8 research outputs found

    Impact of hyponatremia in patients hospitalized in Internal Medicine units Hyponatremia in Internal Medicine units

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the impact and the clinical and evolutionary characteristics of hypotonic hyponatremia in patients hospitalized in Internal Medicine units. Prospective multicenter observational study of patients with hypotonic hyponatremia (<135 mmol/L) in 5 hospitals in southern Spain. Patients were included according to point prevalence studies carried out every 2 weeks between March 2015 and October 2017, by assessing demographic, clinical, analytical, and management data; each patient was subsequently followed up for 12 months, during which time mortality and readmissions were assessed. A total of 501 patients were included (51.9% women, mean age = 71.3 ± 14.24 years), resulting in an overall prevalence of hyponatremia of 8.3%. The mean comorbidities rate was 4.50 ± 2.41, the most frequent diagnoses being heart failure (115) (23%), respiratory infections (65) (13%), and oncological pathologies (42) (6.4%). Of the total number of hyponatremia cases, 180 (35.9%) were hypervolemic, 164 (32.7%) hypovolemic, and 157 (31.3%) were euvolemic. A total of 87.4% did not receive additional diagnostic tests to establish the origin of the condition and 30% did not receive any treatment. Hospital mortality was 15.6% and the mean length of stay was 14.7 days. Euvolemic and admission hyponatremia versus hyponatremia developed during admission were significantly associated with lower mortality rates (P = .037). Mortality at 1 year and readmissions were high (31% and 53% of patients, respectively). Hyponatremia was common in Internal Medicine areas, with hypervolemic hyponatremia being the most frequent type. The mortality rate was high during admission and at follow-up; yet there is a margin for improvement in the clinical management of this condition

    Applying the FAIR4Health Solution to Identify Multimorbidity Patterns and Their Association with Mortality through a Frequent Pattern Growth Association Algorithm

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Addressing the Growing Burden of Chronic Diseases and Multimorbidity: Characterization and InterventionsThe current availability of electronic health records represents an excellent research opportunity on multimorbidity, one of the most relevant public health problems nowadays. However, it also poses a methodological challenge due to the current lack of tools to access, harmonize and reuse research datasets. In FAIR4Health, a European Horizon 2020 project, a workflow to implement the FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability) principles on health datasets was developed, as well as two tools aimed at facilitating the transformation of raw datasets into FAIR ones and the preservation of data privacy. As part of this project, we conducted a multicentric retrospective observational study to apply the aforementioned FAIR implementation workflow and tools to five European health datasets for research on multimorbidity. We applied a federated frequent pattern growth association algorithm to identify the most frequent combinations of chronic diseases and their association with mortality risk. We identified several multimorbidity patterns clinically plausible and consistent with the bibliography, some of which were strongly associated with mortality. Our results show the usefulness of the solution developed in FAIR4Health to overcome the difficulties in data management and highlight the importance of implementing a FAIR data policy to accelerate responsible health research.This study was performed in the framework of FAIR4Health, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 824666. Also, this research has been co-supported by the Carlos III National Institute of Health, through the IMPaCT Data project (code IMP/00019), and through the Platform for Dynamization and Innovation of the Spanish National Health System industrial capacities and their effective transfer to the productive sector (code PT20/00088), both co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) ‘A way of making Europe’, and by REDISSEC (RD16/0001/0005) and RICAPPS (RD21/0016/0019) from Carlos III National Institute of Health. This work was also supported by Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón and Carlos III National Institute of Health [Río Hortega Program, grant number CM19/00164].Peer reviewe

    The Use of Corticosteroids or Tocilizumab in COVID-19 Based on Inflammatory Markers

