1,124 research outputs found

    Elaboración de sistema de gestión de datos para visitas conyugales en el establecimiento penitenciario y carcelario de Yopal – Casanare

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    Imágenes, tablas“La ingeniería es el conjunto de conocimientos y técnicas, científicas aplicadas al desarrollo, implementación, mantenimiento y perfeccionamiento de estructuras (tanto físicas como teóricas) para la resolución de problemas que afectan la actividad cotidiana de la sociedad.” Esta es la definición de ingeniería que muy bien aplica para el desarrollo del presente proyecto, el cual fue ideado de acuerdo a la problemática observada en mi lugar de trabajo y que afecta de forma directa nuestro ambiente de trabajo y el bienestar del personal interno recluido en el Establecimiento Penitenciario y Carcelario de Yopal – Casanare."Engineering is the set of knowledge and techniques, applied scientific development , implementation, maintenance and improvement of structures ( both physical and theoretical ) for the resolution of problems that affect the daily activity of society. " This is the definition of engineering very well applied to the development of this project, which was designed according to the problems seen in my workplace and that directly affects our work environment and welfare of internal staff held in the Penitentiary and Prison Yopal - Casanare

    A computational algebraic geometry approach to analyze pseudo-random sequences based on Latin squares

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    Latin squares are used as scramblers on symmetric-key algorithms that generate pseudo-random sequences of the same length. The robustness and effectiveness of these algorithms are respectively based on the extremely large key space and the appropriate choice of the Latin square under consideration. It is also known the importance that isomorphism classes of Latin squares have to design an effective algorithm. In order to delve into this last aspect, we improve in this paper the efficiency of the known methods on computational algebraic geometry to enumerate and classify partial Latin squares. Particularly, we introduce the notion of affine algebraic set of a partial Latin square L = (lij ) of order n over a field K as the set of zeros of the binomial ideal xi xj − xlij : (i, j) is a non-empty cell inL ⊆ K[x1, . . . , xn]. Since isomorphic partial Latin squares give rise to isomorphic affine algebraic sets, every isomorphism invariant of the latter constitutes an isomorphism invariant of the former. In particular, we deal computationally with the problem of deciding whether two given partial Latin squares have either the same or isomorphic affine algebraic sets. To this end, we introduce a new pair of equivalence relations among partial Latin squares: being partial transpose and being partial isotopic

