134 research outputs found

    Retardation of nanoparticles growth by doping

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    The process of doping of CdS nanoparticles with Mn during colloidal synthesis is analyzed by EPR and optical studies. Analysis of EPR results demonstrated that Mn2+ ions are successfully incorporated into the nanoparticles and occupy the crystal sites both in the bulk of a NP and near the surface of a NP. Optical absorption measurements revealed the retardation of absorption edge shift during the growth for Mn-doped CdS NPs as compared to the undoped CdS NPs. It was concluded that the presence of Mn in the solution leads to the inhibition of NPs growth

    Inverse Eigenvalue Problems for Perturbed Spherical Schroedinger Operators

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    We investigate the eigenvalues of perturbed spherical Schr\"odinger operators under the assumption that the perturbation q(x)q(x) satisfies xq(x)L1(0,1)x q(x) \in L^1(0,1). We show that the square roots of eigenvalues are given by the square roots of the unperturbed eigenvalues up to an decaying error depending on the behavior of q(x)q(x) near x=0x=0. Furthermore, we provide sets of spectral data which uniquely determine q(x)q(x).Comment: 14 page

    National cultural characteristics of the Khanty’s communicative behavior in stimulating speech acts

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    The scientific article for the first time presents a study of the ways of expressing motives on the material of the Khanty language. These methods are comprehensively analyzed in specific communicative situations used by the speaker and addressed to the listener. The imperative paradigm in speech constructs includes word forms of the verbal lexeme, expressing an imperative meaning addressed to the listener. As a result of linguistic analysis of such speech acts, it is revealed that the speaker’s will regarding the execution of the called action is expressed regardless of who performs the action: the listener, the speaker, the person not participating in the speech act, or any combination of the listed persons. The main (nuclear) way of expressing an impulse is an imperative construct

    Inverse spectral problems for energy-dependent Sturm-Liouville equations

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    We study the inverse spectral problem of reconstructing energy-dependent Sturm-Liouville equations from their Dirichlet spectra and sequences of the norming constants. For the class of problems under consideration, we give a complete description of the corresponding spectral data, suggest a reconstruction algorithm, and establish uniqueness of reconstruction. The approach is based on connection between spectral problems for energy-dependent Sturm-Liouville equations and for Dirac operators of special form.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 28 page

    Regional Analysis of Digital Inclusion in the C2C Market of Russia

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    Economy digitalisation creates new market mechanisms and regional development opportunities. In certain circumstances, the C2C (consumer-to-consumer) Internet market can act as a basis for establishing an entrepreneurial culture; subsequently, it can turn into an economic growth point of a region. However, since the entrepreneurial potential of regional digital markets varies, it is crucial to investigate these differences and the reasons for their occurrence. In the present study, the entrepreneurial potential of residents is measured through their digital inclusion in C2C Internet markets. The article analyses and characterises the active sellers of the Avito online classified in Russian regions. The data were collected using the content analysis of ads posted by individuals on the Avito platform (n = 1,597). Correlation and factor analysis were used for interpretation. The conducted analysis showed the following results. First, the study revealed a relationship between regional digitalisation and the size of the group of active sellers: a higher level of digitalisation of a territory (federal district) means that more residents start to actively use Avito for e-commerce. Second, the paper demonstrated the importance of locality, since the number of active sellers among Avito users is bigger in large cities. Third, it was proved that additional opportunities provided by the C2C market are more attractive for women than for men. The obtained findings can be used by authorities planning the regional development, as well as by researchers of the Internet economy describing and analysing the digitalisation processes. Further studies may identify and examine in detail the factors defining digital inclusion in C2C markets of Russian regions. © 2022 Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, MinobrnaukaThe article has been prepared with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within Ural Federal University Program of Development in accordance with the program of strategic academic leadership «Priority-2030»

    Why young people create content about healthy lifestyles: Factor analysis of thematic blogs

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    The article attempts to explore how young people's motivation to create and maintain blogs related to healthy lifestyle is reflected in the blog content and investigates the relationship between the blog popularity and types of content. Using the motives (to bring the common good, to present the experience and personal growth, interactions with friends, opportunity to earn money) revealed through unstructured interviews, the authors develop a hypothesis stating that motivation can shape blog's content, thus it can be discovered through the corresponding symbolic representation. The authors use Factor Analysis (principal component technique) to test this hypothesis. The findings suggest that popularization of healthy lifestyles can be achieved through growing social responsibility of young bloggers, their striving towards socially approved patterns to be discussed and proposed to their audience, as well as commercialization of blogs due to the growing popularity of this topic and the followers' attention. Only those bloggers who are predominantly oriented towards interaction with their audience (with the remainder motives being secondary) have more opportunities than others: they have the largest number of follow-ers who actively react to their content. © 2020 Russian Public Opinion Research Center, VCIOM. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 1901000850The study is funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 1901000850 “Institutional Modeling of Russian Cyberspace Economy”)

    Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators with singular potentials

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    The inverse spectral problem is solved for the class of Sturm-Liouville operators with singular real-valued potentials from the space W21(0,1)W^{-1}_2(0,1). The potential is recovered via the eigenvalues and the corresponding norming constants. The reconstruction algorithm is presented and its stability proved. Also, the set of all possible spectral data is explicitly described and the isospectral sets are characterized.Comment: Submitted to Inverse Problem

    Provision of security of milk and dairy products in Ukraine's profitabilized enterprises

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    Особливо актуальним є впровадження системи НАССР на підприємствах молочної промисловості, оскільки, відповідно до переліку харчових продуктів за ступенем обсіменіння мікроорганізмами і частотою випадків харчових отруєнь, що розроблений Всесвітньою організацією охорони здоров’я, молоко і молочні продукти віднесені до I категорії як ті, що найчастіше служать прямим джерелом харчових отруєнь. Система НАССР – це запобіжна система, що не допускає виникнення ризиків, оцінює їх, контролює небезпечні чинники продовольчої сировини, технологічних процесів і харчової продукції, що значною мірою зменшує рівні ризиків виникнення небезпек для життя та здоров’я людей. Одним із основних вимог забезпечення безпечності молока і молочних продуктів на переробних підприємствах є застосування мікробіологічних критеріїв стосовно гігієни технологічних процесів, прийнятих в ЄС, згідно Регламенту ЄС №2073/2005. Функціонування мікробіологічних критеріїв розроблено в контексті системи управління безпечності харчових продуктів, побудованої на основі принципів НАССР.In Ukraine, the issue of the effectiveness of producing safe milk products by domestic producers has become more acute in order to ensure the competitiveness of the industry in the domestic and foreign markets. In our country, the necessary reforms are being implemented in order to adapt the legal regime on food safety and quality in full compliance with international law. Consequently, the adaptation of the Ukrainian legislation on food safety and quality to the requirements of the EU is an integral part of the state policy. Ensuring the safety and quality of milk is especially important in the manufacture of dairy products, as well as in harmonizing national legislation in accordance with international requirements and implementing measures for the implementation of the integrated food safety management system at the dairy industry enterprises under ISO 22000. In our state, it is necessary to create and ensure the functioning of the state system of monitoring, analysis and forecasting of the agrarian market, to develop and implement national standards for dairy products, which should be harmonized with international requirements, and also to ensure the introduction by market operators of the integrated food safety management system (HACCP). Benefits for dairy processing enterprises when applying the HACCP system: provides consumers with confidence that products are manufactured in accordance with the rules of hygiene and safety; demonstrates the desire of the company to apply the necessary precautionary measures and to closely monitor the hygiene of the product; the number of inspections by the consumer partners (second party audit) is reduced, and accordingly the financial expenses are reduced, time is saved; costs associated with product recall decrease, profits increase; costs are reduced due to better relationships with state food safety oversight bodies; product monitoring is carried out in real time; the effectiveness of the food safety management system is increased by optimal allocation of resources in the area's most critical safety area.Advantages of the HACCP system for the international market:● Facilitates international trade.● Supports the World Food Safety Management System.● International and national food safety, sanitation and phytosanitary regulations are harmonized.Especially actual is introduction of the system HACCP on the enterprises of suckling industry, as, in accordance with the list of food products, after the degree of semination microorganisms and frequency of cases of the food poisonings, that it is developed Worldwide organization of health protection, milk and dairy products the categories as those taken to I, that more frequent all serve as direct authority of the food poisonings. Introduction Hazard system provides competitiveness of native food production, it protect users interests and health, it promotes expansion markets in native and world economical area, increases enterprises authority and Ukrainian image as a whole. System HACCP – it preventive system of evaluation  of control of dangerous factors of food raw material, technological processes and prepared products which to a great extent diminishes the levels of risks of origin of dangers for life and health of people. The system HACCP is based on 7 principles which are the bar of this system. One of the mainrequirementsforensuring the safety of milk and dairy products at processing enterprises is the application of microbiological criteria for hygiene of technological processes adoptedin the EU, in accordance with EU Regulation No. 2073/2005. Functioning of microbiological criteria has been developed in the context of food safety management system builton the basis of HACCP principles

    Динаміка цитокінів за остеозаміщення осколкових переломів у собак гідроксиапатитною керамікою, легованою кремнієм

