2,733 research outputs found

    SISCam 2.0

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    The Seismotectonic Information System of the Campania Region is aimed to improve the knowledge of the geodynamic processes affecting this seismically active, highly populated region. The Information System is oriented to the production of scientific and technical information for seismotectonic applications

    Are mast cells implicated in asphyxia?

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    In a previous immunohistochemical (IHC) study, we documented the reaction of lung tissue vessels to hypoxia through the immunodetection of HIF1-α protein, a key regulator of cellular response to hypoxic conditions. Findings showing that asphyxia deaths are associated with an increase in the number of mast cell (MC)-derived tryptase enzymes in the blood suggests that HIF1-α production may be correlated with MC activation in hypoxic conditions. This hypothesis prompted us to investigate the possible role of pulmonary MC in acute asphyxia deaths. Lung of 47 medico-legal autopsy cases (35 asphyxia/hypoxia deaths, 11 controls, and 1 anaphylactic death) were processed by IHC analysis using anti-CD117 (c-Kit) antibody to investigate peri-airway and perivascular MC together with their counts and features. Results showed a significant increase in peri-vascular c-kit+ MC in some asphyxia deaths, such as hanging, strangulation, and aspiration deaths. A strong activation of MC in peri-airway and peri-vascular areas was also observed in lung samples from the anaphylaxis case, which was used as a positive control. Our study points to the potential role of MC in hypoxia and suggests that an evaluation of MC in the lungs may be a useful parameter when forensic pathologists are required to make a differential diagnosis between acute asphyxia deaths and other kinds of death

    Morphometry of the Campi Flegrei caldera (Southern Italy)

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    A high-resolution Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of Campi Flegrei caldera, obtained from an airborne LiDAR mission, has been analyzed in order to produce a 1:20,000-scale morphometric map of this volcanic area. The map consists of different thematic layers, which include: profile curvature, terrain ruggedness index, elevation range, as well as an up-to-date structural map and building distribution in the densely populated area. Results evidence that most of the relief is related to the occurrence of tuff-cones, tuff-ring, and the outer flanks of the caldera. Higher values of elevation characterize the upper portions of cones, while higher terrain ruggedness index values concentrate on the inner flanks of cones and in areas affected by gravity and erosional processes. The map also evidences the topographic expression of crater rims and of the major morphological scarps, which reflect ancient and uplifted shorelines and present-day cliffs

    PS-inSAR data analysis: Pre-seismic ground deformation in the 2009 l’aquila earthquake region

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    The accuracy of the millimetre-scale measurements made so far by the SAR systems, as well as the multi-temporal analysis methodologies, have provided impressive images of surface displacements in areas affected by strong earthquakes, and contributed to constrain the geometric and kinematic features of earthquake generating faults. The multi-temporal analysis of InSAR data is also being acknowledged as promising for the search of earthquake precursors. We have applied the multi-temporal PS-InSAR technique to the detection of pre- to post-seismic ground displacements in the region struck by the normal faulting 2009 L’Aquila earthquake. We have used ERS and ENVISAT PS-data sets from both ascending and descending orbits, covering a 20-year long time span. On the yearly-scale, we have identified a pre-seismic displacement pattern, which consists of opposite vertical motions that have affected the blocks in the hanging wall and footwall of the structure that is recognised as the surface trace of the earthquake-generating fault. In particular, we have highlighted a pre-seismic uplift for 4-5 years followed by subsidence (starting 6-8 months prior to the earthquake) of the hanging wall block, coeval to opposite vertical motions of the footwall block. We suggest that such a displacement pattern may represent an earthquake precursor signal


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    Thermal monitoring of hydrothermal activity by permanent infrared automatic stations: Results obtained at Solfatara di Pozzuoli, Campi Flegrei (Italy)

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    A permanent automatic infrared (IR) station was installed at Solfatara crater, the most active zone of Campi Flegrei caldera. After a positive in situ calibration of the IR camera, we analyze 2175 thermal IR images of the same scene from 2004 to 2007. The scene includes a portion of the steam heated hot soils of Solfatara. The experiment was initiated to detect and quantify temperature changes of the shallow thermal structure of a quiescent volcano such as Solfatara over long periods. Ambient temperature results as the main parameter affecting IR temperatures while air humidity and rain control image quality. A geometric correction of the images was necessary to remove the effects of slow movement of the camera. After a suitable correction the images give a reliable and detailed picture of the temperature changes, over the period October 2004 – January 2007, which suggests origin of the changes were linked to anthropogenic activity, vegetation growth and to the increase of the flux of hydrothermal fluids in the area of the hottest fumaroles. Two positive temperature anomalies were registered after the occurrence of two seismic swarms which affected the hydrothermal system of Solfatara in October 2005 and October 2006. It is worth noting that these signs were detected in a system characterized by a low level of activity with respect to systems affected by real volcanic crisis where more spectacular results will be expected. Results of the experiment show that this kind of monitoring system can be a suitable tool for volcanic surveillance

    Kinetic description of hadron-hadron collisions

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    A transport model based on the mean free path approach to describe pp collisions is proposed. We assume that hadrons can be treated as bags of partons similarly to the MIT bag model. When the energy density in the collision is higher than a critical value, the bags break and partons are liberated. The partons expand and can make coalescence to form new hadrons. The results obtained compare very well with available data and some prediction for higher energies collisions are discussed. Based on the model we suggest that a QGP could already be formed in the pp collisions at high energies
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