14 research outputs found

    Virtual Technologies possibilities for improving background knowledge of Civil Engineering Education

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    [EN] A new era with rapid technological changes, digitization, new forms of labour organization requires innovative ideas for modern education using a virtual learning environment and available technical means. This article discusses the prerequisites for creating a concept of a universal curriculum for first-year students in construction specialities for teaching the fundamentals of technical disciplines - that means basic engineering education, with integrating the Building Information Modeling (BIM).The Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology includes the concept of combined information about all the parameters of a three-dimensional object. This is universally supported by modern technology and can be used to develop innovating teaching methods.To identify the prerequisites for the concept of a universal electronic course, an analysis of the IMD statistics was carried out and a generalized overview of the content of educational programs in the main technical disciplines of higher educational institutions of the countries of one graphic region was conducted.Keywords: BIM; Virtual Technology; First-Year Student; Civil Engineering Education.Ovtšarenko, O.; Makuteniene, D.; Timinskas, E. (2020). Virtual Technologies possibilities for improving background knowledge of Civil Engineering Education. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):509-517. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11097OCS50951730-05-202

    Education technology based on a 3D model of house VirTec

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    In modern teaching, it is necessary to use modern technological achievements to involve students in the learning process, to create and constantly develop interesting and relevant teaching materials. Educational materials in a playful form have the appropriate qualities. Game effects are associated with user participation in the interactive process and provide a high interest in the information offered. Getting feedback in the gameplay is not only an indicator of the success of the educational process but also a guide in the step-by-step movement of the student in the learning process. Simulators of different objects are effective educational material that is available to students, contains the necessary information and functions, is simple and intuitive to use. This article provides an overview of different simulators with the study of the impact of their use on the effectiveness of the educational process. One of the simulators is created in the teamwork of the project “Development of a virtual learning environment in technical higher education” (VirTec, 2018), funded by the Erasmus program for 24 months, which includes organizations from four countries: Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Turkey, and Croatia.Makuteniene, D.; Ovtšarenko, O.; Safiulina, E.; Timinskas, E. (2020). Education technology based on a 3D model of house VirTec. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):545-553. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11104OCS54555330-05-202

    FRP reinforcement for concrete structures: state-of-the-art review of application and design

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    Fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) are considered to be a promising alternative to steel reinforcement, especially in concrete structures subjected to an aggressive environment or to the effects of electromagnetic fields. Although attempts to develop effective reinforcement have been followed, the application of FRPs remains limited by the solution to simple structural problems that mainly appear due to the absence of design codes, significant variation in the material properties of FRP composites and limited knowledge gained by engineers as regards the application aspects of FRP composites and structural mechanics of concrete elements reinforced with FRPs. To fill the latter gap, the current state-of-the-art report is dedicated to present recent achievements in FRPs applying practice to a broad engineers’ community. The report also revises the manufacturing process, material properties, the application area and design peculiarities of concrete elements reinforced with FRP composites. Along the focus on internal reinforcement, the paper overviews recent practices of applying FRP reinforced concrete (RC) elements in structural engineering. The review highlights the main problems restricting the application of FRPs in building industry and reveals the problematic issues (related to the material properties of the FRP) important for designing RC following the formulation of targets for further research

    Nagorno-Karabach conflict: problems and prospects

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    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict continuous more than 21 years. International community made this conflict “frozen”, in their opinion, it was the best solution. Causes are very different, this conflict is very complex and to find a solution is very hard. The main causes of this conflict: 1) International conflict is ethno cultural. 2) Conflict is associated with the historical hatred, for the territories. 3) Third countries makes this conflict more difficult. In negotiations Armenia and Azerbaijan holds hard negotiations tactic’s, which can not let to take a positive results and to let to develop closer relations. The hypothesis of this work: the process of negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan continuous too long, also international community input is is too small, this action and made this conflict “frozen”. In order to analyze the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, purpose of this work is to evaluate the causal - consequential factors whose influence the negotiation process on the Nagorno-Karabakh territory, and to find out what the prospects are possible. In order to achieve this purpose, there were set out the following objectives: 1) Examine the conflict theory and to create the model to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict; 2) analyze the Nagorno-Karabakh historical prospects, highlighting the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiating process; 3) examine efforts of international communities to solve the problem; 4) to find out the “frozen” conflict prospects. The topic examined on the grounds of ethic conflicts decision model: principled negotiations and intercultural miscommunications theory, used methods: primary and secondary sources methods of analysis and discourse analysis method. The rift between Armenia and Azerbaijan is related with historical past and with political decisions. The main reasons of conflict: ethno cultural differences and historical hatred, which is related with territory, but intercultural miscommunications is one of the main traits, why this conflict is still continuous. If the tactic of negotiations it will be changed to principled negotiations method, results will be more realistic. After analysis of public speeches of President’s of Armenia and Azerbaijan about territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, the hypothesis of the work can be confirmed, that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict continuous for both countries mentality differences, also for the bad negotiations tactic and for international communities bias. Observed, that from 2008 both countries positions for Nagorno-Karabakh territory changed a little and also that both countries holds just one opinion. They were not to find or submit others arguments of Nagorno-Karabakh territory

