161 research outputs found

    Performance and enhancement for HD videoconference environment

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    In this work proposed here is framed in the project of research V3 (Video, Videoconference, and Visualization) of the Foundation i2CAT, that has for final goal to design and development of a platform of video, videoconference and independent visualization of resolution in high and super though inside new generation IP networks. i2CAT Foundation uses free software for achieving its goals. UltraGrid for the transmission of HD video is used and SAGE is used for distributed visualization among multiple monitors. The equipment used for management (capturing, sending, visualization, etc) of the high definition stream of work environment it has to be optimized so that all the disposable resources can be used, in order to improve the quality and stability of the platform. We are speaking about the treatment of datum flows of more of 1 Gbps with raw formats, so that the optimization of the use of the disposable resources of a system is given back a need. In this project it is evaluated the requirements for the high definition streams without compressing and a study of the current platform is carried out, in order to extract the functional requirements that an optimum system has to have to work in the best conditions. From this extracted information, a series of systems tests are carried out in order to improve the performance, from level of network until level of application. Different distributions of the Linux operating system have been proved in order to evaluate their performance. These are Debian 4 and openSUSE 10.3. The creation of a system from sources of software has also been proved in order to optimize its code in the compilation. It has been carried out with the help of Linux From Scratch project. It has also been tried to use systems Real Time (RT) with the distributions used. It offers more stability in the stream frame rate. Once operating systems has been test, it has proved different compilers in order to evaluate their efficiency. The GCC and the Intel C++ Compilers have proved, this second with more satisfactory results. Finally a Live CD has been carried out in order to include all the possible improvements in a system of easy distribution

    Development and implementation of a monitoring system for PRRSV status classification and study of the PRRSV stability on production parameters in Spanish breeding herds

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    Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is an endemic swine disease causing significant production and economic losses. Knowledge of PRRS epidemiology at breeding farms is crucial to develop control strategies against this disease. In that regard, classifying breeding herds according to PRRS virus (PRRSV) status provides great applied knowledge for developing disease control programs and to evaluate the production impact of PRRSV infection in breeding sows. The aim of this study was to establish a systematic monitoring program for PRRSV in Spanish sow farms and to evaluate the production differences between stable and unstable breeding herds. Thirty-five breeding herds belonging to a large integrated Spanish group were classified according to a standardized PRRSV infection status using sampling programs and terminology currently adopted in the United States swine industry, during a one-year study period (February 2017-March 2018). Differences in abortions (ABTHS), born-alive piglet (BAR) and pre-weaning mortality (PWMR) rates and in the number of weaned piglets/1000 sows (WPTHS) between unstable and stable farms were evaluated using a general linear mixed model on a weekly basis. According to monitoring, 15 farms achieved a stable PRRSV status after the first 4 consecutive samplings and 20 farms were classified as unstable. One of the farms maintained a stable status throughout the whole monitoring period. Among the 20 farms classified as unstable at the beginning of the monitoring protocol, 9 farms never reached the stable status and 11 farms reached stable status afterwards during the monitoring period. Regarding production differences between PRRSV farm status, significant improvement due to the achievement of PRRSV stability were observed on BAR (+1.08%), PWMR (-0.95) and WPTHS (+25.2). On a yearly basis, PRRSV stabilization would represent an increase of 1.3 piglets/sow/year. Systematic monitoring for PRRSV in breeding herds established a basis of knowledge of PRRSV epidemiology at the farm level and provided key data to classify farms according to PRRSV status. This classification allows veterinarians and producers to evaluate the production productivity benefit of the achievement of PRRSV stability in breeding herds

    Un análisis comparado de las desigualades de acceso a la Universidad en Argentina, España y México en 2013

