160 research outputs found

    1RXS J232953.9+062814: A Dwarf Nova with a 64-minute Orbital Period and a Conspicuous Secondary Star

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    We present spectroscopy and time-series photometry of the newly discovered dwarf nova 1RXS J232953.9+062814. Photometry in superoutburst reveals a superhump with a period of 66.06(6) minutes. The low state spectrum shows Balmer and HeI emission on a blue continuum, and in addition shows a rich absorption spectrum of type K4 +- 2. The absorption velocity is modulated sinusoidally at P_orb = 64.176(5) min, with semi-amplitude K = 348(4) km/s. The low-state light curve is double-humped at this period, and phased as expected for ellipsoidal variations. The absorption strength does not vary appreciably around the orbit. The orbital period is shorter than any other cataclysmic variable save for a handful of helium-star systems and V485 Centauri (59 minutes). The secondary is much hotter than main sequence stars of similar mass, but is well-matched by helium-enriched models, indicating that the secondary evolved from a more massive progenitor. A preliminary calculation in which a 1.2 solar-mass star begins mass transfer near the end of H burning matches this system's characteristics remarkably well.Comment: accepted to Astrophysical Journal Letters; 14 pages, 3 eps figures + 1 jpg greyscale figur

    Redshifts for 2410 Galaxies in the Century Survey Region

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    The `Century Survey' strip covers 102 square degrees within the limits 8.5h \leq \alpha_{1950} \leq 16.5h, 29.0 degrees \leq \delta_{1950} \leq 30.0 degrees. The strip passes through the Corona Borealis supercluster and the outer region of the Coma cluster. Within the Century Survey region, we have measured 2410 redshifts which constitute four overlapping complete redshift surveys: (1) 1728 galaxies with Kron-Cousins R_{phot} \leq 16.13 covering the entire strip, (2) 507 galaxies with R_{phot} \leq 16.4 in the right ascension range 8h 32m \leq \alpha_{1950} \leq 10h 45m, (3) 1251 galaxies with absorption- and K-corrected R_{CCD, corr} \leq 16.2 covering the right ascension range 8.5h \leq \alpha_{1950} \leq 13.5h and (4) 1255 galaxies with absorption- and K-corrected V_{CCD, corr} \leq 16.7 also covering the right ascension range 8.5h \leq \alpha_{1950} \leq 13.5h. All of these redshift samples are more than 98 % complete to the specified magnitude limit.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, 2 abbreviated tables. In press, to appear in Astronomical Journal, Dec. 2001 issu

    An Optical and X-Ray Study of Abell 576, a Galaxy Cluster with a Cold Core

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    We analyze the galaxy population and dynamics of the galaxy cluster A576; the observational constraints include 281 redshifts (230 new), R- band CCD galaxy photometry over a 2 h^-1^ Mpc x 2 h^-1^ Mpc region centered on the cluster, an Einstein IPC X-ray image, and an Einstein MPC X-ray spectrum. We focus on an 86% complete magnitude-limited sample (R_23.5_ \u3c 17) of 169 cluster galaxies. The cluster galaxies with emission lines in their spectra have a larger velocity dispersion and are significantly less clustered on this 2 h^-1^ Mpc scale than galaxies without emission lines. We show that excluding the emission-line galaxies from the cluster sample decreases the velocity dispersion by 18% and the virial mass estimate by a factor of 2. The central cluster region contains a nonemission galaxy population and an intracluster medium which is significantly cooler (σ_core_ = 387_-105_^+250^ km s^-1^ and T_x_ = 1.6_-0.3_^+0.4^ keV at 90% confidence) than the global populations (σ = 977_-96_^+124^ km s^- 1^ for the nonemission population and T_X_ \u3e 4 keV at 90% confidence). Because (1) the low-dispersion galaxy population is no more luminous than the global population and (2) the evidence for a cooling flow is weak, we suggest that the core of A576 may contain the remnants of a lower mass subcluster. We examine the cluster mass, baryon fraction, and luminosity function. The cluster virial mass varies significantly depending on the galaxy sample used. Consistency between the hydrostatic and virial estimators can be achieved if (1) the gas temperature at r~1 h^-1^ Mpc is T_X_ ~ 8 keV (the best-fit value) and (2) several velocity outliers are excluded from the virial calculation. Although the best-fit Schechter function parameters and the ratio of galaxy to gas mass in A576 are typical of other clusters, the baryon fraction is relatively low. Using the consistent cluster binding mass, we show that the gas mass fraction is ~3 h^-3/2^% and the baryon fraction is ~6%