    Nagorno-Karabach conflict: problems and prospects

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    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict continuous more than 21 years. International community made this conflict “frozen”, in their opinion, it was the best solution. Causes are very different, this conflict is very complex and to find a solution is very hard. The main causes of this conflict: 1) International conflict is ethno cultural. 2) Conflict is associated with the historical hatred, for the territories. 3) Third countries makes this conflict more difficult. In negotiations Armenia and Azerbaijan holds hard negotiations tactic’s, which can not let to take a positive results and to let to develop closer relations. The hypothesis of this work: the process of negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan continuous too long, also international community input is is too small, this action and made this conflict “frozen”. In order to analyze the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, purpose of this work is to evaluate the causal - consequential factors whose influence the negotiation process on the Nagorno-Karabakh territory, and to find out what the prospects are possible. In order to achieve this purpose, there were set out the following objectives: 1) Examine the conflict theory and to create the model to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict; 2) analyze the Nagorno-Karabakh historical prospects, highlighting the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiating process; 3) examine efforts of international communities to solve the problem; 4) to find out the “frozen” conflict prospects. The topic examined on the grounds of ethic conflicts decision model: principled negotiations and intercultural miscommunications theory, used methods: primary and secondary sources methods of analysis and discourse analysis method. The rift between Armenia and Azerbaijan is related with historical past and with political decisions. The main reasons of conflict: ethno cultural differences and historical hatred, which is related with territory, but intercultural miscommunications is one of the main traits, why this conflict is still continuous. If the tactic of negotiations it will be changed to principled negotiations method, results will be more realistic. After analysis of public speeches of President’s of Armenia and Azerbaijan about territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, the hypothesis of the work can be confirmed, that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict continuous for both countries mentality differences, also for the bad negotiations tactic and for international communities bias. Observed, that from 2008 both countries positions for Nagorno-Karabakh territory changed a little and also that both countries holds just one opinion. They were not to find or submit others arguments of Nagorno-Karabakh territory

    Bibliografijos ir PDF tvarkymas

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    Pristatymo tikslas – supažindinti mokslininkus su šiuolaikinėmis technologijomis, kad rankraščių rengimas būtų malonumas, o ne kančia. Neretai tyrėjams, rengiant mokslinį darbą, kyla sunkumų analizuojant gausybę literatūros ir cituojant ją moksliniame darbe. Daug brangaus mokslininko laiko atima reikalingos informacijos paieška gausybėje PDF dokumentų, surinktų mokslinės veiklos laikotarpiu. Taip pat moksliniame darbe itin svarbu tinkamai sutvarkyti cituojami šaltiniai, jų bibliografiniai aprašai. Tačiau kiekvieno leidėjo reikalavimai citavimui yra skirtingi, todėl mokslininkui pasirinkus kitą žurnalą citavimą reikia iš naujo sutvarkyti ranka... Šių problemų sprendimui mokslininkai iš įvairių pasaulio šalių sukūrė programinius paketus kurie automatiškai sutvarko PDF dokumentų biblioteką ir cituojamos literatūros aprašus. Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos universiteto doktorantas Edgaras Timinskas išsamiai pristato vieną tokių programinių paketų – Mendeley

    Nagorno-Karabach conflict: problems and prospects

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    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict continuous more than 21 years. International community made this conflict “frozen”, in their opinion, it was the best solution. Causes are very different, this conflict is very complex and to find a solution is very hard. The main causes of this conflict: 1) International conflict is ethno cultural. 2) Conflict is associated with the historical hatred, for the territories. 3) Third countries makes this conflict more difficult. In negotiations Armenia and Azerbaijan holds hard negotiations tactic’s, which can not let to take a positive results and to let to develop closer relations. The hypothesis of this work: the process of negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan continuous too long, also international community input is is too small, this action and made this conflict “frozen”. In order to analyze the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, purpose of this work is to evaluate the causal - consequential factors whose influence the negotiation process on the Nagorno-Karabakh territory, and to find out what the prospects are possible. In order to achieve this purpose, there were set out the following objectives: 1) Examine the conflict theory and to create the model to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict; 2) analyze the Nagorno-Karabakh historical prospects, highlighting the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiating process; 3) examine efforts of international communities to solve the problem; 4) to find out the “frozen” conflict prospects. The topic examined on the grounds of ethic conflicts decision model: principled negotiations and intercultural miscommunications theory, used methods: primary and secondary sources methods of analysis and discourse analysis method. The rift between Armenia and Azerbaijan is related with historical past and with political decisions. The main reasons of conflict: ethno cultural differences and historical hatred, which is related with territory, but intercultural miscommunications is one of the main traits, why this conflict is still continuous. If the tactic of negotiations it will be changed to principled negotiations method, results will be more realistic. After analysis of public speeches of President’s of Armenia and Azerbaijan about territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, the hypothesis of the work can be confirmed, that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict continuous for both countries mentality differences, also for the bad negotiations tactic and for international communities bias. Observed, that from 2008 both countries positions for Nagorno-Karabakh territory changed a little and also that both countries holds just one opinion. They were not to find or submit others arguments of Nagorno-Karabakh territory

