields, we have observed a violation of the Hund's
rule by the suppression of triplets and quartets states at the 1p energy shell,
taken as an example. We also compare our present results with those obtained
using the LS-coupling scheme for low electronic occupations. We have focused
our attention to ground-state properties for GaAs quantum dots populated up to
forty electrons.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Semic. Sci. Techno
Impact of whole-body passive heat stress and arterial shear rate modification on radial artery function in young men
We sought to determine how whole-body heating acutely influences radial artery function, characterized using flow mediated dilation (FMD) and low-flow mediated constriction (L-FMC), and the mechanistic role of shear rate modification on radial artery functional characteristics during heating. Eleven young healthy men underwent whole-body heating (water-perfused suit) sufficient to raise core temperature +1°C. Trials were repeated with (Heat+WC) and without (Heat) the application of a wrist cuff located distal to the radial artery examined, known to prevent increases in mean and anterograde shear rate but increase retrograde shear. Radial artery characteristics were assessed throughout each trial, with FMD and L-FMC assessed prior to and upon reaching the target core temperature. Heat markedly increased radial artery mean and anterograde shear rate, along with radial artery diameter and blood flow (P<0.05). Heat+WC abolished the heat-induced increase mean and anterograde shear rate (P>0.05), but markedly increased retrograde shear (P<0.05). Concomitantly, increases in radial artery diameter and blood flow were decreased (Heat+WC vs Heat,P<0.05). Heat attenuated FMD (8.6±1.2 vs. 2.2±1.4%, P<0.05), whereas no change in FMD was observed in Heat+WC (7.8±1.2 vs. 10.8±1.2%,P>0.05). In contrast, L-FMC was not different in either trial (P>0.05). In summary, acute whole-body heating markedly elevates radial artery shear rate, diameter and blood flow, and diminishes FMD. However, marked radial artery vasodilation and diminished FMD are absent when these shear rate changes are prevented. Shear rate modifications underpinthe radial artery response to acute whole-body heat-stress, but further endothelial-dependent vasodilation (FMD) is attenuated likely as the vasodilatory range limit is approached
Eficiência alimentar de rações com diferentes níveis proteicos para o peixe ornamental Colisa lalia.
Objetivando conhecer o melhor nível proteico para terminação do crescimento de colisa-lalia, utilizou-se cinco tratamentos com cinco repetições em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Cada unidade experimental compreendia a média de características mensuradas em seis peixes.Organizado por: Sílvio Ricardo Maurano; AQUACIÊNCIA 2012
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