14 research outputs found

    Tissue therapy with amniotic membrane in the treatment of patients with thermal lesions: prospective, descriptive, case-series study

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    Introducere. O nouă frontieră în tratamentul clinic al bolii combustionale este reprezentată de terapia tisulară. Mulţi oameni renumiţi în întreaga lume s-au folosit de această metodă de tratament care, anterior, era inaccesibilă tuturor, cunoscută sub denumirea de terapie tisulară. Din acest motiv, este pe deplin justificată preocuparea clinicienilor, dar mai ales a cercetării medicale din ultimele decenii, pentru găsirea unor soluţii eficiente în obţinerea unor substituienţi tegumentari, cu ajutorul cărora să se înlocuiască pielea compromisă şi să se menţină funcţiile de bază ale organismului uman, agresat. Material şi metode. Lucrarea a fost concepută ca un studiu prospectiv, descriptiv, a unui lot de 24 de pacienţi cu arsuri de gr. IIIAB şi IV, în tratamentul cărora s-a utilizat membrana amniotică în calitate de pansament biologic temporar (14 bărbaţi şi 10 femei). Cazurile au fost distribuite in 2 eşantioane: eşantionul bolnavilor cărora li s-a aplicat pe locurile donore – 14 pacienţi şi eşantionul bolnavilor, cărora li s-a aplicat pe plăgi post-arsură, după debridare tangenţială – 10 pacienti. Bolnavii au fost investigaţi conform standardelor naţionale în vigoare. Rezultate. Alotransplantul a purtat un caracter temporar, până la pregătirea satisfăcătoare a plăgii pentru autodermoplastie. S-a observat o accelerare a formării ţesutului granular şi, respectiv, a scurtării perioadei preoperatorii până la autodermoplastie, de la 10,2 zile în cazul tratamentului standard, cu repansări multiple, până la 6,5 zile, în cazul utilizării MA. Concluzii. Membrana amniotică reprezintă un material de acoperire a plăgilor, accesibil din punctul de vedere al disponibilităţii, preparării şi stocării. Fiind subţire şi flexibilă, membrana amniotică este aplicată cu uşurinţă pe diverse suprafeţe şi aderă intim la patul plăgii.Introduction. A new frontier regarding clinical treatment of “combustion illness” is represented by tissue therapy. A lot of well known physicians around the world used this kind of treatment, which was previously inaccessible to ordinary people, known as tissue therapy. On these premises physician’s concern but mostly last decade’s medical research, regarding finding a suitable solution on obtaining new skin substituting materials which can replace the damaged skin and maintain the normal functioning of damaged human body, is fully justified. Material and methods. The research was designed as a descriptive – prospective study – of a group of 24 patients with burns gr. IIIAB and IV was conducted, amniotic membrane as a temporary biological dressing was used (14 men and 10 women) in this treatment. The cases were divided into two groups: the group of patients AM was applied to donor sites skin – 14 patients and the group of patients AM was applied on postburn wounds after tangential debridement – 10 patients. The patients were investigated in accordance with national standards. Results. The allograft had a temporary character until wound adequate preparation for autodermoplasty. An acceleration of granulation tissue formation and respectively shortening of preoperative period until autodermoplasty from 10.2 days in case of standard treatment with multiple dressing to 6.5 days in case of MA use was observed. Conclusions. Amniotic membrane is wound covering material accessible in terms of availability, preparation and storage. Being easy to apply, it is also flexible, making it possible for amniotic membrane to be applied to various surfaces. It has the property to adhere intimately to the wound bed and is easily removed from necessity

    Estradiol and progesterone regulate the migration of mast cells from the periphery to the uterus and induce their maturation and degranulation

