889 research outputs found

    s- and d-wave superconductivity in a two-band model

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    Superconductivity in strongly correlated systems is a remarkable phenomenon that attracts a huge interest. The study of this problem is relevant for materials as the high Tc oxides, pnictides and heavy fermions. In this work we study a realistic model that includes the relevant physics of superconductivity in the presence of strong Coulomb correlations. We consider a two-band model, since most of these correlated systems have electrons from at least two different atomic orbitals coexisting at their Fermi surface. The Coulomb repulsion is taken into account through a local repulsive interaction. Pairing is considered among quasi- particles in neighbouring sites and we allow for different symmetries of the order parameter. In order to deal with the strong local correlations, we use the well known slave boson approach that has proved very successful for this problem. Here we are interested in obtaining the zero temperature properties of the model, specifically its phase diagram and the existence and nature of superconducting quantum critical points. We show that these can arise by increasing the mixing between the two bands. Since this can be controlled by external pressure or doping, our results have a direct relation with experiments. We show that the superconductor-to-normal transition can be either to a metal, a correlated metal or to an insulator. Also we compare the relative stability of s and d-wave paired states for different regions of parameter space and investigate the BCS- BEC crossover in the two-band lattice model as function of the strength of the pairing interaction.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure

    Time activities at the BIPM

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    The generation and dissemination of International Atomic Time, TAI, and of Coordinated Universal Time, UTC, are explicitly mentioned in the list of the principal tasks of the BIPM, recalled in the Comptes Rendus of the 18th Conference Generale des Poids et Mesures, in 1987. These tasks are fulfilled by the BIPM Time Section, thanks to international cooperation with national timing centers, which maintain, under metrological conditions, the clocks used to generate TAI. Besides the current work of data collection and processing, research activities are carried out in order to adapt the computation of TAI to the most recent improvements occurring in the time and frequency domains. Studies concerning the application of general relativity and pulsar timing to time metrology are also actively pursued. This paper summarizes the work done in all these fields and outlines future projects

    The use of the AOA TTR-4P GPS receiver in operation at the BIPM for real-time restitution of GPS time

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    The Global Positioning System is an outstanding tool for the dissemination of time. Using mono-channel C/A-code GPS time receivers, the restitution of GPS time through the satellite constellation presents a peak-to-peak discrepancy of several tens of nanoseconds without SA but may be as high as several hundreds of nanoseconds with SA. As a consequence, civil users are more and more interested in implementing hardware and software methods for efficient restitution of GPS time, especially in the framework of the project of a real-time prediction of UTC (UTCp) which could be available in the form of time differences (UTCp - GPS time). Previous work, for improving the real-time restitution of GPS time with SA, to the level obtained without SA, focused on the implementation of a Kalman filter based on past data and updated at each new observation. An alternative solution relies upon the statistical features of the noise brought about by SA; it has already been shown that the SA noise is efficiently reduced by averaging data from numerous satellites observed simultaneously over a sufficiently long time. This method was successfully applied to data from a GPS time receiver, model AOA TTR-4P, connected to the cesium clock kept at the BIPM. This device, a multi-channel, dual frequency, P-code GPS time receiver, is one of the first TTR-4P units in operation in a civil laboratory. Preliminary comparative studies of this new equipment with conventional GPS time receivers are described in this paper. The results of an experimental restitution of GPS time, obtained in June 1993, are also detailed: 3 to 6 satellites were observed simultaneously with a sample interval of 15 s, an efficient smoothing of SA noise was realized by averaging data on all observed satellites over more than 1 hour. When the GPS system is complete in 1994, 8 satellites will be observable continuously from anywhere in the world and the same level of uncertainty will be obtained using a shorter averaging time

    Effect of anisotropy in the S=1S=1 underscreened Kondo lattice

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    We study the effect of crystal field anisotropy in the underscreened S=1S=1 Kondo lattice model. Starting from the two orbital Anderson lattice model and including a local anisotropy term, we show, through Schrieffer-Wolff transformation, that local anisotropy is equivalent to an anisotropic Kondo interaction (J∥≠J⊥J_{\parallel} \neq{J_{\perp}}). The competition and coexistence between ferromagnetism and Kondo effect in this effective model is studied within a generalized mean-field approximation. Several regimes are obtained, depending on the parameters, exhibiting or not coexistence of magnetic order and Kondo effect. Particularly, we show that a re-entrant Kondo phase at low temperature can be obtained. We are also able to describe phases where the Kondo temperature is smaller than the Curie temperature (TK<TCT_K<T_C). We propose that some aspects of uranium and neptunium compounds that present coexistence of Kondo effect and ferromagnetism, can be understood within this model.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Metamagnetic transition in the two ff orbitals Kondo lattice model

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    In this work, we study the effects of a transverse magnetic field in a Kondo lattice model with two ff orbitals interacting with the conduction electrons. The ff electrons that are present on the same site interact through Hund's coupling, while on neighboring sites they interact through intersite exchange. We consider here that part of ff electrons are localized (orbital 1) while another part (orbital 2) are delocalized, as it is frequent in uranium systems. Then, only electrons in the localized orbital 1 interact through exchange interaction with the neighboring ones, while electrons in orbital 2 are coupled with conduction electrons through a Kondo interaction. We obtain a solution where ferromagnetism and Kondo effect coexist for small values of an applied transverse magnetic field for T→0T\rightarrow0. Increasing the transverse field, two situations can be obtained when Kondo coupling vanishes: first, a metamagnetic transition occurs just before or at the same time of the fully polarized state, and second, a metamagnetic transition occurs when the spins are already pointing out along the magnetic field.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    A real-time prediction of UTC

