111 research outputs found

    The Role of Teachers in Realizing the Goals of Islamic Education

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    This research was motivated by the condition of the secular education system which creates an education system that is far from the goals of Islamic education, marked by the non-optimal role of the teacher. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of teachers in realizing the goals of Islamic education. This present study employed a qualitative approach in the form of a literature study. Based on the results of the discussion, the purpose of education in Islam is to foster human character, by forming an Islamic personality (Syakhsiyyah Islamiyyah), mastering Islamic philosophy, and mastering the sciences of life (science, technology, and expertise). Therefore, in the learning process, teachers have an important role in realizing educational goals. The role of the teacher is not only the transfer of knowledge but the teacher should be able to be a role model for personality. It resulted from the teaching method chosen by the teacher. Teachers must apply directly teaching methods, such as exemplary good behavior and character, teaching the Shari'a gradually, not excessively, paying attention to the different conditions of each learner, the method of conversation and logical considerations, the method of analogy and similitude, imagery method, a method by combining words and hand signals, targhib and tarhib methods (motivation and threats)

    Imagery in the Journals Written by the Writing I Students Of the English Department Of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya

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    Many students think that writing is a daunting task and, therefore, they cannot write a good composition and journal writing is assigned for writing improvement. One of the aspects in writing a journal is imagery. Imagery is the use of concrete words to replace the abstract ones in order to enable the readers to imagine in everything experienced by the author. This study explored the kinds of imagery which are found in the journals written by the Writing I students of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya. The subjects were eleven students of Writing I. Each student submitted 4 journals. A checklist was used to organize the imagery in the journals. Not all writing journals that were analyzed exposed imagery. Visual and auditory imagery were found. There were forty seven examples of visual imagery and six examples of auditory imagery. The olfactory, gustatory and tactile imagery were not foun

    Imagery in the Journals Written by the Writing I Students of the English Department of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya

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    Many students think that writing is a daunting task and, therefore, they cannot write a good composition and journal writing is assigned for writing improvement. One of the aspects in writing a journal is imagery. Imagery is the use of concrete words to replace the abstract ones in order to enable the readers to imagine in everything experienced by the author. This study explored the kinds of imagery which are found in the journals written by the Writing I students of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya. The subjects were eleven students of Writing I. Each student submitted 4 journals. A checklist was used to organize the imagery in the journals. Not all writing journals that were analyzed exposed imagery. Visual and auditory imagery were found. There were forty seven examples of visual imagery and six examples of auditory imagery. The olfactory, gustatory and tactile imagery were not foun


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    Sinergi antara dunia pendidikan dengan dunia riil di masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan. Pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikembangkan di sekolah perlu juga dikembangkan di tengah-tengah masyarakat agar relevan dan sinergis dengan kebutuhan masyarakat itu sendiri. Dengan harapan pendidikan dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat, baik dari sisi pengetahuan maupun penyelesaian masalah kontekstual yang dihadapi sehari-hari. Keunggulan Lokal adalah suatu proses dan realisasi peningkatan nilai dari suatu potensi daerah sehingga menjadi produk/jasa atau karya lain yang bernilai tinggi yang bisa menambah penghasilan setiap daerah tanpa terkecuali, bersifat unik dan memiliki keunggulan komparatif. Pendidikan Berbasis Keunggulan Lokal merupakan program pembelajaran yang diselenggarakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan daerah, dengan memanfaatkan berbagai sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia, geografis, budaya, historis dan potensi daerah lainnya yang bermanfaat dalam proses pengembangan kompetensi sesuai dengan potensi bakat dan minat peserta didik

    The Development of Inquiry Science Worksheet to Facilitate the Process Skills

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    This research aimed for developing Inquiry Worksheet to facilitate the process skill. Inquiry Worksheet gave the opportunity for student to make good observations in giving hypothesis, designing the experiment, collecting, analyzing, and inferring the data. To involve the students in Inquiry process is the important point in Science lessons which can help the students to develop Science literacy and give the opportunity to drill their Science process skill. This research used the steps of developing 4P but the fourth step was not used, this analysis used the descriptive qualitative. Based on the validation result showed the Lesson Plan (RPP) and Inquiry Worksheet (LKS) had been developed were in valid category. The implementation of the good Lesson Plan for Evaluation Results was classically achieved. The process skill obtained 100 for the average score. For pretest and posttest, the students obtained 82.85 and 57.14. Learning using the Inquiry worksheet showed good responses by the students. The conclusion of this research was Inquiry Worksheet competent to facilitate the process skills

