139 research outputs found

    Aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques et caractĂ©risation molĂ©culaire des souches du virus de l’hĂ©patite E (VHE) au Burkina Faso

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    The hepatitis E virus (HEV) is causative agent several acute or fulminant hepatitis which mainly occur in developing countries where HEV genotype 1 or 2 appears to have a endemic profile punctuated with epidemic outbreaks (Africa, Asia) (Lui et al., 2013). Genotype 3 and 4 distributed widely in animal reservoirs, were the cause many zoonotic infection in northern and southern countries. In most cases, it is a self-limited infection with rapid viral clearance, but it can evolve into more severe forms with a mortality level ranging from 1 to 4% in the general population to nearly 20% in pregnancy during outbreaks (WHO, 2014). In Burkina Faso, very little epidemiological data are available on HEV. The objective of this work is to improve our understanding of this agent hepatitis. The first part of our study was devoted to the evaluation HEV seroprevalence among blood donors and women attending antenatal care in Ouagadougou. In total more than 1,700 volunteers serum samples were collected in blood banks and medical centers in Burkina Faso. Between 2010 and 2012 on 178 blood donors and 189 pregnant women tested, 19.1% [CI95, 13.3-24.9%] and 11.6% [CI95, 7.1-16.2%], were respectively positive for anti-HEV IgG. These high rates in the general population may be associated a low income and the poor hygienic status (TraorĂ© et al., 2012). In 2014, 3.19% [CI95, 1.70-4.68%] on 525 blood donors tested, were positive for anti-HEV IgM. These results indicate a residual risk for transfusion, probably associated with silent infections and confirm the importance to identify the sources of the virus. The second part of this work was 1) to assess HEV infection among humans in Burkina Faso by exploring the HEV seroprevalence in a high risk population, i.e., butchers; 2) to explore a possible pig-to-human zoonotic transmission cycle by assessing the HEV seroprevalence in slaughter swine; and 3) to identify the genotype of HEV circulating in pigs. The global HEV prevalence among Ouagadougou butchers was estimated to 76%, CI95 [67, 63–84.37%] with a significant risk factor, 3 times higher compared with the general population (OR = 3.46 [95%CI 2.85 - 4.21] p 98% was found between swHEV-BF from Yaounde and Madagascar. This data showed for the first time the role of swine in introduction of new HEV in African population. In conclusion, these results latter sign a persistent introduction of HEV infection in the population and hence deserved to be taken in account in transfusion associated risk. Further assessments of the transfusion risk associated require an evaluation of the cost/benefit ratio for the addition of routine HEV RNA screening to the panel of tests on donated blood, to guarantee transfusion safety for the recipient.Le virus de l’hĂ©patite E (VHE) est l’agent causal d’une partie des hĂ©patites aigues ou fulminantes qui surviennent essentiellement dans les pays en voie de dĂ©veloppement (Afrique, Asie) ou le VHE de gĂ©notype 1 semble prĂ©senter un profil endĂ©mique ponctuĂ© de bouffĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miques souvent liĂ©es Ă  des dĂ©placements de populations (catastrophe climatique ou conflits) (Lui et al., 2013). RĂ©cemment il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© que ce virus Ă©tait largement distribuĂ© dans des rĂ©servoirs animaux (gĂ©notype 3 et 4) et la cause d’un grand nombre d’infections zoonotiques aussi bien dans les pays du nord que du sud. Dans la plupart des cas, il s'agit d'une infection spontanĂ©ment rĂ©solutive avec une clairance virale rapide, mais il peut Ă©voluer vers des formes plus sĂ©vĂšres avec un niveau de mortalitĂ© variant de 1 Ă  4% dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale et Ă  prĂšs de 20% chez la femme enceinte lors des flambĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miques (OMS, 2014). Au Burkina Faso, trĂšs peu de donnĂ©es existent sur la prĂ©valence chez l’homme, l'Ă©pidĂ©miologie molĂ©culaire du VHE ou la prĂ©sence de ce virus dans le rĂ©servoir animal principal que constituent les porcs. De plus, l’ignorance de la population quant aux causes de cette infection d’origine alimentaire, est un facteur de risque qu’on ne peut pas ignorer. L’objectif de ce travail est donc d’amĂ©liorer notre connaissance sur cet agent des hĂ©patites. La premiĂšre partie de notre Ă©tude s’est consacrĂ©e Ă  l’évaluation de la sĂ©roprĂ©valence du VHE chez les donneurs de sang et les femmes venant en consultation prĂ©natale Ă  Ouagadougou. Au total plus de 1700 Ă©chantillons de sĂ©rums de volontaires ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©s dans les banques de sang et centres mĂ©dicaux: entre 2010 et 2012, sur les 178 donneurs de sang et 189 femmes enceintes testĂ©s, 19,1% [IC95, 13,3-24,9%] et 11,6% [IC95, 7,1-16,2%] Ă©taient respectivement positifs aux IgG anti-VHE. Ces taux Ă©levĂ©s sont peut-ĂȘtre associĂ© au faible statut socioĂ©conomique et Ă  l’absence de rĂ©seaux d’assainissement des eaux (TraorĂ© et al., 2012). En 2014, 3,19% [IC95, 1,70-4,68%] des 533 donneurs de sang testĂ© sont positifs pour des IgM anti-VHE. Ces rĂ©sultats montrent un risque rĂ©siduel transfusionnel non nĂ©gligeable associĂ© Ă  une transmission Ă  bas bruit et confirme l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’identifier la ou les sources de ce virus. La seconde partie de ce travail a Ă©tĂ© de vĂ©rifier le rĂŽle d’une source zoonotique des infections Ă  VHE, via l’évaluation du VHE (par sĂ©rologie et typage molĂ©culaire aprĂšs PCR) dans le rĂ©servoir potentiel que sont les porcs et la population Ă  risques exposĂ© Ă  ce rĂ©servoir (bouchers et Ă©leveurs). Pour cela nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© un recensement des sites de ventes de porcs et Ă©valuĂ© la consommation d’animaux. Un taux de sĂ©roprĂ©valence de 76% [IC95, 67,6-84,4%] a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ© dans une cohorte de 100 bouchers de Ouagadougou avec un facteur de risque de sĂ©ropositivitĂ© 3 fois plus Ă©levĂ© par rapport Ă  la population gĂ©nĂ©rale (OR = 3,46 [95%CI 2,85 – 4,21] p <0.001). Les IgG anti-VHE chez les porcs abattus ont Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©s Ă  80% IC95 [72-87%]. Cette forte prĂ©valence confirme une circulation silencieuse du VHE dans l’élevage porcin au Burkina Faso comme en tĂ©moigne l'Ă©chantillon positif de foie pour l’ARN VHE qui soutient fermement le risque de zoonose. L’analyse des sĂ©quences des produits de PCR des foies de porcs positifs pour VHE a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence de VHE gĂ©notype 3 et 99,8 % d'homologie avec les souches Yaounde et Madagascar. En conclusion, notre Ă©tude, la premiĂšre caractĂ©risation molĂ©culaire des souches du VHE au Burkina, montre la prĂ©sence de souches VHE gĂ©notype 3 dans des rĂ©gions ou seul le gĂ©notype 1 avait Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ© jusqu’alors (Tchad, Maroc). L’évaluation du risque transfusionnel associĂ© nĂ©cessite des Ă©tudes complĂ©mentaires afin d’évaluer le bĂ©nĂ©fice/coĂ»t de l'ajout de dĂ©pistage du VHE dans les examens de routines des banques de sang, afin de garantir la sĂ©curitĂ© du receveur de sang

