371 research outputs found

    Causal effects of PetroCaribe on sustainable development: a synthetic control analysis

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    We examine the causal effects of the energy subsidy programme PetroCaribe in the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. We use the synthetic control method to construct a counterfactual and compare it to the outcomes of the beneficiary countries and thus estimate the magnitude and direction of the PetroCaribe effect. PetroCaribe had a positive effect on economic growth in most of the beneficiary countries; however, this economic boost was not followed by an improvement in social development. Environmentally, PetroCaribe did not negatively or positively impact the environmental quality of the member countries, in the sense that we do not find a significant effect on the trend of urn:x-wiley:14636786:media:manc12275:manc12275-math-0001 emissions per capita

    Interacting plasmon and phonon polaritons in aligned nano- and microwires

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    The availability of macroscopic, nearly periodic structures known as eutectics opens a new path for controlling light at wavelength scales determined by the geometrical parameters of these materials and the intrinsic properties of their component phases. Here, we analyze the optical waveguiding properties of eutectic mixtures of alkali halides, formed by close-packed arrangements of aligned cylindrical inclusions. The wavelengths of phonon polaritons in these constituents are conveniently situated in the infrared and are slightly larger than the diameter and separation of the inclusions, typically consisting on single-crystal wires down to submicrometer diameter. We first discuss the gap mode and the guiding properties of metallic cylindrical waveguides in the visible and near-infrared, and in particular we investigate the transition between cylinder touching and non-touching regimes. Then, we demonstrate that these properties can be extended to the mid infrared by means of phonon polaritons. Finally, we analyze the guiding properties of an actual eutectic. For typical eutectic dimensions, we conclude that crosstalk between neighboring cylindrical wires is small, thus providing a promising platform for signal propagation and image analysis in the mid infrared

    Formation of Centauro and Strangelets in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at the LHC and their Identification by the ALICE Experiment

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    We present a phenomenological model which describes the formation of a Centauro fireball in nucleus-nucleus interactions in the upper atmosphere and at the LHC, and its decay to non-strange baryons and Strangelets. We describe the CASTOR detector for the ALICE experiment at the LHC. CASTOR will probe, in an event-by-event mode, the very forward, baryon-rich phase space 5.6 < \eta < 7.2 in 5.5 A TeV central Pb + Pb collisions. We present results of simulations for the response of the CASTOR calorimeter, and in particular to the traversal of Strangelets.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 26th ICR

    Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantization of Periodic Orbits

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    We show, that the canonical invariant part of â„Ź\hbar corrections to the Gutzwiller trace formula and the Gutzwiller-Voros spectral determinant can be computed by the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rules, which usually apply for integrable systems. We argue that the information content of the classical action and stability can be used more effectively than in the usual treatment. We demonstrate the improvement of precision on the example of the three disk scattering system.Comment: revte

    Integrable open spin chains from giant gravitons

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    We prove that in the presence of a maximal giant graviton state in N=4 SYM, the states dual to open strings attached to the giant graviton give rise to an PSU(2,2|4) open spin chain model with integrable boundary conditions in the SO(6) sector of the spin chain to one loop order.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, uses JHEP

    Integrable Open Spin Chain in Super Yang-Mills and the Plane-wave/SYM duality

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    We investigate the integrable structures in an N=2 superconfomal Sp(N) Yang-Mills theory with matter, which is dual to an open+closed string system. We restrict ourselves to the BMN operators that correspond to free string states. In the closed string sector, an integrable structure is inherited from its parent theory, N=4 SYM. For the open string sector, the planar one-loop mixing matrix for gauge invariant holomorphic operators is identified with the Hamiltonian of an integrable SU(3) open spin chain. Using the K-matrix formalism we identify the integrable open-chain boundary conditions that correspond to string boundary conditions. The solutions to the algebraic Bethe ansatz equations (ABAE) with a few impurities are shown to recover the anomalous dimensions that exactly match the spectrum of free open string in the plane-wave background. We also discuss the properties of the solutions of ABAE beyond the BMN regime.Comment: 18 pages, one eps figure, v3: typos corrected, clarifying footnotes added, treatment of complex roots revise
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