8,927 research outputs found

    Sanksi Hukum Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan dan Anak

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    Violence against women and children is any act that results in physical and psychological suffering for women and children. Violence against women and children is a crime that can be subject to criminal sanctions. The government tries its best to eradicate and eliminate acts of violence against women and children, by enacting Law Number 23 of 2002 as amended by Law Number: 35 of 2014 concerning the first amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection , which was amended again by Perpu Number: 1 of 2016 concerning the third amendment of Law Number: 23 of 2002 concerning child protection, and Law Number: 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of domestic violence. The provisions of the laws and regulations as mentioned above, although they contain heavy legal sanctions, in reality there are still many cases of violence against women and children. This study uses a normative juridical approach or library research. The conclusion from the research results is that heavy legal sanctions, without ethical awareness of law enforcement officials to commit to enforcing them, will not deter the perpetrators and others from committing acts of violence against women and children. Eradicating or eliminating violence against women and children requires comprehensive efforts from all components of the nation, starting with taking formal and non-formal preventive actions.Keywords:Legal; Sanctions; Violenc

    Deteksi Rasa Kantuk pada Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor Berbasis Pengolahan Citra Digital

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    Angka kecelakaan lalu-lintas di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Salah satu faktor penyebab utamanya yaitu kondisi pengendara kendaraan bermotor yang mengantuk. Keadaan seperti ini perlu lebih diperhatikan agar angka kecelakaan karena faktor tersebut dapat dihindari. Dengan demikian dilakukan suatu penelitian menggunakan pengolahan citra digital untukĀ  sistem deteksi rasa kantuk pada pengendara kendaraan bermotor. Pengolahan citra digital ini bertujuan untuk menentukan apakah pengendara kendaraan bermotor mengantuk atau tidak pada saat berkendara dengan input berupa citra mata yang diambil menggunakan kamera digital kemudian di masukkan ke dalam sebuah bahasa pemrograman GUI Matlab dimana diambilĀ  nilai bwarea citra mata mengantuk dan tidak mengantuk menjadi citra referensi yang nanti akan diolah dengan pengolahan citra seperti cropping, grayscale, ekstraksi iris, thresholding, dan dianalisa dengan metode bwarea dibandingkan nilainya dengan citra-citra yang akan diidentifikasi. Outputnya berupa informasi pengendara kendaraan bermotor mengantuk atau tidak.Ā Kata kunci : Bwarea, Iris Mata, Pengolahan citra digital, Thresholding

    Keefektifan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 18 Makassar

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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksprimen dengan menggunakan satu kelas sebagai kelas uji coba yaitu kelas VII5 dengan jumlah siswa 34 orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan pendekatan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik pada siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 18 Makassar dengan mengacu pada 3 kriteria keefektifan pembelajaran yaitu tercapainya ketuntasan secara klasikal, aktifitas siswa berada pada rentang waktu ideal, dan diatas 80% siswa menunjukkan respon positif terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika realistik. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 5 kali pertemuan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes hasil belajar yang diberikan kepada siswa pada akhir pokok bahasan, lembar observasi untuk mengamati aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung, dan angket respons siswa untuk mengetahui tanggapan dan saran siswa terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika realistik. Hasil uji coba menunjukaan bahwa : (1) skor rata-rata tes hasil belajar siswa adalah 45,85 dan berada pada kategori rendah dengan standar deviasi 19,43 dimana skor terendah yang diperoleh adalah 10,00 dan skor tertinggi adalah 85,00 dari skor ideal 100. Dari hasil tersebut diperoleh bahwa 9 siswa atau 26,47% mencapai ketuntasan individu dan ini berarti bahwa ketuntasan secara klasikal tidak tercapai. Hal ini disebabkan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah kontekstual masih kurang, kemampuan guru masih kurang, pembelajaran matematika realistik merupakan hal baru dalam pembelajaran matematika di SMP Negeri 18 Makassar.(2) semua kategori aktivitas siswa berada pada rentang waktu ideal. (3) angket respons siswa menunjukkan 85,03% siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika realistik. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba maka pembelajaran matematika realistik tidak efektif diterapkan pada siswa kelas VII5 SMP Negeri 18 Makassar

    Memakan Harta secara Batil (Perspektif Surat An-nisa: 29 dan At-taubah: 34)