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    Background: Mast cells (MCs) have long been suspected as important players for implantation based on the fact that their degranulation causes the release of pivotal factors, e.g., histamine, MMPs, tryptase and VEGF, which are known to be involved in the attachment and posterior invasion of the embryo into the uterus. Moreover, MC degranulation correlates with angiogenesis during pregnancy. The number of MCs in the uterus has been shown to fluctuate during menstrual cycle in human and estrus cycle in rat and mouse indicating a hormonal influence on their recruitment from the periphery to the uterus. However, the mechanisms behind MC migration to the uterus are still unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: We first utilized migration assays to show that MCs are able to migrate to the uterus and to the fetal-maternal interface upon up-regulation of the expression of chemokine receptors by hormonal changes. By using a model of ovariectomized animals, we provide clear evidences that also in vivo, estradiol and progesterone attract MC to the uterus and further provoke their maturation and degranulation. Conclusion/Significance: We propose that estradiol and progesterone modulate the migration of MCs from the periphery to the uterus and their degranulation, which may prepare the uterus for implantation.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Дисфункция трансплантата печени, вызванная вирусной инфекцией COVID-19, клинический случай

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    Rezumat. La pacienții cu infecția virală COVID-19, leziunile hepatocelulare atestă 14-53% cazuri, rareori cu dezvoltarea hepatitelor acute. Pacienții cu COVID-19 și citoliză >5 N prezintă risc crescut de deces cu dezvoltarea infecțiilor, disfuncției imune preexistente. Material și metode: Femeie 52 ani, cu ciroză hepatica (CH) VHD, MELD Na 21, transplantată cu hemificat LD, cu donator viu. In ziua 14 post-TH dezvoltă infecție virală SARS CoV2. Rezultate: Se atestă creșterea semnificativă ale enzimelor hepatice din ziua 14 post TH, diareie (Ag. Cl. Difficile - pozitiv, inițiat tratament corespunzător). Evolutia bolii cu agravare continuă prin citoliză marcată (>20N), creșterea markerilor de inflamație, prezența infiltratiei pulmonare hilo-bazale, revarsat pleural pe dreapta. Tratamentul efectuat în funcție de culturile primite, imunosupresia (tacrolimus) menținută la nivel suboptim. Saturația păstrată pe parcursul infecției. Enzimele hepatice stagnante, cu scăderea treptată din ziua 27. După 39 zile de la debut, starea clinico-biochimică ameliorată, tacrolimus ajustat conform protocolului, reluat MMF. Concluzii: Factorii care au influențat evoluția grefei hepatice: patologia hepatica pre-existentă, hiponatriemie, infecția virală SARS COV 2, infecția Cl. Difficile, dereglările hemodinamice vasculare, complicațiile biliare, durata prelungită în unitatea de terapie intensivă, perioada de spitalizare îndelungată, complicațiile biliare. Tratamentul imunosupresor asociat infecției cu SARS COV 2 necesită monitorizat, echilibrat în funcție de starea clinico-biologică a pacientului, ținînd cont de doză, tipul de imunosupresie, perioada post TH.Summary. In patients with the viral infection COVID-19, hepatocellular lesions could be found in 14-53% of cases, rarely