118 research outputs found

    Primary Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency

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    open4siCLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Primary coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) deficiency is usually associated with multisystem involvement, including neurologic manifestations such as fatal neonatal encephalopathy with hypotonia; a late-onset slowly progressive multiple-system atrophy-like phenotype (neurodegeneration with autonomic failure and various combinations of parkinsonism and cerebellar ataxia, and pyramidal dysfunction); and dystonia, spasticity, seizures, and intellectual disability. Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS), the hallmark renal manifestation, is often the initial manifestation either as isolated renal involvement that progresses to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), or associated with encephalopathy (seizures, stroke-like episodes, severe neurologic impairment) resulting in early death. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), retinopathy or optic atrophy, and sensorineural hearing loss can also be seen. DIAGNOSIS/TESTING: The diagnosis of primary CoQ10 deficiency in a proband is established by identification of biallelic pathogenic variants in one of the nine genes encoding proteins directly involved in the synthesis of coenzyme Q10 or by detection of reduced levels of CoQ10 (ubiquinone) in skeletal muscle or reduced activities of complex I+III and II+III of the mitochondrial respiratory chain on frozen muscle homogenates. MANAGEMENT: Treatment of manifestations: In individuals with primary CoQ10 deficiency early treatment with high-dose oral CoQ10 supplementation (ranging from 5 to 50 mg/kg/day) can limit disease progression and reverse some manifestations; however, established severe neurologic and/or renal damage cannot be reversed. ACE inhibitors may be used in combination with CoQ10 supplementation in persons with proteinuria; renal transplantation is an option for those with ESRD. Treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, retinopathy, and sensorineural hearing loss is per usual practice. Prevention of primary manifestations: Supplementation with high-dose oral CoQ10 can prevent progression of the renal disease and onset of neurologic manifestations. Surveillance: Periodic neurologic evaluation, urine analysis (for proteinuria) and renal function tests, ophthalmologic evaluation, and audiometry. Evaluation of relatives at risk: Presymptomatic diagnosis for the purpose of early treatment with CoQ10 supplementation is warranted for relatives at risk. GENETIC COUNSELING: Primary coenzyme Q10 deficiency is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. At conception, each sib of an affected individual has a 25% chance of being affected, a 50% chance of being an asymptomatic carrier, and a 25% chance of being unaffected and not a carrier. Carrier testing for at-risk relatives, prenatal testing for pregnancies at increased risk, and preimplantation genetic diagnosis are possible if the pathogenic variants in a family are known.openSalviati, L; Trevisson, E; Doimo, M; Navas, PSalviati, Leonardo; Trevisson, Eva; Doimo, Mara; Navas, P

    Clinical syndromes associated with Coenzyme Q10 deficiency.

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    Primary Coenzyme Q deficiencies represent a group of rare conditions caused by mutations in one of the genes required in its biosynthetic pathway at the enzymatic or regulatory level. The associated clinical manifestations are highly heterogeneous and mainly affect central and peripheral nervous system, kidney, skeletal muscle and heart. Genotype-phenotype correlations are difficult to establish, mainly because of the reduced number of patients and the large variety of symptoms. In addition, mutations in the same COQ gene can cause different clinical pictures. Here, we present an updated and comprehensive review of the clinical manifestations associated with each of the pathogenic variants causing primary CoQ deficiencies

    Effect of vanillic acid on COQ6 mutants identified in patients with coenzyme Q10 deficiency

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    Under a Creative Commons license.-- et al.Human COQ6 encodes a monooxygenase which is responsible for the C5-hydroxylation of the quinone ring of coenzyme Q (CoQ). Mutations in COQ6 cause primary CoQ deficiency, a condition responsive to oral CoQ10 supplementation. Treatment is however still problematic given the poor bioavailability of CoQ10. We employed S. cerevisiae lacking the orthologous gene to characterize the two different human COQ6 isoforms and the mutations found in patients. COQ6 isoform a can partially complement the defective yeast, while isoform b, which lacks part of the FAD-binding domain, is inactive but partially stable, and could have a regulatory/inhibitory function in CoQ10 biosynthesis. Most mutations identified in patients, including the frameshift Q461fs478X mutation, retain residual enzymatic activity, and all patients carry at least one hypomorphic allele, confirming that the complete block of CoQ biosynthesis is lethal. These mutants are also partially stable and allow the assembly of the CoQ biosynthetic complex. In fact treatment with two hydroxylated analogues of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, namely, vanillic acid or 3-4-hydroxybenzoic acid, restored the respiratory growth of yeast δcoq6 cells expressing the mutant huCOQ6-isoa proteins. These compounds, and particularly vanillic acid, could therefore represent an interesting therapeutic option for COQ6 patients.This work has been supported by grants from Telethon Italy, Fondazione CARIPARO, and University of Padova (CPDA123573/12) (to L.S.), the Italian Ministry of Health (GR-2009-1578914) (to E.T.), Région Rhônes-Alpes CIBLE 2009 (to F.P.), Spanish FIS grant PI11-00078 (to P.N.) and Proyecto Excelencia P08-CTS-03988 (to P.N.).Open Access funded by Telethon (Italy).Peer Reviewe

    Effect of vanillic acid on COQ6 mutants identified in patients with coenzyme Q10 deficiency.

