14 research outputs found

    Growth of brown trout in the wild predicted by embryo stress reaction in the laboratory

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    Laboratory studies on embryos of salmonids, such as the brown trout (Salmo trutta), have been extensively used to study environmental stress and how responses vary within and between natural populations. These studies are based on the implicit assumption that early life-history traits are relevant for stress tolerance in the wild. Here we test this assumption by combining two datasets from studies on the same 60 full-sib families. These families had been experimentally produced from wild breeders to determine, in separate samples, (i) stress tolerances of singly kept embryos in the laboratory and (ii) growth of juveniles during 6 months in the wild. We found that growth in the wild was well predicted by larval size of their full sibs in the laboratory, especially if these siblings had been experimentally exposed to a pathogen. Exposure to the pathogen had not caused elevated mortality among the embryos but induced early hatching. The strength of this stress-induced change of life history was a significant predictor of juvenile growth in the wild: the stronger the response in the laboratory, the slower the growth in the wild. We conclude that embryo performance in controlled environments can be useful predictors of juvenile performance in the wild

    Toxicity of 2 pg ethynylestradiol in brown trout embryos (Salmo trutta)

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    Endocrine disrupting chemicals are a threat to natural fish populations in the aquatic environment. Their toxicity is usually discussed relative to concentrations in the water the fish are exposed to. In the case of the synthetic compound 17-alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2), a common and persistent estrogen, concentrations around 1 ng/L have repeatedly been found to induce toxic effects in fish. Here, we used brown trout (Salmo trutta) from a natural population to study EE2 take up and how it affects early life-history. We collected adults during the spawning season, produced 730 families in vitro (to control for potential maternal and paternal effects on embryo stress tolerance), and singly raised 7,300 embryos (in a 2 mL static system) that were either exposed to one dose of EE2 at 1 ng/L (i.e., 2 pg/embryo) or sham-treated. We found that EE2 concentration did not significantly change over a period of 3 months in control containers without embryos. Embryos took up most of the 2 pg EE2 within about 4 weeks at 4.6°C. EE2 treated embryos experienced higher mortality, delayed hatching of the survivors, and had reduced size at hatching. Our findings suggest that the toxicity of EE2 is often underestimated when discussed at the level of concentrations in water only

    Data from: Genetic correlations and little genetic variance for reaction norms may limit potential for adaptation to pollution by ionic and nanoparticulate silver in a whitefish (Salmonidae)

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    For natural populations to adapt to anthropogenic threats, heritable variation must persist in tolerance traits. Silver nanoparticles, the most widely used engineered nanoparticles, are expected to increase in concentrations in freshwaters. Little is known about how these particles affect wild populations, and whether genetic variation persists in tolerance to permit rapid evolutionary responses. We sampled wild adult whitefish and crossed them in vitro full factorially. In total, 2896 singly raised embryos of 48 families were exposed to two concentrations (0.5 μg/L; 100 μg/L) of differently sized silver nanoparticles or ions (silver nitrate). These doses were not lethal; yet higher concentrations prompted embryos to hatch earlier and at a smaller size. The induced hatching did not vary with nanoparticle size and was stronger in the silver nitrate group. Additive genetic variation for hatching time was significant across all treatments, with no apparent environmental dependencies. No genetic variation was found for hatching plasticity. We found some treatment-dependent heritable variation for larval length and yolk volume, and one instance of additive genetic variation for the reaction norm on length at hatching. Our assessment suggests that the effects of silver exposure on additive genetic variation vary according to trait and silver source. While the long-term fitness consequences of low-level silver exposure on whitefish embryos must be further investigated to determine whether it is, in fact, detrimental, our results suggest that the evolutionary potential for adaptation to these types of pollutants may be low


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    Experimental treatments, parent IDs, and observations made on embryos raised individually in 24-well plates

    How the COVID-19 Pandemic Alters the Landscapes of the HIV and Tuberculosis Epidemics in South Africa: A Case Study and Future Directions

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    South Africa has long grappled with one of the highest HIV and tuberculosis (TB) burdens in the world. The COVID-19 pandemic poses challenges to the country’s already strained health system. Measures to contain COVID-19 virus may have further hampered the containment of HIV and TB in the country and further widened the socioeconomic gap. South Africa’s handling of the pandemic has led to disruptions to HIV/TB testing and treatment. It has, furthermore, influenced social risk factors associated with increased transmission of these diseases. Individuals living with HIV and/or TB also face higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 disease. In this case study, we contextualize the HIV/TB landscape in South Africa and analyze the direct and indirect impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the country’s efforts to combat these ongoing epidemics


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    Measurements of 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) in 24-well plates with and without embryos across 5 time points. "below LOQ" means less than 0.1 ng/L (corresponds to less than 0.2 pg EE2 per well)


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    The 7302 embryos of the 29 breeding blocks: their treatment, survival, hatching time, size at hatching, and size 24 days after hatchin