with the development of acute hepatitis. Patients with COVID-19 and cytolysis >5 N have an increased risk of death with the development of infections, pre-existing immune dysfunction. Material and methods: Female 52 years old, with liver cirrhosis (LC) HDV, MELD Na 21, Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). On day 14 post-LT develops SARS CoV2 viral infection. Results: A significant increase in liver enzymes from day 14 post LT, diarrhea (Ag. Cl. Difficile - positive, initiated treatment resulted). The evolution of the aggravating disease continues with marked cytolysis, the increase of inflammatory indices, with the development of hilo-basal pulmonary infiltration with pleural effusion on the right. Treatment performed according to the cultures received, immunosuppression (tacrolimus) maintained at a suboptimal level. Saturation kept during the infection period. Stagnant liver enzymes, gradual decrease from day 27. After 39 days from onset, clinical-biochemical status improved, tacrolimus adjusted according to protocol, MMF resumed. Conclusions: The factors that influenced the evolution of the liver transplant: pre-existing liver disease, hiponatriemia, SARS COV 2 viral infection, C. difficile infection, vascular hemodynamic disorders, biliary complications, prolonged duration in the intensive care unit, long hospital stay. The immunosuppressive treatment associated with SARS COV 2 infection needs to be monitored, balanced according to the clinical-biological state of the patient, taking into account the dose, and type of immunosuppression, the post-LT period.Резюме. У больных вирусной инфекцией COVID-19 гепатоцеллюлярное поражение наблюдается в 14-53% случаев, иногда с развитием острого гепатита. Пациенты с COVID-19 и цитолизом >5 N имеют повышенный риск смертности с развитием инфекций, ранее существующей иммунной дисфункцией. Материал и методы: Женщина 52 лет, с циррозом печени (ЦП) HDV, MELD Na 21, трансплантирована от живого донора (LDLT). На 14-е сутки после ТП выявлено развитие вирусной инфекции SARS CoV2. Результаты: Наблюдается значительное повышение активности печеночных ферментов с 14-го дня после ТП, диарея (Ag. Cl. Difficile - положительный результат, начато лечение согласно протоколу). В ходе лечения продолжается негативная динамика: цитолиз > 20N, значительное повышение маркеров воспаления, с развитием хило-базальной воспалительной инфильтрацией легких, с плевральным выпотом справа. Сатурация сохранялась на уровне весь период инфекции. Лечение проведено согласно полученных культур, иммуносупрессия (такролимус) поддерживается на субоптимальном уровне. Застой печеночных ферментов, постепенное снижение с 27-го дня. Через 39 дней от начала заболевания улучшился клинико-биохимический статус, такролимус откорректирован согласно протоколу, возобновлен ММФ. Выводы: Факторы, повлиявшие на эволюцию донорского транспланта печени: изначальная патология печени, гипонатриемия, вирусная инфекция SARS COV 2, Cl Difficile, нарушение гемодинамики, гепато-билиарные осложнеия, длительное пребывание в отделении интенсивной терапии, длительное пребывание в стационаре, гепатобилиарные осожнения. Иммуносупрессивное лечение, сочетанное с инфекцией SARS COV 2, необходимо мониторизировать, взвешивать по клинико-биологическому состоянию больного с учетом дозы, вида иммуносупрессии, периода пост-ТП