    Autotransfusión predepósito en cirugía ortopédica mayor en España

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    Objetivo: Analizar las comunicaciones a congresos nacionales e internacionales de grupos multidisciplinarios españoles, y realizar un metaanálisis para estimar el posible beneficio de la autotransfusión predepósito (ATPD) en nuestro entorno. Material y métodos: Se han revisado los resúmenes de las comunicaciones de los congresos de la AEHH y de la SETS desde 1995, de la AABB y de la NATA (2000, 2001 y 2002). Variables recogidas: período de estudio, números de pacientes, tipo de cirugía, tasa de rechazo, unidades autólogas solicitadas, extraídas y transfundidas, total transfundido, rendimiento (unidades transfundidas/extraídas) y efectividad. Resultados: La selección incluyó en Cirugía Ortopédica Programada, 2933 pacientes, con una tasa de rechazo del 9,3% (IC95%: 8,1-10,7) (extremos: 5,5-19,5%), con un rendimiento67,8% (IC95%: 66,1-69,5) (extremos: 17-94%), donando2,35 U (IC95%: 2,337-2,367) (extremos 1,73-3,6), transfundiendo1,84 U unidades autólogas/paciente (IC95%: 1,818-1,853) (extremos 0,74-2,85) y sólo con autóloga al 75,9% (IC95%: 74,2-77,6) (extremos 10-100%). Conclusiones: Creemos que hay una escasa comunicación de la experiencias transfusional con ATDP en España. Los resultados resultan bastante dispares entre los diferentes centros de trabajo. En los estudios finalmente seleccionados por su calidad metodológica, se podría afirmar que en nuestro país se excluye a un pacientes de cada 10, transfundiéndose dos de cada tres unidades extraídas y evitando transfundir con sangre alogénica en cuatro de cada cinco pacientes.Objetive: Reviewed and analyzed the Spanish communications defended at different national and international congress or meetings, and done an meta-analysis to estimate the possible preoperative autologous blood donation (PABD) benefit at Spain. Patients and Methods: We hav reviewed abstracts presented by Spanish groups in several national (AEHH and SETS from 1995) and international congresses and meetings (AABB and NATA from 2000 to 2002). A meta-analysis estimating the benefit of PABD in our country has been performed. The variables analyzed were: period, number, surgery, rejection rate, autologous units wished, drawn and transfused; total transfusion; yield (transfused/drawn) and effectiveness. Results: The selection (only Orthopedic Surgery) included 2,933 patients, rejected rate 9.3% (C95%: 8.1-10.7) (range: 5.5 and 19.5%), yield 67.8% (CI95%: 66.1-69.5) (range: 17-94), donation 2.35 U (CI95%: 2.337-2.367) (range 1.73-3.6), transfused 1.84 autologous U (CI95%: 1.818-1.853) (range 0.74-2.85), and only autologous 75.9% (CI95%: 74.2- 77.6) (range 10-100%). Conclusion: There is little communication of the Spanish National transfusion experience of PABD which shows the large differences between groups and regions. In our analysis we found that in Spain one patient in 10 is rejected; we transfuse 2 of 3 autologous drawn, avoiding allogeneic use in 4 of each 5 of our patients

    A Mixed Heuristic for Generating Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices

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    A way of generating cocyclic Hadamard matrices is described, which combines a new heuristic, coming from a novel notion of fitness, and a peculiar local search, defined as a constraint satisfaction problem. Calculations support the idea that finding a cocyclic Hadamard matrix of order 4 · 47 might be within reach, for the first time, progressing further upon the ideas explained in this work.Junta de Andalucía FQM-01

    Infección postoperatoria en las fracturas de cadera: La transfusión y su efecto inmunomodulador

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    Se han estudiado 163 fracturas pertrocantéreas tratadas en el hospital comarcal de Barbastro (Huesca) durante los años 2000-2001, con clavo proximal de fémur sin fresado PFN. Se ha recogido la edad, sexo, tipo de fractura según la clasificación AO para las fracturas y se ha valorado la necesidad de transfusión sanguínea y el volumen transfundido, así como la aparición de complicaciones de tipo infeccioso, la mortalidad en el postoperatorio inmediato y la estancia hospitalaria. El 22% de los pacientes presentaron un cuadro infección postoperatoria. El 44% de las fracturas intervenidas fueron transfundidas. Las mujeres fueron transfundidas más que los varones. No hubo diferencias en los valores hematimétricos al ingreso respecto al sexo pero sí en el postoperatorio con cifras inferiores en las mujeres. El 15% de los pacientes transfundidos presentaron infección postoperatoria mientras que los no transfundidos un 20% (p<0.001). Respecto a la mortalidad la presentaron el 5% de los no transfundidos frente al 30% de los transfundidos (p<0.05). Así mismo se ha observado que los pacientes que sufrieron una infección postoperatoria presentaban una estancia hospitalaria mayor que los que no la sufrieron (15.1 vs 12.8 días) (p<0.05). Conclusiones: la administración de sangre alogénica en las fracturas pertrocantéreas se encuentra relacionada con la aparición de una mayor tasa de infecciones postoperatorias, estancia hospitalaria y de mortalidad postoperatoria, posiblemente por el efecto inmunomodulador de la misma.We have reviewed 163 trochanteric hip fractures treated during 2000 and 2001 with proximal femoral unreamed nail PFN. The following variables were analysed: age, gender, kina of hip fracture (AO classification); haemoglobin (Hb) and haematocrit (Hct) at the admission day, the day before surgery and two days later, transfusion needs, infection morbidity, total hospital stay and post surgical mortality (before 28 day). The 33% patients were diagnosed of post surgical infection, 44% of them were transfused. Women were transfused more than men. There were no differences by gender in haematocrit values at post surgical day. A post surgical infection as diagnosed in 51% of transfused patients, but only in 20% of non-transfused (p<0.001). The mortality rate was 43% if the post surgical Hb value was lower than 80 g/l. If Hb was higer 80 g/l the mortality rare was 24% in transfused patients but 5% in non-transfused ones (p<0.005). Conclusions: In the patients affected by trochanteric hip fracture the allogenic blood is associatetd with a higher rate of post surgical infection, higher mortality rate and longer hospital stays

