7,872 research outputs found

    Length-frequency estimation for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) caught by commercial fishing gear in the Eastern Pacific Ocean

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    ENGLISH: Methods of collecting samples for the purpose of estimating the numbers and weights of fish caught, by length interval, are described. Several models for two-stage sampling are described, and the equations for the estimators and their variances are given. The results from a brief simulation study are used to show the differences between estimates made with the different models. Estimators for the average weights of fish in the catch and their variances are also described. These average weights are used to provide improved estimates of the total annual catches of yellowfin taken from the eastern Pacific Ocean, east of 150°W, between 1955 and 1990. SPANISH: Se describen los métodos de recoger de muestreo para estimar el número o peso de peces capturados, por intervalo de talla. Se describen varios modelos para el muestreo de dos etapas, y se presentan las ecuaciones para los estimadores y sus varianzas. Se usan los resultados de un breve estudio de simulación para indicar las diferencias entre estimaciones realizadas con los distintosmodelos. También se describe un estimador para el peso promedio de peces en la captura y su varianza. Se usan estos estimadores para calcular estimaciones mejoradas de las capturas anuales totales de aleta amarilla tomadas del Océano Pacífico oriental, al este de 150°W, entre 1955 y 1990. (PDF contains 41 pages.

    Endodontic drug delivery for root surface disinfection: a laboratory feasibility evaluation

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    OBJECTIVES This study aims to assess the potential of a mixture of three antibiotics (TreVitaMix, TVM) as an intracanal dressing to disinfect the outer root surface by applying a new in vitro model. MATERIALS AND METHODS Fifty freshly extracted bovine roots were endodontically treated. Forty samples were then thoroughly scaled, mounted to petri dishes, gas sterilized, and randomly allocated to four groups (n = 10/group) according to their intracanal medication: sterile saline (NaCl; control, A); the TVM carrier material alone, i.e., propylene glycol (PG; B); TVM (C); and calcium hydroxide (D). In an additional group (E), the cementum was not removed and TVM was placed. Petri dishes were filled with Fastidious Anaerobe Agar, inoculated with Fusobacterium nucleatum suspension and then anaerobically incubated during 48-h intervals at 37 °C up to 192 h. Inhibition zones around the roots were then measured after each incubation period (mm(2)). RESULTS Only teeth inoculated with the TVM dressing showed inhibition at all time points, whereas the other treatments showed no peri-radicular growing inhibition. Presence of cementum had no negative effect on disinfection (p = 0.9320). CONCLUSION TVM was able to penetrate through the dentine and inhibit the bacterial growth of F. nucleatum up to 192 h. CLINICAL RELEVANCE TVM might have the potential to sustainably disinfect the outer root surface in perio-endo lesions and serve as an adjunctive antimicrobial agent

    Digging for Dark Matter: Spectral Analysis and Discovery Potential of Paleo-Detectors

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    Paleo-detectors are a recently proposed method for the direct detection of Dark Matter (DM). In such detectors, one would search for the persistent damage features left by DM--nucleus interactions in ancient minerals. Initial sensitivity projections have shown that paleo-detectors could probe much of the remaining Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) parameter space. In this paper, we improve upon the cut-and-count approach previously used to estimate the sensitivity by performing a full spectral analysis of the background- and DM-induced signal spectra. We consider two scenarios for the systematic errors on the background spectra: i) systematic errors on the normalization only, and ii) systematic errors on the shape of the backgrounds. We find that the projected sensitivity is rather robust to imperfect knowledge of the backgrounds. Finally, we study how well the parameters of the true WIMP model could be reconstructed in the hypothetical case of a WIMP discovery.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, code available at https://github.com/tedwards2412/paleo_detectors/ . v2: Added additional analysis theory details, matches version published in PR

    Evaluation of [99mTC(CO)3]-labeled ERBB-2-targeting peptides for breast carcinoma imaging [abstract]

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    The purpose of this study was to radiolabel a novel ErbB-2-avid peptide, discovered from bacteriophage display, with [99mTc(H2 O)3 (CO)3 ]+ and evaluate the in vitro cellular targeting and in vivo tumor imaging properties of the peptide in a mouse model of human breast cancer

