26 research outputs found

    Primena tehnologije proširene stvarnosti za poboljšanje bezbednosti i efikasnosti rada u industrijskim okruženjima

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    This doctoral dissertation presents a system based on augmented reality (AR) technology for improvement of safety and efficiency at work in industrial environments. The AR system is a solution intended to assign work tasks to workers, provide necessary instructions for implementing them, and issue related occupational safety instructions directly at the workplace. At the same time, the system provides ability to record all the issued instructions and control their proper execution. It is formulated a model of a typical technological process broad enough that can be applied in different industrial environments. Based on that, the functionality and the structure of the intended AR system is determined. A practical implementation of the system is done, and its evaluation performed in two concrete electroenergetic industrial environments. In these implementations different AR technologies are used and tested. An evaluation of the proposed AR system is done, and it is concluded that the proposed AR system improves the human resources management and ensures performing of occupational safety measures

    France and Serbia (1860-1868) ; La France et la Serbie de 1860 à 1868

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    Везе Француске и Србије дубоко су уткане у међународне односе и Источно питање. Од кључне важности за развој француско-српских односа 60-их година XIX века су односи Француске са великим силама – Русијом и Аустријом. Став званичног Париза према Кнежевини посматран je кроз призму француско-аустријских и француско-руских односа и политике ових сила према Балкану, у зависности од њихових интереса у другим чворним темама спољне политике. У раду је анализирана улога Француске у Источном питању у време Наполеона III. Разматране су идеје француског цара (наполеоновске идеје) и начело народности као основно средство спољне политике Другог царства. Повратак Обреновића у Србију 1859. године обележава почетак интензивне националне и дипломатске делатности. Присутни су тежња за ослобођењем Србије од аустријског и руског утицаја и тражење ослонца у Француској за спровођење ове политике. Илија Гарашанин, председник владе у најдужем периоду владавине кнеза Михаила, био је главни носилац француског утицаја у Кнежевини. Његовој делатности је посвећена дужна пажња, уз осврт на главне смернице политике Србије према Француској садржане у Начертанију и прве покушаје у успостављању француско-српских односа у периоду пре Кримског рата. Потреба за потпунијом обрадом теме наметнула је истраживање периода друге владе кнеза Милоша (1859-1860)...The French-Serbian ties are deeply woven into international relations and the Eastern Question. The French relations with big powers – Russia and Austria are of key importance for the development of the French-Serbian relations during sixties of XIX century. The position of the official Paris towards The Principality is viewed through the prism of the French-Austrian and French-Russian relations and the policies of these powers towards the Balkans, depending on their interests in other main subjects of external policy. The dissertation analyzes the role of France in the Eastern Question during Napoleon III. It considers the ideas of the French emperor (Napoleonic ideas) and the principle of nationality as a basic instrument of external policy of the Second French Empire. The return of Obrenovićs to Serbia in 1859 marks the beginning of intensive national and diplomatic activities. There are aspirations to free Serbia from the Austrian and Russian influence and efforts to find support in France for carrying out the policy. Ilija Garasanin, the Prime Minister during the most period of the Prince Mihailo rule, was the central advocate of the French influence in the Principality. His activities received due attention, with a review of key guidelines of Serbian policy towards France included in Nacertanije and with initial attempts in establishing the French-Serbian relations in the period before the Crimean War. The need to treat the subject more thoroughly imposed a research of period of the second government of Prince Miloš (1859-1860)..

    Differential expression of KCNQ1 K+ channel in tubular cells of frog kidney

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate KCNQ1 K+ channel expression in the frog kidney of Rana esculenta. KCNQ1 K+ channel, also known as KvLQT1, is the pore forming α-subunit of the IKs K+ channel, a delayed rectifier voltage-gated K+ channel, which has an important role in water and salt transport in the kidney and gastrointestinal tract. The expression of KCNQ1 K+ channel along tubular epithelium differs from species to species. In the present study the expression of KCNQ1 K+ channel in the frog kidney has been demonstrated by immunohistochemistry. The presence of KCNQ1 K+ channel was demonstrated in the epithelial cells of distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct. However, the pattern of expression of KCNQ1 K+ channel differs between distal convoluted tubules and collecting duct. All epithelial cells of distal convoluted tubules revealed basolateral expression of KCNQ1 K+ channel. On the contrary, only the single cells of collecting duct, probably intercalated cells, showed diffuse cell surface staining with antibodies against KCNQ1 K+ channel. These findings suggest that KCNQ1 K+ channel has cell-specific roles in renal potassium ion transport