    Estradiol and progesterone regulate the migration of mast cells from the periphery to the uterus and induce their maturation and degranulation

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    Background: Mast cells (MCs) have long been suspected as important players for implantation based on the fact that their degranulation causes the release of pivotal factors, e.g., histamine, MMPs, tryptase and VEGF, which are known to be involved in the attachment and posterior invasion of the embryo into the uterus. Moreover, MC degranulation correlates with angiogenesis during pregnancy. The number of MCs in the uterus has been shown to fluctuate during menstrual cycle in human and estrus cycle in rat and mouse indicating a hormonal influence on their recruitment from the periphery to the uterus. However, the mechanisms behind MC migration to the uterus are still unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: We first utilized migration assays to show that MCs are able to migrate to the uterus and to the fetal-maternal interface upon up-regulation of the expression of chemokine receptors by hormonal changes. By using a model of ovariectomized animals, we provide clear evidences that also in vivo, estradiol and progesterone attract MC to the uterus and further provoke their maturation and degranulation. Conclusion/Significance: We propose that estradiol and progesterone modulate the migration of MCs from the periphery to the uterus and their degranulation, which may prepare the uterus for implantation.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Carbon dioxide emissions from Specchio di Venere, Pantelleria, Italy

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    We have mapped the diffuse CO2 efflux from the Specchio di Venere Lake area using the accumulation chamber method. We calculated a CO2 emission of 43± 5 t day−1 for the area studied, accounting for both diffuse degassing from soil and bubbling through the lake.We also present data on the water composition of Specchio di Venere Lake, the Polla 3 spring, and Liuzza well. On the basis of water chemistry, two physical-chemical processes, evaporation and mineral precipitation of carbonate species, are invoked to explain the CO2 degassing for the lake area.Publishedid 296A. Geochimica per l'ambiente e geologia medicaJCR Journa

    Antioxidant Role of Vitamin E in Atherogenesis Induced by Hyperfibrinogenemia

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    We used an experimental model of atherogenesis to evaluate the effect of vitamin E on oxidative stress induced by hyperfibrinogenemia (HF) and the possible normalization of oxidative stress markers. The following variables were studied: nitric oxide (NO), L-citrulline, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and regression of histopathological lesions in the thoracic aorta. The study was performed in 36 Wistar rats that were divided into three groups of 12 rats each: A, control group; B, HF for 90 days; C, HF for 90 days + vitamin E. Hyperfibrinogenemia was induced by the injection of epinephrine (0.1 ml/day/rat) during 90 days. The dose of vitamin E was 2 mg/day/rat during 75 days. We measured the plasma levels of fibrinogen (mg/dl), NO (uM) and L-citrulline (mM); SOD activity (U/ml) was assayed in red cell lysates using spectrophotometry. The histopathological sections of the thoracic aorta were examined using light microscopy (LM). Statistical analysis was performed using MANOVA and Fisher’s test; a p value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Rats in group B had a significant increase in fibrinogen levels B (407±8.9 mg/dl) compared to groups A (203±9 mg/dl) and C (191.58±17.79 mg/dl) (p<0.001). We observed a significant decrease in NO in group B (13.73±1.76 uM) versus groups A (23.58±0.08 uM) and C (26.64±3.65 uM) (p<0.001). L-citrulline increased significantly in groups B (4.99±0.18 mM) and C (6.60±0.16 mM) compared to group A (3.03±0.13 mM) (p<0.001). SOD activity was greater in groups B (251.67±10.34 U/ml) and C (304.75±10.43 U/ml) versus group A (139.44±4.74 U/ml) (p<0.001). Light microscopic examination revealed the presence of endothelial denudation, intimal thickening and vessel wall protrusion in group B (90%), while recovery of endothelial denudation and a 50% reduction in intimal thickening was observed in group C (p<0.001). High SOD activity might be insufficient to prevent abnormalities in the oxidative stress pathway induced by HF. Vitamin E would stop the chain reaction initiated by free radicals and thus decrease the superoxide anion, stimulating the bioavailability of NO with normalization of fibrinogen plasma levels.Con el propósito de estudiar el efecto de la vitamina E sobre el estrés oxidativo desencade- nado por hiperfibrinogenemia (HF) en un modelo experimental de aterogénesis y la posible normalización de los indicadores de estrés oxidativo, se evaluaron: óxido nítrico (NO), L-citrulina, superóxido dismutasa (SOD) e involución de lesiones histopatológicas en la aorta torácica. El estudio se realizó en 36 ratas, cepa Wistar, que se dividieron en tres grupos (n = 12 cada uno): A, control; B, HF × 90 días; C, HF × 90 días + vitamina E. La HF se indujo mediante inyecciones de adrenalina (0,1 ml/día/rata) por 90 días. La dosis de vitamina E fue de 2 mg/día/rata durante 75 días. Se dosaron en plasma los niveles de fibrinógeno (mg/dl), NO (uM) y L-citrulina (mM) y en lisado de glóbulos rojos, por espectrofotometría, se determinó la actividad de la SOD (U/ml). Se analizaron cortes de la aorta torácica por microscopia óptica (MO). Rev Argent Cardiol 2010;78:405-410

    Estradiol and progesterone regulate the migration of mast cells from the periphery to the uterus and induce their maturation and degranulation

