134 research outputs found

    GKI Karangsaru Senior Living Dengan Pendekatan Healing Environment

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    Tak dapat dipungkiri, kebutuhan akan hunian lansia meningkat pada zaman ini. Hal ini dikarenakan perubahan zaman yang menyebabkan aktivitas manusia makin sibuk sehingga keluarga kesulitan dan kewalahan dalam merawat lansia. Selain itu, pemahanan dan keterbukaan pemikiran tentang hidup di rumah lansia sudah cukup berkembang. GKI Karangsaru sebagai gereja yang berlokasi di Semarang juga turut serta dalam penyediaan wadah, komunitas dan fasilitas bagi lansia. GKI Karangsaru ingin supaya lansia tetap memiliki aktivitas di tengah usianya yang sudah tidak muda, memiliki komunitas untuk saling bersosialisasi serta memiliki hunian yang mampu menunjang rasa aman, nyaman dan kesejahteraan mereka. GKI Karangsaru Senior Living dirancang untuk dapat mengkoneksikan lansia dengan keluarga dan masyarakat sekitar serta menciptakan hunian yang baik bagi lansia. Pengadaan berbagai fasilitas dan ruang terbuka menjadi fokus dari perancangan ini dalam mewujudkan sebuah lingkungan healing environment, yaitu lingkungan yang memberikan rasa nyaman, ketenangan, damai dan menyembuhkan bagi lansia dan penggunanya


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of smartphone use on the creativity of the class of 2019. This study used a causal-comparative type of research. The population in this study were students of guidance and counseling class of 2019 SWCU. In this study, the authors used a sampling technique using total sampling. The sample in this study was the student guidance and counseling class of 2019 SWCU. In the data collection technique, each instrument uses a Likert scale. The analytical technique used in this study is simple linear regression analysis using the help of IBM Statistics SPSS 21.0. The results showed that the results of the simple linear regression test that had been carried out were known to be greater than ttable (14,806 > 2.002) with a sig. 0.000 value less than 0.050 (0.000 < 0.050). This means that there is a significant positive effect of smartphone use on creativity. So the hypothesis which states "there is a significant influence on the use of smartphones on the creativity of Guidance and Counseling students for the class of 2019". The variable of smartphone use contributes to creativity by 79.7%, and the rest (20.3%) is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Keywords: Smartphone use, Creativit

    Revisiting metabolic syndrome: The importance of weight management

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    Metabolic syndrome is an increasing major health problem worldwide, including Indonesia. More than one third of adult Indonesian population suffered from metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome itself is actually a clustering of risk factors which increase the risk for diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases in the future. Therefore, prompt management of metabolic syndrome is required to prevent the development of diabetes mellitus dan cardiovascular diseases


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    Korporasi perseroan terbatas diartikan sebagai badan hukum yang diperlakukan selayaknya seorang mausia, yaitu sebagai pengemban hak dan kewajiban dan memiliki kekayaan sendiri, serta dapat menggugat dan digugat di pengadilan. Namun selama ini yang banyak dimintakan pertanggungjawaban hanyalah orang pribadi dan untuk korporasi masih terbilang sedikit ini dikarenakan penuntut umum yang masih ragu dalam penerapan sanksi kepada korporasi. Upaya pengembalian kerugian keuangan negara dalam tindak pidana korupsi yang dilakukan korporasi perseroan terbatas dapat dibilang belum maksimal. Dilihat dari begitu banyak kasus yang terselesaikan dengan pengembalian kerugian yang tidak secara penuh. Tujuan pertanggungjawaban hukum korporasi perseroan terbatas adalah agar supaya pihak korporasi dalam hal pengembalian kerugian negara dapat dilakukan secara maksimal sehingga negara tidak dirugikan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut tulisan ini bermaksud menganalisis “Pertanggungjawaban Hukum Korporasi Perseroan terbatas Dalam Pengembalian Kerugian Keuangan Negara Yang Diakibatkan Oleh Tindak Pidana Korupsi”.Kata Kunci : Pertanggungjawaban, Korporasi, Kerugian Negar

    Perkembangan Kepribadian Tokoh Bo Ya Dalam Film The Ying Yang Master: Dream of Eternity Yīnyáng shī: Qíng yǎ jí 《阴阳师: 晴雅集》 Kajian Carl Jung

