273 research outputs found

    Structural Characteristics of the Tallest Mangrove Forests of the American Continent: A Comparison of Ground-Based, Drone and Radar Measurements

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    The Panama Bight eco-region along the Pacific coast of central and South America is considered to have one of the best-preserved mangrove ecosystems in the American continent. The regional climate, with rainfall easily reaching 5-8 m every year and weak wind conditions, contribute to the exceptionally tall mangroves along the southern Colombian and northern Ecuadorian Pacific coasts (Narino Department and Esmeraldas Province areas). Here we evaluate the use of different methods (ground-based measurements, drone imagery and radar data [Shuttle Radar Topography mission-SRTM and TanDEM-X]) to characterize the structure of the tallest of these forests. In November 2019, three mangrove sites with canopy heights between 50 and 60 m, previously identified with SRTM data, were sampled close to the town of Guapi, Colombia. In addition to in situ field measurements of trees, we conducted airborne drone surveys in order to generate georeferenced orthomosaics and digital surface models (DSMs). We found that the extensive mangrove forests in this area of the Colombian Pacific are almost entirely composed of Rhizophora spp. trees. The tallest mangrove tree measured in the three plots was 57 m. With ca. 900 drone photographs, three orthomosaics (2 cm pixel(-1) resolution) and digital surface models (3.5 cm pixel(-1)) with average area of 4,0 ha were generated. The field-measured canopy heights were used to validate the drone-derived and radar-derived data, confirming these mangrove forests as the tallest in the Americas. The drone-derived orthomosaics showed significant patches of the Golden Leather Fern, Acrostichum aureum, an opportunistic species that can be associated to mangrove degradation, indicating that the mangrove forests investigated here may be threatened from increased selective logging requiring improvements and effective implementation of the current mangrove management plans in Colombia. The techniques used here are highly complementary and may represent the three tiers for carbon reporting, whereby the drone-derived canopy height maps, calibrated with local in situ measurements, provides cheap but reliable Tier 3 estimates of carbon stocks at the project level

    Contribución para el estudio de los antiguos alfabetos filipinos

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    El sanscrito en la lengua tagalog

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    Intoxicación por organofosforados con necesidad de altas dosis de atropina y administración tardía de oximas

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    ResumenLa intoxicación por organofosforados es una de las causas más frecuentes de intoxicación en el mundo y una de las tres formas principales de suicidio, llegando a mortalidades cercanas al 15 %. Esta radica en la inhibición irreversible que sus componentes hacen en la enzima acetilcolinesterasa, llevando con ello a la aparición de signos y síntomassecundarios al exceso de acetilcolina en los sistemas donde actúa. Su manejo aún es controvertido y sigue basándose en las medidas de descontaminación, utilización de atropina, oximas y benzodiacepinas, sin haber consenso en muchas de las dosis e intervalos de tiempo para la administración de estos medicamentos.[Leotau MA, Pacheco SH, Tavera CH. Intoxicación por organofosforados con necesidad de altas dosis de atropina y administración tardía de oximas. MedUNAB 2010; 13:44-50]Palabras clave: Insecticidas, Insecticidas organofosforados, Intoxicación, Oximas, Atropina, Colombia


