207 research outputs found

    Economic losses due to ozone impacts on human health, forest productivity and crop yield across China

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    China's economic growth has significantly increased emissions of tropospheric ozone (O3) precursors, resulting in increased regional O3 pollution. We analyzed data from >1400 monitoring stations and estimated the exposure of population and vegetation (crops and forests) to O3 pollution across China in 2015. Based on WHO metrics for human health protection, the current O3 level leads to +0.9% premature mortality (59,844 additional cases a year) with 96% of populated areas showing O3–induced premature death. For vegetation, O3 reduces annual forest tree biomass growth by 11–13% and yield of rice and wheat by 8% and 6%, respectively, relative to conditions below the respective AOT40 critical levels (CL). These CLs are exceeded over 98%, 75% and 83% of the areas of forests, rice and wheat, respectively. Using O3 exposure–response functions, we evaluated the costs of O3-induced losses in rice (7.5 billion US),wheat(11.1billionUS), wheat (11.1 billion US) and forest production (52.2 billion US)andSOMO35–basedmorbidityforrespiratorydiseases(690.9billionUS) and SOMO35–based morbidity for respiratory diseases (690.9 billion US) and non–accidental mortality (7.5 billion US$), i.e. a total O3-related cost representing 7% of the China Gross Domestic Product in 2015. Keywords: Surface ozone, Human health, Wheat, Rice, Forests, Crops, Risk assessment, Impacts, Economic valuatio

    Sensitivity of simulated crop yield and nitrate leaching of the wheat-maize cropping system in the North China Plain to model parameters

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    Process-based crop simulation models are often over-parameterised and are therefore difficult to calibrate properly. Following this rationale, the Morris screening sensitivity method was carried out on the DAISY model to identify the most influential input parameters operating on selected model outputs, i.e. crop yield, grain nitrogen (N), evapotranspiration and N leaching. The results obtained refer to the winter wheat-summer maize cropping system in the North China Plain. In this study, four different N fertiliser treatments over six years were considered based on a randomised field experiment at Luancheng Experimental Station to elucidate the impact of weather and nitrogen inputs on model sensitivity. A total of 128 parameters were considered for the sensitivity analysis. The ratios [output changes/parameter increments] demonstrated high standard deviations for the most relevant parameters, indicating high parameter non-linearity/interactions. In general, about 34 parameters influenced the outputs of the DAISY model for both crops. The most influential parameters depended on the output considered with sensitivity patterns consistent with the expected dominant processes. Interestingly, some parameters related to the previous crop were found to affect output variables of the following crop, illustrating the importance of considering crop sequences for model calibration. The developed RDAISY toolbox used in this study can serve as a basis for following sensitivity analysis of the DAISY model, thus enabling the selection of the most influential parameters to be considered with model calibration

    Crop loss identification at field parcel scale using satellite remote sensing and machine learning

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    Identifying crop loss at field parcel scale using satellite images is challenging: first, crop loss is caused by many factors during the growing season; second, reliable reference data about crop loss are lacking; third, there are many ways to define crop loss. This study investigates the feasibility of using satellite images to train machine learning (ML) models to classify agricultural field parcels into those with and without crop loss. The reference data for this study was provided by Finnish Food Authority (FFA) containing crop loss information of approximately 1.4 million field parcels in Finland covering about 3.5 million ha from 2000 to 2015. This reference data was combined with Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from Landsat 7 images, in which more than 80% of the possible data are missing. Despite the hard problem with extremely noisy data, among the four ML models we tested, random forest (with mean imputation and missing value indicators) achieved the average AUC (area under the ROC curve) of 0.688±0.059 over all 16 years with the range [0.602, 0.795] in identifying new crop-loss fields based on reference fields of the same year. To our knowledge, this is one of the first large scale benchmark study of using machine learning for crop loss classification at field parcel scale. The classification setting and trained models have numerous potential applications, for example, allowing government agencies or insurance companies to verify crop-loss claims by farmers and realise efficient agricultural monitoring
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