    Cocyclic Hadamard matrices over Latin rectangles

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    In the literature, the theory of cocyclic Hadamard matrices has always been developed over finite groups. This paper introduces the natural generalization of this theory to be developed over Latin rectangles. In this regard, once we introduce the concept of binary cocycle over a given Latin rectangle, we expose examples of Hadamard matrices that are not cocyclic over finite groups but they are over Latin rectangles. Since it is also shown that not every Hadamard matrix is cocyclic over a Latin rectangle, we focus on answering both problems of existence of Hadamard matrices that are cocyclic over a given Latin rectangle and also its reciprocal, that is, the existence of Latin rectangles over which a given Hadamard matrix is cocyclic. We prove in particular that every Latin square over which a Hadamard matrix is cocyclic must be the multiplication table of a loop (not necessarily associative). Besides, we prove the existence of cocyclic Hadamard matrices over non-associative loops of order 2t+3, for all positive integer t > 0.Junta de Andalucía FQM-01


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    ResumenEste trabajo consiste en obtener mapas satelitales de calidad visual del sensor MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) en el portal de la Comisión Nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO), que contengan de manera clara una vista completa del estado de Oaxaca para que sirvan de insumo en un trabajo posterior de caracterización de la cobertura vegetal y uso de suelo. En la descarga se da preferencia a los mapas en el espectro visible con resolución espacial de 250 metros., ya que ahí está la información para el estudio de la cobertura terrestre. En esta etapa se elige un archivo del mes de enero del año 2015, se importa en GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System), se compara en una escala similar con la vista de Google Earth y se elige una nueva región de la costa de Oaxaca en los distritos de Pochutla, Juquila y Jamiltepec hasta la colindancia con poblaciones del estado de Guerrero.Ese nuevo mapa de la región costa contiene nubes y unas líneas punteadas paralelas que no son propias de la región natural sino debido a los dispositivos para la adquisición de la imagen; por ello para su mejora se utilizan técnicas de corrección radiométrica en función del histograma, un filtro de ventana deslizante y finalmente un filtro de mediana.Los resultados en cada etapa se muestran en forma gráfica en dos y tres dimensiones. Con este trabajo de pre-procesamiento en un mapa contaminado de manera muy leve, ahora es posible realizar operaciones más complejas que permite la calculadora de datos raster SIG GRASS.El trabajo es posible debido a las técnicas de teledetección o percepción remota que consiste en obtener la información deseada de un área terrestre a distancia para captura, tratamiento y análisis.El procesamiento de imágenes básico tiene como entrada una imagen en la que se aplican operaciones de pre-procesamiento, realce y clasificación para obtener una nueva imagen. Esta operación se utiliza para corregir distorsiones radiométricas, geométricas y para eliminar el ruido, los efectos de altitud y actitud. Para realce se utilizan procedimientos que tienden a mejorar la interpretabilidad de la imagen con la mejora del contraste y filtrado digital entre los cuales se tiene la aplicación de filtros no lineales, filtro de mediana y filtro de vector de mediana.Palabras Clave: Filtro, GRASS, mapas, Oaxaca, satélite. AbstractThe work is to get satellite maps of visual quality MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor on the website of the CONABIO containing clearly a complete view of the state of Oaxaca to serve as input for further work of characterization of vegetation cover and land use. In the download preference is given to the maps in the visible spectrum with spatial resolution of 250 m., since there is the information for the study of land cover. At this stage a file of January 2015 is selected, it is imported into GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is compared on a similar scale with the view of Google Earth and a new region of the coast of Oaxaca is chosen in the districts of Pochutla, Juquila and Jamiltepec; up to the border with populations of Guerrero state.This new map of the coast region contains clouds and dotted parallel lines that are not characteristic of the natural region but because the devices for image acquisition; therefore for improvement radiometric correction techniques they are used depending on the histogram, sliding window filter and finally a median filter.The results at each stage are shown graphically in 2D and 3D. With this pre-processing work in a contaminated map very mild way, it is now possible to perform more complex operations that allow data calculator raster GIS GRASS.The work is made possible by remote sensing techniques or remote sensing that is to obtain the desired information from a distant land area to capture, processing and analysis.Basic image processing takes as input an image in which pre-processing operations, enhancement and classification to obtain a new image apply. This operation is used to correct radiometric, geometric distortions and to eliminate noise, the effects of altitude and attitude. For enhancement procedures that tend to improve the interpretability of the image with contrast enhancement and digital filtering among which is the application of nonlinear filters, filter medium and vector filter medium they used.Keywords: Filter, GRASS maps, Oaxaca, satellite

