11 research outputs found

    Mandibular Gömülü Süt Azı Dişi: Vaka Raporu

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    Sürme yaşı tamamlandığı halde oklüzyonda yerini alamamış, kemik ve /veya yumuşak doku içerisinde kısmen ya da tamamen kalmış dişler gömülü dişler olarak adlandırılır. Çok çeşitli faktörlere bağlı olarak en sık gömülü kalan daimi dişler alt 3. büyük azı, üst kanin, üst 3. büyük azı, alt kaninler ve küçük azı dişlerdir. Süt dişlerinin gömülü kalması ise nadir görülen bir durumdur. Bu dişlerin teşhisi, klinik ve radyolojik incelemelerle yapılmaktadır. Gömülü kalan süt dişlerinin tedavisinde kullanılan yöntemlerle daimi dişlenmede oluşabilecek problemlerin ortadan kaldırılması amaçlanmaktadır. Sunulan vaka raporunda, mandibular süt birinci azı dişi gömük olan bir olgu bildirilmiştir

    Effect of Royal Jelly on new bone formation in rapid maxillary expansion in rats

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of long and short term systemic usage of royal jelly on bone formation in the expanded maxillary suture in a rat model. Material and Methods: Twenty eight Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into 4 equal groups: Control (C); Only Expansion (OE), Royal Jelly (RJ) group, Royal Jelly was given to rats by oral gavage only during the expansion and retention period; Royal Jelly plus Nursery (RJN) group, Royal Jelly was given to rats by oral gavage during their nursery phase of 40 days and during the retention period. After the 5 day expansion period was completed, the rats underwent 12 days of mechanical retention. All rats were sacrificed in same time. Histological examination was performed to determine the number of osteoclasts, number of osteoblasts, number of capillaries, inflammatory cell infiltration, and new bone formation. Results: New bone formation, number of osteoclasts, number of osteoblasts, and the number of capillaries in the expanded maxillary sutures were higher in the RJ and RJN groups than in the other groups. Statistical analysis also demonstrated that new bone formation and the number of osteoblasts was also highest in the RJN group. Conclusions: The systemic administration of Royal Jelly in conjunction with rapid maxillary expansion may increase the quality of regenerated bone

    Closure of Oronasal Fistula by Palatal Rotational Flap: Case Report with Two Years follow-up

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    Background/Aim: Hard palate fistulas are due to pathologies such as noma, syphilitic gom, leprosy, leishmaniasis, radiotherapy, removal of cysts or tumors of the sinus or palate, trauma or tooth attraction. Symptoms of palatal fistulas include hypernasality in the phonation due to nasal air escape during a speech, nasal cavity fluid flow, and infection due to food accumulation. Surgical repair of palatal perforations is technically difficult and complicated. Different surgical methods can be used depending on the size and location of the defect. Among these techniques, the locoregional flap types used are palatal flap, nasolabial flap, a buccal fat pad and tongue flap

    Isolated oligodontia in monozygotic twins

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    This case report defines a case of isolated oligodontia of 9 and 10 permanent teeth in 9-year-old monozygotic twin sisters and gives information about the possible genetic and environmental etiology, related dental anomalies and treatment options. The twins have a negative family history of hypodontia and oligodontia in their parents, as well as their paternal and maternal grandmothers and first cousins. No other dental anomalies could be detected in either of the twins. With the occurrence of similarly located tooth agenesis, except for one tooth, in monozygotic twins, one may consider the influence of genetic and/or environmental factors in their etiology. Hereditary relationships associated with oligodontia could help the clinicians to predict the possibility of its occurrence in other family members and in the next generations. However, clinicians should consider oligodontia when it is not hereditary

    SEMENTO-OSSİFİYE FİBROMA: OLGU RAPORU [Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma: Case Report]

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    ÖZET Fibro-osseöz lezyonlar, kemiğin fibröz bağ dokusu ile yer değiştirmesi ile karakterize lezyonlardır. Semento-ossifiye fibroma, genellikle mandibulada ortaya çıkan benign fibro-osseöz bir lezyondur. On yedi yaşındaki bayan hasta mandibula sağ molar bölgesindeki ağrı ve şişlik şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Klinik, radyografik ve histopatolojik bulgulara dayanarak semento-ossifiye fibroma tanısı konuldu. Anahtar kelimeler: Fibro-osseöz Lezyon, Semento-ossifiye Fibroma, Mandibula, Rekkürens ABSTRACT Fibro-osseous lesions are characterized by the replacement of bone by a benign connective tissue matrix. Cemento-ossifying fibroma is a benign fibro-osseous lesion that occurs mostly in mandible. A 17-year-old woman was referred to our clinic with a complaint of pain and swelling in the right molar region. Based on clinical, radiographic and histopathological evaluation the diagnosis was concluded as cemento-ossifying fibroma. Keywords: Fibro-osseous Lesion, Cemento-ossifying Fibroma, Mandible, Recurrenc

    Effect of Royal Jelly on new bone formation in rapid maxillary expansion in rats

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    Abstract Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of long and short term systemic usage of royal jelly on bone formation in the expanded maxillary suture in a rat model. Material and Methods: Twenty eight Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into 4 equal groups: Control (C); Only Expansion (OE), Royal Jelly (RJ) group, Royal Jelly was given to rats by oral gavage only during the expansion and retention period; Royal Jelly plus Nursery (RJN) group, Royal Jelly was given to rats by oral gavage during their nursery phase of 40 days and during the retention period. After the 5 day expansion period was completed, the rats underwent 12 days of mechanical retention. All rats were sacrificed in same time. Histological examination was performed to determine the number of osteoclasts, number of osteoblasts, number of capillaries, inflammatory cell infiltration, and new bone formation. Results: New bone formation, number of osteoclasts, number of osteoblasts, and the number of capillaries in the expanded maxillary sutures were higher in the RJ and RJN groups than in the other groups. Statistical analysis also demonstrated that new bone formation and the number of osteoblasts was also highest in the RJN group. Conclusions: The systemic administration of Royal Jelly in conjunction with rapid maxillary expansion may increase the quality of regenerated bone