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    Estamos viviendo una profunda crisis de salud pública a nivel mundial, originada por el COVID 19 cuyo agente etiológico es el “coronavirus SARS-CoV2 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)”, cuyo inicio fue en la ciudad de Wuhan, China, propagándose rápidamente por todo el mundo, considerado un virus altamente contagioso y potencialmente mortal, una pandemia de larga data. La salud de las personas ha sido afectada, en especial del personal de Salud. El hecho de que esté latente la posibilidad de adquirir el virus ha dado lugar desafíos importantes para el ejercicio de la odontología. La atención odontológica de los pacientes se ha minimizado de atención clínica en atenciones solo de casos de emergencia, urgencia y algunas atenciones mediante el uso del TICS como son: tele orientación, tele monitoreó y tele interconsulta. Por otro lado, las consecuencias de esta Pandemia alcanzaron también a las instituciones de educación superior. Por cuanto a las medidas inculcadas de cumplir con el distanciamiento social, revistieron un contexto de virtualización obligada que, en cuestión de las universidades, impuso los mecanismos de pedagogía a las plataformas de teleconferencia, vale decir una educación no presencial, para garantizar su funcionamiento y sostenibilidad; la misma que demuestra diferencias con las clases presenciales, por lo que se funda la necesidad de desarrollar otras metodologías que respondan la actual circunstancia. Sabiendo que la experiencia y formación en la docencia virtual son exiguas, lo que ha generado una deficiencia en los procedimientos de los métodos de evaluación. En este contexto también se ha visto afectado la odontología basada en evidencia científica, debido a que muchas de las investigaciones se realizan en la cavidad oral. Por lo tanto, urge discutir los retos y desafíos en las Universidades e instituciones prestadoras de Salud, frente a la presencia de la pandemia y ver los caminos para generar soluciones y mecanismos de la transformación digital ante la emergencia del proceso

    Source model of the 2007 M_w 8.0 Pisco, Peru earthquake: Implications for seismogenic behavior of subduction megathrusts

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    We use Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, teleseismic body waves, tsunami waveforms recorded by tsunameters, field observations of coastal uplift, subsidence, and runup to develop and test a refined model of the spatiotemporal history of slip during the M_w 8.0 Pisco earthquake of 15 August 2007. Our preferred solution shows two distinct patches of high slip. One patch is located near the epicenter while another larger patch ruptured 60 km further south, at the latitude of the Paracas peninsula. Slip on the second patch started 60 s after slip initiated on the first patch. We observed a remarkable anticorrelation between the coseismic slip distribution and the aftershock distribution determined from the Peruvian seismic network. The proposed source model is compatible with regional runup measurements and open ocean tsunami records. From the latter data set, we identified the 12 min timing error of the tsunami forecast system as being due to a mislocation of the source, caused by the use of only one tsunameter located in a nonoptimal azimuth. The comparison of our source model with the tsunami observations validate that the rupture did not extend to the trench and confirms that the Pisco event is not a tsunami earthquake despite its low apparent rupture velocity (<1.5 km/s). We favor the interpretation that the earthquake consists of two subevents, each with a conventional rupture velocity (2–4 km/s). The delay between the two subevents might reflect the time for the second shock to nucleate or, alternatively, the time it took for afterslip to increase the stress level on the second asperity to a level necessary for static triggering. The source model predicts uplift offshore and subsidence on land with the pivot line following closely the coastline. This pattern is consistent with our observation of very small vertical displacement along the shoreline when we visited the epicentral area in the days following the event. This earthquake represents, to our knowledge, one of the best examples of a link between the geomorphology of the coastline and the pattern of surface deformation induced by large interplate ruptures


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    Objetivo: Relacionar las medidas de bioseguridad durante la confección de modelos dentales y la percepción de riesgo en estudiantes de odontología de la “Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez”. Materiales y métodos: Investigación analítica, transversal, prospectivo y observacional se aplicó a 60 estudiantes clínicos, seleccionados según criterios de selección muestreo no probabilístico, se aplicó las técnicas de observación y entrevista, mediante una ficha de observación y cuestionario con la escala de Likert, ambas validadas por juicio de expertos. Se contrasto la hipótesis con la prueba de chi cuadrado fue obtenida mediante el uso del programa estadístico SPSS versión 23, con significancia 0.05. Resultados: de 60 clínicos: el 46.60% percibió riesgo alto y ninguno aplico de forma aplicaron en forma regular, y el 23.30% clínicos aplicaron de forma adecuada las conductas esenciales de bioseguridad. Conclusión: la percepción de riesgo se relaciona altamente significativa con las conductas esenciales de bioseguridad durante la confección de los modelos dentales (p=0.0

    Population genomics of local adaptation versus speciation in coral reef fishes (Hypoplectrus spp, Serranidae)

