41 research outputs found


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    The location of the buses in the basement of the new bus station in Bratislava, supplemented by two further parking floors below, shifted the foundation joint of the new bus station to a depth of approximately 14 m. The maneuvering space for the buses required unusually large distances between the supporting columns. In extreme cases, it was necessary to transfer a vertical load of more than 30,000 kN from the column to the subsoil. Only a relatively thin layer of Quaternary gravel remained between the footing bottom and the Neogene soils. The whole area was designed to be based on deep foundations. As this was a construction of the 3rd geotechnical category, it was necessary to verify the bearing capacity and quality of the piles. The applied test methods (especially the dynamic load tests) confirmed the correct design and implementation of piles


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    The Carpathian flysch is widely recognized as a geological environment prone to slope movements. This fragility in such an environment is due to its complicated geological and hydrogeological conditions. Weakened slip surfaces (developed in clay like material), in combination with present or past tectonic activity and difficult hydrogeological conditions with aquifers under pressure, are the main causes of slope movements. The article proposes to analyze the design of remedial action in a landslide area near Žilina. Slip surfaces and water conditions are assumed regarding present geotechnical monitoring. Deep cut with two rows of pile walls is analyzed by the limit equilibrium method and finite element analysis. Interaction between two walls and the effect of an amount of volume of sliding mass on resultant earth pressures and anchor forces were studied. The results from finite element analysis are compared with analytical calculations and the differences are discussed

    The Nullity of Marriage in the Light of Amoris Laetitia: Expectations and Challenges for Judicial Pastoral

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    Neki od ostavljenih, rastavljenih i razvedenih vjernika dvoje o valjanosti svoje ženidbe ili su uvjereni u njezinu ništavost. Za takve slučajeve kanonsko pravo predviđa parnicu za proglašenje ništavosti ženidbe (kann. 1671 – 1691). Papa Franjo proveo je 2015. godine reformu kanonskoga postupka za parnice proglašenja ništavosti ženidbe. Tema »ništavost ženidbe« u ovom radu promatra se u svjetlu posinodalne apostolske pobudnice pape Franje Amoris laetitia iz 2016. godine. U broju 244 pobudnice temi ništavosti ženidbe pristupa se pod provedbenim vidom nedavne reforme kanonskoga postupka, posebno glede potrebe provođenja »posebnoga razlučivanja« bračnih situacija u predprocesnoj ili pastoralnoj istrazi radi pripreme parnice.Some of the abandoned, separated, and divorced believers doubt the validity of their marriage or are convinced of its nullity. For them, canon law provides cases to declare the nullity of marriage (Can. 1671 – 1691). In 2015, Pope Francis reformed the canonical procedure for cases to declare the nullity of marriage. The topic of »the nullity of marriage« in this paper is discussed in the light of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis Amoris Laetitia from 2016. Under number 244 of the exhortation, the topic of the nullity of marriage is approached in view of the recent reform of the canonical procedure, especially re-garding the need for »special discernment« of matrimonial situations in pre-process or pastoral inquiry in the preparation for a case

    Basal metabolic rate in migratory waders: intra-individual, intraspecific, interspecific and seasonal variation

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    1. Basal metabolic rates (BMR) were measured in 36 adult and 119 juvenile waders of 19 species on autumn migration in southern Sweden. 2. Ina comparison with literature data, it was found that juvenile BMR was generally lower than at the onset of migration in the Arctic and slightly higher than on African wintering grounds. 3. The seasonal differences may reflect local physiological adaptations or possibly a gradual decline from high premigratory levels due to growth. Our data contradict the idea that BMR is high during migration as an adaptation to generally high levels of energy expenditure. 4. The allometric exponent, scaling BMR to body mass, was significantly higher within individuals (1.19) and within species (1.82) than among species (0.62). 5. The high intra-individual exponent indicates that non-fat tissues, with a high metabolic activity, are involved in the mass changes during migratory stopover. 6. The high intraspecific exponent indicates that tissues with a high metabolic activity contributed disproportionately to variation in body mass among individuals or that larger individuals had elevated mass specific metabolic rates of some tissues

    Geographic patterns in fruit colour diversity: do leaves constrain the colour of fleshy fruits?

