176 research outputs found

    Decision making in reinsurance with induced OWA operators and Minkowski distances

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    The decision to choose a reinsurance program has many complexities because it is difficult to simultaneously achieve high levels in different optimal criteria including maximum gain, minimum variance, and probability of ruin. This article suggests a new method by which, through membership functions, we can measure the distance of each alternative to an optimal result and aggregate it by using different types of aggregations. In this article, particular attention is given to the induced Minkowski ordered weighted averaging distance operator and the induced Minkowski probabilistic ordered weighted averaging distance operator. The main advantage of these operators is that they include a wide range of special cases. Thus, they can adapt efficiently to the specific needs of the calculation processes. By doing so, the reinsurance system can make better decisions by using different scenarios in the uncertain environment considered

    Forgotten effects model in the strategic analysis of media

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    The consumer's appreciation of a means of communication is the result of the aggregation and composition of certain subjective estimates, which are also different in each individual, about some qualities or characteristics that a particular medium is believed to have. One of the main objectives is to find, directly or indirectly, those elements that consumers, whether consciously or unconsciously, seek and want about a means of communication. The purpose is for companies to focus their investments and resources on enhancing those qualities expected by citizens. This can be achieved by implementing actions aimed at influencing the audience in their appreciation of the qualities of the media at different levels. Therefore, we intend to establish mechanisms of causality, through different combinations of cause-effect relationships between the actions or measures to reach the audience, and the characteristics of the media most valued by consumers

    Decision-making processes of non-life insurance pricing using fuzzy logic and OWA operators

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    Setting a commercial premium for an insurance policy is a complex process, even, though statistical tools provide fairly reliable information on the behavior of the frequency and cost of claims differentiated by risk profiles reflected in pure premium calculations. However lately setting the price the customer must pay has not been easy, because of the uncertainty of, having to use subjective criteria to analyze how demand may be affected by different price alternatives and economic situations. This article aims to develop this process in two stages. The first stage is carried out with the opinion of experts applied to uncertain numbers and Ordered Weighted Average (OWA) operators to assess the overall benefits of each profile to choose the best alternative. The second stage, which uses Heavy OWA (HOWA) operators, is based on the results obtained in the first stage and chooses a general price alternative for all profiles

    Effects of psychological intervention in memory, learning ability and executive function of a young-adult with OCD

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    En las últimas décadas los estudios neuropsicológicos han hallado déficit para atención, memoria y función ejecutiva en sujetos con trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo. Del mismo, modo la literatura ha descrito los tratamientos más eficaces para disminuir la sintomatología obsesiva. Se han evidenciado cambios en el cerebro tras un tratamiento psicológico en el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo. En el presente estudio se evalúan los procesos neuropsicológicos y la sintomatología obsesivo-compulsiva tras seis meses de intervención psicológica en un joven-adulto con trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo. Los resultados muestran una mejora de los procesos cognitivos como la memoria verbal a corto y largo plazo, capacidad de aprendizaje, así como la función ejecutiva. Conclusiones: Este estudio obtiene resultados sobre los efectos de la intervención psicológica en los procesos neuropsicológicos. Futuros estudios deben incluir una muestra mayor de sujetos para ver los efectos neuropsicológicos de los diferentes tratamientos a largo plazo.In recent decades, studies have found neuropsychological deficit in attention, memory and executive function in subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The same way the literature has described the most effective treatments to reduce obsessive symptoms. They have shown changes in the brain after a psychological treatment in obsessive-compulsive disorder. In the present study the neuropsychological processes and obsessive-compulsive symptoms after six months of psychological intervention in a young adult with obsessive-compulsive disorder are evaluated. The results show an improvement in cognitive processes such as verbal short and long term, learning ability and executive function memory. Conclusions: This study obtained results on the effects of psychological intervention on neuropsychological processes. Future studies should include a larger sample of subjects to see the neuropsychological effects of different treatments over time

    Nuevos registros de palomillas (Sphingidae y Erebidae) para el estado de Puebla

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    From the review of specimens deposited in scientific collections we report a new record of Sphingidae and three of Erebidae (Lepidoptera) for the state of Puebla. Records come from collections carried out mainly in the northern part of the state and contribute to increase the knowledge of insect groups poorly evaluated.A partir de la revisión de especímenes depositados en colecciones científicas, reportamos un nuevo registro de Sphingidae y tres de Erebidae (Lepidoptera) para el estado de Puebla. Los registros provienen de colectas realizadas en la parte norte del estado y contribuyen a incrementar el conocimiento de grupos de insectos