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    The reference time scale for all scientific and technologic applications on the Earth, the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), must be as stable, reliable, and accurate as possible. With this in view the BIPM and before it the BIH, have always calculated and then disseminated UTC with a delay of about 80 days. There are three fundamental reasons for doing this: (1) It takes some weeks for data, gathered from some 200 clocks spread world-wide, to be collected and for errors to be eliminated; (2) changes in clock rates can only be measured with high precision well after the fact; and (3) the measurement noise originating in time links, in particular using Loran-C, is smoothed out only when averaging over an extended period. Until mid-1992, the ultimate stability of UTC was reached at averaging times of about 100 days and corresponded to an Allan deviation sigma(sub y)(tau) of about 1,5x10(exp -14) then compared to the best primary clock in the world, the PTB CS2. For several years now, a predicted UTC has been computed by the USNO through an extrapolation of the values as published in deferred time by the BIPM. This is made available through the USNO Series 4, through the USNO Automated Data Service, and through GPS signals. Due to the instability of UTC, the poor predictability of the available clocks, and the intentional SA degradation of GPS signals, the real-time access to this extrapolated UTC has represented the true deferred-time UTC only to within several hundreds of nanoseconds

    Implementation of a standard format for GPS common view data

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    A new format for standardizing common view time transfer data, recommended by the Consultative Committee for the Definition of the Second, is being implemented in receivers commonly used for contributing data for the generation of International Atomic Time. We discuss three aspects of this new format that potentially improve GPS common-view time transfer: (1) the standard specifies the method for treating short term data, (2) it presents data in consistent formats including needed terms not previously available, and (3) the standard includes a header of parameters important for the GPS common-view process. In coordination with the release of firmware conforming to this new format the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures will release future international track schedules consistent with the new standard

    Placental contribution to the origins of sexual dimorphism in health and diseases: sex chromosomes and epigenetics

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    Sex differences occur in most non-communicable diseases, including metabolic diseases, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, psychiatric and neurological disorders and cancer. In many cases, the susceptibility to these diseases begins early in development. The observed differences between the sexes may result from genetic and hormonal differences and from differences in responses to and interactions with environmental factors, including infection, diet, drugs and stress. The placenta plays a key role in fetal growth and development and, as such, affects the fetal programming underlying subsequent adult health and accounts, in part for the developmental origin of health and disease (DOHaD). There is accumulating evidence to demonstrate the sex-specific relationships between diverse environmental influences on placental functions and the risk of disease later in life. As one of the few tissues easily collectable in humans, this organ may therefore be seen as an ideal system for studying how male and female placenta sense nutritional and other stresses, such as endocrine disruptors. Sex-specific regulatory pathways controlling sexually dimorphic characteristics in the various organs and the consequences of lifelong differences in sex hormone expression largely account for such responses. However, sex-specific changes in epigenetic marks are generated early after fertilization, thus before adrenal and gonad differentiation in the absence of sex hormones and in response to environmental conditions. Given the abundance of X-linked genes involved in placentogenesis, and the early unequal gene expression by the sex chromosomes between males and females, the role of X- and Y-chromosome-linked genes, and especially those involved in the peculiar placenta-specific epigenetics processes, giving rise to the unusual placenta epigenetic landscapes deserve particular attention. However, even with recent developments in this field, we still know little about the mechanisms underlying the early sex-specific epigenetic marks resulting in sex-biased gene expression of pathways and networks. As a critical messenger between the maternal environment and the fetus, the placenta may play a key role not only in buffering environmental effects transmitted by the mother but also in expressing and modulating effects due to preconceptional exposure of both the mother and the father to stressful conditions

    Cesium atoms in cryogenic argon matrix

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    This paper presents both experimental and theoretical investigations into the spectroscopy of dilute cesium (Cs) atoms within a solid argon (Ar) matrix at cryogenic temperatures. This system is relevant for matrix isolation spectroscopy and in particular for recently proposed methods for investigating phenomena that extend beyond the standard model of particle physics. We record absorption spectra at various deposition temperatures and examine the evolution of these spectra post-deposition with respect to temperature changes. Taking advantage of Cs-Ar and Ar-Ar pairwise interaction potentials, we conduct a stability study of trapping sites, which indicates a preference for Td_{\rm d} (tetrahedral, 4 vacancies) and Oh_{\rm h} (cubic, 6 vacancies) symmetries. By implementing a mean-field analysis of the long-range Cs(6s,6p)-Ar-Ar triple dipole interaction, combined with a temperature-dependent shift in zero point energy, we propose effective Cs(6s,6p)-Ar pairwise potentials. Upon integrating these pairwise potentials with spin-orbit coupling, we achieve a satisfactory agreement between the observed and simulated absorption line positions. The observed line broadening is reasonably well reproduced by a semi-classical thermal Monte Carlo approach based on Mulliken-type differences between excited and ground potential curves. Additionally, we develop a simple, first-order crystal field theory featuring only 6 interaction mode coordinates. It uses the reflection approximation and incorporates quantized (phonon) normal modes. This produces a narrow triplet structure but not the observed amount of splitting
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