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    7 pages, 2 figures.-- Supplementary material available: The list of fruit species, their colour as perceived by humans, their provenance and main disperser types. The dispersal category "mixed" refers to species consumed by birds and mammals (XLS, 43 kb).We tested for geographic patterns in fruit colour diversity. Fruit colours are thought to promote detection by seed dispersers. Because seed dispersers differ in their spectral sensitivities, we predicted that fruit colour diversity would be higher in regions with higher seed disperser diversity (i.e. the tropics). We collected reflectance data on 232 fruiting plant species and their natural backgrounds in seven localities in Europe, North and South America, and analysed fruit colour diversity according to the visual system of birds—the primary consumer types of these fruits. We found no evidence that fruit colours are either more conspicuous or more diverse in tropical areas characterised by higher seed disperser diversity. Instead, fruit colour diversity was lowest in central Brazil, suggesting that fruit colours may be more diverse in temperate regions. Although we found little evidence for geographic variation in fruit hues, the spectral properties of fruits were positively associated with the spectral properties of backgrounds. This result implies that fruit colours may be influenced by selection on the reflectance properties of leaves, thus constraining the evolution of fruit colour. Overall, the results suggest that fruit colours in the tropics are neither more diverse nor more conspicuous than temperate fruits, and that fruit colours may be influenced by correlated selection on leaf reflectance properties.H.M.S. was sponsored by a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) grant (Scha 1008/4-1). E.C. was sponsored by Fundaçao de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (Fapesp) and a Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) fellowship. M.G. was sponsored by Fapesp and receives a research fellowship from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), and E.C. a Fapesp fellowship. A.V. was supported by the Marie Curie European programme (grant MERG-CT-2004-510260), I3P [Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)] and Acción Integrada (HA2006-0038; Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia).Peer reviewe

    Automatic Fire Ventilation Systems

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    Import 04/07/2011Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou zařízení pro odvod kouře a tepla s nuceným odvodem spalin. Nejdříve jsou stručně vysvětleny pojmy hoření a požár, a následně nebezpečí plynoucí z průběhu požáru, se zaměřením na kouř a jeho nebezpečné vlastnosti. Dále jsou vysvětleny pojmy větrání a požární větrání a popis neutrální roviny a ovlivnění její polohy. V dalších kapitolách jsou popsány jednotlivé komponenty systému samočinného odvětrávacího zařízení a konstrukční požadavky na ně kladené. Následně je vysvětlena použitá metodika projektování nuceného odvětrání. Na závěr je provedeno porovnání některých typů ventilátorů a potrubí od různých výrobců. V příloze je proveden návrh samočinného odvětracího zařízení odvodu kouře a tepla pro typový objekt. Návrh obsahuje technickou zprávu a půdorys objektu se zakresleným návrhem ZOKT a jeho ovládacím panelem.This Bachelor thesis addresses the topic of ventilation system equipment and the issue of heat-generated, gaseous emissions. First and foremost, a brief explanation on the concepts of controlled fires and wild blazes will be presented. Then, the hazards of wild blazes will be discussed, with a special focus on the dangers of smoke emission. Further, this thesis will address the concepts of ventilation with a description of neutral planes and the influence of location. Later chapters present individual components of automated fire safety ventilation systems, including requirements placed on the construction of these systems. This section will be followed by a description of methods used in forced ventilation engineering. The conclusion will include a comparison of several types of ventilation systems and tubing from various manufacturers. In the apendix to this thesis, there is a design for an automated ventilation system for smoke and heat ventilation for a given building. This design includes technical parameters and a building plan for the smoke outlet system and its control panel.Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochranyvýborn

