22 research outputs found

    Zlomeniny lopatky

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    Enhance the functionality of G Suite tools using App Script

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    Tato práce se zabývá teorií cloudu, přičemž se následně úzce zaměří na platformu G Suite a její nástroje. V další části představuje Google App Script, pomocí něhož můžeme jednotlivé nástroje G Suite mezi sebou vzájemně propojovat a obohacovat jejich vlastní funkcionalitu. Na několika praktických ukázkách vysvětlí metodiku práce s Google App Script a čtenáře zasvětí do této problematiky na úroveň začátečníka.This work deals with cloud theory, focusing closely on the G Suite platform and its tools. In the next part, it presents the Google App Script, with which we can connect the individual G Suite tools and enrich their functionality. There will be introduction to the methodology of working with Google App Script with a few practical examples which should introduce the reader to this issue at the beginner level.Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Concept Corporate Social Responsibility, its preception and support

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá konceptem Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR. Zvolené téma je v současnosti velice aktuální. Mnoho firem se o myšlenky tohoto konceptu v tuzemsku začíná zajímat. Zejména v posledních letech pak jsou již vidět velice zajímavé aktivity a projekty v této oblasti. V teoretické části práce jsou zachyceny podstatné obsahové výklady konceptu, také je zde zdokumentován stav na poli CSR - jednak v EU a konkrétněji pak v ČR. Poté diplomová práce ve stručnosti seznamuje s vybranými výzkumy, které se tématu dotýkají. Praktická část diplomové práce je založena na analýze dat agentury Median a směřuje k analýze vnímání myšlenek konceptu CSR. Doplňuje tak poznatky o postojích české společnosti k odpovědnému chování firem.Diploma thesis deals with the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR. The chosen topic is currently up-to-date. Many companies begin to be interested in the ideas of this concept. Especially in recent years there can be seen activities and projects in this area. In the theoretical part of the work are captured substantive interpretations of the concept, there are also documented in the state of CSR -- both in the EU and more specifically in the Czech Republic. In the next part, thesis briefly introduces selected studies that are concerned with the topic. Practical part of the thesis is based on analysis of data of the agency Median and seeks to analyze of the perception of ideas, the concept of CSR is. Add to knowledge of the attitude of Czech society to the responsible conduct of companies

    Scapular fractures: Clinical anatomy, radiodiagnostics, classification-it's importance for operative treatment

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    Fractures of the scapula are not very frequent and account for less than 0.5 per cent of all fractures. In most cases they are caused by high-energy trauma and are associated with other injuries. Until recently, fractures of the scapula were rather neglected and treated mostly conservatively. Lately, hover the situation has changed. The number of patients with a scapula fracture is increasing, the interest in this issue is growing and discussion focuses more and more on operative treatment of these fractures. The dissertation thesis provides a comprehensive overview of diagnostics, classification and treatment of scapula fractures. In the anatomical section we have described weak areas in the construction of the scapula that predispose incidence of fracture lines. We have studied topographic relations of individual structures on the posterior aspect of the scapula from the viewpoint of the Judet approach and its modifications in individual types of fractures of the scapular body and neck. In the radiological section we have compared efficiency of individual imaging methods with the aim to evaluate the possibilities of individual radiographic methods, 3D CT reconstructions in particular, from the viewpoint of an exact determination of the type of the fracture, number of fragments and their...SOUHRN Zlomeniny lopatky nejsou časté, představují necelé půl procento všech zlomenin. Vznikají většinou vysokoenergetickým násilím a bývají sdruženy s dalšími poraněními. Zlomeniny lopatky byly donedávna opomíjeny, většina jich byla léčena konservativně. V posledních letech se však situace mění. Množství pacientů se zlomeninou lopatky i zájem o tuto problematiku stoupá. Stále častěji je diskutována operační léčba. Disertační práce podává komplexní přehled diagnostiky, klasifikace a léčby zlomenin lopatky. V anatomické části práce jsme popsali zeslabená místa v konstrukci lopatky predisponující k výskytu lomných linií. Studovali jsme topografické vztahy jednotlivých struktur na dorsální straně lopatky z hlediska Judetova přístupu a jeho modifikací u jednotlivých typů zlomenin těla a krčku lopatky. V radiologické části jsme srovnávali výtěžnost jednotlivých zobrazovacích metod. Cílem bylo zhodnotit možnosti jednotlivých rtg metod, především 3D CT rekonstrukcí, z hlediska přesného určení typu zlomeniny, počtu úlomků a jejich dislokace. Na základě zjištěných údajů jsme vytvořili algoritmus rtg vyšetření lopatky, který se nám osvědčil v klinické praxi. Od roku 2006 jsme vytvořili soubor 190 pacientů se zlomeninou lopatky, z nichž 70 bylo léčeno operačně. Na základě analýzy tohoto souboru jsme navrhli vlastní...Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 3FM CU and UHKVOrtopedicko-traumatologická klinika 3. LF UK a FNKV3. lékařská fakultaThird Faculty of Medicin

