1,664 research outputs found

    Engineering report: Oxygen boost compressor study

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    An oxygen boost compressor is described which supports a self-contained life support system. A preliminary analysis of the compressor is presented along with performance test results, and recommendations for follow-on efforts

    Embracing diversities in elementary schools : stepping outside the classroom

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    Teachers are currently challenged on how to include all students in one common and safe learning environment. Students don\u27t come in cookie cutter patterns, but vary between cultures, genders, classes, race and ability. While children don\u27t learn the same; a positive, common environment and learning atmosphere can contribute to learning of all children. Research shows that children that have difficulty in a traditional classroom setting can feel more comfortable in a less intense environment, like that outdoors. Many students with linguistic or physical barriers learn better actively doing rather than lectures, which gives great opportunity for science experimentations. These factors combine to present prime learning engagements with scientific viewpoints in a garden within the educational community


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    Tera Garnida 12012416 Analisis Visual “Sirah Nabi Muhammad: Graphic Novel” karya Gerdi W.K. Novel grafis merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam sejarah perkembangan komik Amerika, Eropa hingga Indonesia. Perkembangan novel grafis Indonesia telah memicu komikus lokal untuk membuat komik dalam bentuk serupa. Salah satunya ialah komikus veteran Gerdi W.K. dengan karyanya “Sirah Nabi Muhammad: Graphic Novel”. Novel grafis ini merupakan novel grafis pertama yang mengisahkan Nabi Muhammad SAW di Indonesia. Hal inilah yang mendasari ketertarikan penulis untuk menelitinya dari segi visual. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis elemen visual dan pengambilan adegan dalam “Sirah Nabi Muhammad: Graphic Novel”. Terkait tujuan penelitian, dibuat rumusan masalah berupa elemen visual komik yang meliputi halaman komik, ilustrasi, panel, balon kata, kotak narasi, splash, onomatopoeia, garis gerak, symbolia, dan tipografi; dan pengambilan adegan yang meliputi sudut pandang, jarak pandang, keseimbangan, kemiringan, dan closure. Teknik penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Metode pengambilan sampel pada novel grafis ini dilakukan melalui purposive sampling, yaitu dengan mengambil sampel sesuai rumusan masalah yang mewakili keseluruhnan. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa halaman komik, panel, balon kata, kotak narasi, splash, onomatopoeia, garis gerak, symbolia, dan tipografi digunakan pada novel grafis ini. Pengambilan adegan meliputi sudut pandang, jarak pandang, keseimbangan, kemiringan, dan closure digambar secara sinematografis. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat khususnya mahasiswa dan kalangan professional dalam bidang komik. Kata Kunci: Komik, Novel Grafis, Analisis Visual, Elemen Visual Komik, Komposisi Tera Garnida 12012416 Visual Analysis on “Sirah Nabi Muhammad: Graphic Novel” by Gerdi W.K. Graphic novel is one of the important parts of America’s, European’s and Indonesia’s comic history growth. Indonesia’s graphic novel growth has triggered local comic artists to create comics in the same form. One of them is veteran comic artist Gerdi W.K. with his work entitled “Sirah Nabi Muhammad: Graphic Novel”. This graphic novel is Indonesia’s first graphic novel which tells the story of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, and this underlies the researcher’s interest to examine it from visual aspect. This study aims to analyze visual elements and scene takings on “Sirah Nabi Muhammad: Graphic Novel”. Based on the purpose, the formulation of problems are visual elements which include comic page, illustration, panel, speech bubble, narrative box, splash, onomatopoeia, motion lines, symbolia, and typography; and scene takings which include angle, distance, balance, tilt, and closure. The research technique used descriptive analysis method with qualitative approach. The data collection was conducted through observation, documentation, and interview. Sampling method in graphic novel was performed through purposive sampling: taking samples according to the formulation of problems which represent the whole data. The findings prove that comic page, panel, speech bubble, narrative box, splash, onomatopoeia, motion lines, symbolia, and typography are used on this graphic novel. Moreover, the scene takings, which cover angle, distance, balance, tilt, and closure, are drawn cinematographically. The results are expected to be helpful for community, particularly for college students and professionals in the field of comics. Keywords: Comics, Graphic Novel, Visual Analysis, Comic’s Visual Elements, Compositio

    Children Left Behind Bars: Sullivan, Graham, and Juvenile Life without Parole Sentences

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    The practice of sentencing children to life in prison without parole is not only a misguided violation the standards of decency in U.S. law, but also a violation of international human rights law as well. The Supreme Court had the opportunity to eradicate the practice of sentencing children to LWOP when it heard the cases of and . However, the Court ruled that LWOP sentences would only be prohibited in cases where children committed non-homicide offenses. The Supreme Court should have categorically banned juvenile LWOP because it violates both domestic and international human rights law and has a disparate impact on racial minorities. If the Court weighed the practice of sentencing children to LWOP against the Supremacy Clause, customary international law, and international treaties, such as the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Convention Against Torture), and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), it would have had a stronger impetus to categorically ban juvenile LWOP