    Effets de la Politique Fiscale Sur la Croissance Économique du Mali

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’examiner les effets de la politique fiscale sur la croissance Ă©conomique au Mali durant la pĂ©riode 1990-2021, en utilisant le modĂšle autorĂ©gressif Ă  dĂ©calage distribuĂ© (ARDL), principalement en raison de l'ordre d'intĂ©gration des variables utilisĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats empiriques ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© qu'il existe une relation positive entre les instruments de politique fiscale (impĂŽt sur le revenu et dĂ©penses publiques) et la croissance Ă©conomique. Sur la base des rĂ©sultats, l'Ă©tude recommande au gouvernement de faire la distinction entre les dĂ©penses productives et improductives et d'augmenter les dĂ©penses. L'implication de ces rĂ©sultats est que l'Ă©conomie du Mali est susceptible d'ĂȘtre plus performante si davantage de ressources sont dĂ©tournĂ©es de la consommation du gouvernement vers les dĂ©penses d'investissement. &nbsp; The objective of this study was to examine the effects of fiscal policy on economic growth in Mali during the period 1990-2021, using the autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL), mainly because of the order of integration of the variables used. The empirical results revealed that there is a positive relationship between fiscal policy instruments (income tax and government spending) and economic growth. Based on the results, the study recommends that the government distinguish between productive and unproductive expenditures and increase spending. The implication of these results is that Mali's economy is likely to perform better if more resources are diverted from government consumption to investment spending

