45 research outputs found

    Absolute and convective instabilities in non-local active-dissipative equations arising in the modelling of thin liquid films

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    This paper was presented at the 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2014), which was held at University College, London, UK. The conference was organised by Brunel University and supported by the Italian Union of Thermofluiddynamics, IPEM, the Process Intensification Network, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Heat Transfer Society, HEXAG - the Heat Exchange Action Group, and the Energy Institute, ASME Press, LCN London Centre for Nanotechnology, UCL University College London, UCL Engineering, the International NanoScience Community, www.nanopaprika.eu.Absolute and convective instabilities in a non-local model that arises in the analysis of thin-film flows over flat or corrugated walls in the presence of an applied electric field are discussed. Electrified liquid films arise, for example, in coating processes where liquid films are deposited onto a target surfaces with a view to producing an evenly coating layer. In practice, the target surface, or substrate, may be irregular in shape and feature corrugations or indentations. This may lead to non-uniformities in the thickness of the coating layer. Attempts to mitigate film-surface irregularities can be made using, for example, electric fields. We analyse the stability of such thin-film flows and show that if the amplitude of the wall corrugations and/or the strength of the applied electric field is increased the convectively unstable flow undergoes a transition to an absolutely unstable flow

    Deformation of a liquid film by an impinging gas jet: Modelling and experiments

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    ┬й 2019, Avestia Publishing. We consider liquid in a cylindrical beaker and study the deformation of its surface under the influence of an impinging gas jet. Analyzing such a system not only is of fundamental theoretical interest, but also of industrial importance, e.g., in metallurgical applications. The solution of the full set of governing equations is computationally expensive. Therefore, to obtain initial insight into relevant regimes and timescales of the system, we first derive a reduced-order model (a thin-film equation) based on the long-wave assumption and on appropriate decoupling the gas problem from that for the liquid and taking into account a disjoining pressure. We also perform direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the full governing equations using two different approaches, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) package in COMSOL and the volume-of-fluid Gerris package. The DNS are used to validate the results for the thinfilm equation and also to investigate the regimes that are beyond the range of validity of this equation. We additionally compare the computational results with experiments and find good agreement

    Additive noise effects in active nonlinear spatially extended systems

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    We examine the effects of pure additive noise on spatially extended systems with quadratic nonlinearities. We develop a general multiscale theory for such systems and apply it to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation as a case study. We first focus on a regime close to the instability onset (primary bifurcation), where the system can be described by a single dominant mode. We show analytically that the resulting noise in the equation describing the amplitude of the dominant mode largely depends on the nature of the stochastic forcing. For a highly degenerate noise, in the sense that it is acting on the first stable mode only, the amplitude equation is dominated by a pure multiplicative noise, which in turn induces the dominant mode to undergo several critical state transitions and complex phenomena, including intermittency and stabilisation, as the noise strength is increased. The intermittent behaviour is characterised by a power-law probability density and the corresponding critical exponent is calculated rigorously by making use of the first-passage properties of the amplitude equation. On the other hand, when the noise is acting on the whole subspace of stable modes, the multiplicative noise is corrected by an additive-like term, with the eventual loss of any stabilised state. We also show that the stochastic forcing has no effect on the dominant mode dynamics when it is acting on the second stable mode. Finally, in a regime which is relatively far from the instability onset, so that there are two unstable modes, we observe numerically that when the noise is acting on the first stable mode, both dominant modes show noise-induced complex phenomena similar to the single-mode case

    Dynamics of a thin film flowing down a heated wall with finite thermal diffusivity

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    Consider the dynamics of a thin film flowing down a heated substrate. The substrate heating generates a temperature distribution on the free surface, which in turn induces surface-tension gradients and corresponding thermocapillary stresses that affect the free surface and therefore the fluid flow. We study here the effect of finite substrate thermal diffusivity on the film dynamics. Linear stability analysis of the full Navier-Stokes and heat transport equations indicates if the substrate diffusivity is sufficiently small, the film becomes unstable at a finite wavelength and at a Reynolds number smaller than that predicted in the long-wavelength limit. This property is captured in a reduced-order system of equations derived using a weighted-residual integral-boundary-layer method. This reduced-order model is also used to compute the bifurcation diagrams of solution branches connecting the trivial flat film to traveling waves including solitary pulses. The effect of finite diffusivity is to separate a simultaneous Hopf-transcritical bifurcation into its individual component bifurcations. The appropriate Hopf bifurcation then connects only to the solution branch of negative-hump pulses, with wave speed less than the linear wave speed, while the branch of positive-single-hump pulses merges with the branch of positive-two-hump pulses at a supercritical Reynolds number. In the regime where finite-wavelength instability occurs, there exists a Hopf-bifurcation pair connected by a branch of periodic solutions, whose period cannot be increased indefinitely. Numerical simulation of the reduced-order system shows the development of a train of coherent structures, each of which resembles a stationary positive-hump pulse, and, in the regime of finite-wavelength instability, wavelength selection and saturation to periodic traveling waves