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    El presente artículo trata de aportar nuevas evidencias al estudio de los factores estructurales y decisionales que inciden en el acceso a la educación universitaria en un análisis comparado entre Argentina, España y México. Se aplican dos modelos de análisis diferentes, uno de tipo estructural de distribución de las oportunidades de llegar a la universidad de los jóvenes y otro de tipo decisional sobre los elementos que influyen en esta elección educativa concreta. Partimos de tres fuentes de datos distintas aunque de características comparables al tratarse de encuestas nacionales que siguen la evolución del mercado de trabajo (EPH, EPA, ENOE). Aplicamos un análisis bivariable y de regresión logística usando el acceso a la universidad de los jóvenes de 20 a 24 años como variable dependiente. Los resultados para 2013 siguen demostrando la importancia de los factores estructurales en las oportunidades de acceder a la universidad, como la clase social o el sexo. Sin embargo, el hecho que en Argentina la universidad no implique un coste directo, al ser gratuita, y al mismo tiempo sea de acceso irrestricto, tiene un impacto central en la distribución de oportunidades y acentúa los factores culturales y motivacionales más allá de las limitaciones económicas de los individuos. El presente artículo trata de aportar nuevas evidencias al estudio de los factores estructurales y decisionales que inciden en el acceso a la educación universitaria en un análisis comparado entre Argentina, España y México. Se aplican dos modelos de análisis diferentes, uno de tipo estructural de distribución de las oportunidades de llegar a la universidad de los jóvenes y otro de tipo decisional sobre los elementos que influyen en esta elección educativa concreta. Partimos de tres fuentes de datos distintas aunque de características comparables al tratarse de encuestas nacionales que siguen la evolución del mercado de trabajo (EPH, EPA, ENOE). Aplicamos un análisis bivariable y de regresión logística usando el acceso a la universidad de los jóvenes de 20 a 24 años como variable dependiente. Los resultados para 2013 siguen demostrando la importancia de los factores estructurales en las oportunidades de acceder a la universidad, como la clase social o el sexo. Sin embargo, el hecho que en Argentina la universidad no implique un coste directo, al ser gratuita, y al mismo tiempo de acceso irrestricto, tiene un doble impacto: en primer lugar influye en la distribución de oportunidades y acentúa los factores culturales y motivacionales más allá de las limitaciones económicas de los individuos, y en segundo lugar, tomando en cuenta que los costos son menores que en otros países, sigue teniendo tasas de acceso relativamente bajas

    Performance and enhancement for HD videoconference environment

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    In this work proposed here is framed in the project of research V3 (Video, Videoconference, and Visualization) of the Foundation i2CAT, that has for final goal to design and development of a platform of video, videoconference and independent visualization of resolution in high and super though inside new generation IP networks. i2CAT Foundation uses free software for achieving its goals. UltraGrid for the transmission of HD video is used and SAGE is used for distributed visualization among multiple monitors. The equipment used for management (capturing, sending, visualization, etc) of the high definition stream of work environment it has to be optimized so that all the disposable resources can be used, in order to improve the quality and stability of the platform. We are speaking about the treatment of datum flows of more of 1 Gbps with raw formats, so that the optimization of the use of the disposable resources of a system is given back a need. In this project it is evaluated the requirements for the high definition streams without compressing and a study of the current platform is carried out, in order to extract the functional requirements that an optimum system has to have to work in the best conditions. From this extracted information, a series of systems tests are carried out in order to improve the performance, from level of network until level of application. Different distributions of the Linux operating system have been proved in order to evaluate their performance. These are Debian 4 and openSUSE 10.3. The creation of a system from sources of software has also been proved in order to optimize its code in the compilation. It has been carried out with the help of Linux From Scratch project. It has also been tried to use systems Real Time (RT) with the distributions used. It offers more stability in the stream frame rate. Once operating systems has been test, it has proved different compilers in order to evaluate their efficiency. The GCC and the Intel C++ Compilers have proved, this second with more satisfactory results. Finally a Live CD has been carried out in order to include all the possible improvements in a system of easy distribution