    L’Approche fermes du futur pour accĂ©lĂ©rer l’adaptation au changement climatique: Manuel de mise en Ɠuvre en Afrique de l’Ouest

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    L’approche « fermes du futur » est une approche innovante dĂ©veloppĂ©e par le programme de recherche du groupe consultatif pour la recherche agricole internationale (CGIAR) sur le Changement Climatique, l’Agriculture et la SĂ©curitĂ© Alimentaire (CCAFS) pour contribuer Ă  l’amĂ©lioration des capacitĂ©s d’adaptation des communautĂ©s au changement climatique. L’approche « fermes du futur » utilise l’outil analogue climatique pour connecter les producteurs ruraux Ă  leur possible climat futur Ă  travers des visites d’échanges inter-communautĂ©s entre un site de rĂ©fĂ©rence et son site analogue climatique. Elle prĂ©sente une rĂ©elle opportunitĂ© pour les paysans d’anticiper et de mettre en Ɠuvre les leçons apprises lors des Ă©changes inter-paysans a n d’amĂ©liorer leur capacitĂ© d’adaptation. Le prĂ©sent manuel dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  partir des expĂ©riences de terrain rĂ©alisĂ©es dans plusieurs pays, se veut un guide pour la mise en Ɠuvre de l’approche « fermes du futur » par l’ensemble des acteurs du monde rural en Afrique de l’Ouest

    Effets de la Politique Fiscale Sur la Croissance Économique du Mali

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’examiner les effets de la politique fiscale sur la croissance Ă©conomique au Mali durant la pĂ©riode 1990-2021, en utilisant le modĂšle autorĂ©gressif Ă  dĂ©calage distribuĂ© (ARDL), principalement en raison de l'ordre d'intĂ©gration des variables utilisĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats empiriques ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© qu'il existe une relation positive entre les instruments de politique fiscale (impĂŽt sur le revenu et dĂ©penses publiques) et la croissance Ă©conomique. Sur la base des rĂ©sultats, l'Ă©tude recommande au gouvernement de faire la distinction entre les dĂ©penses productives et improductives et d'augmenter les dĂ©penses. L'implication de ces rĂ©sultats est que l'Ă©conomie du Mali est susceptible d'ĂȘtre plus performante si davantage de ressources sont dĂ©tournĂ©es de la consommation du gouvernement vers les dĂ©penses d'investissement. &nbsp; The objective of this study was to examine the effects of fiscal policy on economic growth in Mali during the period 1990-2021, using the autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL), mainly because of the order of integration of the variables used. The empirical results revealed that there is a positive relationship between fiscal policy instruments (income tax and government spending) and economic growth. Based on the results, the study recommends that the government distinguish between productive and unproductive expenditures and increase spending. The implication of these results is that Mali's economy is likely to perform better if more resources are diverted from government consumption to investment spending

    Implementation of Home based management of malaria in children reduces the work load for peripheral health facilities in a rural district of Burkina Faso

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Home Management of Malaria (HMM) is one of the key strategies to reduce the burden of malaria for vulnerable population in endemic countries. It is based on the evidence that well-trained communities health workers can provide prompt and adequate care to patients close to their homes. The strategy has been shown to reduce malaria mortality and severe morbidity and has been adopted by the World Health Organization as a cornerstone of malaria control in Africa. However, the potential fall-out of this community-based strategy on the work burden at the peripheral health facilities level has never been investigated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A two-arm interventional study was conducted in a rural health district of Burkina Faso. The HMM strategy has been implemented in seven community clinics catchment's area (intervention arm). For the other seven community clinics in the control arm, no HMM intervention was implemented. In each of the study arms, presumptive treatment was provided for episodes of fevers/malaria (defined operationally as malaria).</p> <p>The study drug was artemether-lumefantrine, which was sold at a subsidized price by community health workers/Key opinion leaders at the community level and by the pharmacists at the health facility level.</p> <p>The outcome measured was the proportion of malaria cases among all health facility attendance (all causes diseases) in both arms throughout the high transmission season.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 7,621 children were enrolled in the intervention arm and 7,605 in the control arm. During the study period, the proportions of malaria cases among all health facility attendance (all causes diseases) were 21.0%, (445/2,111, 95% CI [19.3%–22.7%]) and 70.7% (2,595/3,671, 95% CI 68.5%–71.5%), respectively in the intervention and control arms (p << 0.0001). The relative risk ratio for a fever/malaria episode to be treated at the HF level was 30% (0.30 < RR < 0.32).</p> <p>The number of malaria episodes treated in the intervention arm was much higher than in the control arm (6,661 vs. 2,595), with malaria accounting for 87.4% of all disease episodes recorded in the intervention area and for 34.1% in the control area (P < 0.0001). Of all the malaria cases treated in the intervention arm, only 6.7% were treated at the health facility level.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings suggest that implementation of HMM, by reducing the workload in health facilities, might contributes to an overall increase of the performance of the peripheral health facilities.</p