    Facing Forward: Policy for Automated Facial Expression Analysis

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    The human face is a powerful tool for nonverbal communication. Technological advances have enabled widespread and low-cost deployment of video capture and facial recognition systems, opening the door for automated facial expression analysis (AFEA). This paper summarizes current challenges to the reliability of AFEA systems and challenges that could arise as a result of reliable AFEA systems. The potential benefits of AFEA are considerable, but developers, prospective users, and policy makers should proceed with caution

    The Origin of Nitrogen on Jupiter and Saturn from the 15^{15}N/14^{14}N Ratio

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    The Texas Echelon cross Echelle Spectrograph (TEXES), mounted on NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF), was used to map mid-infrared ammonia absorption features on both Jupiter and Saturn in February 2013. Ammonia is the principle reservoir of nitrogen on the giant planets, and the ratio of isotopologues (15^{15}N/14^{14}N) can reveal insights into the molecular carrier (e.g., as N2_2 or NH3_3) of nitrogen to the forming protoplanets, and hence the source reservoirs from which these worlds accreted. We targeted two spectral intervals (900 and 960 cm−1^{-1}) that were relatively clear of terrestrial atmospheric contamination and contained close features of 14^{14}NH3_3 and 15^{15}NH3_3, allowing us to derive the ratio from a single spectrum without ambiguity due to radiometric calibration (the primary source of uncertainty in this study). We present the first ground-based determination of Jupiter's 15^{15}N/14^{14}N ratio (in the range from 1.4×10−31.4\times10^{-3} to 2.5×10−32.5\times10^{-3}), which is consistent with both previous space-based studies and with the primordial value of the protosolar nebula. On Saturn, we present the first upper limit on the 15^{15}N/14^{14}N ratio of no larger than 2.0×10−32.0\times10^{-3} for the 900-cm−1^{-1} channel and a less stringent requirement that the ratio be no larger than 2.8×10−32.8\times10^{-3} for the 960-cm−1^{-1} channel (1σ1\sigma confidence). Specifically, the data rule out strong 15^{15}N-enrichments such as those observed in Titan's atmosphere and in cometary nitrogen compounds. To the extent possible with ground-based radiometric uncertainties, the saturnian and jovian 15^{15}N/14^{14}N ratios appear indistinguishable, implying that 15^{15}N-enriched ammonia ices could not have been a substantial contributor to the bulk nitrogen inventory of either planet, favouring the accretion of primordial N2_2 from the gas phase or as low-temperature ices.Comment: 33 pages, 19 figures, manuscript accepted for publication in Icaru

    Rapid Circumstellar Disk Evolution and an Accelerating Star Formation Rate in the Infrared Dark Cloud M17 SWex

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    We present a catalog of 840 X-ray sources and first results from a 100 ks Chandra X-ray Observatory imaging study of the filamentary infrared dark cloud G014.225−-00.506, which forms the central regions of a larger cloud complex known as the M17 southwest extension (M17 SWex). In addition to the rich population of protostars and young stellar objects with dusty circumstellar disks revealed by Spitzer Space Telescope archival data, we discover a population of X-ray-emitting, intermediate-mass pre--main-sequence stars (IMPS) that lack infrared excess emission from circumstellar disks. We model the infrared spectral energy distributions of this source population to measure its mass function and place new constraints on the inner dust disk destruction timescales for 2-8 M⊙M_{\odot} stars. We also place a lower limit on the star formation rate (SFR) and find that it is quite high (M˙≥0.007 M⊙\dot{M}\ge 0.007~M_{\odot} yr−1^{-1}), equivalent to several Orion Nebula Clusters in G14.225−-0.506 alone, and likely accelerating. The cloud complex has not produced a population of massive, O-type stars commensurate with its SFR. This absence of very massive (≥20 M⊙{\ge}20~M_{\odot}) stars suggests that either (1) M17 SWex is an example of a distributed mode of star formation that will produce a large OB association dominated by intermediate-mass stars but relatively few massive clusters, or (2) the massive cores are still in the process of accreting sufficient mass to form massive clusters hosting O stars.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Ap
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