    On the transition to dripping of an inverted liquid film

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    The transition to dripping in the gravity-driven flow of a liquid film under an inclined plate is investigated at zero Reynolds number. Computations are carried out on a periodic domain assuming either a fixed fluid volume or a fixed flow rate for a hierarchy of models: two lubrication models with either linearised curvature or full curvature (the LCM and FCM, respectively), and the full equations of Stokes flow. Of particular interest is the breakdown of travelling-wave solutions as the plate inclination angle is increased. For any fixed volume the LCM reaches the horizontal state where it attains a cosine-shaped profile. For sufficiently small volume, the FCM and Stokes solutions attain a weak Young-Laplace equilibrium profile, the approach to which is described by an asymptotic analysis generalising that of Kalliadasis & Chang (1994) for the LCM. For large volumes, the bifurcation curves for the FCM and Stokes model have a turning point so that the fully inverted state is never reached. For fixed flow rate the LCM blows up at a critical angle that is well predicted by asymptotic analysis. The bifurcation curve for the FCM either has a turning point or else reaches a point at which the surface profile has an infinite slope singularity, indicating the onset of multi-valuedness. The latter is confirmed by the Stokes model which can be continued to obtain overturning surface profiles. Overall the thin-film models either provide an accurate prediction for dripping onset or else supply an upper bound on the critical inclination angle

    Noise induced state transitions, intermittency and universality in the noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation

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    We analyze the effect of pure additive noise on the long-time dynamics of the noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation in a regime close to the instability onset. We show that when the noise is highly degenerate, in the sense that it acts only on the first stable mode, the solution of the KS equation undergoes several transitions between different states, including a critical on-off intermittent state that is eventually stabilized as the noise strength is increased. Such noise-induced transitions can be completely characterized through critical exponents, obtaining that both the KS and the noisy Burgers equation belong to the same universality class. The results of our numerical investigations are explained rigorously using multiscale techniques.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of driving on coarsening dynamics in phase-separating systems

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    We consider the Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equation with a Burgers-type convective term that is used as a model of coarsening dynamics in laterally driven phase-separating systems. In the absence of driving, it is known that solutions to the standard CH equation are characterized by an initial stage of phase separation into regions of one phase surrounded by the other phase (i.e., clusters or drops/holes or islands are obtained) followed by the coarsening process, where the average size of the structures grows in time and their number decreases. Moreover, two main coarsening modes have been identified in the literature, namely, coarsening due to volume transfer and due to translation. In the opposite limit of strong driving, the well-known Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation is recovered, which may produce complicated chaotic spatio-temporal oscillations. The primary aim of the present work is to perform a detailed and systematic investigation of the transitions in the solutions of the convective CH (cCH) equation for a wide range of parameter values, and, in particular, to understand in detail how the coarsening dynamics is affected by an increase of the strength of the lateral driving force. Considering symmetric two-drop states, we find that one of the coarsening modes is stabilized at relatively weak driving, and the type of the remaining mode may change as driving increases. Furthermore, there exist intervals in the driving strength where coarsening is completely stabilized. In the intervals where the symmetric two-drop states are unstable they can evolve, for example, into one-drop states, two-drop states of broken symmetry or even time-periodic two-drop states that consist of two traveling drops that periodically exchange mass. We present detailed stability diagrams for symmetric two-drop states in various parameter planes and corroborate our findings by selected time simulations

    Liquid Film Coating a Fiber as a Model System for the Formation of Bound States in Active Dispersive-Dissipative Nonlinear Media

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    We analyze the coherent-structure interaction and the formation of bound states in active dispersivedissipative nonlinear media using a viscous film coating a vertical fiber as a prototype. The coherent structures in this case are droplike pulses that dominate the evolution of the film.We study experimentally the interaction dynamics and show evidence for formation of bound states. A theoretical explanation is provided through a coherent-structures theory of a simple model for the flow