    Spatial swarm segregation and reproductive isolation between the molecular forms of Anopheles gambiae

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    Anopheles gambiae, the major malaria vector in Africa, can be divided into two subgroups based on genetic and ecological criteria. These two subgroups, termed the M and S molecular forms, are believed to be incipient species. Although they display differences in the ecological niches they occupy in the field, they are often sympatric and readily hybridize in the laboratory to produce viable and fertile offspring. Evidence for assortative mating in the field was recently reported, but the underlying mechanisms awaited discovery. We studied swarming behaviour of the molecular forms and investigated the role of swarm segregation in mediating assortative mating. Molecular identification of 1145 males collected from 68 swarms in Donéguébougou, Mali, over 2 years revealed a strict pattern of spatial segregation, resulting in almost exclusively monotypic swarms with respect to molecular form. We found evidence of clustering of swarms composed of individuals of a single molecular form within the village. Tethered M and S females were introduced into natural swarms of the M form to verify the existence of possible mate recognition operating within-swarm. Both M and S females were inseminated regardless of their form under these conditions, suggesting no within-mate recognition. We argue that our results provide evidence that swarm spatial segregation strongly contributes to reproductive isolation between the molecular forms in Mali. However this does not exclude the possibility of additional mate recognition operating across the range distribution of the forms. We discuss the importance of spatial segregation in the context of possible geographic variation in mechanisms of reproductive isolation

    Influence of Agro-Ecological Areas on the Antioxidant Capacity of Onion Varieties Grown in Burkina Faso

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    Colored onion bulb is an important source of antioxidants. Some ecological factors can significantly influence the content and quality of these substances. The aim of the present study is to determine the antioxidant and total polyphenol content of fresh bulbs of five (05) varieties of onion (Galmi Violet, Damani Violet, Prema, Safari and a Local variety-LV) grown in Burkina Faso, and to evaluate also the influence of agro-ecological parameters on the antioxidant content of the most cultivated variety (Galmi violet) of them. Samples of onion bulb for analysis were collected in the six agro-ecological areas of Burkina Faso under the same cultivation conditions. Antioxidant activities were evaluated using the method of Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power. The evaluation of the total polyphenol contents was carried out using the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The results showed that antioxidant activities for the 5 varieties tested vary between 0.125 ± 0.001 and 0.149 ± 0.004 mg TE / g, and total polyphenol contents from 0.172 ± 0.011 to 0.272 ± 0.003 mg EAG/g. Results on the assessment of the effect of ecology on the antioxidant content of Galmi violet variety revealed significant variations in antioxidant content from 0.144 ± 0.002 to 0.155 ± 0.001 mg TE / g, and total polyphenols from 0.208 ± 0.014 to 0.292 ± 0.012 mg EAG / g depending on the ecological cultivation area

    Influences of Storage Conditions, Cultivation and Culinary Practices, On the Antioxidant Capacity of Red Bulbs of Some Onion Varieties Grown in Burkina Faso

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    Red onion bulb is a vegetable containing micronutrients with antioxidant properties. However, certain factors can have an impact on the content of these compounds. The present research evaluate the effects of parameters such as cultural practices, storage conditions and culinary practices, on the antioxidants content of red onion bulb of some varieties grown in Burkina Faso. The identification of the factors was carried out through field surveys, and their effects on the antioxidants content were assessed and appreciated through especially specific related bibliographic and laboratory test data. The results showed that84.78% of farmers use chemical fertilizers and all of them use chemical pesticides on onion crop. They don’t use premises or equipment suitable for storage. About dishes,7.61% of cooks, peel, cut and wash onion bulb before steam cooking, boiling water cooking or oil frying them at high temperature during 30 minutes to 3 hours. Some cooks use to braise onion bulb scales as ingredients for different dishes such as barbecue. Only 02,72% of cooks grind the onion bulbs with a pestle, before using the crushed as such on barbecue, or slow cooking it in different sauces. Research results show that these culinary practices contribute declining significantly the final intake of antioxidant for the consumer's body
