1,460 research outputs found

    Effective Reading Instruction in ESP: Practical Approaches to Improving Vocational Students’ Content-Area Reading Comprehension

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    Effective reading instruction in Vocational Higher Education (henceforth VHE) has been criticized as ineffective, as demonstrated by poor reading test results, indicating a deficient students’ reading performance. This article examines and gains insight into the reasons why things occur as they do by discussing the following four topics: (1) describing the context in which reading instruction occurs and why this instructional effort does not work as expected; (2) describing the nature of content area reading; (3) unpacking things that could potentially encourage students’ interests and increase their reading involvement, thereby making their reading more effective; and (4) proposing a set of pedagogical principles that could potentially improve the students optimal reading and comprehensio

    Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) and Organic Acid Compounds From Oil Palm Shell Liquid Smoke

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    The effect of pyrolysis temperature on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and organic acid compounds from oil palm shell liquid smoke has been successfully conducted. In this study, variations of temperature were used at 600 to 950ºC with temperature intervals at 50ºC. Liquid smokes obtained were characterized using GC-MS and FTIR. The GC-MS and FT-IR analysis results showed the presence of organic acid compounds such as acetic acid and propanoic acid. In contrast, no found polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) compounds. The higher the pyrolysis temperature involved the higher the organic acid contents


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    Penelitian tindakan ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Masing-masing siklus terdiri dari empat kegiatan, yaitu perencanaan (planning), tindakan (acting), observasi (observing) dan refleksi (reflecting). Pada siklus pertama, supervisi akademik kolaboratif  diberikan dalam bentuk pemberian informasi teoritis tentang pengembangan silabus. Hasil dari kegiatan siklus pertama masih belum dapat dikatakan berhasil, hal ini disebabkan peroleh rata-rata sekor para guru masih di bawah 50 atau kurang. Pada siklus kedua, supervisi akademik kolaboratif ditindaklanjuti dengan memberikan bantuan praktis, di mana peneliti dan peserta secara kolaboratif mengembangkan silabus. Pada siklus kedua, hasil pengembangan silabus mata pelajaran yang disusun oleh guru meningkat tajam, hal ini dibuktiukan dengan peroleh rata-rata sekor penguasaan para guru sebesar 100% atau amat baik. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru dalam mengembangkan silabus. Pada siklus pertama sekor rata-rata kompetensi guru adalah 75% atau sedang, kemudian meningkat menjadi 100% atau amat baik. Artinya supervisi akademik kolaboratif memberikan dampak positif terhadap peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru dalam mengembangkan silabus.


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    Abstract: Muhammad Abduh is a influencing figure in religious field in the end of 19th and 20th century. He offered constructive ideas, especially in tafsîr field. The ideas is valued by some Muslim intelectual only as connecting from previously figure. Some influencing figures in  Abduh’s tafsîr are Syaykh Darwisyi in Sufisme, Sayyid Jamâl al-Dîn al-Afghânî in Logic, Jurnalism, and Science. He also interested in Imâm al-Ghazâli’s essays, al-Zamakhsyâri’s Tafsîr al-Kasysyâf, Jalâl al-Dîn al-Suyūtī’s and Jalâl al-Dīn al-Mahallī’s Tafsîr Jalâlayn, Fakhr al-Râzi’s Tafsîr mafâtih al-Ghayb, al-Nasafī’s Madârik al-Tanzîl wa Haqâiq al-Ta'wîl, and al-Baydhâwi’s Anwâr al-Tanzîl wa Asrâr al-Ta'wîl.   Key Words: Tafsîr, Abduh, al-Ghazâli, al-Nasafī, al-Baydhâwi, al-Zamakhsyâri, al-Thabari, dan Fakhr al-Râz