    Influence of fertilization at the nitrogen content and mass of the nodule of soybean (Glicyne max (L.) Merr)

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    Soja (Glycine max (L.) Merr) je jednogodišnja leguminozna biljka. Pripada porodici Fabaceae. Soja se u svetu gaji na oko 117 mil. ha i zauzima vodeće mesto među proteinsko-uljanim kulturama. Ogled sa sojom izveden je na pseudogleju. Istraživanja su obavljena sa ciljem da se ispita uticaj đubrenja azotom na masu nodula i sadržaj azota u nodulama soje, na lokalitetu Brezovo Polje u Brčkom, na zemljištu tipa pseudoglej. Primenje su četiri varijante N đubrenja: 1.) 0 kg/ha, kontrola; 2.) 50 kg/ha; 3.) 100 kg/ha i 4.) 150 kg/ha. Najveća masa nodula bila je u kontrolnoj varijanti dok je u varijanti sa najvećom količinom hraniva bila najmanja masa nodula. Najveći sadržaj azota u nodulama bio je u varijanti sa primenom 50 kg ha-1 i iznosio je 4,93 %, dok je najmanji sadržaj azota u nodulama bio u kontrolnoj varijanti. Pozitivna nesignifikantna korelaciona veza ostvarena je između mase nodula i sadržaja azota u nodulama (r=0,19).Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) is an annual legume plant. It belongs to the family Fabaceae. Soybeans are grown in the world at around 117 million ha and occupies a leading position among the protein-oil crops. The experiment was carried out with soybean on pseudogley. The trial was conducted in order to investigate the effect of nitrogen fertilization on the mass of nodules and nitrogen content in soybean nodules at the site of Brezovo Polje in Brčko, on pseudogley. Applied four variants nitrogen fertilization: 1) 0 kg ha-1, control; 2) 50 kg ha-1; 3) 100 kg ha-1, and 4) 150 kg ha-1. Maximum mass of nodules was in control variant and the variant with the highest amount of nutrients the minimum weight of nodules. The highest content of nitrogen in nodules was in the variant with the application of 50 kg ha-1 and amounted to 4.93%, while the lowest content of nitrogen in nodules was in control variant. Positive non-significant correlation was achieved between the weight of nodules and nitrogen content in nodules (r = 0.19)

    Influence of insecticides application on channel lenght in stem of maize plants caused by feeding of larvae of European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.)

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    In maize plants the attack of European corn borer can cause significant damages, which can lessen by insecticide application in crop protection. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of insecticides on the total length of channels in maize plant stem formed by the feeding of larvae Ostrinia nubilalis. The research was carried out in Maize Research Institute different FAO ripening groups (ZP 434, ZP 600 and ZP 666) and three insecticides chlorantraniliprole (200 g l-1), bifenthrin (100 g l-1) and lufenuron (50 g l-1)+(cypermethrin (50 g l-1) + chlorpyrifos (500 g l-1)), which were applied only after the maximum flight of the first generation to protect plants from attack of European corn borer. The result showed significantly different total length of channels in the stem of plants, caused by feeding of the larvae of European corn borer, which varied from the lowest on treatment with insecticide chlorantraniliprole in maize genotype ZP 600 (170.00 cm) to the highest in maize genotype ZP 666 (278.33 cm) on the control variant (without insecticide application). For all treatments, the average value of total length of channels in stem, was the lowest 192.92 cm in ZP 434, slightly higher 195.42 cm in ZP 600, while the highest average value of total length of channels was 233.34 cm in maize genotype ZP 606. The established differences for total length of channels depended on genotype and type of insecticide applie

    Ultramafic vegetation and soils in the circumboreal region of the Northern Hemisphere

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    The paper summarizes literature on climate, soil chemistry, vegetation and metal accumulation by plants found on ultramafic substrata in the circumboreal zone (sensu Takhtajan, Floristic regions of the world, 1986) of the Northern Hemisphere. We present a list of 50 endemic species and 18 ecotypes obligate to ultramafic soils from the circumboreal region of Holarctic, as well as 30 and 2 species of Ni and Zn hyperaccumulators, respectively. The number of both endemics and hyperaccumulators are markedly lower compared to that of the Mediterranean and tropical regions. The diversity of plant communities on ultramafics soils of the circumboral region is also described. The underlying causes for the differences of ultramafic flora between arctic, cold, cool temperate and Mediterranean and tropical regions are also discussed. © 2018, The Ecological Society of Japan