    A CpG island hypermethylation profile of primary colorectal carcinomas and colon cancer cell lines

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor cell lines are commonly used as experimental tools in cancer research, but their relevance for the in vivo situation is debated. In a series of 11 microsatellite stable (MSS) and 9 microsatellite unstable (MSI) colon cancer cell lines and primary colon carcinomas (25 MSS and 28 MSI) with known ploidy stem line and APC, KRAS, and TP53 mutation status, we analyzed the promoter methylation of the following genes: hMLH1, MGMT, p16(INK4a )(CDKN2A α-transcript), p14(ARF )(CDKN2A β-transcript), APC, and E-cadherin (CDH1). We compared the DNA methylation profiles of the cell lines with those of the primary tumors. Finally, we examined if the epigenetic changes were associated with known genetic markers and/or clinicopathological variables. RESULTS: The cell lines and primary tumors generally showed similar overall distribution and frequencies of gene methylation. Among the cell lines, 15%, 50%, 75%, 65%, 20% and 15% showed promoter methylation for hMLH1, MGMT, p16(INK4a), p14(ARF), APC, and E-cadherin, respectively, whereas 21%, 40%, 32%, 38%, 32%, and 40% of the primary tumors were methylated for the same genes. hMLH1 and p14(ARF )were significantly more often methylated in MSI than in MSS primary tumors, whereas the remaining four genes showed similar methylation frequencies in the two groups. Methylation of p14(ARF), which indirectly inactivates TP53, was seen more frequently in tumors with normal TP53 than in mutated samples, but the difference was not statistically significant. Methylation of p14(ARF )and p16(INK4a )was often present in the same primary tumors, but association to diploidy, MSI, right-sided location and female gender was only significant for p14(ARF). E-cadherin was methylated in 14/34 tumors with altered APC further stimulating WNT signaling. CONCLUSIONS: The present study shows that colon cancer cell lines are in general relevant in vitro models, comparable with the in vivo situation, as the cell lines display many of the same molecular alterations as do the primary carcinomas. The combined pattern of epigenetic and genetic aberrations in the primary carcinomas reveals associations between them as well as to clinicopathological variables, and may aid in the future molecular assisted classification of clinically distinct stages

    RXTE confirmation of the intermediate polar status of Swift J0732.5-1331

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    Aims: We intend to establish the X-ray properties of Swift J0732.5-1331 and therefore confirm its status as an intermediate polar. Methods: We analysed 36,240 s of X-ray data from RXTE. Frequency analysis was used to constrain temporal variations and spectral analysis used to characterise the emission and absorption properties. Results: The X-ray spin period is confirmed to be 512.4(3) s with a strong first harmonic. No modulation is detected at the candidate orbital period of 5.6 h, but a coherent modulation is present at the candidate 11.3 h period. The spectrum is consistent with a 37 keV bremsstrahlung continuum with an iron line at 6.4 keV absorbed by an equivalent hydrogen column density of around 1022 atoms cm-2. Conclusions: Swift J0732-1331 is confirmed to be an intermediate polar

    The (Re-)Discovery of G350.1-0.3: A Young, Luminous Supernova Remnant and Its Neutron Star

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    We present an XMM-Newton observation of the long-overlooked radio source G350.1-0.3. The X-ray spectrum of G350.1-0.3 can be fit by a shocked plasma with two components: a high-temperature (1.5 keV) region with a low ionization time scale and enhanced abundances, plus a cooler (0.36 keV) component in ionization equilibrium and with solar abundances. The X-ray spectrum and the presence of non-thermal, polarized, radio emission together demonstrate that G350.1-0.3 is a young, luminous supernova remnant (SNR), for which archival HI and 12-CO data indicate a distance of 4.5 kpc. The diameter of the source then implies an age of only ~900 years. The SNR's distorted appearance, small size and the presence of 12-CO emission along the SNR's eastern edge all indicate that the source is interacting with a complicated distribution of dense ambient material. An unresolved X-ray source, XMMU J172054.5-372652, is detected a few arcminutes west of the brightest SNR emission. The thermal X-ray spectrum and lack of any multi-wavelength counterpart suggest that this source is a neutron star associated with G350.1-0.3, most likely a "central compact object", as seen coincident with other young SNRs such as Cassiopeia A.Comment: 6 pages, uses emulateapj. One B/W figure, one color figure. Minor text changes and update to Fig 2 following referee's report. ApJ Letters, in pres