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    Background: Mast cells (MCs) have long been suspected as important players for implantation based on the fact that their degranulation causes the release of pivotal factors, e.g., histamine, MMPs, tryptase and VEGF, which are known to be involved in the attachment and posterior invasion of the embryo into the uterus. Moreover, MC degranulation correlates with angiogenesis during pregnancy. The number of MCs in the uterus has been shown to fluctuate during menstrual cycle in human and estrus cycle in rat and mouse indicating a hormonal influence on their recruitment from the periphery to the uterus. However, the mechanisms behind MC migration to the uterus are still unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: We first utilized migration assays to show that MCs are able to migrate to the uterus and to the fetal-maternal interface upon up-regulation of the expression of chemokine receptors by hormonal changes. By using a model of ovariectomized animals, we provide clear evidences that also in vivo, estradiol and progesterone attract MC to the uterus and further provoke their maturation and degranulation. Conclusion/Significance: We propose that estradiol and progesterone modulate the migration of MCs from the periphery to the uterus and their degranulation, which may prepare the uterus for implantation.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Myelo peroxidase as an Indicator of Oxidative Stress in Metabolic Syndrome

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    Background: Increased myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity would be the link between the rise of the inflammatory response and oxidative stress (OS) in metabolic syndrome (MS). Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the enzymatic activity of MPO associated with OS in animals with MS and establish their relationship with probable cardiovascular injury. Methods: Male Wistar rats were divided into two groups: Group A, control (n=12) and Group B, induced MS (n=12). Metabolic syndrome was produced by 6-week administration of 10% fructose diluted in the drinking water. Insulin (mU/ml), glucose (mg/dl), lipid panel (mg/dl), HOMA (homeostatic model assessment), MPO (IU/ml) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity (U/ml) were measured. Light microscopy was used for the histological study of the heart and thoracic aorta. Results: Group B showed significantly increased levels of plasma glucose (176±17.3 mg/dl), insulin (29.5±4.52 mU/ml), HOMA (11±1.3), total cholesterol (133±9.6 mg/dl) and triglycerides (75±12.9 mg/dl) compared with Group A: plasma glucose (115±1.1 mg/dl), insulin (4±0.82 mU/ml), HOMA (3±0.38), total cholesterol (69.7±1.6 mg/dl) and triglycerides (46.2±6 mg/dl), (p<0.001 for all variables). A significant decrease in HDL (28.3±1.14 mg/dl) in Group B vs. Group A (61±1.0 mg/dl) (p<0.001) validated the experimental MS model. Myeloperoxidase activity increased significantly in Group B (181.3±15.7 IU/ml) vs. Group A (116.07±4.2 IU/ml) (p<0.001). A similar behavior was seen with SOD antioxidant activity in Group B (181±6 U/ml) vs. Group A (138±3.6 U/ml) (p <0.01). Light microscopy of the heart and thoracic aorta revealed histopathological changes in animals with induced MS. Conclusion: Increased MPO and SOD in Group B would indicate the presence of OS in MS, with consequences at the vascular level.Introducción: Los incrementos en la actividad de la mieloperoxidasa (MPO) serían el nexo entre el aumento de la respuesta inflamatoria y el estrés oxidativo (EO) en el síndrome metabólico (SM). Objetivo: Determinar la actividad de la enzima MPO asociada con EO en animales con SM y establecer su relación con las probables lesiones cardiovasculares. Material y métodos: Se utilizaron ratas macho de la cepa Wistar, que se dividieron en: Grupo A, control (n = 12) y Grupo B, inducción de SM (n = 12). El SM se indujo con la administración de fructosa al 10% diluida en agua de bebida durante 6 semanas. Se cuantificaron insulina (mU/ml), glucemia (mg/dl), perfil lipídico (mg/dl), HOMA (homeostatic model assessment), MPO (UI/ml) y actividad de la superóxido dismutasa (SOD) (U/ml). Se estudió la histología de la aorta torácica y el corazón por microscopia óptica. Resultados: Se observaron niveles de glucemia (176 ± 17,3 mg/dl), insulina (29,5 ± 4,52 mU/ml), HOMA (11 ± 1,3), colesterol total (133 ± 9,6 mg/dl) y triglicéridos (75 ± 12,9 mg/dl) incrementados significativamente en el Grupo B en comparación con el Grupo A: glucemia (115 ± 1,1 mg/dl), insulina (4 ± 0,82 mU/ml), HOMA (3 ± 0,38), colesterol total (69,7 ± 1,6 mg/dl) y triglicéridos (46,2 ± 6 mg/dl) (p < 0,001 para todas las variables); se verificó disminución significativa de los valores de HDL (28,3 ± 1,14 mg/dl) en el Grupo B en comparación con el Grupo A (61 ± 1,01 mg/dl) (p < 0,001), validando así el modelo experimental de SM. La actividad de la MPO se incrementó significativamente en el Grupo B (181,3 ± 15,7 UI/ml) respecto del Grupo A (116,07 ± 4,2 UI/ml) (p < 0,001). Similar comportamiento presentó la actividad antioxidante de la SOD en el Grupo B (181 ± 6 U/ml) respecto del Grupo A (138 ± 3,6 U/ml) (p < 0,01). Las microscopias ópticas de corazón y de aorta torácica evidenciaron cambios histopatológicos en los animales con SM inducido. Conclusión: Los incrementos de la MPO y la SOD en el Grupo B demostrarían la presencia de EO, con repercusión a nivel vascular en el SM

