17 research outputs found

    Interbank borrowing and lending between financially constrained banks

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    Some stylized facts about transactions among banks are not easily reconciled with coinsurance of short-term liquidity risks. In our model, interbank markets play a different role. We argue that lending to another bank can reduce a bank’s overall portfolio risk through diversification. If insolvency is costly, this diversification improves the interbank lender's funding liquidity, boosting credit supply to nonbanks. However, diversification comes at an endogenous cost that depends on bank-specific factors of interbank borrower and lender. The model provides a framework for understanding the importance of interbank lending for aggregate credit supply and the stability of banking systems. The model’s predictions are consistent with evidence documented in the literature that other theories cannot consistently explain

    The effect of S-0/X-0 ratio on inert cod fraction in pharmaceutical wastewaters under aerobic and anaerobic treatment

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the ratio between COD and biomass (SO/Xo) on inert COD fraction in pharmaceutical wastewaters under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In this concept, wastewater diluted to 2000 mg.L-1 with the same initial COD and biomass concentration of 50 mg.L-1 were treated in batch reactors to determine the inert COD fraction. The pharmaceutical wastewater consists of a lot of volatile organic compounds, and high concentrations of COD may inhibit particularly the aerobic systems. The aerobic and anaerobic batch runs were operated for 37 days and 86 days, respectively [1]. The results of the aerobic inert COD experiment indicated that the biological removal was only 19%, and 81% of the initial COD level has been removed by air stripping. The anaerobic experiments were carried out at five different S-0/X-0 ratios and an efficiency of 88 % could be provided. It was seen that increasing S-0/X-0 ratios did not change the soluble inert COD (SI). Some unexpected peaks could be observed in raw wastewater, possibly originating from additive effects of particular wastewater fractions increasing COD by degradation or destroyed cell material. Additionally, the concentrations of the volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and their behavior in the inert systems were analyzed and discussed

    Network centrality and funding rates in the e-MID interbank market

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    This paper empirically investigates the role of banks’ network centrality in the interbank market on their funding rates. Specifically we analyze transaction data from the e-MID market, the only electronic interbank market in the Euro Area and US, over the period 2006–2009 that encompasses the global financial crisis. We show that interbank spreads are significantly affected by both local and global measures of connectedness. The effects of network centrality increased as the financial crisis evolved. Local measures show that having more links increases borrowing costs for borrowers and reduces premia for lenders. For global network centrality, borrowers receive a significant discount if they increase their intermediation activity and become more central, while lenders pay in general a premium (i.e. receive lower rates) for centrality. This provides evidence of the ‘too-interconnected-to-fail’ hypothesis

    The role of bank relationships in the interbank market

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    This paper empirically explores the effect of bank lending relationships in the interbank market. We use data from the e-MID market that represents the only transparent electronic platform in Europe and USA, unaffected by search costs and other fictions. We show that stable relationships exist and that they played a significant role during the 2007-2008 financial crisis. Trading with preferred counterparts is associated with more favorable rates for both lenders and borrowers, and carries larger trading volumes. The results point to a peer monitoring role of relationship lending, which contributes, at a time of financial distress, to a smooth liquidity redistribution among banks. Relationship lending thus plays an important positive role for financial stability