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    SEMI-COVID-19 Network.[Background] The inflammatory cascade is the main cause of death in COVID-19 patients. Corticosteroids (CS) and tocilizumab (TCZ) are available to treat this escalation but which patients to administer it remains undefined.[Objective] We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of immunosuppressive/anti-inflammatory therapy in COVID-19, based on the degree of inflammation. .[Design] A retrospective cohort study with data on patients collected and followed up from March 1st, 2020, to May 1st, 2021, from the nationwide Spanish SEMI-COVID-19 Registry. Patients under treatment with CS vs. those under CS plus TCZ were compared. Effectiveness was explored in 3 risk categories (low, intermediate, high) based on lymphocyte count, C-reactive protein (CRP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), ferritin, and d-dimer values.[Patients] A total of 21,962 patients were included in the Registry by May 2021. Of these, 5940 met the inclusion criteria for the present study (5332 were treated with CS and 608 with CS plus TCZ).[Main Measures] The primary outcome of the study was in-hospital mortality. Secondary outcomes were the composite variable of in-hospital mortality, requirement for high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC), non-invasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV), invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), or intensive care unit (ICU) admission.[Key Results] A total of 5940 met the inclusion criteria for the present study (5332 were treated with CS and 608 with CS plus TCZ). No significant differences were observed in either the low/intermediate-risk category (1.5% vs. 7.4%, p=0.175) or the high-risk category (23.1% vs. 20%, p=0.223) after propensity score matching. A statistically significant lower mortality was observed in the very high–risk category (31.9% vs. 23.9%, p=0.049).[Conclusions] The prescription of CS alone or in combination with TCZ should be based on the degrees of inflammation and reserve the CS plus TCZ combination for patients at high and especially very high risk.Peer reviewe

    Revisión bibliográfica sobre la ecografía clínica en el ámbito domiciliario

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    37 páginas.Trabajo Fin de Máster Universitario en Ecografía Clínica (2018/19). Director: Bosco Barón. Introducción: el interés por el uso de la ecografía clínica se ha incrementado. Sin embargo, la aplicación de esta herramienta en pacientes que están siendo evaluados en domicilio, ha sido poco estudiada. Material y métodos: revisión exhaustiva de la literatura publicada en las bases de datos científicas de PubMed, Medline, Embase, Google Académico y Cochrane, con el fin de aportar una puesta al día sobre la utilidad de la ecografía clínica en el ámbito domiciliario. Resultados: encontramos 12 trabajos que han analizado la ecografía en el ámbito domiciliario. Los artículos de esta revisión la hemos clasificado en 4 secciones según las situaciones estudiadas: canalización de vías periféricas, el manejo de la ascitis, la incontinencia urinaria, la dificultad respiratoria y la desnutrición. El tema con más publicaciones, ha sido la incontinencia urinaria, 6 artículos. No hay ningún trabajo que haya examinado de forma global el uso de este dispositivo Discusión: la bibliógrafa acerca de la utilidad de la ecografía clínica en el ámbito de la atención domiciliaria, es limitada. Son escasos los artículos publicados que han explorado la utilidad de la ecografía domiciliaria para mejorar la toma de decisiones clínicas en este tipo de práctica. Los pocos trabajos que hemos podido obtener en esta revisión, consideramos que son estudios con una calidad insuficiente. Estos se han centrado fundamentalmente en pacientes con enfermedades oncológicas en situación paliativa o en pacientes seniles institucionalizados. Conclusión: la ecografía clínica podría tener un gran impacto en el manejo de diversas patologías y situaciones en el hogar del paciente, aunque tras esta revisión, consideramos que se necesita más estudios

    Proyecto Hiponat: estudio multicéntrico prospectivo observacional sobre las características de la hiponatremia y su manejo en áreas de medicina interna