    Experimental and analitical reserch of concrete beams reinforced with gfrp bars

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    Straipsnyje pateikiami dviejų vienodos geometrijos polimerine stiklo pluošto armatūra armuotų sijų eksperimentiniai tyrimai. Vienoje iš sijų į betono mišinį papildomai įdėta plieno plaušo fibrų. Bandymo metu matuoti vidutiniai sijų kreiviai, įlinkiai ir plyšio pločiai. Atlikus lyginamąją analizę pastebėta, kad plieno plaušo naudojimas padidina stiklo pluoštu armuotų sijų standumą, atsparumą pleišėjimui, sijų suirimo pobūdis tampa plastiškesnis. Sijas sumodeliavus netiesine baigtinių elementų programa ATENA gautas geras eksperimentinių ir skaitinių rezultatų sutapimas įprasto betono stiklo pluošto armatūra armuotai sijai.Santrauka anglų kalba. In this paper the experimental results of two beams, reinforced with GFRP bars are presented. In one of the beams short steel fibers were added in concrete mix. The influence of steel fibers on deflection and cracking behavior was studied. Comparative analysis of the experimental results have shown, that steel fibers significantly reduces the deflections and average crack width of the beam. Furthermore the failure mode became more ductile when steel fibers were added. Numerical analysis employing finite element software ATENA has shown that good results can be obtained for beams reinforced with GFRP bars, when con-crete without steel fibers is used

    Accuracy analysis of design methods for concrete beams reinforced with fiber reinforced polymer bars / Kompozitais armuotų betoninių elementų projektavimo metodų tikslumo analizė

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    Traditional steel reinforcement does not resist corrosion and its resources are limited; therefore, carbon, glass, aramid and basalt fibre reinforced polymer bars were developed. The composite reinforcement has a high tensile strength and resistance to electromagnetic fields. Different kinds of materials and application of various surface coatings are used in the production of the composite bars. This results in different adhesion to concrete and mechanical properties of composite bars. In comparison with steel reinforcement, glass, aramid and basalt fibre reinforced polymer bars have a lower modulus of elasticity. Thus, structural rigidity provided by these bars is smaller in respect to reinforced concrete elements. Current reinforced concrete design codes and recommendations are based on empirical and simplified methods of strain evaluation, which may be inadequate for design of structures with composite bars. In this paper, an adequacy of the empirical models was checked against the experimental data of concrete beams reinforced with composite bars. The moment-curvature data of 52 beams reported in the literature and conducted by the authors were used for assessment of accuracy of design methods. In order to perform the analysis, different methods from design codes (European (LST 2007), American (ACI Committee 318 2011) and Russian (NIIZhB 2006)) and recommendations (Italian (CNR 2007) and American (ACI Committee 440 2006)) have been selected. The results of the investigation will provide engineers with more information on design of concrete beams with fibre reinforced polymer bars. This will encourage an extensive use of these innovative materials in different types of structures. Santrauka Tradicinė plieninė armatūra nėra atspari korozijai, jos iŠtekliai yra riboti, todėl buvo sukurti polimeriniai strypai, armuoti anglies, stiklo, bazalto arba aramido pluoŠtu. Ši kompozitinė armatūra pasižymi dideliu tempiamuoju stipriu ir atsparumu elektromagnetiniam laukui. Kompozitinių strypų gamyboje naudojamos skirtingos medžiagos ir taikomi įvairūs pavirŠiaus dengimo būdai, skiriasi jų mechaninės bei sukibimo su betonu savybės. Lyginant su plienine armatūra, stiklo, aramido ir bazalto kompozitiniai strypų tamprumo modulis yra mažesnis, todėl tokiais strypais armuotų konstrukcijų standumas taip pat yra mažesnis nei gelžbetoninių konstrukcijų. Dabartiniuose gelžbetoninių konstrukcijų projektavimo reglamentuose taikomi empiriniai supaprastinti deformacijų nustatymo metodai gali būti netinkami konstrukcijoms, armuotoms polimerine armatūra, projektuoti. Šiame darbe, naudojant mokslinėse publikacijose surinktų 46 eksperimentinių tyrimų ir autorių atliktų 6 sijų bandymų duomenis, buvo įvertintas kompozitais armuoto betono elementų įlinkių skaičiavimo metodų tikslumas. Analizei atlikti buvo pasirinkti Europos (LST EN 1992-1-1:2005), JAV (ACI 318M-11) ir Rusijos (SP 52-101-2003) armuotojo betono konstrukcijų projektavimo normų bei Italijos (CNR-DT 203/2006) ir JAV (ACI 440.1R-06) projektavimo rekomendacijų metodai. Gauti analizės rezultatai suteiks projektuotojams iŠsamesnę informaciją apie kompozitais armuotų betoninių elementų projektavimą, skatins didins Šių inovatyvių medžiagų naudojimo apimtį įvairiose statybinėse konstrukcijose. Reikšminiai žodžiai: nemetalinė strypinė armatūra, projektavimo normos, eksperimentų duomenys, įlinkiai, armuotasis betonas, tikslumo analizė, trumpalaikė apkrov

