7 research outputs found

    Unemployment Duration, Incentives and Institutions - A Micro-Econometric Analysis Based on Scandinavian Data

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    Based on a combined register database for Norwegian and Swedish unemployment spells, we use the ‘between-countries-variation’ in the unemployment insurance systems to identify causal effects. The elasticity of the job hazard rate with respect to the benefit replacement ratio is around -1.0 in Norway and -0.5 in Sweden. The limited benefit duration period in Sweden has a large positive impact on the hazard rate, despite generous renewal options through participation in labour market programs. Compulsory program participation seems to operate as a ‘stick’, rather than a ‘carrot’, and is therefore an efficient tool for counteracting moral hazard problems in the benefit system.Unemployment spells; unemployment compensation; non-parametric duration analysis.

    Unemployment duration, incentives and institutions : a micro- econometric analysis based on Scandinavian data

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    Based on a combined register database for Norwegian and Swedish unemployment spells, we use the ‘between-countries-variation’ in the unemployment insurance systems to identify causal effects. The elasticity of the job hazard rate with respect to the benefit replacement ratio is around -1.0 in Norway and -0.5 in Sweden. The limited benefit duration period in Sweden has a large positive impact on the hazard rate, despite generous renewal options through participation in labour market programs. Compulsory program participation seems to operate as a ‘stick’, rather than a ‘carrot’, and is therefore an efficient tool for counteracting moral hazard problems in the benefit system

    Unemployment Duration, Incentives and Institutions - A Micro-Econometric Analysis Based on Scandinavian Data

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    Based on a combined register database for Norwegian and Swedish unemployment spells, we use the ‘between-countries-variation’ in the unemployment insurance systems to identify causal effects. The elasticity of the job hazard rate with respect to the benefit replacement ratio is around -1.0 in Norway and -0.5 in Sweden. The limited benefit duration period in Sweden has a large positive impact on the hazard rate, despite generous renewal options through participation in labour market programs. Compulsory program participation seems to operate as a ‘stick’, rather than a ‘carrot’, and is therefore an efficienttool for counteracting moral hazard problems in the benefit system.Unemployment spells; unemployment compensation; non-parametric duration analysis

    Unemployment duration and unemployment insurance: a comparative analysis based on Scandinavian micro data

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    Based on pooled register data from Norway and Sweden, we find that differences in unemployment duration patterns reflect dissimilarities in unemployment insurance (UI) systems in a way that convincingly establishes the link between economic incentives and job search behaviour. Specifically, UI benefits are relatively more generous for low-income workers in Sweden than in Norway, leading to relatively longer unemployment spells for low-income workers in Sweden. Based on the between-countries variation in replacement ratios, we find that the elasticity of the outflow rate from insured unemployment with respect to the replacement ratio is approximately one in Norway and 0.5 in Sweden. Copyright 2008 , Oxford University Press.

    Explaining Variations in Wage Curves: Theory and Evidence

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    Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen: Die Dokumente auf EconStor dĂŒrfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dĂŒrfen die Dokumente nicht fĂŒr öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfĂ€ltigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugĂ€nglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewĂ€hrten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in Abstract Based on a combined register database for Norwegian and Swedish unemployment spells, we use the 'between-countries-variation' in the unemployment insurance systems to identify causal effects. The elasticity of the job hazard rate with respect to the benefit replacement ratio is around -1.0 in Norway and -0.5 in Sweden. The limited benefit duration period in Sweden has a large positive impact on the hazard rate, despite generous renewal options through participation in labour market programs. Compulsory program participation seems to operate as a 'stick', rather than a 'carrot', and is therefore an efficient tool for counteracting moral hazard problems in the benefit system

    Portar till sprÄk och litteratur : CSL 2007

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    SprĂ„k och litteratur öppnar portar till nya vĂ€rldar. Detta var temat för 2007 Ă„rs CSL-dag. I denna bok har vi samlat fjorton av bidragen som presenterades pĂ„ konferensen, skrivna av forskare och studenter vid Karlstads universitet. HĂ„ller engelskan pĂ„ att förstöra svenskan? Är dagens elever sĂ€mre pĂ„ att skriva Ă€n ungdomarna var för tjugo Ă„r sedan? Skall vi ha en litteraturkanon i skolan - och lĂ€ser eleverna över huvud taget böcker nu för tiden? Detta Ă€r nĂ„gra av de frĂ„gor som stĂ€lls i artiklarna dĂ€r svaren kanske kan överraska. Andra artiklar handlar om hur man stimulerar elever till att lĂ€sa och skriva, problematiken nĂ€r det gĂ€ller att undervisa i svenska som andrasprĂ„k och varför elever vĂ€ljer - eller inte vĂ€ljer - att studera nĂ„got annat frĂ€mmande sprĂ„k Ă€n engelska. Porten kanske finns dĂ€r - men den Ă€r inte alltid helt lĂ€tt att öppna