57 research outputs found

    Bariatrik cerrahi sonrası viseral organ yağ infiltrasyon değişikliklerini izlemenin etkili yöntemi: İdeal IQ sekansı

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the efficiency of non-invasive imaging method-MR proton density fat fraction (PDFF); ideal IQ sequence- on detecting the effects of bariatric surgery on liver and pancreatic fatty infiltration. Materials and Methods: Thirty-nine patients (25 females, 14 males) who underwent bariatric surgery between May 2016 and April 2017 were analyzed retrospectively in this study. Body mass index (BMI) and body weight (BW) values of all patients were noted one week before and one month after bariatric surgery, and meanwhile an unenhanced upper abdominal MR imaging was performed. Liver fat fraction (LFF), pancreas fat fraction (PFF), liver volume (LV) and craniocaudal length of liver (LL) were measured with MR-PDFF and T2 weighted images. Changes in all parameters after the surgery were recorded and the correlation of these changes with the change in LFF was analyzed. Results: At the end of first month of bariatric surgery, a significant decrease on mean values of LFF and PFF has been observed along with a decrease of LV, LL, BW and BMI (p<0.0001). A moderate positive linear correlation was observed between LFF and PFF, LV, LL (r=0.69, 0.61, 0.49; respectively) while a weak positive linear correlation was noticed between LFF and BMI, BW (r=0.34, 0.21; respectively). Conclusion: Ideal IQ sequence enables quantitative analysis of fatty infiltration of the liver and pancreas and thus may be used as a non-invasive tool to monitor the positive effects of the bariatric surgery on fatty infiltration of these visceral organs in the postoperative period.Amaç: Bariatrik cerrahinin karaciğer ve pankreas yağ infiltrasyonu üzerindeki etkilerinin saptanmasında non-invaziv görüntüleme yönteminin-MR proton dansite yağ fraksiyonu (PDFF); ideal IQ sekansı-etkinliğini göstermeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada Mayıs 2016 ile Nisan 2017 tarihleri arasında obezite cerrahisi geçiren 39 hasta (25 kadın, 14 erkek) retrospektif olarak incelendi. Tüm hastaların vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) ve vücut ağırlığı (VA) değerleri bariatrik cerrahiden bir hafta önce ve bir ay sonra kaydedildi ve bu esnada kontrastsız üst abdomen MR görüntülemesi yapıldı. MR-PDFF ve T2 ağırlıklı görüntülerle karaciğer yağ fraksiyonu (KYF), pankreas yağ fraksiyonu (PYF), karaciğer hacmi (KV) ve karaciğer kraniyokaudal uzunluğu (KKU) ölçüldü. Ameliyat sonrası tüm parametrelerdeki değişiklikler kaydedildi ve bu değişikliklerin KYF’deki değişiklik ile korelasyonu analiz edildi. Bulgular: Bariatrik cerrahinin 1. ayının sonunda KYF ve PYF ortalama değerlerinde anlamlı azalma ile birlikte KV, KKU, VA ve VKİ’de azalma gözlendi (p<0,0001). KYF ile PYF, KV, KKU arasında orta derecede pozitif bir doğrusal korelasyon gözlenirken (sırasıyla r=0,69, 0,61, 0,49), KYF ile VKİ, VA arasında (sırasıyla r=0,34, 0,21) zayıf bir pozitif doğrusal korelasyon fark edildi. Sonuç: İdeal IQ sekansı, karaciğer ve pankreasın yağ infiltrasyonunun kantitatif analizini sağlar ve bu nedenle postoperatif dönemde bariatrik cerrahinin bu viseral organların yağ infiltrasyonu üzerindeki olumlu etkilerini izlemek için non-invaziv bir araç olarak kullanılabilir

    High-resolution diffusion-weighted imaging compared with conventional diffusion-weighted imaging and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging with regard to image quality and assessment of breast cancer morphology