    Primena tehnologije proširene stvarnosti za poboljšanje bezbednosti i efikasnosti rada u industrijskim okruženjima

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    This doctoral dissertation presents a system based on augmented reality (AR) technology for improvement of safety and efficiency at work in industrial environments. The AR system is a solution intended to assign work tasks to workers, provide necessary instructions for implementing them, and issue related occupational safety instructions directly at the workplace. At the same time, the system provides ability to record all the issued instructions and control their proper execution. It is formulated a model of a typical technological process broad enough that can be applied in different industrial environments. Based on that, the functionality and the structure of the intended AR system is determined. A practical implementation of the system is done, and its evaluation performed in two concrete electroenergetic industrial environments. In these implementations different AR technologies are used and tested. An evaluation of the proposed AR system is done, and it is concluded that the proposed AR system improves the human resources management and ensures performing of occupational safety measures

    Sintetička karbonska proteza u rekonstrukciji prednjeg ukrštenog ligamenta kolena psa - radiološka i histološka slika

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    The biological response and strength of a reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) by carbon fibers was investigated in the canine knee. The allografts were inserted to replace the ACL according to the technique recommended by the manufacturer of the carbon fiber prostheses. The clinical radiological and pathohis-tological picture of the neoligament and bone-neoligament-bone connections were evaluated at one, two and six months later. Clinically and radiologically the knee joints were stable, without degenerative changes. Pathohistologically there were marked fibrous tissue ingrowth between the carbon fibers. The canine knee is a suitable model for experimental knee surgery. The characteristics of the carbon ACL prosthesis are suitable in cases when an autograft (patelar tendon, semitendinosus-gracilis) cannot be performed in seriosly injured or elderly patients.U okviru ovog rada vršeno je ispitivanje biološkog ponašanja i čvrstine prednjeg ukrštenog ligamenta koji je zamenjen karbonskom protezom. Procenjivana su klinička, radiološka i patohistološka slika neoligamenta i njegovog spoja sa kostima, u periodima od 1, 2 i 6 meseci. Klinički i radiološki koleno je bilo stabilno, bez degenerativnih promena. Histološki je bilo izraženo prorastanje vezivnog tkiva oko karbonskih vlakana. Koleno psa je odgovarajući model za eksperimentalnu hirurgiju kolena. Karakteristike karbonske LCA proteze su podesne u slučajevima kada autograft (ligamenta patele ill m.semitendinosus - gracilisa) nije dostupan, kod obimnijih povreda ili starijih pacijenata

    People with physical disability in Serbia: Relationship between internalized stigma, experienced and anticipated discrimination, and empowerment

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    The aim of present study was to explore relationships between experienced and anticipated discrimination, internalized stigma, and empowerment among people with physical disabilities in Serbia. The convenience sample consisted of persons with different types of physical disabilities. The following scales were administrated: The Discrimination and Stigma Scale, the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness Scale, and the Boston University Empowerment Scale. An analysis showed that internalized stigma was correlated with experienced and anticipated discrimination and empowerment, while no correlation was found between empowerment and discrimination. People with physical disabilities who experienced and anticipated discrimination are at higher risk of reporting internalized stigma

    Prolonged heat stress during winter diapause alters the expression of stress-response genes in Ostrinia nubilalis (Hbn.)

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    During diapause, a state of temporarily arrested development, insects require low winter temperatures to suppress their metabolism, conserve energy stores and acquire cold hardiness. A warmer winter could, thus, reduce diapause incidence and duration in many species, prematurely deplete their energy reserves and compromise post-diapause fitness. In this study, we investigated the combined effects of thermal stress and the diapause program on the expression of selected genes involved in antioxidant defense and heat shock response in the European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis. By using qRT-PCR, it has been shown that response to chronic heat stress is characterized by raised mRNA levels of grx and trx, two important genes of the antioxidant defense system, as well as of hsp70 and, somewhat, of hsp90, two major heat shock response proteins. On the other hand, the expression of hsc70, hsp20.4 and hsp20.1 was discontinuous in the latter part of diapause, or was strongly controlled by the diapause program and refractory to heat stress, as was the case for mtn and fer, genes encoding two metal storage proteins crucial for metal ion homeostasis. This is the first time that the effects of high winter temperatures have been assessed on cold-hardy diapausing larvae and pupae of this important corn pest