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    Among the entire public of fractures of long bones, more complications of reparative osteogenesis occur fragmental fractures. Their significant defects, which arise as a result of the removal of non-viable fragments, cause disturbances in local hemodynamics and microcirculation and loss of osteoconduction in the area of injury, lead to a loss of the reparative potential of bone tissue in the defect zone, and the methods of osteosynthesis do not provide restoration of osteoconduction and do not have osteointegration properties. For osteosis, a number of composite materials have been proposed, among which ceramics based on calcium phosphates are considered the most promising, which is confirmed by previous clinical, radiological and histomorphological studies. The aim of the study is to determine the dynamics of the blood levels of TGF-β and interleukins IL-1β and IL-10 for osteosis replacement of splinter bone fractures in dogs with calcium phosphate ceramics doped with silicon. Material and research methods: a control (n = 7) and research group (n = 7) dogs with accidental splinter fractures of long bones were formed. In both groups, extracortical osteosynthesis was performed with a support plate from an unalloyed titanium alloy. In the control group, bone defects were left to heal under a blood clot, and in the experimental group they were replaced with ceramics (GTlKg-3). Blood samples were taken after trauma no later than on the 48th day, and on the third, twelfth, twenty-first, forty-second and 60th days after surgical treatment. The enzyme immunoassay was used to determine the serum levels of interleukins IL-1β and IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF-β) тhat for a bureta reaction is a bit of a home-made bottle. The study results showed an anti-inflammatory cytokine profile with physiological norms in dogs. In case of bone injury, it becomes pro-inflammatory in nature, triggers the process of osteoresorption in the fracture area. At the same time, during reparative osteogenesis after extracortical osteosynthesis for splinter fractures, proinflammatory cytokinemia acquires a permanent character with a peak on the forty-second day, and this implies inhibition of metaplasia of cartilaginous regenerate into bone, that is, it slows down the consolidation of the fracture. However, in the case of osteosis with ceramics, the level of pro-inflammatory cytokinemia is significantly lower and continues during the first 12 days with a peak on the third day, during the inflammatory-resorptive stage. However, the key in understanding the effectiveness of osteosis was the dynamics of TGF-β, which showed its biphasic hyperreactivity in control animals, while in experimental animals, its balanced production was noted. Conclusion. Osteosis replacement of bone defects in long tubular bones in dogs with hydroxyapatite with β-tricalcium phosphate ceramics doped with silicon is accompanied by moderate cytokinemia in accordance with the course of the inflammatory-resorptive stage and the phase of remodeling with a peak of induction of transforming growth factor during the period of active osteogenesis forty-second course of reparative osteogenesis.Серед переломів довгих трубчастих кісток найбільше ускладнень репаративного остеогенезу відбувається за осколкових переломів. Їх значні дефекти, які виникають внаслідок видалення нежиттєздатних осколків, зумовлюють порушення локальної гемодинаміки і мікроциркуляції та втрату остеокондуктивності у ділянці травми, що призводить до втрати репаративного потенціалу кісткової тканини у зоні дефекту, а методи остеосинтезу не забезпечують відновлення остеокондуктивності та не володіють остеоінтегріційними властивостями. Для остеозаміщення запропонована низка композитних матеріалів, серед яких найбільш перспективною вважається кераміка на основі фосфатів кальцію, що підтверджується попередніми клініко-рентгенологічними і гісто-морфологічними дослідженнями. Мета дослідження – визначити динаміку вмісту в крові TGF-β та інтерлейкінів ІL-1β і ІL-10 за остеозаміщення осколкових переломів кісток у собак кальціє-фосфатною керамікою, легованою кремнієм. Сформували контрольну (n = 7) та дослідну групи (n = 7) собак з випадковими осколковими переломами довгих трубчастих кісток. В обох групах виконували екстракортикальний остеосинтез опорною пластиною із нелегованого титанового сплаву. В контрольній групі кісткові дефекти залишали загоюватись під кров’яним згустком, а в дослідній їх заміщували керамікою (ГТлКг-3). Проби крові відбирали після травми не пізніше 48-ї доби, та на 3-ю, 12-у, 21-у, 42-у та 60-у добу після оперативного лікування. Імуноферментним методом визначали вміст у сироватці крові інтерлейкінів IL-1β та IL-10 і трансформуючого фактору росту (TGF-β), та за біуретовою реакцією кількість загального білка. Результати дослідження засвідчили протизапальний цитокіновий профіль за фізіологічної норми у собак. За умови кісткової травми він набуває прозапального характеру, що запускає процес остеорезорбції у ділянці перелому. Водночас за репаративного остеогенезу після екстракортикального остеосинтезу за осколкових переломів прозапальна цитокінемія набуває перманентного характеру з піком на 42-у добу, а це свідчить про гальмування метаплазії хрящового регенерату в кістковий, тобто уповільнює консолідацію перелому. Однак у випадку остеозаміщення керамікою рівень прозапальної цитокінемії достовірно менший і триває протягом перших 12-и діб з піком на 3-ю добу, у період запально-резорбтивної стадії. Проте ключовою в розумінні ефективності остеозаміщення виявилася динаміка TGF-β, яка засвідчила двофазну його гіперреактивність у контрольних тварин, тимчасом як у дослідних виявляли урівноважену його продукцію. Остеозаміщення кісткових дефектів довгих трубчастих кісток у собак гідроксиапатитною з β-трикальцій фосфатом керамікою, легованою кремнієм, супроводжується помірною цитокінемією відповідно до перебігу запально-резорбтивної стадії та фази ремоделювання з піком індукції трансформуючого фактора росту в період активного остеогенезу (42-а доба), що відображає оптимізований перебіг репаративного остеогенезу