1,410 research outputs found

    Human Physiology of Genetic Defects Causing Beta-cell Dysfunction

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    The last decade has revealed hundreds of genetic variants associated with type 2 diabetes, many especially with insulin secretion. However, the evidence for their single or combined effect on beta-cell function relies mostly on genetic association of the variants or genetic risk scores with simple traits, and few have been functionally fully characterized even in cell or animal models. Translating the measured traits into human physiology is not straightforward: none of the various indices for beta-cell function or insulin sensitivity recapitulates the dynamic interplay between glucose sensing, endogenous glucose production, insulin production and secretion, insulin clearance, insulin resistance-to name just a few factors. Because insulin sensitivity is a major determinant of physiological need of insulin, insulin secretion should be evaluated in parallel with insulin sensitivity. On the other hand, multiple physiological or pathogenic processes can either mask or unmask subtle defects in beta-cell function. Even in monogenic diabetes, a clearly pathogenic genetic variant can result in different phenotypic characteristics-or no phenotype at all. In this review, we evaluate the methods available for studying beta-cell function in humans, critically examine the evidence linking some identified variants to a specific beta-cell phenotype, and highlight areas requiring further study. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    The use of neighbourhood intensity comparisons, morphological gradients and Fourier analysis for automated precipitate counting & Pendell¨osung fringe analysis in X-ray topography

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    Crystal distortions modify the propagation of X-rays in single crystal materials, and X-ray topography can be used to record these modifications on a film thus providing images of the distributions and nature of defects, dislocations, strains, precipitates, etc. in semiconductors. Small variations of contrast, which often need to be analysed can be rendered invisible. Furthermore, artefacts in the films must be removed. This study examines the use of advanced image analysis techniques applied to a selection of X-ray topographs in section transmission mode: (i) the automated counting of oxygen-related precipitates and (ii) the enhancement of Pendell¨osung fringes. The technique also succeeds in removing unwanted features in the original x-ray topographs such as vertical streaking due to collimating slit phase contrast and strain features near the surface due to the presence of integrated circuit process strains

    Wave conditions in the Baltic Proper and in the Gulf of Finland during windstorm Gudrun

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    International audienceWave conditions in the northern Baltic Proper during windstorm Erwin/Gudrun (January 2005) are analysed based on in situ measurements in three locations and output of operational wave models from the German Weather Forecast Service, the Danish Meteorological Institute and the Finnish Institute of Marine Research. The measured significant wave height reached 7.2 m in the northern Baltic Proper and 4.5 m in the Gulf of Finland. The roughest wave conditions, estimated from the comparison of the forecast and measured data, occurred remote from the sensors, off the coasts of Saaremaa and Latvia where the significant wave height was about 9.5 m. Peak periods exceeded 12 s in a large part of the northern Baltic Proper and in the central part of the Gulf of Finland

    Katsaus puolustusvoimien sähköteknilliseen toimialaan

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    Johdannon mukaan sähköteknillinen toimiala sai alkunsa keväällä 1943 maahamme saatujen ilmapuolustuksemme suorituskykyä lisäävien tutkakalustojen myötä. Kirjoittajien mukaan sähkötekniikasta ei ole tullut omaa aselajiaan, koska siitä on muodostunut kaikkia puolustushaaroja ja aselajeja palveleva monipuolinen työväline. Artikkelin on katsaus sähköteknilliseen toimialaan. "Taustana on tutkatekniikka, joka kuitenkin oheislaitteiden kehittymisen ja elektroniikan uusien aluevaltausten myötä on laajentunut teknillisesti erittäin monipuoliseksi kokonaisuudeksi." Katsauksessa käsitellään sähköteknillisen alan historiaa Suomessa, nykyisiä toiminnan muotoja sekä arvioita tulevan teknologian kehityksen asettamista vaateista. Johdannon mukaan historiikki on laitesidonnaista. Perustana on suhteellisen hyvä arkisto- ja tietomateriaali. Sähköteknillisen toiminnan nykytilan kuvaus rajoittuu osin turvallisuusnäkökohtien johdosta yleisesitykseen, menemättä kalustojärjestelmien tai laitteiden yksityiskohtaiseen selostamiseen. Organisaation esittelyn tavoitteena "on antaa lukijalle kuva sähköteknillisestä toimialasta puolustushaarojen ja aselajien kehittyvänä elektroniikka-alan palvelujen toimittajana." Seuraavan noin kymmenvuotiskauden kehitysnäkymille on artikkelissa asetettu merkittävä painoarvo

    TQM Practices in Public Sector : Case of Finnish Healthcare Organizations

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    This study aims to discuss the evolution, principles, and stages of total quality management (TQM) in public health care organizations. It also makes a comparison that how case organizations think about quality and TQM along with its applicability within public sector. The study can be categorized as qualitative research. The data is collected from semi structural interviews of the informants and the concerning documents, which consist of strategy, policy papers and audit reports of the case organizations. Altogether there are two case organizations. Furthermore, data is analyzed with the help of content analysis. Most vital issues in TQM practices are its comprehensiveness, and its application in such a way which is appropriate for the organization, with a logical way of operation and the participation of management and personnel. Training, guidance, teamwork, involvement and learning are imperative for achieving a continuous improvement culture and are vital elements when adopting TQM. Managers should learn from the experience of TQM implementers by studying expected challenges and pitfalls. They should also pay more attention to the crucial role of all stakeholders in the TQM implementation. The study could be quite valuable from a strategic perspective in providing guidelines to build up a proper plan for TQM practices more promptly. The paper also manages to shed light on TQM practices of public service organizations by comparing their current approaches to quality.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Synchrotron x-ray topographic and high-resolution diffraction analysis of mask-induced strain in epitaxial laterally overgrown GaAs layers

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    Synchrotron x-ray back reflection section topographs of epitaxial lateral overgrown (ELO) GaAs samples grown on (001) GaAs substrates show images of the GaAs layers bent due to the interaction between the layer and the SiO2 mask. The topographs are simulated under the assumption of orientational contrast. Using the same data the measured x-ray diffraction curve is simulated. The calculations, which are in good agreement with the measurements, are used to gain information on the tilted (001) lattice planes in each ELO layer. We show that the bending of ELO lattice planes reaches a maximum at the center of the ELO stripes, where misorientation is at a minimum, and decreases towards the edges of the stripes, where misorientation reaches a maximum

    The influence of psychosocial factors at work and life style on health and work ability among professional workers

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this article is to explore the associations of psychosocial factors at work, life style, and stressful life events on health and work ability among white-collar workers. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among workers in commercial services (n = 1141). The main outcome variables were work ability, measured by the work ability index (WAI), and mental and physical health, measured by the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12). Individual characteristics, psychosocial factors at work, stressful life events, and lifestyle factors were determined by a questionnaire. Maximum oxygen uptake, weight, height, and biceps strength were measured during a physical examination. RESULTS: Work ability of white-collar workers in commercial services industry was strongly associated with psychosocial factors at work such as teamwork, stress handling, and self-development and, to a lesser extent, with stressful life events, lack of physical activity, and obesity. Determinants of mental health were very similar to those of work ability, whereas physical health was influenced primarily by life style factors. With respect to work ability, the influence of unhealthy life style seems more important for older workers, than for their younger colleagues. CONCLUSION: Among white-collar workers mental and physical health were of equal importance to work ability, but only mental health and work ability shared the same determinants. The strong associations between psychosocial factors at work and mental health and work ability suggest that in this study population health promotion should address working conditions rather than individual life style factors