13 research outputs found

    Technological acceptance of advertising in mobile devices in Colombia

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    Este artículo analiza el comportamiento de aceptación tecnológica de la publicidad móvil en Colombia, utilizando el modelo TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) y adicionando el concepto de confianza como variable que influye en la relación entre anunciantes y receptores de la publicidad móvil. El modelo planteado fue contrastado mediante una muestra empírica de 530 individuos, se comprobó la fiabilidad y validez del mismo y se validaron las hipótesis mediante ecuaciones estructurales. Para el caso de los consumidores colombianos, los resultados demuestran el ajuste del modelo y confirman que la confianza influye directamente en la intención de uso; sin embargo, la utilidad percibida se constituye como el principal determinante del uso de la publicidad móvil.This article looks for analyzing the behavior of technological acceptance of advertising in mobile devices in Colombia, using TAM model (Technology Acceptance Model) and adding the confidence as a variable which influences in the relation between advertisers and sectors or mobile advertising. The model was con­trasted through an empirical sample of 530 individuals; reliability and validity of the model was verified and hypothesis were validated by means of structural equations. In the case of Colombian consumers, results show the adjustment of the model and confirm that the confidence directly influences in the use intention; however, the usefulness perceived, constitutes as the main determinant of use of mobile advertising.O presente artigo procura analisar o comportamento tecnológico da aceitação da publicidade móvel na Colômbia, usando o modelo TAM (Tecnologia aceitação Modelo) e adicionar o conceito de confiança como uma variável que afeta as relações entre os anunciantes e os destinatários da publicidade móvel. O modelo foi calibrado através de uma amostragem empírica de 530 indivíduos, foi encontrada a confiabilidade e a validade do mesmo, validando as hipóteses usando equações estruturais. No caso dos consumidores colombianos, os resultados mostram o ajuste do modelo e confirmar que o confiança influencia dire­tamente na intenção de utilizar, no entanto, a utilidade se constitui como a principal determinante da utilização de publicidade móvel

    Étude corrélationnelle des facteurs qui influencent la recommandation et la loyauté de patients de médecine esthétique à Medellin, Colombie, 2014

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    ABSTRACT: Aesthetic procedures have gained high relevance within health services offer, becoming consolidated as an attractive market that requires assessment in order to improve its services and thus attracting and keeping its users. This research identified the factors that influence processes of recommendation and loyalty produced within the medic-patient relationship in aesthetic medicine, among which the quality of the relationship, trust, satisfaction and perceived value are addressed. Afterwards, a model of relationships among constructs was proposed, which is contrasted against a sample of 391 patients of Medellin’s (Colombia) metropolitan area. A confirmatory factorial analysis was carried out in order to guarantee the reliability and validity of the measurement scales, which allowed to contrast the hypotheses by means of a structural equations analysis. Once the factorial correlation is revised, proof is shown for the existence of an influence relationship of constructs such as perceived value, satisfaction and the quality of the medic-patient relationship in loyalty, and also that satisfaction and loyalty, in turn, directly influence recommendations.RESUMEN: Los procedimientos estéticos han tomado gran relevancia dentro de la oferta de servicios de salud, consolidándose como un mercado atractivo que requiere evaluarse para mejorar el servicio y así atraer y mantener sus usuarios. Esta investigación identificó los factores que influyen sobre los procesos de recomendación y lealtad que se producen en la relación médico-paciente en la medicina estética, entre los que se abordaron la calidad de la relación, la confianza, la satisfacción y el valor percibido. Posteriormente se propuso un modelo de relaciones entre los constructos, el cual es contrastado con una muestra de 391 pacientes del área metropolitana de Medellín (Colombia); se desarrolló un análisis factorial confirmatorio para garantizar la fiabilidad y validez de las escalas de medida, permitiendo contrastar las hipótesis mediante un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales. Una vez revisada la correlación factorial se evidencia que existe una relación de influencia de constructos como el valor percibido, la satisfacción, y la calidad de la relación médico-paciente en la lealtad; y que la satisfacción y la lealtad a su vez, influyen de forma directa en la recomendación.RESUMO: Les procédures esthétiques ont pris une grande importance dans l’offre de services de santé, se consolidant comme un marché attractif qui doit être évalué pour améliorer le service et ainsi attirer et maintenir ses usagers. Cette recherche a identifié les facteurs qui influencent les processus de recommandation et de loyauté qui se produisent dans la relation: médecin-patient en médecine esthétique, parmi lesquels la qualité de la relation, la confiance, la satisfaction et la valeur perçue ont été abordées. Par la suite, un modèle de relations entre les construits a été proposé, ce qui contraste avec un échantillon de 391 patients de la zone métropolitaine de Medellín (Colombie); une analyse factorielle confirmatoire a été développée pour garantir la fiabilité et la validité des échelles de mesure, permettant de tester l’hypothèse par le biais d’une analyse d’équations structurelles. Une fois la corrélation factorielle soit examinée, il est évident qu’il existe une relation d’influence entre les concepts tels que la valeur perçue, la satisfaction et la qualité de la relation médecin-patient dans la loyauté: la satisfaction et la loyauté, à leur tour, influencent directement la recommandation