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    International audience: Human COQ6 encodes a monooxygenase which is responsible for the C5-hydroxylation of the quinone ring of coenzyme Q (CoQ). Mutations in COQ6 cause primary CoQ deficiency, a condition responsive to oral CoQ10 supplementation. Treatment is however still problematic given the poor bioavailability of CoQ10. We employed S. cerevisiae lacking the orthologous gene to characterize the two different human COQ6 isoforms and the mutations found in patients. COQ6 isoform a can partially complement the defective yeast, while isoform b, which lacks part of the FAD-binding domain, is inactive but partially stable, and could have a regulatory/inhibitory function in CoQ10 biosynthesis. Most mutations identified in patients, including the frameshift Q461fs478X mutation, retain residual enzymatic activity, and all patients carry at least one hypomorphic allele, confirming that the complete block of CoQ biosynthesis is lethal. These mutants are also partially stable and allow the assembly of the CoQ biosynthetic complex. In fact treatment with two hydroxylated analogues of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, namely, vanillic acid or 3-4-hydroxybenzoic acid, restored the respiratory growth of yeast Δcoq6 cells expressing the mutant huCOQ6-isoa proteins. These compounds, and particularly vanillic acid, could therefore represent an interesting therapeutic option for COQ6 patients

    Primary Coenzyme Q deficiencies: A literature review and online platform of clinical features to uncover genotype-phenotype correlations

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    Primary Coenzyme Q (CoQ) deficiencies are clinically heterogeneous conditions and lack clear genotypephenotype correlations, complicating diagnosis and prognostic assessment. Here we present a compilation of all the symptoms and patients with primary CoQ deficiency described in the literature so far and analyse the most common clinical manifestations associated with pathogenic variants identified in the different COQ genes. In addition, we identified new associations between the age of onset of symptoms and different pathogenic variants, which could help to a better diagnosis and guided treatment. To make these results useable for clinicians, we created an online platform (https://coenzymeQbiology.github. io/clinic-CoQ-deficiency) about clinical manifestations of primary CoQ deficiency that will be periodically updated to incorporate new information published in the literature. Since CoQ primary deficiency is a rare disease, the available data are still limited, but as new patients are added over time, this tool could become a key resource for a more efficient diagnosis of this pathology.Centro Andaluz de Biología del DesarrolloCIBERE

    Molecular characterization of the human COQ5 C-methyltransferase in coenzyme Q10 biosynthesis

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    Under a Creative Commons license.Coq5 catalyzes the only C-methylation involved in the biosynthesis of coenzyme Q (Q or ubiquinone) in humans and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. As one of eleven polypeptides required for Q production in yeast, Coq5 has also been shown to assemble with the multi-subunit complex termed the CoQ-synthome. In humans, mutations in several COQ genes cause primary Q deficiency, and a decrease in Q biosynthesis is associated with mitochondrial, cardiovascular, kidney and neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we characterize the human COQ5 polypeptide and examine its complementation of yeast coq5 point and null mutants. We show that human COQ5 RNA is expressed in all tissues and that the COQ5 polypeptide is associated with the mitochondrial inner membrane on the matrix side. Previous work in yeast has shown that point mutations within or adjacent to conserved COQ5 methyltransferase motifs result in a loss of Coq5 function but not Coq5 steady state levels. Here, we show that stabilization of the CoQ-synthome within coq5 point mutants or by over-expression of COQ8 in coq5 null mutants permits the human COQ5 homolog to partially restore coq5 mutant growth on respiratory media and Q6 content. Immunoblotting against the human COQ5 polypeptide in isolated yeast mitochondria shows that the human Coq5 polypeptide migrates in two-dimensional blue-native/SDS-PAGE at the same high molecular mass as other yeast Coq proteins. The results presented suggest that human and Escherichia coli Coq5 homologs expressed in yeast retain C-methyltransferase activity but are capable of rescuing the coq5 yeast mutants only when the CoQ-synthome is assembled.Open Access funded by Telethon (Italy).Peer Reviewe

    Haploinsufficiency of COQ4 causes coenzyme Q10 deficiency

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    PMCID: PMC3983946.-- et al.[Background]: COQ4 encodes a protein that organises the multienzyme complex for the synthesis of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). A 3.9 Mb deletion of chromosome 9q34.13 was identified in a 3-year-old boy with mental retardation, encephalomyopathy and dysmorphic features. Because the deletion encompassed COQ4, the patient was screened for CoQ10 deficiency. [Methods]: A complete molecular and biochemical characterisation of the patient's fibroblasts and of a yeast model were performed. [Results]: The study found reduced COQ4 expression (48% of controls), CoQ10 content and biosynthetic rate (44% and 43% of controls), and activities of respiratory chain complex II+III. Cells displayed a growth defect that was corrected by the addition of CoQ10 to the culture medium. Knockdown of COQ4 in HeLa cells also resulted in a reduction of CoQ10. Diploid yeast haploinsufficient for COQ4 displayed similar CoQ deficiency. Haploinsufficency of other genes involved in CoQ10 biosynthesis does not cause CoQ deficiency, underscoring the critical role of COQ4. Oral CoQ10 supplementation resulted in a significant improvement of neuromuscular symptoms, which reappeared after supplementation was temporarily discontinued. [Conclusion]: Mutations of COQ4 should be searched for in patients with CoQ10 deficiency and encephalomyopathy; patients with genomic rearrangements involving COQ4 should be screened for CoQ10 deficiency, as they could benefit from supplementation.This work was supported by Telethon Italy grant no GGP09207, CARIPARO foundation, the Spanish Ministerio de Sanidad (FIS) grant no PI 08/0500, University of Padova grant no 2010-CPDA102953, Italian Ministry of Health grant no GR-2009-1578914, National Institute of Health grant nos 1R01HD057543-01 and HD 32062, and Cariplo Foundation grant no 2007.5197.Peer reviewe

    Integrated CGH/WES Analyses Advance Understanding of Aggressive Neuroblastoma Evolution: A Case Study

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extra-cranial malignancy in preschool children. To portray the genetic landscape of an overly aggressive NB leading to a rapid clinical progression of the disease, tumor DNA collected pre- and post-treatment has been analyzed. Array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), whole-exome sequencing (WES), and pharmacogenetics approaches, respectively, have identified relevant copy number alterations (CNAs), single nucleotide variants (SNVs), and polymorphisms (SNPs) that were then combined into an integrated analysis. Spontaneously formed 3D tumoroids obtained from the recurrent mass have also been characterized. The results prove the power of combining CNAs, SNVs, and SNPs analyses to assess clonal evolution during the disease progression by evidencing multiple clones at disease onset and dynamic genomic alterations during therapy administration. The proposed molecular and cytogenetic integrated analysis empowers the disease follow-up and the prediction of tumor recurrence

    Recessive Spondylocarpotarsal Synostosis Syndrome Due to Compound Heterozygosity for Variants in MYH3

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    Spondylocarpotarsal synostosis syndrome (SCTS) is characterized by intervertebral fusions and fusion of the carpal and tarsal bones. Biallelic mutations in FLNB cause this condition in some families, whereas monoallelic variants in MYH3, encoding embryonic heavy chain myosin 3, have been implicated in dominantly inherited forms of the disorder. Here, five individuals without FLNB mutations from three families were hypothesized to be affected by recessive SCTS on account of sibling recurrence of the phenotype. Initial whole-exome sequencing (WES) showed that all five were heterozygous for one of two independent splice-site variants in MYH3. Despite evidence indicating that three of the five individuals shared two allelic haplotypes encompassing MYH3, no second variant could be located in the WES datasets. Subsequent genome sequencing of these three individuals demonstrated a variant altering a 5' UTR splice donor site (rs557849165 in MYH3) not represented by exome-capture platforms. When the cohort was expanded to 16 SCTS-affected individuals without FLNB mutations, nine had truncating mutations transmitted by unaffected parents, and six inherited the rs557849165 variant in trans, an observation at odds with the population allele frequency for this variant. The rs557849165 variant disrupts splicing in the 5' UTR but is still permissive of MYH3 translational initiation, albeit with reduced efficiency. Although some MYH3 variants cause dominant SCTS, these data indicate that others (notably truncating variants) do not, except in the context of compound heterozygosity for a second hypomorphic allele. These observations make genetic diagnosis challenging in the context of simplex presentations of the disorder

    Copper and bezafibrate cooperate to rescue cytochrome c oxidase deficiency in cells of patients with sco2 mutations

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    Background: Mutations in SCO2 cause cytochrome c oxidase deficiency (COX) and a fatal infantile cardioencephalomyopathy. SCO2 encodes a protein involved in COX copper metabolism; supplementation with copper salts rescues the defect in patients’ cells. Bezafibrate (BZF), an approved hypolipidemic agent, ameliorates the COX deficiency in mice with mutations in COX10, another COX-assembly gene. Methods: We have investigated the effect of BZF and copper in cells with SCO2 mutations using spectrophotometric methods to analyse respiratory chain activities and a luciferase assay to measure ATP production.. Results: Individual mitochondrial enzymes displayed different responses to BZF. COX activity increased by about 40% above basal levels (both in controls and patients), with SCO2 cells reaching 75-80% COX activity compared to untreated controls. The increase in COX was paralleled by an increase in ATP production. The effect was dose-dependent: it was negligible with 100 μM BZF, and peaked at 400 μM BZF. Higher BZF concentrations were associated with a relative decline of COX activity, indicating that the therapeutic range of this drug is very narrow. Combined treatment with 100 μM CuCl2 and 200 μM BZF (which are only marginally effective when administered individually) achieved complete rescue of COX activity in SCO2 cells. Conclusions: These data are crucial to design therapeutic trials for this otherwise fatal disorder. The additive effect of copper and BZF will allow to employ lower doses of each drug and to reduce their potential toxic effects. The exact mechanism of action of BZF remains to be determined