    Generating binary partial Hadamard matrices

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    This paper deals with partial binary Hadamard matrices. Although there is a fast simple way to generate about a half (which is the best asymptotic bound known so far, see de Launey (2000) and de Launey and Gordon (2001)) of a full Hadamard matrix, it cannot provide larger partial Hadamard matrices beyond this bound. In order to overcome such a limitation, we introduce a particular subgraph Gt of Ito’s Hadamard Graph Δ(4t) (Ito, 1985), and study some of its properties,which facilitates that a procedure may be designed for constructing large partial Hadamard matrices. The key idea is translating the problem of extending a given clique in Gt into a Constraint Satisfaction Problem, to be solved by Minion (Gent et al., 2006). Actually, iteration of this process ends with large partial Hadamard matrices, usually beyond the bound of half a full Hadamard matrix, at least as our computation capabilities have led us thus far

    On Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices over Goethals-Seidel Loops

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    About twenty-five years ago, Horadam and de Launey introduced the cocyclic development of designs, from which the notion of cocyclic Hadamard matrices developed over a group was readily derived. Much more recently, it has been proved that this notion may naturally be extended to define cocyclic Hadamard matrices developed over a loop. This paper delves into this last topic by introducing the concepts of coboundary, pseudocoboundary and pseudococycle over a quasigroup, and also the notion of the pseudococyclic Hadamard matrix. Furthermore, Goethals-Seidel loops are introduced as a family of Moufang loops so that every Hadamard matrix of Goethals-Seidel type (which is known not to be cocyclically developed over any group) is actually pseudococyclically developed over them. Finally, we also prove that, no matter if they are pseudococyclic matrices, the usual cocyclic Hadamard test is unexpectedly applicable.Junta de Andalucía FQM-01

    Generating partial Hadamard matrices as solutions to a Constraint Satisfaction Problem characterizing cliques

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    A procedure is described looking for partial Hadamard matrices, as cliques of a particular subgraph Gt of Ito’s Hadamard Graph Δ(4t) [9]. The key idea is translating the problem of extending a given clique Cm to a larger clique of size m+ 1 in Gt, into a constraint satisfaction problem, and look for a solution to this problem by means of Minion [6]. Iteration of this process usually ends with a large partial Hadamard matrix.Junta de Andalucía FMQ-01