    Scapular fractures: Clinical anatomy, radiodiagnostics, classification-it's importance for operative treatment

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    Fractures of the scapula are not very frequent and account for less than 0.5 per cent of all fractures. In most cases they are caused by high-energy trauma and are associated with other injuries. Until recently, fractures of the scapula were rather neglected and treated mostly conservatively. Lately, hover the situation has changed. The number of patients with a scapula fracture is increasing, the interest in this issue is growing and discussion focuses more and more on operative treatment of these fractures. The dissertation thesis provides a comprehensive overview of diagnostics, classification and treatment of scapula fractures. In the anatomical section we have described weak areas in the construction of the scapula that predispose incidence of fracture lines. We have studied topographic relations of individual structures on the posterior aspect of the scapula from the viewpoint of the Judet approach and its modifications in individual types of fractures of the scapular body and neck. In the radiological section we have compared efficiency of individual imaging methods with the aim to evaluate the possibilities of individual radiographic methods, 3D CT reconstructions in particular, from the viewpoint of an exact determination of the type of the fracture, number of fragments and their..

    Enhance the functionality of G Suite tools using App Script

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    This work deals with cloud theory, focusing closely on the G Suite platform and its tools. In the next part, it presents the Google App Script, with which we can connect the individual G Suite tools and enrich their functionality. There will be introduction to the methodology of working with Google App Script with a few practical examples which should introduce the reader to this issue at the beginner level

    Epidemiology of scapular fractures

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    The aim of the study has been to acquire basic epidemiological data based on a representative group of patients with scapular fractures treated in one centre.The study analyses group of 250 patients. Diagnostics was based on CT examinations, in 227 cases with 3D reconstructions, in 97 cases compared with operative findings.The most common fracture in the group was that of the scapular body (52%), followed by fractures of the glenoid fossa (29%), fractures of the processes (11%) and fractures of the scapular neck (8%). 61% patients were treated non-operatively and 39 % patients were operated on. The most frequent associated injuries to the ipsilateral shoulder girdle were clavicular fractures (19%).Scapular fractures occur primarily in men, predominantly in 4th – 6th decades. After 60 years of age, there is an apparent increase in the share of women. The exact diagnostics should be based on 3D CT reconstructions

    Processing Chain for Estimation of Tree Diameter from GNSS-IMU-Based Mobile Laser Scanning Data

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    Mobile laser scanning (MLS) is a progressive technology that has already demonstrated its ability to provide highly accurate measurements of road networks. Mobile innovation of the laser scanning has also found its use in forest mapping over the last decade. In most cases, existing methods for forest data acquisition using MLS result in misaligned scenes of the forest, scanned from different views appearing in one point cloud. These difficulties are caused mainly by forest canopy blocking the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signal and limited access to the forest. In this study, we propose an approach to the processing of MLS data of forest scanned from different views with two mobile laser scanners under heavy canopy. Data from two scanners, as part of the mobile mapping system (MMS) Riegl VMX-250, were acquired by scanning from five parallel skid trails that are connected to the forest road. Misaligned scenes of the forest acquired from different views were successfully extracted from the raw MLS point cloud using GNSS time based clustering. At first, point clouds with correctly aligned sets of ground points were generated using this method. The loss of points after the clustering amounted to 33.48%. Extracted point clouds were then reduced to 1.15 m thick horizontal slices, and tree stems were detected. Point clusters from individual stems were grouped based on the diameter and mean GNSS time of the cluster acquisition. Horizontal overlap was calculated for the clusters from individual stems, and sufficiently overlapping clusters were aligned using the OPALS ICP module. An average misalignment of 7.2 mm was observed for the aligned point clusters. A 5-cm thick horizontal slice of the aligned point cloud was used for estimation of the stem diameter at breast height (DBH). DBH was estimated using a simple circle-fitting method with a root-mean-square error of 3.06 cm. The methods presented in this study have the potential to process MLS data acquired under heavy forest canopy with any commercial MMS

    The presence of fine and ultrafine particulate matter in the work environment

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    This study presents the results of pilot measurement, where the exposure of fine and ultrafine particulate matter was monitored. The measurement was performed in welding workplace, where these particles are produced unintentionally. The measurement consisted of collecting information and measuring the concentration of particles in the workplace, where data collection was focused only on inhalation exposure. During welding, primarily 300 nm size particles are produced, and their concentration is strongly influenced by the welding material, type of welding and suction. The particles are amorphous in terms of morphology and contain manganese, iron and silicon, which can cause neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, the results indicate the importance of monitoring oral exposure.Web of Science28S36S3