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    The Quran mentions the term treasure in some letters with various derevasion. The mention of the word treasure is accompanied by the procedure of acquisition or utilization. One of them is the prohibition of consuming treasure in a vanity way. As many as 36 times a word that means vanity is mentioned in the Quran, including An- Nisa: 29 and At- Taubah: 34. Using a thematic interpretation approach, explores some of the ethical messages contained in these two verses. Forbidden treasures managed by vile. Indications of vanity include the emergence of disillusionment with the parties and be classified as zalim


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to identify and analyze the budget preparation process and budget realization reports, find out, analyze what obstacles are faced in the budget preparation process, find out and analyze what efforts are being made to overcome obstacles in budgeting at the Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Pajak Daerah   (BPKPD). City of Surabaya during the 2018 - 2019 fiscal year. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research method. In carrying out this research, this research takes primary data obtained from budgeting and program staff, and the data collection is carried out by the authors conducting interviews and documentation involving informants, namely the Budget Sector, Sub-Division of Budgeting and Sub-Sector of Budgeting System, Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Pajak Daerah   (BPKPD). City of Surabaya  . Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded: Judging from the implementation process, the overall budget preparation is in accordance with Permendagri Number 33 of 2017 and Permendagri Number 38 of 2018. The implementation of the budget program at the Surabaya City Regional Tax and Financial Management Agency for the two 2018 and 2019 fiscal years according to PMK No.249/PMK.02/2011 as a whole is included in the criteria quite well, In the 2018 budget year the budget realization report obtained the results of the Income variant 107.22% (Very Good), Original Regional Revenue 108.22% (Very Good), Transfers Revenue 96.42 % (Very Good), Other Legal Financial 121.11% (Very Good) Expenditure 112.05% (Very Good) Operational Expenditure 111.74% (Very Good) Capital Expenditure 113.34 % (Very Good) Unexpected Expenditure25.88% (Poor), Fiscal year 2019 Revenue 100.37% (Very Good), Local Revenue 102.81% (Very Good), Transfer Revenue 104.46% (Very Good), Others To Legal money 121.11% (Very Good) Spending 92.24% (Very Good) Operational Expenditure 91.55% (Very Good) Capital Expenditure 92.28% (Very Good) Unexpected Spending 11.88 % (Poor)   Keywords: Budgeting and Budget Realization Report

    Analisis Anggaran Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Bagi Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru di Kabupaten Mamuju

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    The research conducted aims to obtain an overview of the education and training budget for improving the professionalism of teachers in Mamuju district, using a qualitative approach. The technique used in determining research informants is purposive sampling. The data collection was carried out with participatory observation techniques, semi-structured interviews and document review. The results of the study show that the education and training budget planning process for increasing the professionalism of teachers in Mamuju District is not yet fully ideal for implementing the five principles that are theoretically believed to be good budgeting principles in the public sector. There are many influential factors in the budget planning process, namely apparatus resources, planning documents (development and budgeting), nominative lists, budgets, and facilities (facilities and infrastructure). The education and training budget for increasing teacher professionalism in the government in the Mamuju district faces the following constraints: 1. Limited resources; 2) participant mechanisms for education and training for improving teacher professionalism; and 3) communication and coordination of related parties that are still weak. To overcome these various obstacles, interested parties have made staff review efforts to the regents, improved budgets and organized education and training for improving teacher professionalism and increasing the intensity of communication and coordination with various relevant parties

    The Decision Support System Design Of Employee Performance Appraisal Using Analytical Hierarchi Process (AHP) Method

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    A performance appraisal is important for every employee and it is also useful for companies to assign the next policy action. In RS Roemani, the performance appraisal process is used for the promotion, the performance evaluation, the hajj subsidy, the outstanding employee and the adjustment of a diploma. While, the criteria used as much as 4 criteria and 13 sub-criteria and their implementation is still done by hand. The method used in this study is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), because it can make a complex problem be easily simplified, thereby accelerating the decision making process by arranging the hierarchy and providing comparative value of each criteria to determine the appropriate criteria. The criteria used are: (1) the commitment that consists of the honesty, the loyalty, the responsibility and the discipline; (2)The management that consists the leadership, the planning, the organizing and the directing; (3) The co-operation that consists of the communications, the ability for adaptation and the information sharing; (4) The performance both the quality and quantity. The Decision support system of performance appraisal using AHP method can be used for all of the assessment processes while the decision of the criteria and sub criteria can be changed in accordance to the management agreement. Keywords: The decision support systems, AHP, Performance Appraisa
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