    The phylogeny of dendropsophini (anura: hylidae: hylinae)

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    The relationships of the hyline tribe Dendropsophini remain poorly studied, with most published analyses dealing with few of the species groups of Dendropsophus. In order to test the monophyly of Dendropsophini, its genera, and the species groups currently recognized in Dendropsophus, we performed a total evidence phylogenetic analysis. The molecular dataset included sequences of three mitochondrial and five nuclear genes from 210 terminals, including 12 outgroup species, the two species of Xenohyla, and 93 of the 108 recognized species of Dendropsophus. The phenomic dataset includes 46 terminals, one per species (34 Dendropsophus, one Xenohyla, and 11 outgroup species). Our results corroborate the monophyly of Dendropsophini and the reciprocal monophyly of Dendropsophus and Xenohyla. Some species groups of Dendropsophus are paraphyletic (the D. microcephalus, D. minimus, and D. parviceps groups, and the D. rubicundulus clade). On the basis of our results, we recognize nine species groups; for three of them (D. leucophyllatus, D. microcephalus, and D. parviceps groups) we recognize some nominal clades to highlight specific morphology or relationships and facilitate species taxonomy. We further discuss the evolution of oviposition site selection, where our results show multiple instances of independent evolution of terrestrial egg clutches during the evolutionary history of Dendropsophus.Fil: Orrico, Victor. Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz; BrasilFil: Grant, Taran. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Faivovich, Julián. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Rivera Correa, Mauricio. Universidad de Antioquia; Colombia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Rada, Marco A.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Lyra, Mariana L.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Cassini, Carla S.. Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz; BrasilFil: Valdujo, Paula H.. Laboratório de Ecologia Da Paisagem; BrasilFil: Schargel, Walter E.. University of Texas; Estados UnidosFil: Machado, Denis J.. North Carolina State University; Estados UnidosFil: Wheeler, Ward C.. American Museum of Natural History; Estados UnidosFil: Barrio-Amorós, Cesar. Universidad de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Loebmann, Daniel. Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande; BrasilFil: Moravec, Jiří. Museo Nacional de Praga ; República ChecaFil: Zina, Juliana. Universidade Estadual Do Sudoeste Da Bahia; BrasilFil: Solé, Mirco. Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz; BrasilFil: Sturaro, Marcelo J.. Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Peloso, Pedro L.V.. Universidade Federal do Pará; BrasilFil: Suarez, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Haddad, Célio Fernando B.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; Brasi