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    PURPOSETo evaluate the image quality and tumor morphology depiction ability of high resolution (HR) diffusion- weighted imaging (f-DWI) in comparison to conventional DWI (c-DWI) and dynamic contrast- enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) in the primary breast cancer setting.METHODSThe f-DWI, c-DWI, and DCE-MRIs of 160 malignant breast masses were evaluated retrospectively by two independent radiologists. Data on image quality [sharpness, distortion, and perceived signalto- noise ratio (SNR)], apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value, lesion size, and tumor morphology (shape, margin, and internal pattern) obtained on f-DWI, c-DWI, and DCE-MRI were compared. Consistency between the readers and imaging methods for morphological parameters was analyzed.RESULTSThe ADC values measured on f-DWI were significantly lower than those measured on c-DWI for both readers (P < 0.001 for each), whereas mean lesion size was significantly larger in c-DWI than in f-DWI and DCE-MRI for both readers (P < 0.001 for each). Higher consistency values were obtained for f-DWI compared with c-DWI when correlated with DCE-MRI for each morphological parameter. The least distorted images were obtained using DCE-MRI compared with c-DWI and f-DWI for both readers, whereas the highest distortion scores were obtained using c-DWI. Sharpness and perceived SNR scores were rated as significantly higher for f-DWI and DCE-MRI images compared with c-DWI by both readers (P < 0.001 for all). The concordance between c-DWI and DCE-MRI was fair to slight (κ = 0.15 to 0.41), whereas concordance between f-DWI and DCE-MRI was significantly better (κ = 0.68 to 0.87) for each reader and for all morphological parameters (P < 0.001). The highest concordance between the readers was achieved in margin assessment (κ = 0.87 to 0.89) regardless of the MRI method, followed by shape and internal pattern parameters (κ = 0.63 to 0.79).CONCLUSIONThe results demonstrated that f-DWI produces higher-quality images than c-DWI, enabling the morphological features to be identified in similar detail to that offered by HR DCE-MRI. Accordingly, f-DWI, as a method that highly correlates with DCE in determining the morphological characteristics of breast cancers, seems to have potential in the evaluation of breast tumors in patients for whom the use of contrast media is contraindicated

    Çoklu-uygulamalı ortamlar için kullanıcı modelleme sistemi

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    TÜBİTAK EEEAG01.11.2014Bu projede, kişinin kısmi profillerini birleştirmeyi kolaylaştıran ve bütün, çoklu-alanlı bir kullanıcı profili sağlayan bir kullanıcı modelleme sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Birleştirme işlemi, zenginleştirilmiş kullanıcı profillerine yol açan bir anlamsal zenginleştirme işlemini içermektedir. Oluşturulan kullanıcı modeli genel ve alan-tabanlı anlamsal kullanıcı profilleri çıkartabilme ve önerme gibi çeşitli bağlantılı veri sorgularına makul zamanda cevap verebilme yeteneklerine sahiptir. Bu projede, Facebook, Twitter ve LinkedIn'i de içeren sosyal hesaplardan kısmi profilleri içeri aktarabilen ve bu kısmi profilleri birleştirerek kullanıcının bütünsel ve anlamsal bir profilini oluşturabilen bir kullanıcı modelleme sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Ayrıca sistem; kitap, film, spor ve müzik alanları için çeşitli öneri modülleri içermektedir. Alandan-bağımsız genel bir öneri modülü ve belirtilen bir öğe ile ilgilenmesi muhtemel kullanıcıların keşfine ve sistemdeki kullanıcı ile benzer ilgi alanlarına sahip kullanıcıların keşfine izin veren bir hesaplama modülü de mevcuttur. Bu modüllerle, sunulan kullanıcı modelini kullanarak bağlantılı veri problemlerine nasıl çözüm sunulabileceği gösterilmektedir. Modelin uygulanabilirliği sosyal ağlar ve akıllı TV kullanım alanlarında farklı öneri sistemleri geliştirilerek örneklenmiştir.In this project, a user modeling system which faciliates aggregating partial profiles of the individual and obtain a complete, multi-domain user model is developed. The aggregation involves a semantic enhancement procedure which results in enriched user profiles. The constructed user model is capable of extracting general and domain-based semantic user profiles and answering several connected data queries such as recommendation, in reasonable time. In this project, we implemented the user profiling system which enables importing partial profiles from social accounts including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and aggregates these partial profiles and constructs a holistic semantic profile of the individual. Moreover, the system includes several recommendation modules for book, movie, sports and music domains. There is also a domain-independent general recommendation module and a computation module which enables discovery of users who might be interested in a specified item and users who have similar interests with the current user. With these modules, we illustrate how to present solutions to connected data problems by using the proposed user model. The use of the model has been illustrated by different recommendation systems in social network and smart TV usage data

    The serum amyloid-a, haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin and albumin levels in dogs which are infected with babesia canis