    Open source traffic analyzer

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    Proper traffic analysis is crucial for the development of network systems, services and protocols. Traffic analysis equipment is often based on costly dedicated hardware, and uses proprietary software for traffic generation and analysis. The recent advances in open source packet processing, with the potential of generating and receiving packets using a regular Linux computer at 10 Gb/s speed, opens up very interesting possibilities in terms of implementing a traffic analysis system based on open-source Linux. The pktgen software package for Linux is a popular tool in the networking community for generating traffic loads for network experiments. Pktgen is a high-speed packet generator, running in the Linux kernel very close to the hardware, thereby making it possible to generate packets with very little processing overhead. The packet generation can be controlled through a user interface with respect to packet size, IP and MAC addresses, port numbers, inter-packet delay, and so on. Pktgen was originally designed with the main goal of generating packets at very high rate. However, when it comes to support for traffic analysis, pktgen has several limitations. One of the most important characteristics of a packet generator is the ability to generate traffic at a specified rate. Pktgen can only do this indirectly, by inserting delays between packets. Moreover, the timer granularity prevents precise control of the transmission rate, something which severely reduces pktgen's usefulness as an analysis tool. Furthermore, pktgen lacks support for receiveside analysis and statistics generation. This is a key issue in order to convert pktgen into a useful network analyser tool. In this paper, improvements to pktgen are proposed, designed, implemented and evaluated, with the goal of evolving pktgen into a complete and efficient network analysis tool. The rate control is significantly improved, increasing the resolution and improving the usability by making it possible to specify exactly the sending rate. A receive-side tool is designed and implemented with support for measurement of number of packets, throughput, inter-arrival time, jitter and latency. The design of the receiver takes advantage of SMP systems and new features on modern network cards, in particular support for multiple receive queues and CPU scheduling. This makes it possible to use multiple CPUs to parallelize the work, improving the overall capacity of the traffic analyser. A significant part of the work has been spent on investigating low-level details of Linux networking. From this work we draw some general conclusions related to high speed packet processing in SMP systems. In particular, we study how the packet processing capacity per CPU depends on the number of CPUs. This work consists of minimal set of kernel patches to pktgen

    Implementation of PRRSV status classification system in swine breeding herds from a large integrated group in Spain

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    Background: Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is an endemic swine disease causing significant productive and economic losses. Knowledge of PRRS epidemiology is crucial to develop control strategies against this disease. In that regard, classifying farms according to PRRS virus (PRRSV) shedding and exposure, and understanding key drivers of change in status over time, provides great applied knowledge for developing disease control programs. In most European countries, PRRSV monitoring is performed most frequently at the individual farm level although criteria selected for monitoring varies among different regions and farms. The aim of this study was to implement a systematic monitoring program for PRRSV in Spanish sow farms. Breeding herds were classified according to a standardized PRRSV infection status using sampling programs and terminology currently adopted in the United States (US), which allowed an evaluation of PRRSV epidemiology in a large integrated Spanish group during a one-year study period (February 2017–March 2018). Results: Fifteen farms achieved a stable PRRSV status after the first 4 consecutive samplings and 20 farms were classified as unstable. One of the farms maintained a stable status throughout the duration of the whole monitoring period. Among the 20 farms classified as unstable at the beginning of the monitoring protocol, 9 farms (45%) never reached the stable status and 11 farms (55%) reached stable status afterwards during the monitoring study period. From PRRSV PCR positive pools, there were 47 different PRRSV nucleotide sequences from 24 different farms. More than one PRRSV sequence was obtained from 15 farms. In the farms with more than one sequence detected, we observed recirculation of the same PRRSV field strain in 7 farms and introduction of a different PRRSV strain in 5 farms and both events in 3 farms. Conclusions: Systematic monitoring for PRRSV in breeding herds established a basis of knowledge of PRRSV epidemiology at the farm level and provided key data to classify farms according to PRRSV exposure and shedding status. These data allow further evaluation of the impact of the PRRSV farm status on production and economic performance in breeding herds and additional investigation of factors related to PRRSV epidemiology

    Proceso de análisis y formulación de la estrategia para un instituto de enseñanza secundaria.