    Internet móvil : aceptación tecnológica para el cierre de la brecha digital en Colombia

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    RESUMEN: El acceso a las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación es uno de los pilares de la competitividad y un determinante del desarrollo de los negocios. El Internet es una de las tecnologías de mayor relevancia y su acceso presenta diferencias contrastadas entre países y personas con mayores niveles de ingreso, frente a aquellos que poseen menores ingresos. El cierre de dicha brecha digital es relevante para el desarrollo de los países y las regiones, y los medios móviles representan una solución viable dada su superior penetración frente al acceso a Internet tradicional de línea fija, implicando una posibilidad de mayor rapidez y menores costos de penetración. El estudio de la aceptación del Internet Móvil posibilita identificar los determinantes del comportamiento de adopción de los consumidores, permitiendo proponer estrategias empresariales y gubernamentales para incrementar la penetración y acelerar el cierre de la brecha digital existente. El presente artículo explora la utilización del Modelo de Aceptación Tecnológica (TAM) como herramienta para describir el comportamiento de aceptación del Internet Móvil por parte de los consumidores colombianos, propone un modelo de hipotético de ecuaciones estructurales, ratifica la fiabilidad y validez del modelo de medida mediante un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) y contrasta empíricamente las hipótesis propuestas con una muestra de 130 individuos de la ciudad de Medellín. El TAM aplicado obtuvo excelentes indicadores de bondad de ajuste y el no rechazo de la totalidad de hipótesis planteadas, permitiendo identificar la facilidad de uso, la utilidad percibida y la actitud hacia el uso de Internet Móvil como antecedentes significativos de la intención de uso.ABSTRACT: Access to Information and Communication Technologies is one pillar of competitiveness and a determinant of business development. Internet is one of the most important technologies and its access presents contrasted differences between countries and people with higher income levels compared to those with lower incomes. Closing the digital gap is relevant for the development of countries and regions, and mobile media represent a viable solution because of its superior penetration compared to traditional Internet access by fixed lines, implying a possibility of faster and lower penetration costs. The study of acceptance of Mobile Internet allows to identify the determinants of consumers’ adoption behavior, enabling businesses and government to propose strategies for increasing market penetration and accelerating the closure of the digital gap. This article explores the use of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a tool for describing the behavior of Mobile Internet acceptance by Colombian consumers. Proposes a hypothetical model of structural equations, confirms the reliability and validity of the measurement model by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and empirically contrasts proposed hypotheses with a sample of 130 individuals from the Medellin city. The TAM obtained excellent goodness of fit indicators and non-rejection of all hypotheses, permiting to identify the ease of use, perceived usefulness and attitude toward using mobile internet as a significant antecedents of Intention of Use


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    This article looks for analyzing the behavior of technological acceptance of advertising in mobile devices in Colombia, using TAM model (Technology Acceptance Model) and adding the confidence as a variable which influences in the relation between advertisers and sectors or mobile advertising. The model was con­trasted through an empirical sample of 530 individuals; reliability and validity of the model was verified and hypothesis were validated by means of structural equations. In the case of Colombian consumers, results show the adjustment of the model and confirm that the confidence directly influences in the use intention; however, the usefulness perceived, constitutes as the main dewterminant of use of mobile advertisingEste artículo analiza el comportamiento de aceptación tecnológica de la publicidad móvil en Colombia, utilizando el modelo TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) y adicionando el concepto de confianza como variable que influye en la relación entre anunciantes y receptores de la publicidad móvil. El modelo planteado fue contrastado mediante una muestra empírica de 530 individuos, se comprobó la fiabilidad y validez del mismo y se validaron las hipótesis mediante ecuaciones estructurales. Para el caso de los consumidores colombianos, los resultados demuestran el ajuste del modelo y confirman que la confianza influye directamente en la intención de uso; sin embargo, la utilidad percibida se constituye como el principal determinante del uso de la publicidad móvil.O presente artigo procura analisar o comportamento tecnológico da aceitação da publicidade móvel na Colômbia, usando o modelo TAM (Tecnologia aceitação Modelo) e adicionar o conceito de confiança como uma variável que afeta as relações entre os anunciantes e os destinatários da publicidade móvel. O modelo foi calibrado através de uma amostragem empírica de 530 indivíduos, foi encontrada a confiabilidade e a validade do mesmo, validando as hipóteses usando equações estruturais. No caso dos consumidores colombianos, os resultados mostram o ajuste do modelo e confirmar que o confiança influencia dire­tamente na intenção de utilizar, no entanto, a utilidade se constitui como a principal determinante da utilização de publicidade móvel

    Digital local information services in developing countries: Evidence from Colombia