    Home and school literacy partnerships : building stronger tomorrows hand in hand

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    This project aims to bring quality literacy interactions into homes of young children. These literacy interactions are important because research has shown that quality literacy experiences during the early childhood years impact a child\u27s emergent literacy learning. Because children are not yet in formal schooling, many of these interactions can take place in home so family involvement is critical. The project is threefold: (a) to increase the quantity and quality of literacy interactions in the home, (b) to help parents become more informed contributors of their children\u27s emergent literacy development, and (c) to promote more family involvement and two-way communication with schools. Three approaches to implementing this project will be taken. First, newsletters will be used to inform parents on developmentally appropriate literacy strategies, literacy skill development, and literacy activities. Secondly, literacy take-home bags will be used to promote more family involvement using appropriate literacy materials that are paired with instructional strategies and activities. Lastly, literacy nights will be held to promote family literacy education, build stronger home-school partnerships, and allow for more meaningful two-way communication to take place

    Perceptions of Campus Community Members Regarding Wrongful Convictions in Mississippi

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    The American criminal justice system is a series of checks and balances meant to protect the American people. However, on occasion, the system fails, and innocent people are convicted of crimes, leaving the truly guilty perpetrator free to potentially commit other crimes. This study aimed to determine the beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes of university community members regarding the issue of wrongful conviction in Mississippi. This was executed by hosting a public forum including the Director of the Mississippi Innocence Project on the campus of Southern Mississippi. During this forum, participants were provided with the opportunity to complete two surveys in the form of a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design. Once Survey #1 was completed, the participants viewed a documentary entitled “Mississippi Innocence.” Following the screening of the documentary, participants were then asked to complete Survey #2. Results of the analysis indicated that the more information that is made available to the public about the issue of wrongful conviction, the more the public agrees that exonorees are unfairly compensated. The ultimate goal of this project is to raise awareness of unfair compensation statutes in place throughout the United States

    Reading with Ancient Christians

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    Emergent literacy learning

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    The purpose of this review of literature was to look at research in the area of early literacy acquisition. A brief background on emergent literacy and how emergent literacy has impacted educational reform was discussed. The review of literature discussed research on emergent literacy development, in particular the skills that are appropriate for young children to acquire in preparation for entrance into formal schooling. A look at research about the influences on emergent literacy learning and the conditions that foster early literacy development was also discussed. The home factors influencing emergent literacy development and the conditions that foster early literacy learning were highlighted. Recommendations regarding national and local support and implementation were offered to further the development of emergent literacy learning


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    The use of dating applications (apps) to find romantic and sexual partners is widespread across age groups, however, there is a paucity of research on dating apps with those in middle adulthood. Sexual script theory suggests that women’s agency (i.e. the ability to act in one’s own best interest) may be impacted by expectations from an inherently sexualized context, such as dating apps. Feminist theory contends that women’s agency is complicated by gender socialization due to the imbalance of power in society that greatly favors men. In this study seventeen women aged 30 to 49 completed in-depth semi-structured interviews, and their responses were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Data analysis resulted in identifying themes related to how dating apps pose challenges to women’s agency, the casual nature of apps, positive aspects of dating apps in general and specific to women’s agency, differences and similarities to meeting in-person, and how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting dating app experiences. These results highlight the complicated process of navigating dating app use for women aged 30 to 49 and call for cultural changes relating to gender socialization

    Sleep Disorders in the Pediatric Population: Outcomes Resulting in Physiological, Developmental, and Behavioral Manifestations

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    Sleep disorders are a growing concern in the pediatric population, especially because of their potentially detrimental effects on a child’s development. Sleep is critical for the health of a child. Accordingly, disruptions in sleep can lead to impairments in cognition, behavior, and various other physiological and psychological manifestations. Certain sleep disturbances and disorders are preventable and even treatable, especially when they are properly diagnosed. When a child is diagnosed with a sleep disorder, they must receive the proper medical attention and treatment plans to effectively dissipate their symptoms and mitigate the detrimental consequences of their condition. To understand the appropriate treatment plans for pediatric sleep disorders, researchers must investigate the symptoms and behavioral outcomes of the disorders. Researchers have found that the consequences of sleep disorders include physical ailments, poor school performance, and delayed development of an individual’s behavioral and social skills. The primary goal of this study was to determine the detrimental effects of sleep disorders and abnormalities in the pediatric population. To perform this literature review and retrospective analysis, resources such as PubMed, Science Direct, and additional academic journals were utilized. Moreover, primary information was gathered from pediatric sleep disorder cases and further analysis of the detrimental effects of these sleep disorders on pediatric patients. In this review, the repercussions of sleep disorders in a young life are explored, specifically to analyze how sleep disorders impair a child’s physiological, developmental, and behavioral growth
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