    Stigma Diri Akibat Ketakutan pada Tenaga Kesehatan Penyintas COVID-19 di Kota Makassar

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    Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa para tenaga kesehatan penyintas COVID-19 pada umumnya mengalami stigma diri dalam bentuk ketakutan


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    Semua tempat kuliner mempunyai kekhasan masing-masing untuk menciptakan daya tarik tersendiri kepada konsumennya. Bahkan bebrapa restaurant menciptakan suasana yang berbeda dari biasanya bukan hanya sekedar tempat makan biasa, tapi pengunjung diberi kesan yang lain agar bisa menikmati santapan dengan nuansa yang berbeda. Suasana atau store atmosphere yang berbeda tersebut bisa ditunjukan dengan tema tempat makan yang ditentukan sehingga orang tertarik untuk mengenal lebih banyak mengenai restoran tersebut, dan pada akhirnya suasana yang diciptakan tersebut menjadi bahan pertimbangan seseorang untuk memutuskan membeli di tempat tersebut. Salah satu restaurant di Bandung yang hadir diantara ribuan restaurant adalah Karnivor Restaurant. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriftif dan kausal. Populasi yang dijadikan objek penelitian adalah konsumen dari Karnivor Restaurant Bandung dengan populasi yang sudah diketahui yaitu sebanyak 4000. Jumlah sample ditentukan dengan rumus Slovin sehingga diperoleh 364 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah path analysis (analisis jalur). Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara simultan Store Atmosphere yang diwakili oleh empat sub variabel Exterior (X1), Interior (X2), Store Layout (X3), dan Interior Display (X4) mempengaruhi Keputusan pembelian sebesar 78,3% dan secara parsial pengaruh Exterior (X1) terhadap Keputusan pembelian adalah 19,50%, pengaruh Interior (X2) terhadap Keputusan pembelian adalah 44,10%, pengaruh Store Layout (X3) terhadap Keputusan pembelian adalah 9,1%, serta pengaruh Interior Display (X4) terhadap Keputusan pembelian adalah 5,6%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, penulis menyarankan agar perusahaan dapat mempertahankan Store Atmosphere yang sudah dianggap baik berdasarkan tanggapan responden dan memperbaiki hal-hal yang masih kurang dalam pelaksanaaan Store Atmosphere. Kata Kunci : Store Atmosphere, Keputusan Pembelia

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Memberantas Peredaran dan penyalahgunaan Narkoba dalam Mewujudkan Desa Bersih Narkoba (Bersinar) Desa Tutuwoto Kecamatan Anggrek Kabupaen Gorontalo

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    Pada kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pencegahan peredaran dan penyalahgunaan di desa Tutuwoto, program kegiatan yang terlaksana dimulai dari pembentukan tim relawan anti narkoba, agen pemulihan dan intelejen desa, sampai pada pendampingan kegiatan masing-masing tim dalam mewujudkan Desa Bersinar. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan peranan dan kegiatan masyarakat agar lebih produktif dan memiliki inovasi, mendukung perekonomian secara mandiri sehingga diharapkan masyarakat tidak memiliki pikiran untuk menggunakan narkoba dalam memperoleh penghasilan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan assessment di lapangan dirumuskan program kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dalam mewujudkan desan Bersinar kerjasama dengan pihak BNN adalah : (1). Membentuk kelompok masyarakat yang peduli dengan desa Bersinar , (2). Proses fasilitasi perencanaan Desa Bersinar, (3). Fasilitasi dalam peningkatan kapasitas kelompok peduli Desa Bersinar, (4). Kegiatan rutin dalam pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba, (5). Tersusunnya prosedur dalam penanganan penyalahgunaan narkoba, (6). Fasilitasi dalam keberlanjutan desa Bersinar (pendekatan benchmarking Desa Bersinar. Adapun kegiatan tambahan yang dilaksanakan adalah melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat ekonomi kreatif untuk meningkatkan kemandirian ekonomi melalui kegiatan pendampingan dan pelatihan enterpereurship dan keterampilan berbagai kerajinan tangan dari limbah plastik, membentuk kelompok usaha masyarakat ekonomi kreatif sebagai upaya mewujudkan kemandirian ekonomi. Program tersebut terlaksana dengan baik, namun masih dibutuhkan kerjasama yang berkelanjutan antara semua pihak yang terkait. Sehingga program tersebut benar-benar mampu menjadikan Desa Tutuwoto sebagai Desa Bersinar dan percontohan untuk Desa lainnya.AbstractIn the effort of community empowerment in the prevention of circulation and abuse in Tutuwoto village, the program of activities carried out began from the formation of a team of anti-drug volunteers, recovery agents and village intelligence, to the assistance of each team's activities in realizing Free Drug Village. In addition, there are several activities that can increase the role and activities of the community to be more productive and have innovation, supporting the economy independently so that it is expected that the community does not have the thought to use drugs in earning income. Based on the results of analysis and assessment in the field formulated program of activities carried out in realizing the shining desan cooperation with the National Narcotic Agency is (1) Forming a community group that cares about the Free Drug Village, (2). The facilitation process of Free Drug Village planning, (3). Facilitation in increasing the capacity of the Free Drugs Village caring group, (4). Routine activities in the prevention of drug abuse, (5). The arrangement of procedures in handling drug abuse, (6). Facilitation in the sustainability of Shining village (Shining Village benchmarking approach). The additional activities carried out are empowering the creative economy community to increase economic independence through mentoring and training activities enterpereurship and skills of various handicrafts from plastic waste, forming a creative economy community business group in an effort to realize economic independence. The program is well implemented, but continued cooperation is needed between all parties concerned. So that the program is really able to make Tutuwoto Village as a Free Drug Village and a pilot for other Villages.  Keywords: Drugs; Free Drug Village; Perderan; Abuse; Creative Economy