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    Bu çalışmada Babesia canis ile doğal enfekte köpeklerde serum haptoglobin (Hp), serum amiloid-A (SAA), seruloplazmin (Cp)ve albümin (Alb) seviyelerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın materyalini, Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı kliniklerine getirilen, kan frotilerinin giemsa yöntemi ile boyanması sonucunda B. canis tanısı konulan 20 hasta köpek oluşturdu. Kontrol amacı ile 10 sağlıklı köpek kullanıldı. Hasta hayvanların serum Hp, SAA, Cp ve Alb seviyeleri sırasıyla 0.44±0.12 mg/mL, 43.18±13.77 µg/mL, 10.75±2.45 mg/dL, 2.74±0.15 g/dL olarak belirlendi. Sağlıklı hayvanların serum Hp, SAA, Cp ve Alb değerleri ise sırasıyla 1.84±0.29 mg/mL, 1.18±0.40 µg/mL, 4.80±0.53 mg/dL, 3.01±0.34 g/dL olarak ölçüldü. Hasta hayvanların SAA ve Cp değerleri sağlıklı hayvanlara göre daha yüksek bulunurken (P<0.001), Hp (P<0.001) ve Alb (P<0.01) seviyelerinin daha düşük olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç olarak köpeklerde B. canis enfeksiyonunda serum SAA ve Cp değerleri yükselirken, Hp ve Alb seviyelerinin düştüğü belirlendi.In this study, we aimed to determine the serum haptoglobin (Hp), serum amyloid-A (SAA), ceruloplasmin (Cp) and albümin (Alb) levels in the dogs which are naturally infected with Babesia canis. 20 patient dogs which were diagnosed as B. canis by staining of their blood smears with giemsa method, which were brought to Kafkas University Veterinary Faculty Internal Medicine Department clinics formed the material of the study. 10 Healthy dogs were used for control. The serum Hp, SAA, Cp and Alb levels of the sick animals were determined as 0.44±0.12 mg/mL, 43.18±13.77 µg/mL, 10.75±2.45 mg/dL, 2.74±0.15 g/dL, respectively. Whereas, the serum Hp, SAA, Cp and Alb values of the healthy animals were measured as 1.84±0.29 mg/mL, 1.18±0.40 µg/mL, 4.80±0.53 mg/dL, 3.01±0.34 g/dL, respectively. While the SAA and Cp values of the sick animals were determined higher than that of the healthy animals, the (P <0.001), the Hp (P <0.001) and the Alb (P <0.01) levels were found to be lower. As a result, it was determined that the serum SAA and Cp levels increased, and the Hp and Alb levels decreased in the dogs which are infected with B. canis

    Metabolic dysfu nctio n-As socia ted fatty liver disease and fibrosis status in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Treated at Internal medicine clinics: Türkiye DAHUDER awareness of fatty liver disease (TR-DAFLD) study

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    Background/Aims: This awareness study aimed to determine the ultrasound (US) examination rates in relation to US-confirmed metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) diagnosis in internal medicine outpatients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) across Turkiye. Materials and Methods: A total of 6283 T2D patients were included in this multicenter retrospective cohort study conducted at 17 internal medicine clinics across Turkiye. The presence and indications for US performed within the last 3 years were recorded along with US-confirmed MAFLD rates, laboratory findings on the day of US, and referral rates. Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) index was calculated to estimate the risk of advanced liver fibrosis (FIB-4 index ≥ 1.3). Results: Overall, 1731 (27.6%) of 6283 patients had US examination, which revealed MAFLD diagnosis in 69.9% of cases. In addition, 24.4% of patients with US-confirmed MAFLD were at risk of advanced fibrosis (FIB-4 index ≥ 1.3), and the referral rate was 15.5%. Conclusion: In conclusion, our findings emphasize an insufficient MAFLD awareness among clinicians and the likelihood of most of T2D patients to be at risk of living with an unknown status regarding their MAFLD and advanced fibrosis ris

    İnfertilitede Laboratuar ve Uygulamalar

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    GLP-1 localisation and proglucagon gene expression in healthy and diabetic mouse ileum

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    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a polypeptide that is mainly produced by intestinal L cells and is encoded by the proglucagon gene. In this study, GLP-1 localisation was investigated in the ileum of healthy and diabetic mice by immunohistochemistry and proglucagon gene expression was assayed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction