54 research outputs found

    New Religious Authority of Islamic Millennial: A Study of Rohis Community in Medan City

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    Teenagers, or today mostly known as millennial generation, is transition phase from the child to the adult category. They look for identity through various activities such as Rohis community. This research focuses on how Rohis community of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) in Medan city determines religious authority. The study also discusses how this spiritual community organized the group, built the network strategy, strengthened solidarity, and constructed an Islamic identity. The object of research is Muslim millennial generations who are member of Rohis of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri. This study results in a fact that this group does not follow the conventional religious authority but populism. The culture of populism with gadget as part of the life style including social media applications has constructed the spiritual identity especially in choosing and sorting out religious teachings to practice. The religious authority shifted form conventional to a new determining power, such as to determine patterns, shapes, styles and ways of practicing Islamic teachings. Their religiosity suggests symbolic identities, such as dressing, religious rituals and Islamic jargon can recognize among teenagers in the public sphere. Referring to the revealed they can be identified as groups inclined to the "culture of Wahabism". Culture "New Wahabism" is appearing in a new form in strengthening the network of “da'wah” through social media

    Analisi kebijakan pemerintah kolonial Belanda terhadap pendidikan islam

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    Kedatangan Belanda sebagai penjajah ke Nusantara, Indonesia banyak membawa perubahan dalam segala sistem yang sudah ada, khususnya bagi masyarakat muslim yang dulu pernah ada dalam kerajaan-kerajaan muslim yang kuat. Pada saat daerah nusantara sudah dikuasai penjajah kolonial maka banyak kebijakan yang diterapkannya baik dari segi politik, sosial maupun ekonomi yang agak berbeda dengan sebelumnya. Kebijakan-kebijakan tersebut pada masanya berdampak pada kebijakan pendidikan yang diatur kemudian oleh Belanda, termasuk dari gurunya, materi yang disampaikan sampai, sarana-prasana yang mendukung proses pembelajaran tersebut dan lain-lain. Bahkan Kebijakan pada pendirian sekolah agamapun diatur yang semuanya diharapkan tidak mengganggu pada aturan yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Belanda. Sehingga penganalisaan terhadap kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah Belanda selama mereka menjajah di Indonesia ternyata banyak yang merugikan ummat Islam. Sebagai contoh banyak tamatan-tamatan dari sekolah agama tidak diterima, kemudian guru-guru agama yang dimarginalkan bahkan materinya harus dapat izin dari pemerintahan Belanda, setiap proses pembelajarannya selalu diamati karena dikhawatirkan terjadinya pemberontakan. Hal ini menjadikan pendidikan Islam kurang leluasa dan sulit berkembang. Walaupun demikian usaha untuk terus memperjuangkan dan mempertahankan pendidikan Islam diwujudkan terus dengan mendirikan beberapa lembaga pendidikan seperti pesantren maupun madrasah. Materi-materi di Madrasah digandakan dengan pembelajaran agama dan umum, agar siswanya dapat diterima dikalangan kepemerintahan Belanda pada waktu itu

    Latar Belakang dan bentuk modernisasi pendidikan islam di Turki

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    Discussion modernization of Islamic education in Turkey is not new. The number of outstanding writings on the history of Turkey in every perspective, making the specificity of this article on the history of education who was born in Turkey. but search as educational activities conducted in Turkey showed the modernization of education in Turkey has a long history of the birth of modernization for other Muslim countries that pay attention to education. Based on this paper it is peeled, in order to explore the background of the emergence of modernization of education in Turkey. It is to find forms modernization as undertaken in the field of education. Then the birth of modernization of education is the impact of the circumstances that occurred in the system of social, political and economic residing in Turkey. Factors European expansion, rigid bureaucratic system, the progress of European nations into the peak of social change in Turkish society, giving rise Modernization of Education. As a result, emerging policies and orientation that brings progress for Turkey in any time and future exchanges. The education modernization is models of schools established by the government and the public to use the curriculum applied in schools. The treatment is done by adding modern science, let the religious sciences in position, and to disappear and then reappear and eventually integrate scientific religion with modern science is a progressive action in advancing education. Education in the form of modernization of Turkey is starting in the 18th century, continued in the 19th century until the 20th century by the way; The establishment of schools, community empowerment, curriculum development, and the liberation rasionalisasi in Turke

    Analysis of Interpersonal Communication Patterns of Love Scams Mode on Social Media in Female Students in Medan City

