19 research outputs found

    Analisa & Pengukuran Kerja

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    Hartono Istana Teknologi is a company work on electronics manufacture industry, known as “POLYTRON”. One of the products from this company is SWF PMA 9502 speaker which is popular on market. According to the actual output data of SWF PMA 9502 speaker box assembly from 1 August 2019 until 12 September 2019, it has an average production 105 units/hour, where the production target is 120 units/hour. Not achieving the production target of this company caused by inbalance assembly line, so that happens bottleneck. For this reason improvement needs to be done using Ranked Positional Weight (RPW) method. The method is used as an approach to assist companies in knowing how effective assembly lines. Based on the RPW method, the assembly time of the SWF PMA 9502 speaker box is 396.31 seconds, which initially was 413.58 seconds. The application this method can also reduce the value of balance delay about 4.59%.Hartono Istana Teknologi merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri elektronika yang lebih dikenal dengan nama “POLYTRON”. Salah satu produk andalan dari perusahaan ini adalah Speaker SWF PMA 9502 yang sangat laku dikalangan konsumen. Menurut data output actual assembly box speaker SWF PMA 9502 dari tanggal 1 Agustus 2019 sampai 12 September 2019 memiliki rataan produksi 105 unit/jam, dimana target produksi yaitu 120 unit/jam. Tidak tercapainya target produksi perusahaan, disebabkan oleh tidak seimbangnya lini perakitan sehingga mengakibatkan bottleneck. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan improvement menggunakan metode Ranked Positional Weight (RPW). Metode ini digunakan sebagai pendekatan untuk membantu perusahaan dalam mengetahui seberapa efektif lini perakitan. Berdasarkan metode RPW menghasilkan waktu perakitan box speaker SWF PMA 9502 sebesar 396,31 detik, yang semulanya waktunya sebesar 413,58 detik. Penerapan metode ini juga dapat mengurangi nilai balance delay sebesar 4,59%

    Simulation Model of Production System Using Dynamic System Approach to Increase Production Capacity Tofu Factory

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    The speed in distributing the products of the industry is influenced by the speed of production produced by the industry itself. SMEs know that ECO is one of the manufacturing industries engaged in food manufacturing. there are obstacles (problems) that are experienced, namely the occurrence of inequality between the production capacity of tofu that can be produced and the demand for tofu that must be met. The purpose of this study is to increase the production capacity of Tofu Eco SMEs in terms of increasing working time. The method used in this research is the dynamic system method using the PLE vensim software. The results of the study show that based on the actual system conditions, it is known that there are 25 workers with 8 working hours per day, and an average production capacity of 957 barrels per month is obtained month with an average demand of 1005 barrels /month. The results of the alternative simulation I, have an average production capacity of 1,080 barrels/month. The results of the scenario II simulation show that the average production capacity is 1,230 barrels/month. From the simulation results of alternative scenarios, it can be seen that for production demand below 1,080 barrels/month, the alternative used is to add 1 hour (60 minutes) of overtime, while for requests above 1,079 barrels/month with a maximum production demand of 1,255 barrels/month, alternative scenarios can be used. II with the addition of 2 hours 30 minutes (150 minutes) of overtime

    Simulation Model of Production System Using Dynamic System Approach to Increase Production Capacity Tofu Factory

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    The speed in distributing the products of the industry is influenced by the speed of production produced by the industry itself. SMEs know that ECO is one of the manufacturing industries engaged in food manufacturing. there are obstacles (problems) that are experienced, namely the occurrence of inequality between the production capacity of tofu that can be produced and the demand for tofu that must be met. The purpose of this study is to increase the production capacity of Tofu Eco SMEs in terms of increasing working time. The method used in this research is the dynamic system method using the PLE vensim software. The results of the study show that based on the actual system conditions, it is known that there are 25 workers with 8 working hours per day, and an average production capacity of 957 barrels per month is obtained month with an average demand of 1005 barrels /month. The results of the alternative simulation I, have an average production capacity of 1,080 barrels/month. The results of the scenario II simulation show that the average production capacity is 1,230 barrels/month. From the simulation results of alternative scenarios, it can be seen that for production demand below 1,080 barrels/month, the alternative used is to add 1 hour (60 minutes) of overtime, while for requests above 1,079 barrels/month with a maximum production demand of 1,255 barrels/month, alternative scenarios can be used. II with the addition of 2 hours 30 minutes (150 minutes) of overtime

    Analysis of Supply Chain And Value Chain On Smoked Manyung Fish To Increase Sales On “Asap Indah” Fish Production Center Wonosari Village Demak

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    Fish Production Center “Asap Indah” is one of the production centers in Demak, which specializes in processing fresh fish into semi-processed products, smoked fish. To support the sustainability of product distribution, supply chain management is needed to oversee the process from procurement of raw material to distribution to final consumers. Therefore, a comprehensive supply chain management analysis is necessary to increase sales and establish effective distribution channels. This research aims to understand the existing value chains of smoked manyung fish, the added value of each contributor on value chains, and to determine the most effective distribution channels of smoked manyung fish. The method used for data processing is descriptive-analytic SCM, Value Chain, and Value Added method. The result of this research, based on value-added calculation analysis using the Hayami method, shows fresh fish wholesalers give the least added value to the product or have the least amount of activities, so decreasing the unproductive activity to lower production cost is recommended. Value chain analysis shows that distribution channels or the most effective selling method of smoked fish are direct selling to the final consumer,accompanied by developing vacuum packaging to increase consumers’ interest in the product