    Ciclo de conferencias destinada a los alumnos del MBA-UCM: La Dirección de Recursos Humanos vista desde la perspectiva de los responsables y profesionales en la empresa

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    El proyecto INNOVA-Docencia titulado “Ciclo de conferencias destinado a los alumnos del MBA-UCM: La Dirección de Recursos Humanos vista desde la perspectiva de los responsables y profesionales en la empresa” ha pretendido que los alumnos del Máster en Administración y Dirección de Empresas conozcan de primera mano qué se hace en las empresas en materia de Dirección de Recursos Humanos, gracias a la participación de varios profesionales y responsables de esta área. Además, ha servido para que los alumnos ampliaran su red de contactos de cara a su desarrollo profesional

    Gender equality index of the autonomous communities of Spain: a multidimensional analysis

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    The main aim of this document is to establish a diagnosis of inequality between men and women in the autonomous communities of Spain. This study proposes a multidimensional methodology composed of 25 variables and classifies them in four dimensions: education, labor market, social conditions, and empowerment, using the subjective preference model to determine the weight of each variable. Then the four dimensions are added with equal weight to obtain a general indicator for each of the autonomous communities. Therefore, this study presents an adequate diagnosis that allows comparing the gender gap for each of the autonomous communities in any of the different issues raised: both in every dimension and at a general level. The final goal is to establish a methodological reference framework to estimate how gender equality benefits the regional economy. This estimation will be done in our next research

    Virtual visits as an alternative approach to learn urban and architectural heritage preservation during lockdown

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    Among the challenges faced at the university, during the lockdown from mid-March 2020, it was the need to give continuity to the learning of subjects that involve a direct approach to cultural property. In "Architectural History, Theory and Composition 3 - Rehabilitation", undergraduated students of the University of Seville’s Degree studies of Fundamentals in Architecture and teachers have practiced new ways of distance learning. Traditionally, reading and consulting materials are provided in digital formats (catalogues and urban plans, publications on buildings, urban history, cartography). Complementary, the visits of immersion in the heritage reality are especially productive in academic terms. Buildings, spaces, and urban perceptions are identified, so that students develop ways of seeing and recognize their complexity. The social, cultural, artistic, archaeological, landscape dimension prepares preservation or rehabilitation practices. This includes a visit to a qualified sector of the historic centre of Seville. This experience was initially planned to be onsite but due to the pandemic became virtual. The possibilities offered by the digital resources resulted in deeper approaches to other features of cultural property that were not frequently repaired by Architecture students


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    A partir de las definiciones de zootecnia, calendario y flujo, el presente trabajo propone un nuevo concepto (“calendario de flujo zootécnico”) y visualiza una herramienta para el pronóstico de la conformación de los rebaños de animales domésticos productivos, cuya utilidad se centra en la gestión de los sistemas de producción. La herramienta se puede usar por zootecnistas, médicos veterinarios y productores para la gestión (diseño, organización, planificación y control) de rebaños establecidos, así como de nuevos sistemas de producción. Adicionalmente, se puede vincular a otras herramientas de cálculo, utilizadas en los rebaños, como por ejemplo, el balance alimentario y forrajero, posibilitando planificar también las entradas y salidas de recursos y productos en el sistema y de esta forma complementar los cálculos económicos, lo que contribuye a inferir la rentabilidad y sostenibilidad de los sistemas de producción. La herramienta en particular y este trabajo en general, se pueden usar con fines didácticos en la formación de habilidades en cálculos zootécnicos de estudiantes de pregrado en carreras afines con la producción anima

    Automated system for the follow-up and control of the pregnant woman

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    Introduction: The highest work organization, which is indispensable for development, is only achieved with the introduction of automated techniques that allow the necessary efficiency in the management of high volumes of information. Objective: To make a proposal of an automated system for the control and follow-up of the pregnant woman of the Maternal-Infantile Care Program. Material and Methods:  A technological innovation research, which consisted on the design of an automated system for the control and follow-up of the pregnant woman was conducted.  Also, an analysis of the computing tools available for the implementation of the system was carried out, as well as a study of the appropriate ones in accordance with the system objective, and the characteristics of the staff in charge of its implementation and use. Information and tabulation tools and formulas that the Microsoft Excel 2013 offers, were used.  A very simple interphase, quite user-friendly and easy handling, was used for the design. Results: The present system is proposed; whose main characteristic is the simplicity of its use.  It contributes to organize and facilitate the information processing for the control and follow-up of the pregnant woman in the health care area. Conclusions: The proposal of the automated system that facilitates the control and follow-up of the pregnant woman in the health care area is analyzed.Keywords:automated system, Maternal-Infantile Care Program, control and follow-up of the pregnant woman, data analysis.</p