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    Objetivos: Analizar las características clínicas y evolutivas, así como, el manejo de los pacientes con hiponatremia hipotónica ingresados en Medicina Interna. Material y métodos: Estudio prospectivo observacional multicéntrico en el que se han incluido a pacientes con hiponatremia hospitalizados en áreas de Medicina Interna de 5 hospitales de Andalucía. La fecha de inclusión abarcó desde el 17 de marzo del 2015 al 11 de octubre de 2017. La cohorte se reclutó mediante la realización de cortes de prevalencia quincenales en los que se evaluaron sistemáticamente a todos los pacientes hospitalizados, incluyéndose aquéllos con alguna determinación de sodio por debajo de 135 mEq/L. Se recogieron datos demográficos, comorbilidades, fármacos potencialmente inductores de hiponatremia, valores de natremia durante el año previo, niveles de natremia durante el ingreso, clasificaciones de la hiponatremia (volemia, síntomas, niveles bioquímicos y cronología), etiologías, variables analíticas, manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico, así como su adecuación a guías de práctica clínica. Se realizó seguimiento a todos los pacientes durante un año. Se llevó a cabo un análisis descriptivo mediante números absolutos y porcentajes para variables cualitativas, así como valores centrales y medidas de dispersión para las cuantitativas. Posteriormente se realizó un análisis inferencial bivariante de las posibles diferencias clínicas y asistenciales, del grado de cumplimentación de las guías de práctica clínica, así como de los factores asociados a la mortalidad del episodio y a los 12 meses mediante los test de la Chi2, T de Student y ANOVA, Finalmente se realizó un análisis multivariante de los factores asociados a la mortalidad. Para todos los cálculos se utilizó el programa SPSS 26.0. Resultados: Se reclutaron 501 pacientes en 69 cortes de inclusión (51,9 % mujeres, edad media de 71,31 ± 14,24 años). La prevalencia de este trastorno fue del 8,32 %. La duración media de la estancia hospitalaria fue de 14,7 días. Del total de las hiponatremias, 180 (35,9%) fueron hipervolémicas, 164 (32,7%) hipovolémicas y 157 (31,3%) hipervolémicas. La gran mayoría fueron de cronología crónica (417 [84,2 %]). Respecto a los niveles bioquímicos, las hiponatremias leves fueron las más frecuentes (216 [43,3 %]). El 52,8 % de los pacientes presentó algún síntoma relacionado con la hiponatremia. Al 87,4 % no se le solicitó pruebas para aclarar el origen de este trastorno y el 30 % no recibió ninguna terapia activa específica. El suero fisiológico fue la terapia inicial más habitual (41.6 %). El seguimiento de las guías de los pacientes con síntomas graves o con un nivel bioquímico severo fue del 14,84 %. La tasa de mortalidad hospitalaria fue del 15, 6 %. En el análisis inferencial el diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardiaca, neoplasia activa y la hiponatremia desarrollada durante el ingreso fueron factores predictores de mortalidad (p < 0,05). La mortalidad, así como los reingresos al año, fueron elevados (31 % y 53 %, respectivamente). Conclusiones: La hiponatremia es una alteración hidroelectrolítica común en áreas de Medicina Interna. En estos servicios el origen de la hiponatremia fue variado y heterogéneo, pero predominó el origen hipervolémico. Este trabajo mostró deficiencias en el manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de este trastorno

    Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients without advanced fibrosis after HCV eradication antiviral treatment.

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    From the last few years, hepatitis C virus and the new direct antiviral treatments are being more and more important. In consequence, case studies like the one we present, the appearance of hepatocelullar carcinoma after its eradication with fibrosis grade 2, are getting special interest. In 2007, our patient was treated with pegylated interferon α-2a and ribavirin, having a sustained virological response after it. In this way, liver fibrosis grade 2 was confirmed by a biopsy. Finally, after corroborating a good liver functioning, the patient was discharged (as, according to the guidebooks, an ultrasound scan of screeing every 6 months was not required). In 2014, the patient came to hospital because of a pain at right hypochondrium and he was diagnosed with hepatocelullar carcinoma. A hepatectomy was done objectifying the surgical piece, liver fibrosis grade 2, one more time. Subsequently, a tumour relapse through an abdominal CT scan, a tumour relapse was found and despite the Sorafenib treatment, the patient died on January 2015. This case study provokes curiosity and uncertainty about the attitude which should be taken respect to the monitoring, and hepatocelullar carcinoma screening overall, in patients with a sustained virological response after eradicator treatment and without advanced fibrosis. Nowadays, with the benefits of the new treatments, the amount of patients in this situation is increasing significantly