    Redesain Alat Pemotong Singkong Menggunakan Metode Rasional Guna Meningkatkan Produktivitas

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    Cassava chips are a daily staple food for the community, cassava chips have a distinctive form that has never been changed since the first time they were made, namely a circular flat with a crispy texture. Cassava chips are food products made from cassava which have been known for a long time in Indonesia, cassava chips are also widely favored by the Indonesian people because they have a delicious, nutritious taste and the price is also affordable. Based on observations at SMEs know in the village of Manggar, Sluke District, Rembang Regency. It is known that the process of making cassava chips through various stages, ranging from the selection of cassava, cassava stripping and cassava cutting to pressing. In Mubarok UKM the cutting process is only done in 3 hours a day and in one month it is only done in 15 days. In Mubarok UKM, the cutting process still uses a simple tool, namely a knife, and a thread cutter by hand as the motor. With existing tools in UKM there are process constraints that are manual and require a long time, the resulting output is a little with a long time and the quality of pieces that are not uniform and the tools used are less ergonomic, the size of the tool, the tool still causes workers to be diseased, causing a decrease productivity. In this case I designed a tool for cassava cutters to improve the effectiveness and productivity of the MSME. The method used in the design of the tool is methodological. The rational method is one of the product design methods that uses a systematic approach at each stage to produce potential solutions. . Keyword: Cutting, Productivity, Cassava, Rational Method   Abstrak. Kripik singkong merupakan makanan pokok sehari-hari bagi masyarakat, kripik singkong memilikinbentuknyangnkhas yang tidak pernah diubah sejak pertama kali pembuatannya yaitu pipih melingkar dengan tekstur yang renyah. Kripik singkong merupakan produk makanan berbahan bakunsingkongnyang sudah dikenal sejaknlama dinIndonesia, kripik singkong juga banyak digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia karena memiliki cita rasa yang nikmat, bergizi tinggi dan harganya juga terjangkau. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan di UKM kripik singkong di desa Manggar, Kecamatan Sluke, Kabupaten Rembang. Diketahui proses pembuatan kripik singkong melalui berbagai tahapan, mulai dari pemilihan singkong, pengupasan singkong dan pemotongan singkong sampai dengan pengepresan. Di UKM Mubarok proses pemotongan hanya dilakukan dalam 3 jam saja dalam sehari dan dalam satu bulan hanya dikerjakan dalam 15 hari. Di UKM Mubarok proses pemotongan masih menggunakan alat sederhana yaitu pisau, dan pemotong ulir dengan menggunakan tangan sebagai motornya. Dengan alat yang ada pada UKM terdapat kendala prosesnya yang manual dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama, output yang dihasilkan sedikit dengan waktu yang cukup lama dan kualitas potongan yang tidak seragam dan alat yang digunakan kurang ergonomis, ukuran alat, alat masih menimbulkan kelelahan pekerja sehingga menimbulkan menurunnya produktivitas. Dalam hal ini saya merancang alat untuk pemotong singkong guna meningkatkan efektifitas dan prduktivitas UMKM tersebut. Metode yang digunakanndalamnperancangan alatntersebutnadalah metodenrasional. Metode rasional merupakan salah satu metode perancangan produk yang menggunakan pendekatan sistematis dalam tiap tahapan untuk menghasilkan solusi yang potensial. . Kata kunci : pemotong, produktivitas, singkong, Metode Rasional &nbsp

    Analysis of Critical Activity in the Hydromechanical Component Fabrication Project for Dam “X” using the Critical Path Method

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    One of the projects currently being undertaken by PT. XYZ is Dam “X”. Based on project management data obtained from PT. XYZ, the actual project construction process experienced a significant delay from the planned schedule, with a delay duration of approximately 30 days. The delay will have an impact on the duration of the final completion of the project, including the process of delivering project results to consumers. The purpose of this study is to determine the critical path in project implementation and identify activities that do not have slack time because it will affect the duration of the overall project completion. The method used in this study is the Critical Path Method (CPM), which is a network method consisting of a series of activity components with the longest total time and showing the fastest duration of project completion. The results showed that the Manufacturing Project has a total of 11 critical activities out of 37 activities (work packages), with a total critical time of 75 days. The total critical time from the calculation of the CPM method also shows the optimal total project duration which can be used as a reference for the project team for the completion of a fabrication project or a hydromechanical component installation project on Dam "X"

    Consumer Preferences for The Design of Smoked Fish Packaging Using Conjoint Analysis

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    Research on smoked fish packaging has only focused on its functional side to increase product life. Meanwhile, research on smoked fish packaging design that focuses on improving and expanding markets has never existed. Until now, smoked fish was sold without packaging even though the amount of production continued to increase. The purpose of this study was to determine consumer preferences for the design of smoked fish packaging. With the recognition of these preferences, it is expected that the smoked fish industry players can apply it so that it can increase the sale value and the number of sales. This study uses focus group discussion as a qualitative method and conjoint analysis as a quantitative method. Color, material, shape, size, brand, and additional information is the attribute chosen at the focus group discussion as a representation of smoked fish packaging to determine the level of its preference. The results of this study indicate that brands have the highest preference compared to others (importance values 30.303%)

    Strategi SCM

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    Supply Chain Management

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