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    El presente documento interno de trabajo incluye un plan estratégico completo para el IES Terrassa, donde se detalla la delimitación del entorno sectorial, un análisis externo desarrollado por el modelo de las 5 fuerzas competitivas, un análisis interno desarrollado por el enfoque de recursos y capacidades y, finalmente, la propuesta para el diseño de la estrategia del centro

    Influence of the interpellet space to the Instant Release Fraction determination of a commercial UO2 Boiling Water Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel

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    The contact of the coolant with the fuel pin during irradiation produces a gradient of temperature in the fuel pellet that segregates the radionuclides (RN) depending on its volatility and reactivity. This segregation determines the Instant Release Fraction (IRF), an important source of radiological risk in the performance assessment (PA) of a Deep Geologic Repository (DGR). RN segregation was studied radially in previous papers. In the present work, it was studied axially, taking into special consideration the cutting position of the solid sample to be studied. Iodine and caesium were the RN with the highest release, while the contribution of rubidium, strontium, molybdenum and technetium to the IRF depended on their chemical state. The interpellet presence (known also as dishing) effect was clearly observed for caesium, increasing its release by one order of magnitude. According to these results, one of the major contributions to the IRF comes from the RN trapped in the dishing and has to be considered in the sampling and data interpretation that will be performed for the PA of the DGR.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Un análisis comparado de las desigualdades de acceso a la universidad en Argentina, España y México en 2013

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    This paper attempts to provide new evidences to the study of structural and decisional factors affecting access to higher education in a comparative perspective among Argentina, Spain and Mexico. Two different models of analysis are tested: a structural distribution of opportunities to access to university, and a decisional model applied on the elements that influence this particular educational choice. We get data from three different but comparable sources that follow the evolution of the labor market (EPH, EPA, ENOE surveys). We applied a bivariate and a logistic regression using the access of youth between 20 to 24 years old as dependent variable. The results for 2013 continue demonstrating the importance of structural factors in opportunities for access to the university, such as social class or gender. However, the fact that in Argentina the university does not involve a direct economic cost, is free and have unrestricted access, has a double impact: first influences the distribution of opportunities and enhances the cultural and motivational factors beyond the economic constraints of individuals, and secondly, given that the costs are lower than in other countries, access rates still are relatively low.El presente artículo trata de aportar nuevas evidencias al estudio de los factores estructurales y decisionales que inciden en el acceso a la educación universitaria en un análisis comparado entre Argentina, España y México. Se aplican dos modelos de análisis diferentes, uno de tipo estructural de distribución de las oportunidades de llegar a la universidad de los jóvenes y otro de tipo decisional sobre los elementos que influyen en esta elección educativa concreta. Partimos de tres fuentes de datos distintas aunque de características comparables al tratarse de encuestas nacionales que siguen la evolución del mercado de trabajo (EPH, EPA, ENOE). Aplicamos un análisis bivariable y de regresión logística usando el acceso a la universidad de los jóvenes de 20 a 24 años como variable dependiente. Los resultados para 2013 siguen demostrando la importancia de los factores estructurales en las oportunidades de acceder a la universidad, como la clase social o el sexo. Sin embargo, el hecho que en Argentina la universidad no implique un coste directo, al ser gratuita, y al mismo tiempo sea de acceso irrestricto, tiene un impacto central en la distribución de oportunidades y acentúa los factores culturales y motivacionales más allá de las limitaciones económicas de los individuos. El presente artículo trata de aportar nuevas evidencias al estudio de los factores estructurales y decisionales que inciden en el acceso a la educación universitaria en un análisis comparado entre Argentina, España y México. Se aplican dos modelos de análisis diferentes, uno de tipo estructural de distribución de las oportunidades de llegar a la universidad de los jóvenes y otro de tipo decisional sobre los elementos que influyen en esta elección educativa concreta. Partimos de tres fuentes de datos distintas aunque de características comparables al tratarse de encuestas nacionales que siguen la evolución del mercado de trabajo (EPH, EPA, ENOE). Aplicamos un análisis bivariable y de regresión logística usando el acceso a la universidad de los jóvenes de 20 a 24 años como variable dependiente. Los resultados para 2013 siguen demostrando la importancia de los factores estructurales en las oportunidades de acceder a la universidad, como la clase social o el sexo. Sin embargo, el hecho que en Argentina la universidad no implique un coste directo, al ser gratuita, y al mismo tiempo de acceso irrestricto, tiene un doble impacto: en primer lugar influye en la distribución de oportunidades y acentúa los factores culturales y motivacionales más allá de las limitaciones económicas de los individuos, y en segundo lugar, tomando en cuenta que los costos son menores que en otros países, sigue teniendo tasas de acceso relativamente bajas