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    One of the modes that takes the most victims, especially women, is love scams. This mode is to find a mate in cyberspace. People who don't have a soul mate or who are lonely try to find a partner through the internet. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of interpersonal communication mode love scams on social media in UIN North Sumatra students. This research covers various issues such as the formulation of the problem, namely, how the mode of love scams on social media among female students can occur. To answer these problems thoroughly and deeply. The research method used is qualitative content analysis using Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Models consisting of impersonal, interpersonal and hyperpersonal. The study concluded that all three patterns are established in love scam cases. Analysis of this study will be conducted interviews with several sources and observations which will then be verified so that the research is relevant. The results of this study show that often interpersonal communication carried out via social media can create self-disclosure (self-disclosure) which creates high trust between one party which can lead to the occurrence of love scammers. Research contributions based on technological developments that continue to grow and become more sophisticated will also bring greater dangers, one of which is cyber crime, although the number of cases of cybercrime victims is very high, but only a few people dare to report. This is due to the lack of a supervisory system and law in our country, therefore users are required to be good at maintaining personal privacy to avoid crime on social media

    Latar Belakang Dan Bentuk Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam Di Turki

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    Discussion modernization of Islamic education in Turkey is not new. The number of outstanding writings on the history of Turkey in every perspective, making the specificity of this article on the history of education who was born in Turkey. but search as educational activities conducted in Turkey showed the modernization of education in Turkey has a long history of the birth of modernization for other Muslim countries that pay attention to education. Based on this paper it is peeled, in order to explore the background of the emergence of modernization of education in Turkey. It is to find forms modernization as undertaken in the field of education. Then the birth of modernization of education is the impact of the circumstances that occurred in the system of social, political and economic residing in Turkey. Factors European expansion, rigid bureaucratic system, the progress of European nations into the peak of social change in Turkish society, giving rise Modernization of Education. As a result, emerging policies and orientation that brings progress for Turkey in any time and future exchanges. The education modernization is models of schools established by the government and the public to use the curriculum applied in schools. The treatment is done by adding modern science, let the religious sciences in position, and to disappear and then reappear and eventually integrate scientific religion with modern science is a progressive action in advancing education. Education in the form of modernization of Turkey is starting in the 18th century, continued in the 19th century until the 20th century by the way; The establishment of schools, community empowerment, curriculum development, and the liberation rasionalisasi in Turke


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    Kedatangan Belanda sebagai penjajah ke Nusantara, Indonesia banyak membawa perubahan dalam segala sistem yang sudah ada, khususnya bagi masyarakat muslim yang dulu pernah ada dalam kerajaan-kerajaan muslim yang kuat. Pada saat daerah nusantara sudah dikuasai penjajah kolonial maka banyak kebijakan yang diterapkannya baik dari segi politik, sosial maupun ekonomi yang agak berbeda dengan sebelumnya. Kebijakan-kebijakan tersebut pada masanya berdampak pada kebijakan pendidikan yang diatur kemudian oleh Belanda, termasuk dari gurunya, materi yang disampaikan sampai, sarana-prasana yang mendukung proses pembelajaran tersebut dan lain-lain. Bahkan Kebijakan pada pendirian sekolah agamapun diatur yang semuanya diharapkan tidak mengganggu pada aturan yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Belanda. Sehingga penganalisaan terhadap kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah Belanda selama mereka menjajah di Indonesia ternyata banyak yang merugikan ummat Islam. Sebagai contoh banyak tamatan-tamatan dari sekolah agama tidak diterima, kemudian guru-guru agama yang dimarginalkan bahkan materinya harus dapat izin dari pemerintahan Belanda, setiap proses pembelajarannya selalu diamati karena dikhawatirkan terjadinya pemberontakan. Hal ini menjadikan pendidikan Islam kurang leluasa dan sulit berkembang. Walaupun demikian usaha untuk terus memperjuangkan dan mempertahankan pendidikan Islam diwujudkan terus dengan mendirikan beberapa lembaga pendidikan seperti pesantren maupun madrasah. Materi-materi di Madrasah digandakan dengan pembelajaran agama dan umum, agar siswanya dapat diterima dikalangan kepemerintahan Belanda pada waktu itu


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    Abstract: After the declaration as a 2024 presidential candidate by one of the parties, Anies Baswedan's name became inseparable from the media spotlight and even became a public discussion. Anies' presence which is in the spotlight from various media can shape Anies' political image which cannot be separated from the role of the media in constructing news discourse. Image is the impression that someone has of something, in this case a political figure. The purpose of this research is to find out how CNNIndonesia.com's framing affects Anies Baswedan's political image after his declaration as a presidential candidate for 2024. The analytical method used is a qualitative approach using Robert N. Entman's framing analysis technique with the object of analysis in six news stories from 3-8 October 2022 on CNNIndonesia .com. The results obtained from this study show that, first of all, Anies' image is constructed as a leader who must focus on his position and work. The second news framing Anies' positive image as a leader who is able to carry out two mandates at once and not shirk responsibility. The third news framing Anies as a leader who is clean, honest and wise in dealing with problems. The fourth news framing Anies as a populist leader. The fifth news framing Anies as a political figure who still lacks support. The sixth news, framing Anies' image as a leader who is clean from corruption cases.   Keywords: Frame Analysis, Image, Anies Baswedan, Cnnindonesia.Co

    Konsep Mindmap Sebagai Inovasi Pembelajaran Sejarah Islam Di Perguruan Tinggi

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