    The analysis of the discrete cracking model of reinforced concrete tensile members

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    Adequate modelling of reinforced concrete (RC) cracking, particularly post-cracking behaviour (tension stiffening), as one of the major sources of nonlinearity, is the most important and difficult task for deformation analysis. Deformationbehaviour of the cracked RC members is a complex process, including a wide range of effects such as differentstrength and deformation properties of steel and concrete, concrete cracking, tension-softening and tension-stiffening,bond slip between reinforcement and concrete etc. Even under low load, behaviour can be non-linear, which presents a challenge for calculating the deformations of RC members.When stress in concrete first reaches tensile strength at the weakest section,cracking occurs. After the formation of the first primary crack up to the final one, concrete contribution steadily decreases. At the final cracking point, the stable crack pattern has been reached. Increase in load will result in a further decrease of concrete contribution due to bond-slip causing cover-controlled cracks to develop between the primary cracks and a gradual breaking down of the bond. This process can be imagined as the formation of internal secondary cracks along the deformed bar due to bond stress transfer to sound concrete in between primary cracks. Total stresses in the cracked tensile reinforcement consisted of genuine stresses corresponding to the average strain of steel and additional stresses due to tension-stiffening. The internal forces that represent the latter stresses are called the residual and can be used for assessing the average bond behavior of RC members. This paper investigates tension-stiffening effect in RC members. The discrete cracking model of RC member is described in the paper. The discussed approach is based on bond-slip relationship that models the bond-action between concrete and reinforcement. This approach is realistically capable of modelling cracking and determining crack widths and deformations. However, the accuracy of calculation results depends on the assumed bond stress-slip relationship. A number of recent investigations aimed at developing and modifying such models were performed intending that discrete cracking modelling technique could become a powerful tool for the analysis of reinforced concrete members. The present study is dedicated to deformation analysis of reinforced members that are subjected to pure tension and is based on the results of the experimental program reported in literature. The average deformations of such members were calculated applying the discrete cracking method using different bond stress-slip relationships and compared with test results reported in literature. It was concluded that relationship recommended by CEB-FIP MC90 was unacceptable for the analysis performed. Tempiamųjų gelžbetoninių elementų diskrečiųjų plyšių modelio analizė Santrauka Šiame straipsnyje aptariamas gelžbetoninių elementų pleišėjimo diskretusis modelis. Pastaraisiais metais pleišėjimo diskretieji modeliai tobulinami ypač intensyviai tikintis, kad būtent šis modeliavimo būdas ateityje galėtų tapti universalia gelžbetoninių elementų projektavimo priemone. Analizuojamas modelis pagrįstas šlyties įtempių armatūros ir betono sąlyčio zonoje bei armatūros slinkties deformacijų priklausomybėmis. Taikant šį modelį galima apskaičiuoti plyšio plotį ir nustatyti deformacijų bei įtempių pasiskirstymą supleišėjusiame betone. Straipsnyje atliktas eksperimentinių tempiamųjų gelžbetoninių elementų modeliavimas bei parodyta, kad literatūroje rekomenduojamos šlyties įtempių sąlyčio zonoje ir armatūros slinkties idealizacijos gali buti netikslios. First Published Online: 16 May 2013 Reikšminiai žodžiai: gelžbetonis, diskretusis modelis, šlyties įtempiai, armatūros slinktis, deformacijos, pleišėjimas, tempiamieji elementa