    Design of a Smoke and Heat Extraction System in a Shopping Centre

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    Import 26/06/2013Diplomová práce vysvětluje problematiku zařízení pro odvod kouře a tepla. Úvodem jsou vysvětleny pojmy, jako je hoření, požár, kouř apod., které se této problematiky dotýkají. Jsou popsána nebezpečí plynoucí ze vzniklého požáru se zaměřením na kouř a jeho nebezpečné vlastnosti. Dále jsou vysvětleny pojmy větrání a požární větrání, popis neutrální roviny a ovlivnění její polohy. V dalších kapitolách jsou popsány jednotlivé komponenty systému samočinného odvětrávacího zařízení a konstrukční požadavky na ně kladené. Následně je vysvětlena použitá metodika projektování tohoto zařízení. V praktické části diplomové práce je proveden návrh samočinného odvětrávacího zařízení odvodu kouře a tepla s přirozeným odvětráním pro část nákupního střediska. Návrh obsahuje technickou zprávu a půdorys objektu se zakresleným návrhem odvětracího zařízení.This Thesis addresses the topic of ventilation system equipment and the issue of heat-generated, gaseous emissions. First and foremost, a brief explanation on the concepts of controlled fires and wild blazes is presented. Then, the hazards of wild blazes are discussed, with a special focus on the dangers of smoke emission. Further, this thesis addresses the concepts of ventilation with a description of neutral planes and the influence of location. Later chapters present individual components of automated fire safety ventilation systems, including requirements placed on the construction of these systems. This section is followed by a description of methods used in forced ventilation engineering. In the appendix to this thesis, there is a design for an automated ventilation system for smoke and heat ventilation for a given building. This design includes technical parameters and a building plan for smoke and heat exhaust ventilation system.Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochranyvelmi dobř

    Untersuchungen über die Beschädigung von Kiefernnadeln durch Scythropus mustela Herbst (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).

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    Anhand von Versuchen, die während des Jahres 1963 in einem 8jährigen Kiefernbestand bei Banskâ Stiavnica (Zentral-Slowakei) durchgeführt wurden, berichtet der Verfasser über die Fraßschäden von Scythropus mustela an Kiefernnadeln. Aus Fütterungsversuchen im Laboratorium und Messungen an befressenen Nadeln im Bestand ergab sich, daß die Käfer etwa 10% der befallenen Nadeln verzehren. 16 Nadeln je Trieb und 11 Triebe pro Baum wurden geschädigt. Etwa 94% der Bäume des Bestandes zeigten Befall. Die durch den Fraß vernichtete Nadelmasse pro Jahr und Hektar betrug 2,2 kg, was einer Gesamtoberfläche von 12,1 m2 entspricht. Der Zuwachsverlust ergab sich zu 0,0018 fm pro Hektar, was in gesunden Kulturen belanglos erscheint, jedoch nicht in solchen Beständen, deren photosynthetische Kapazität gleichzeitig durch andere Nadelfresser reduziert wird.There are discussed the results of studies on feeding habits of Scythropus mustela in-festing needles of Scots pine in a 8 years old plantation near Banska Stiavnica (Central Slovakia) in 1963. Based upon laboratory feeding experiments and measuring injured needles in the field there was found that the beetles eat an average of 10 per cent of the needles infested. 16 needles per shoot and 11 shoots per tree were damaged. About 94 per cent of the trees in the plantation were infested. The mass of green needles consumed per year and hectare was 2.2 kg with a total leaf area of 12.1 square meters. The loss of growth was calculated as 0.0018 fm of wood per hectare, which is of no account in healthy cultures but not in those which are simultaneously infested by other pests reducing the photosynthetic capacity of the pine


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    The construction of an industrial park is now being prepared near the town of Nitra. The investor fixed very strict conditions for the bearing capacity and, above all, the settlement of halls and their floors. The geological conditions at the construction site are difficult: there are soft clay soils with high compressibility and low bearing capacity. A detailed analysis of soil improvement was made. Stone columns were prepared to be fitted into an approximately 5 m thick layer of soft clay. The paper shows the main steps used in the design of the stone columns