    Pengembangan Tungku Briket Batubara Skala Rumah Tangga

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    Improving of a coal briquette stove is required in the context of energy diversification for strengthening national energy security. The policy of kerosene conversion to LPG is a short term policy and needs other source of energy alternative. In idealized sense, all potentials should be used for household cooking, not always depending on a particular energy source. Purpose of this research was to improve a household coal briquette stove to increase stove efficiency and ease in ceasing the ember. Design criteria of the coal briquette stove were based on heat transfer from the burning coal to the heated object, ease in ceasing the ember, and facilitating the exhausting smoke from the kitchen room. Performance test to the designed stove was conducted on analyses of temperature at the bottom of a pan versus time during the firing, heat efficiency, and the time of ceasing ember. The results showed that the cooking temperature (>180 oC) was reached after 35-65 minutes. The cooking temperature lasted for 4 hours, heat efficiency of 25.5 % was about optimum, and the time of ember ceasing was 19-33 minutes

    Heavy Metal (Ni, Fe) Concentration in Water and Histopathological of Marine Fish in the Obi Island, Indonesia.

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    This study aims to determine the content of nickel (Ni) and iron (Fe) as well as histopathological analysis of marine fish in Obi Island waters as a bioindicator of pollution. Besides, water quality conditions were carried out in-situ and ex-situ observations. The parameters observed were temperature, brightness, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, orthophosphate, ammonia, iron (Fe), and nickel (Ni). The results showed the temperature range between 26.48 ℃ to 27.99 ℃ below the quality standard or low temperature. The brightness of the relationship between 12 m and 13 m is under quality standards. The salinity range between 31.01 ppt to 32.13 ppt below the quality standard. The pH range is from 8.6 to 8.7 in high or alkaline conditions. Ammonia range between 0.4 mg / L to 0.7 mg / L exceeds the quality standard. The range of nitrate between 0.009 mg / L to 0.012 mg / L exceeds the quality standard. The range of phosphate between 0.016 mg / L to 0.019 mg / L exceeds the quality standard. The DO range between 3.68 mg / L to 3.77 mg / L lower than the quality standard. The metal range of 0.6 mg / L to 0.9 mg / L exceeds the quality standard. The range of Ni metal between 0.06 mg / L to 0.09 mg / L exceeds the quality standard. Histopathological analysis showed that the liver had a hemorrhage, degeneration of blood vessels, vacuolate degeneration, necrosis, or cell death. The muscles experience edema, degeneration of muscle fibers, atrophy of muscle bundles, vacuolar degeneration of muscle Bundles, hemorrhage, infiltration of lymphocytes, and necrosis. The intestine experience infiltration of lymphocytes, melanomacrophages, and necrosis. While P. tayenus fish ovaries showed necrosis structure oocytes. This research can be a reference for warning of heavy metal pollution in Obi Island waters, binding to the nature of heavy metals that can accumulate in fish tissue.Keywords: Water quality; Heavy Metal; Pollution; Histopathological; Obi Island

    Waste Cooking Oil Gasification with Pressure Stoves

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    Kerosene gasification with pressure stoves have been applied to people such mawar stoves. use of waste cooking oil as fuel for pressure stoves are still in the early stages of research. Waste cooking oil viscosity higher than that of kerosene, this is a problem in the use of the mawar stove, since mawar stove used of oil pipeline smaller than 2.5 mm. The research was carried out by utilizing the mawar stove by using waste cooking oil fuel. The results showed that the flow rate of kerosene from 2.33 to 4.08 ml/s on stove and flow rate of waste cooking oil on the stove from 0.39 to 0.66 ml/s with a pressure stove 6-3 psia. Waste cooking oil can be used as fuel for mawar stoves with pressure more than 4 psia and fire to preheat stove for waste cooking oil is greater than with the use of kerosene fuel