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    This exploratory research identifies and investigates factors that affect the delivery of local information in a developing country. The service provider and 195 local institutions based in Medellin, Colombia collaborate through an online portal, Infolocal, constituting a local information landscape (LIL). The study implements a conceptual framework for the LIL and highlights deficiencies in traditional local information service models. A Delphi study was conducted with global experts of local information services (LIS) in order to refine the traditional Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model constructs for the Infolocal information service. Second, a survey was developed based on the revised categories (effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, organisational support, and affective commitment) and disseminated to the local institutions to assess their perceptions of the service. This data was then evaluated using exploratory factor analysis. The study found that theories of technology acceptance were insufficient in explaining the disjunctions in the information landscape of this service. This study contributes to closing a gap in understanding the perceptions of LIS practice from the perspective of institutions that engage directly with citizens’ technology acceptance and use behaviour in a multilevel relationship. This article captures, compares, and analyses the disjunctions between the theoretical frameworks as espoused by experts and the practices of LIS

    Correlational study of the factors that influence in the recommendation and loyalty of patients of aesthetic medicine Medellín Colombia, 2014

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    Aesthetic procedures have gained high relevance within health services offer, becoming consolidated as an attractive market that requires assessment in order to improve its services and thus attracting and keeping its users. This research identified the factors that influence processes of recommendation and loyalty produced within the medic-patient relationship in aesthetic medicine, among which the quality of the relationship, trust, satisfaction and perceived value are addressed. Afterwards, a model of relationships among constructs was proposed, which is contrasted against a sample of 391 patients of Medellin’s (Colombia) metropolitan area. A confirmatory factorial analysis was carried out in order to guarantee the reliability and validity of the measurement scales, which allowed to contrast the hypotheses by means of a structural equations analysis. Once the factorial correlation is revised, proof is shown for the existence of an influence relationship of constructs such as perceived value, satisfaction and the quality of the medic-patient relationship in loyalty, and also that satisfaction and loyalty, in turn, directly influence recommendations

    Innovation resistance and mobile banking in rural Colombia

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    This research examines innovation resistance to a mobile banking and digital money initiative in rural communities. Despite studies on the impact of mobile banking applications on increasing financial inclusion, there is still a dearth of research on why innovation resistance persists in traditional, rural communities, particularly with respect to gender. This qualitative case study uses semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and semiotics to unpack the causes of resistance in a rural town and use this experience to elaborate on existing innovation theories. We conceptualise four factors that contributed to innovation resistance and highlight the need for a multi-faceted approach to addressing financial isolation in rural sectors. The themes embodied within these factors include the reconfiguration of rural life, the dematerialisation of cash, local and regional politics and gender relations. This case serves as an example of the historical situatedness of knowledge and the intersubjective nature of human and social relations that affect technology acceptance. This is one of the first studies to apply active and passive innovation resistance literature to a rural context. We hoped to have emphasised a need to rethink digital initiatives for financial inclusion in rural communities. Furthermore, the idiosyncrasies of this case call for revisiting mainstream innovation resistance models to draw on interdisciplinary approaches that facilitate financial inclusion for marginalised communities

    Antecedentes de la intención de uso de los sitios web de compras colectivas

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    Collective purchase websites have become very important for the online commercialization of goods and services. However, in Colombia studies regarding the acceptance of these technologies are either scarce or non-existent. This paper proposes a hypothetical model for the study of the acceptance of the Collective Purchase Websites based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and other constructs as the Perceived Value, The Shopping Enjoyment and the Perceived Confidence theories. The model was used on the analysis of a sample of 470 individuals obtaining a good fit without rejecting any of the hypotheses. It also evidenced that the Perceived Utility is the main antecedent of the intention of use in this investigation.Os sites de compra coletiva tornaram-se importantes para os produtos e serviços de marketing on-line, mas estudos sobre a aceitação desta tecnologia são escassos no mundo e inexistente na Colômbia. Este trabalho propõe um modelo de hipóteses para o estudo da aceitação tecnológica dos sites de compra coletiva, com base no Modelo de Aceitação de Tecnologia (TAM, por sua sigla em Inglês) e complementada com outros pontos, como o valor percebido, o Shopping Enjoyment e da confiança percebida. Este modelo contrasta com uma amostra de 470 indivíduos com um bom ajuste, permitindo a não rejeição de todas as propostas e hipóteses que mostraram a utilidade percebida como o principal antecedente direto do uso pretendido.Los sitios web de compras colectivas han adquirido importancia para la comercialización online de productos y servicios, pero los estudios sobre la aceptación de esta tecnología son escasos en el mundo e inexistentes en Colombia. El presente trabajo propone un modelo de hipótesis para el estudio de la aceptación tecnológica de los sitios web de compras colectivas, basado en el Modelo de Aceptación de Tecnologías (TAM, por su sigla en inglés) y complementado con otros constructos como el Valor Percibido, el Shopping Enjoyment y la Confianza Percibida. Dicho modelo se contrastó con una muestra de 470 individuos con lo que se obtuvo un buen ajuste, que permitió el no rechazo de todas las hipótesis propuestas y que evidenció la utilidad percibida como el principal antecedente directo de la intención de uso