112 research outputs found

    Organic fouling in forward osmosis: A comprehensive review

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    Organic fouling in the forward osmosis process is complex and influenced by different parameters in the forward osmosis such as type of feed and draw solution, operating conditions, and type of membrane. In this article, we reviewed organic fouling in the forward osmosis by focusing on wastewater treatment applications. Model organic foulants used in the forward osmosis literature were highlighted, which were followed by the characteristics of organic foulants when real wastewater was used as feed solution. The various physical and chemical cleaning protocols for the organic fouled membrane are also discussed. The study also highlighted the effective pre-treatment strategies that are effective in reducing the impact of organic fouling on the forward osmosis (FO) membrane. The efficiency of cleaning methods for the removal of organic fouling in the FO process was investigated, including recommendations on future cleaning technologies such as Ultraviolet and Ultrasound. Generally, a combination of physical and chemical cleaning is the best for restoring the water flux in the FO process. 2020 by the authors.This research was funded by an NPRP grant (NPRP10-0117-170176) from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). This is the format recommended by the funding organization. Candidate S.Y. would like to acknowledge scholarship support from the University of Technology Sydney under UTS President's Scholarship and International Research Scholarship (IRP). In addition, this publication was possible by an NPRP grant (NPRP10-0117-170176) from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The findings achieved herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.Scopu

    Maternal health interventions in resource limited countries: a systematic review of packages, impacts and factors for change

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    The burden of maternal mortality in resource limited countries is still huge despite being at the top of the global public health agenda for over the last 20 years. We systematically reviewed the impacts of interventions on maternal health and factors for change in these countries. A systematic review was carried out using the guidelines for Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Articles published in the English language reporting on implementation of interventions, their impacts and underlying factors for maternal health in resource limited countries in the past 23 years were searched from PubMed, Popline, African Index Medicus, internet sources including reproductive health gateway and Google, hand-searching, reference lists and grey literature. Out of a total of 5084 articles resulting from the search only 58 qualified for systematic review. Programs integrating multiple interventions were more likely to have significant positive impacts on maternal outcomes. Training in emergency obstetric care (EmOC), placement of care providers, refurbishment of existing health facility infrastructure and improved supply of drugs, consumables and equipment for obstetric care were the most frequent interventions integrated in 52%-65% of all 54 reviewed programs. Statistically significant reduction of maternal mortality ratio and case fatality rate were reported in 55% and 40% of the programs respectively. Births in EmOC facilities and caesarean section rates increased significantly in 71%-75% of programs using these indicators. Insufficient implementation of evidence-based interventions in resources limited countries was closely linked to a lack of national resources, leadership skills and end-users factors. This article presents a list of evidenced-based packages of interventions for maternal health, their impacts and factors for change in resource limited countries. It indicates that no single magic bullet intervention exists for reduction of maternal mortality and that all interventional programs should be integrated in order to bring significant changes. State leaders and key actors in the health sectors in these countries and the international community are proposed to translate the lessons learnt into actions and intensify efforts in order to achieve the goals set for maternal health

    Reactor systems for the degradation of textile dyes

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    ABSTRACT Textile dyes used in color imparting are often recalcitrant and carcinogenic in nature. The release of dyes into the environment constitutes a small proportion of water pollution, and the colored waste waters represent a serious environmental problem and a public health concern. The major challenge of textile industries today is to find an effective solution for dye effluent treatment which meets all the requirement of environmental protection. This review narrates the use of bioreactors immobilized with bacteria, fungi and algae as the solution for the degradation of textile dyes. The parameters considered with respect to dye decolorisation and degradation in immobilized reactors were COD, HRL, HRT and BOD. It was found that anaerobic fluidized bed reactor showed better performance followed by rotating drum bioreactor (RDBR) and upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor system (UASB). Algae showed improved results with tubular photobioreactors. Hence immobilized bioreactors are promising technology for dye decolorisation and degradatio

    Biodegradation of Anthraquinone Based Compounds: Review”,

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    ABSTRACT Anthraquinone dyes, the second largest class of dyes used extensively in the textile industries. But majority of these recalcitrant dyes are resistant to degradation due to their fused aromatic structure. This necessitates the need to explore effective treatment systems for the degradation of anthraquinone dyes. Though several physico-chemical decolorization techniques have been reported only few have been accepted by the textile industries. Among the current remediation technologies, biodegradation of these synthetic dyes by different microbes is emerging as an effective and promising approach. This review paper focuses on the science of various microbial strains and the enzyme systems involved in the bio degradation of anthraquinone dye