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    Are the population genomic patterns underlying local adaptation and the early stages of speciation similar? Addressing this question requires a system in which (i) local adaptation and the early stages of speciation can be clearly identified and distinguished, (ii) the amount of genetic divergence driven by the two processes is similar, and (iii) comparisons can be repeated both taxonomically (for local adaptation) and geographically (for speciation). Here, we report just such a situation in the hamlets (Hypoplectrus spp), brightly colored reef fishes from the wider Caribbean. Close to 100,000 SNPs genotyped in 126 individuals from three sympatric species sampled in three repeated populations provide genome-wide levels of divergence that are comparable among allopatric populations (Fst estimate = 0.0042) and sympatric species (Fst estimate = 0.0038). Population genetic, clustering, and phylogenetic analyses reveal very similar patterns for local adaptation and speciation, with a large fraction of the genome undifferentiated (Fst estimate ≈ 0), a very small proportion of Fst outlier loci (0.05–0.07%), and remarkably few repeated outliers (1–3). Nevertheless, different loci appear to be involved in the two processes in Hypoplectrus, with only 7% of the most differentiated SNPs and outliers shared between populations and species comparisons. In particular, a tropomyosin (Tpm4) and a previously identified hox (HoxCa) locus emerge as candidate loci (repeated outliers) for local adaptation and speciation, respectively. We conclude that marine populations may be locally adapted notwithstanding shallow levels of genetic divergence, and that from a population genomic perspective, this process does not appear to differ fundamentally from the early stages of speciation

    Genome-wide approaches for identification of nuclear receptor target genes

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    Large-scale genomics analyses have grown by leaps and bounds with the rapid advances in high throughput DNA sequencing and synthesis techniques. Nuclear receptor signaling is ideally suited to genomics studies because receptors function as ligand-regulated gene switches. This review will survey the strengths and limitations of three major classes of high throughput techniques widely used in the nuclear receptor field to characterize ligand-dependent gene regulation: expression profiling studies (microarrays, SAGE and related techniques), chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by microarray (ChIP-on-chip), and genome-wide in silico hormone response element screens. We will discuss each technique, and how each has contributed to our understanding of nuclear receptor signaling

    Functional properties of flour And protein isolates from Annona muricata seeds

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    Se realizó el análisis proximal de la almendra de semillas de guanábana (Annona muricata), obtenidas como dese-cho agroindustrial y la caracterización funcional de la hari-na desengrasada y los aislados proteicos de las semillas. El porcentaje de proteína cruda en la almendra es del 15%, lo que hizo factible la extracción de aislados proteicos. El punto isoeléctrico (PI) de los aislados obtenidos con ausencia (A0) y presencia de NaCl (A1) fue, en ambos casos, de 4,0. El ren-dimiento para A0 fue de 46% y para A1, de 46,3%. El conte-nido de proteína para A0 fue de 39,9% y para A1, de 63,3%, en este último favoreciendo la capacidad de absorción de agua (CAA), la absorción de lípidos (CAL) y la capacidad espumante (CE). Las mejores propiedades emulsificantes fueron observadas en la harina desengrasada. Los aislados proteicos de la almendra de la semilla de guanábana podrían ser empleados en la industria de alimentos, como ingredien-tes funcionales.Proximate analysis of soursop (Annona muricata) seed kernel and functional characterization of defatted flour and protein isolates were studied. Kernel crude protein was 15%, which made it feasible to extract protein isolates. The isoelectric point (PI) of the isolates obtained in absence (A0) and in presence of NaCl (A1) was, in both cases, 4.0. The yield was 46% for A0 and 46.3% for A1. Protein content was 39.9% in A0 and 63.3% in A1. A higher yield in the extraction of proteins in A1 favors the water absorption capacity (FAC), the lipid absorption (CAL) and the foaming capacity (CE). The best emulsifying properties were observed in the defatted flour. The kernel protein isolates of the soursop seeds could be used in the food industry as functional ingredients.Incluye referencias bibliográfica