    Data from: No additive genetic variance for tolerance to ethynylestradiol exposure in natural populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta)

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    One of the most common and potent pollutants of freshwater habitats is 17-alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2), a synthetic component of oral contraceptives that is not completely eliminated during sewage treatment and that threatens natural populations of fish. Previous studies found additive genetic variance for the tolerance against EE2 in different salmonid fishes and concluded that rapid evolution to this type of pollution seems possible. However, these previous studies were done with fishes that are lake-dwelling and hence typically less exposed to EE2 than river-dwelling species. Here we test whether there is additive genetic variance for the tolerance against EE2 also in river-dwelling salmonid populations that have been exposed to various concentrations of EE2 over the last decades. We sampled 287 adult brown trout (Salmo trutta) from 7 populations that show much genetic diversity within populations, are genetically differentiated, and that vary in their exposure to sewage-treated effluent. In order to estimate their potential to evolve tolerance to EE2, we collected their gametes to produce 730 experimental families in block-wise full factorial in vitro fertilizations. We then raised 7,302 embryos singly in 2 mL containers each and either exposed them to 1 ng/L EE2 (an ecologically relevant concentration, i.e. 2 pg per embryo added in a single spike to the water) or sham-treated them. Exposure to EE2 increased embryo mortality, delayed hatching time, and decreased hatchling length. We found no population differences and no additive genetic variance for tolerance to EE2. We conclude that EE2 has detrimental effects that may adversely affect population even at a very low concentration, but that our study populations lack the potential for rapid genetic adaptation to this type of pollution. One possible explanation for the latter is that continuous selection over the last decades has depleted genetic variance for tolerance to this synthetic stressor

    Data from: Sex-specific effects of inbreeding in juvenile brown trout

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    <p>Inbreeding depression, i.e., the reduction of health and vigour in individuals with high inbreeding coefficients, is expected to increase with environmental, social, or physiological stress. It has therefore been predicted that sexual selection and the associated stress usually lead to higher inbreeding depression in males than in females. However, sex-specific differences in life history may reverse that pattern during certain developmental stages. In some salmonids, for example, female juveniles start developing their gonads earlier than males who instead grow faster. We tested whether the sexes are differently affected by inbreeding during that time. To study the effects of inbreeding coefficients that may be typical for natural populations of brown trout (<em>Salmo trutta</em>), and also to control for potentially confounding maternal or paternal effects, we sampled males and females from the wild, used their gametes in a block-wise full-factorial breeding design to produce 60 full-sib families, released the offspring as yolk-sac larvae into the wild, sampled them 6 months later, identified their genetic sex, and used microsatellites to assign them to their parents. We used whole-genome resequencing to calculate the kinship coefficients for each breeding pair and hence the expected average inbreeding coefficient per family. Juvenile growth could be predicted from these expected inbreeding coefficients and the genetic sex: Females reached lower body sizes with increasing inbreeding coefficient, while no such link could be found in males. This sex-specific inbreeding depression led to the overall pattern that females were on average smaller than males by the end of their first summer.</p><p>Funding provided by: Swiss National Science Foundation<br>Crossref Funder Registry ID: https://ror.org/00yjd3n13<br>Award Number: 31003A_159579</p><p>Funding provided by: Swiss National Science Foundation<br>Crossref Funder Registry ID: https://ror.org/00yjd3n13<br>Award Number: 31003A_182265</p><p>See methods in: Bylemans, J., Marques da Cunha, L., Sarmiento Cabello, S., Nusbaumer, D., Uppal, A. and Wedekind, C. (2024) Sex-specific effects of inbreeding in juvenile brown trout. (Molecular Ecology).</p&gt

    Sex-Specific Life History Affected by Stocking in Juvenile Brown Trout

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    Salmonids are a socioeconomically and ecologically important group of fish that are often managed by stocking. Little is known about potential sex-specific effects of stocking, but recent studies found that the sexes differ in their stress tolerances already at late embryonic stage, i.e., before hatchery-born larvae are released into the wild and long before morphological gonad formation. It has also been speculated that sex-specific life histories can affect juvenile growth and mortality, and that a resulting sex-biassed demography can reduce population growth. Here we test whether juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) show sex-specific life histories and whether such sex effects differ in hatchery- and wild-born fish. We modified a genetic sexing protocol to reduce false assignment rates and used it to study the timing of sex differentiation in a laboratory setting, and in a large-scale field experiment to study growth and mortality of hatchery- and wild-born fish in different environments. We found no sex-specific mortality in any of the environments we studied. However, females started sex differentiation earlier than males, and while growth rates were similar in the laboratory, they differed significantly in the field depending on location and origin of fish. Overall, hatchery-born males grew larger than hatchery-born females while wild-born fish showed the reverse pattern. Whether males or females grew larger was location-specific. We conclude that juvenile brown trout show sex-specific growth that is affected by stocking and by other environmental factors that remain to be identified