    Dwarf novae in the Hamburg quasar survey : rarer than expected

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    Aims. We report the discovery of five new dwarf novae that were spectroscopically identified in the Hamburg Quasar Survey (HQS),and discuss the properties of the sample of new dwarf novae from the HQS. Methods. Follow-up time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry have been obtained to characterise the new systems. Results. The orbital periods determined from analyses of the radial velocity variations and/or orbital photometric variability are Porb 105.1min or Porb 109.9min for HS 0417+7445, Porb = 114.3 ± 2.7min for HS 1016+3412, Porb = 92.66 ± 0.17 min for HS 1340+1524, Porb = 272.317 ± 0.001 min for HS 1857+7127, and Porb = 258.02 ± 0.56 min for HS 2214+2845. HS 1857+7127 is found to be partially eclipsing. In HS 2214+2845 the secondary star of spectral type M3 ± 1 is clearly detected, and we estimate the distance to the system to be d = 390 ± 40 pc. We recorded one superoutburst of HS 0417+7445, identifying the system as a SUUMatype dwarf nova. HS 1016+3412 and HS 1340+1524 have rare outbursts, and their subtype is yet undetermined. HS 1857+7127 frequently varies in brightness and may be a ZCam-type dwarf nova. HS 2214+2845 is a UGem-type dwarf nova with a most likely cycle length of 71 d. Conclusions. To date, 14 new dwarf novae have been identified in the HQS. The ratio of short-period (3 h)systems of this sample is 1.3, much smaller compared to the ratio of 2.7 found for all known dwarf novae. The HQS dwarf novae display typically infrequent or low-amplitude outburst activity, underlining the strength of spectroscopic selection in identifying new CVs independently of their variability. The spectroscopic properties of short-period CVs in the HQS, newly identified and previously known, suggest that most, or possibly all of them are still evolving towards the minimum period. Their total number agrees with the predictions of population models within an order of magnitude. However, the bulk of all CVs is predicted to have evolved past the minimum period, and those systems remain unidentified. This suggests that those post-bounce systems have markedly weaker Hβ emission lines compared to the average known short-period CVs, and undergo no or extremely rare outbursts

    Superhumps in Cataclysmic Binaries. XXIII. V442 Ophiuchi and RX J1643.7+3402

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    We report the results of long observing campaigns on two novalike variables: V442 Ophiuchi and RX J1643.7+3402. These stars have high-excitation spectra, complex line profiles signifying mass loss at particular orbital phases, and similar orbital periods (respectively 0.12433 and 0.12056 d). They are well-credentialed members of the SW Sex class of cataclysmic variables. Their light curves are also quite complex. V442 Oph shows periodic signals with periods of 0.12090(8) and 4.37(15) days, and RX J1643.7+3402 shows similar signals at 0.11696(8) d and 4.05(12) d. We interpret these short and long periods respectively as a "negative superhump" and the wobble period of the accretion disk. The superhump could then possibly arise from the heating of the secondary (and structures fixed in the orbital frame) by inner-disk radiation, which reaches the secondary relatively unimpeded since the disk is not coplanar. At higher frequencies, both stars show another type of variability: quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) with a period near 1000 seconds. Underlying these strong signals of low stability may be weak signals of higher stability. Similar QPOs, and negative superhumps, are quite common features in SW Sex stars. Both can in principle be explained by ascribing strong magnetism to the white dwarf member of the binary; and we suggest that SW Sex stars are borderline AM Herculis binaries, usually drowned by a high accretion rate. This would provide an ancestor channel for AM Hers, whose origin is still mysterious.Comment: PDF, 41 pages, 4 tables, 16 figures; accepted, in press, to appear December 2002, PASP; more info at http://cba.phys.columbia.edu