    Health Condition of Tridacna sp. in the waters of Obi Island, Indonesia

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    Tridacna sp. is one of the protected heritage in Indonesia, because its population has declined dramatically. Tridacna sp. is the largest type of shellfish in water. Like a clam, Tridacna sp. can be used as a bioindicator of the aquatic environment because it can accumulate more heavy metals than other aquatic organisms due to its nature as a filter feeder. This study aims to determine the health condition of Tridacna sp. in the waters of Obi Island with a histopathological analysis approach. The histopathological analysis aims to see the level of tissue damage due to the accumulation of heavy metals. Observation of water quality was also observed in this study. Water quality parameters observed in-situ are temperature, brightness, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen. While the water quality parameters observed ex-situ are nitrate, orthophosphate, ammonia, iron (Fe), and nickel (Ni). Observations show that the water temperature is at 27.99 ℃. Water brightness is at 13 m. Salinity is at 32.13 mg / l. The acidity of the waters is 8.64. Ammonia is at 0.4 mg / L. Nitrate is at 0.009 mg / L. Orthopedics are at 0.016 mg / L. Dissolved oxygen waters are at 3.77 mg / L. The iron (Fe) level of water is at 0.6 mg / L. The level of nickel (Ni) waters is at 0.06 mg / L. This study shows the health condition of Tridacna sp. the histological approach shows that the condition of the network has changed. Symptoms of this change indicate the condition of the Tridacna sp. degeneration and cell necrosis. This change is thought to be influenced by heavy metals. Heavy metal content in liquids exceeds the quality standard threshold.Keywords:  Tridacna sp.; Heavy metal; Water quality; histopathological

    Early Warning of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Waters of Obi Island Based on Plankton Elements

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    Industrial activities that are around the waters will donate dangerous heavy metals and enter the waters through rivers. Heavy metal pollution is very dangerous for animals, plants, and humans. Exposure to heavy metals in humans occurs through the food chain. Pollution observation methods using living organisms such as plankton as bioindicators are more effective. As an indicator of biological, composition, and abundance of plankton can provide a guide for monitoring the occurrence of pollution by using the saprobic index. This research aims to determine the level of pollution in the waters of Obi Island. The results of identification of plankton samples found 17 genera phytoplankton in 2 different classes, Diatom and Dinoflagellate, and 3 genera of zooplankton class. The average abundance of phytoplankton from the results of the study was 5.253 individual/L which means that the water conditions were mesotrophic. Meanwhile, the average abundance of zooplankton is 57 individuals/m3. The saprobic index and trophic saprobic index analysis tend to show that the waters are in the mild to moderate polluted category, where the waters are at the β-Mesosaprobic level.Keywords: Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; SI index; Obi island AbstrakKegiatan industri pertambangan di Kawasi merupakan pertambangan untuk memperoleh biji nikel (Ni). Biji Ni umumnya berasosiasi dengan log am berat lainnya seperti tembaga (Cu), arsenik (As), besi (Fe), dan platina (Pt) sehingga berpeluang besar masuk ke perairan di sekitar kawasan pertambangan melaluli aliran sungai. Interaksi yang terjadi dalam ekosistem perairan sungai dan beban masukan yang tidak terkendali dapat mempengaruhi ketersediaan unsur hara dan fitoplankton. Fitoplankton merupakan parameter biologi yang dapat di jadikan indikator untuk mengevaluasi kualitas dan tingkat kesuburan perairan. Sebagai indikator biologi komposisi dan kelimpahan fitoplankton dapat memberikan petunjuk untuk memantau terjadinya pencemaran dengan menggunakan indeks saprobitas. Hasil identifikasi sampel plankton yang dijumpai berjumlah 17 genus fitoplankton dalam 2 kelas berbeda, yaitu diatom dan Dinoflagellate, serta 3 genus zooplankton kelas copepoda. Dari hasil penelitian ini, kelas fitoplankton yang paling banyak tercacah adalah diatom atau Bacillariophyceae. Rata – rata kelimpahan fitoplankton (Diatom dan Dinoflagellata) dari hasil penelitian sebesar 15.503 ind/L. Hal ini, berarti bahwa kelimpahan perairan pada lokasi penelitian dalam kondisi tinggi (eutotrof). Jenis zooplankton yang tercacah merupakan zooplankton kelas copepoda yang terdiri atas Oithona sp.; Corycaeus sp.; dan Paracalunus sp. Analisis SI dan TSI cenderung menunjukan perairan berada pada kategori tercemar ringan sampai sedang, dimana perairan berada pada tingkat β- Mesosaprobik.Kata Kunci: Biji Nikel; Fitoplankton; Zooplankton; Indeks SI dan TSI
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