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    Abstrak Kesadaran diri atau Individuation, adalah proses dimana terjadinya intergrasi psikologi dalam dirinya untuk mencapai sebuah perkembangan dalam kepribadiannya. Peneliltian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perkembangan seorang pribadi dalam film The Ying Yang Master: Dream of Eternity Yīnyáng shī: Qíng yǎ jí 《阴阳师: 晴雅集》. Penelitian berisikan tentang seorang individu yang menemukan perubahan secara pribadi ketika bertemu seorang yang membuatnya menanyakan tentang apa yang ia percayai selama ini. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, menyimak dan menyatat untuk memperoleh data yang diperlukan. Dari data yang di dapatkan, peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa 1) keyakinan seseorang tidak lah mudah di ubah dalam film The Ying Yang Master: Dream of Eternity Yīnyáng shī: Qíng yǎ jí 《阴阳师: 晴雅集》, 2) Dorongan dari luar pun tidak memudahkan perubahan dalam film The Ying Yang Master: Dream of Eternity Yīnyáng shī: Qíng yǎ jí 《阴阳师: 晴雅集》3) Hanya keputusan sendiri untuk menerima perubahan yang mampu merubah seseorang dalam film The Ying Yang Master: Dream of Eternity Yīnyáng shī: Qíng yǎ jí 《阴阳师: 晴雅集》. Dalam penelitian ini bisa terlihat bahwa seseorang tidak akan berubah gitu saja walaupun adanya dorongan dari luar namun ketika seorang tersebut bisa menerima dirinya bahwa ia bisa berubah secara personal. Kata kunci: Kepribadian, Perkembangan, Individuation Abstract Self-realization or Individuation, is the process by which psychological integration occurs within him to achieve a development in his personality. This study aims to describe the development of a person in the film The Ying Yang Master: Dream of Eternity Yīnyáng shī: Qíng yǎ jí 《阴阳师: 晴雅集》. This research is about an individual who finds a change personally when he meets someone who asks him what he believes so far. By using descriptive qualitative research methods, listening and taking notes to obtain the necessary data. From the data obtained, the researcher can conclude that 1) one's beliefs are not easy to change in the film The Ying Yang Master: Dream of Eternity Yīnyáng shī: Qíng yǎ jí 《阴阳师: 晴雅集》, 2) External encouragement does not facilitate changes in The Ying Yang Master: Dream of Eternity Yīnyáng shī: Qíng yǎ jí《阴阳师: 晴雅集》 3) Only one's own decision to accept change can change a person in The Ying Yang Master: Dream of Eternity Yīnyáng shī: Qíng yǎ jí《阴阳师: 晴雅集》. In this study it can be seen that a person will not change just like that despite the encouragement from outside, but when a person can accept himself that he can change personally. Keyword: Personality, Development, Individuatio

    Epidemiological transition in Indonesia : impact of helminths and urbanization on the development of Type 2 diabetes

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    The main objective of this thesis is to improve understanding of the role of helminth infections in the development of insulin resistance (IR), hence Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), in the light of increasing urbanization in Indonesia. Our large-scale cluster-randomized controlled trial was performed in a rural area of Indonesia, which is endemic for soil-transmitted helminth (STH), and has been previously reported to have a low prevalence of IR and T2D. In STH-infected subjects, as assessed by microscopy, 12-month anthelmintic treatment increased IR, which was mediated by an increase in BMI and leptin to adiponectin ratio, as well as reduction in eosinophil count. Next, we also aimed to assess the different metabolic profile between populations living in rural and urban area, and to study the relative protective effect of rural environment to high-fat diet (HFD). In comparison to those living in rural area, individuals living in urban area had higher whole body IR, which was mainly mediated by the higher adiposity and leptin level, which were progressively increased with increased duration of time spent in urban area. Different environmental factors (including past or current exposure to STH) did not seem to affect the metabolic response to HFD intervention, independent from adiposity. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science (KNAW), Ref 57-SPIN3-JRP Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia (0499/UN2.R12/HKP.05.00/2015 and 1100/UN2.R12/HKP.05.00/2016) Universitas Indonesia (2742/H2.R12/HKP.05.00/2013 and 1561/UN2.R12/HKP.05.00/2015) Directorate of Higher Education Republic of Indonesia - Leiden University Ph.D. ScholarshipLUMC / Geneeskund

    Efek Pemberian Paket Kasih terhadap Keberlanjutan Bounding Attachment pada Ibu Post Sectio Caesarea

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    This study aims to determine the effect of giving a love package on the sustainability of bounding attachments in post Sectio Caesarea (SC) mothers. The method used is quasi-experiment with pre and post-test without control. Data analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon test. The results showed a significant difference between role achievement, maternal identity and closeness to the continuity of post-SC maternal bounding attachment (p = 0.000). In conclusion, the love package affects the sustainability of the bounding attachment. The love package can also be used as a nursing intervention in post-SC maternal support programs in hospitals or other health facilities. Keywords: Bounding Attachment, Mother Post Sectio Caesarea, Love Packag


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    This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research was conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were class XII students at SMA Negeri 3 Maluku Tenggara, totaling 24 students. The data sources were teachers, students and researchers. Data collection techniques are by observation, tests, and documentation or archives. Based on the results of the analysis, a significant increase was obtained from pre-cycle to cycle I and from cycle I to cycle II. This can be seen from the student learning outcomes in the pre-cycle of the number of students 24 only 14 students who completed and 10 students did not complete or with a percentage of 75% of students completed and 25% of students did not complete. Then the learning outcomes shown by students in cycle I showed an increase, namely 14 students or 75% were in the complete category and the remaining 10 students or 25% were in the incomplete category. In cycle II the increase in student learning outcomes is 100% or 24 students are in the complete category. The conclusion from this study is that using auido-visual media can be used to improve learning outcomes in javelin throwing in class XII students at SMA Negeri 3 Maluku Tenggara