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    ABSTRAKMasalah narkoba merupakan permasalahan yang memerlukan penanganan secara serius. Desa Tutuwoto Kecamatan Anggrek menjadi salah satu daerah rawan karena letaknya yang berbatasan langsung dengan Ibu Kota kecamatan dan diapit oleh dua pelabuhan provinsi sehingga sangat rawan untuk kegiatan transaksi narkoba. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah melaksanakan kegiatan kampanye bahaya narkoba, melaksanakan  sosialisasi ke sekolah; dan membentuk satuan tim relawan anti narkoba. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah dengan mengunjungi langsung dari rumah ke rumah, kampanye narkoba, kunjungan sosialisasi ke sekolah serta melaksanakan edukasi dan pengetahuan mengenai narkoba secara langsung oleh tim relawan anti narkoba berdasarkan tupoksi yang ditetapkan dalam Surat keputusan dari Kepala Desa. Berdasarkan hasil kuisioner diperoleh bawa 50% penduduk belum mengetahui tentang narkoba, bahaya narkoba serta praktek yang mengarah ke penyalahgunaan narkoba. Dengan demikian kegiatan ini perlu dicanangkan dalam APDes yang sebelumnya harus diprogramkan dalam RPJMDes. Terdapat 60% masih belum melaksanakan edukasi dan sosilaisasi narkoba di sekolah, ini menggambarkan bahwa sekolah perlu diwajibkan dalam sosialisasi narkoba. Tim Relawan Anti narkoba yang sebagian besar beranggotakan tim dari Karang Taruna, belum maksimal dalam melaksanakan tupoksi karena kesibukan bertani. Kegiatan ini mengevaluasi langsung upaya yang dilakuakan Desa selama ini terhadap Program Pemerintah terkait Desa Bersinar serta upaya kedepannya dalam memperbaiki kekurangan yang ada. Kata kunci: kampanye; sosialisasi; relawan anti narkoba ABSTRACTThe drug problem is a problem that requires serious treatment. Tutuwoto Village of Anggrek Subdistrict becomes one of the vulnerable areas because it is located directly adjacent to the sub-district capital and flanked by two provincial ports so it is very vulnerable for drug transaction activities. The purpose of this activity is to carry out drug harm campaign activities, carry out socialization to schools; and formed a team of anti-drug volunteers. The method of carrying out activities is to visit directly from house to house, drug campaigns, socialization visits to schools and carry out education and knowledge about drugs directly by a team of anti-drug volunteers based on the tasks stipulated in the Decree of the Vilage Government. Based on the results of questionnaires obtained, 50% of the population does not know about drugs, the dangers of drugs and practices that lead to drug abuse. Thus this activity needs to be proclaimed in APDes that previously had to be programmed in RPJMDes. There are 60% still not carrying out drug education and sosilaization in schools, this illustrates that schools need to be required in drug socialization.  The Anti-drug Volunteer Team, which consists mostly of teams from Karang Taruna, has not been maximal in carrying out tasks due to the busyness of farming. This activity directly evaluates the efforts made by the Village so far against the Government Program related to Shining Village and future efforts in fixing existing deficiencies. Keywords campaigns; socialization; anti-drug volunteer