38 research outputs found

    Generation of Highly Pure Single-Photon State at Telecommunication Wavelength

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    Telecommunication wavelength with well-developed optical communication technologies and low losses in the waveguide are advantageous for quantum applications. However, an experimental generation of non-classical states called non-Gaussian states at the telecommunication wavelength is still underdeveloped. Here, we generate highly-pure-single-photon states, one of the most primitive non-Gaussian states, by using a heralding scheme with an optical parametric oscillator and a superconducting nano-strip photon detector. The Wigner negativity, the indicator of non-classicality, of the generated single photon state is 0.228±0.004-0.228\pm0.004, corresponded to 85.1±0.7%85.1\pm0.7\% of single photon and the best record of the minimum value at all wavelengths. The quantum-optics-technology we establish can be easily applied to the generation of various types of quantum states, opening up the possibility of continuous-variable-quantum-information processing at telecommunication wavelengths.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum arbitrary waveform generator

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    Controlling the waveform of light is the key for a versatile light source in classical and quantum electronics. Although pulse shaping of classical light is a mature technique and has been used in various fields, more advanced applications would be realized by a light source that generates arbitrary quantum light with arbitrary temporal waveform. We call such a device a quantum arbitrary waveform generator (Q-AWG). The Q-AWG must be able to handle versatile quantum states of light, which are fragile. Thus, the Q-AWG requires a radically different methodology from classical pulse shaping. In this paper, we invent an architecture of Q-AWGs that can operate semi-deterministically at a repetition rate over GHz in principal. We demonstrate its core technology via generating highly non-classical states with waveforms that have never been realized before. This result would lead to powerful quantum technologies based on Q-AWGs such as practical optical quantum computing.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    High-rate Generation and State Tomography of Non-Gaussian Quantum States for Ultra-fast Clock Frequency Quantum Processors

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    Quantum information processors greatly benefit from high clock frequency to fully harnessing the quantum advantages before they get washed out by the decoherence. In this pursuit, all-optical systems offer unique advantages due to their inherent 100 THz carrier frequency, permitting one to develop THz clock frequency processors. In practice, the bandwidth of the quantum light sources and the measurement devices has been limited to the MHz range and the generation rate of nonclassical states to kHz order -- a tiny fraction of what can be achieved. In this work, we go beyond this limitation by utilizing optical parametric amplifier (OPA) as a squeezed-light source and optical phase-sensitive amplifiers (PSA) to realize high-rate generation of broadband non-Gaussian states and their quantum tomography. Our state generation and measurement system consists of a 6-THz squeezed-light source, a 6-THz PSA, and a 66-GHz homodyne detector. With this system, we have successfully demonstrated non-Gaussian state generation at a 0.9 MHz rate -- almost three orders of magnitude higher than the current state-of-the-art experiments -- with a sub-nanosecond wave packet using continuous-wave laser. The performance is constrained only by the superconducting detector's jitter which currently limits the usable bandwidth of the squeezed light to 1 GHz, rather than the optical and electronic systems. Therefore, if we can overcome the limitation of the timing jitter of superconducting detector, non-Gaussian state generation and detection at GHz rate, or even THz rate, for optical quantum processors might be possible with OPAs.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure


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    We report a case of a benign fibroepithelial polyp of the lowermost ureter, which prolapsed into the bladder and was associated with a huge, impacted ureteral stone. The polyp was considered to have resulted from chronic irritation of the ureteral mucosa caused by the stone. Review of the literature showed that six out of 74 reported cases had concomitant stones but the polyp was apparently caused by the calculi in only one case


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    症例は66歳, 男性.肉眼的血尿と腹部腫瘤を主訴として入院した.2年前に肺扁平上皮癌のため右肺部分切除の既往歴がある, IVPで右無機能腎を認めた.RPにて右骨盤腎と診断されたが, 腎孟像に陰影欠損を認め, 腹部CTでは中心性壊死をともなった腎実質性腫瘍が強く疑われた.血管造影ではhypovascularな腫瘍であった.右腎摘除術を施行した.病理組織学的に, 腎実質への広汎な浸潤を有する腎孟原発移行上皮癌と診断された.患者は5か月後転移性腫瘍のため死亡したが, 組織学的にすべての転移巣は角化を有し, 転移性肺癌と診断された, 本例は腎孟癌であったが, その非定型的な特徴のため術前診断が困難であった.骨盤腎原発性腫瘍は現在までに文献上8例を数えるのみである.内訳は腺癌, 扁平上皮癌各3例, 腎孟未分化癌, 移行上皮癌各1例である.このうち扁平上皮癌は比較的高頻度であるが, 報告例は3例とも腎結石の合併をみ, 骨盤腎に水腎症, 尿路感染および尿路結石を合併する率が高い事実と関連していると推察される.自験例は移行上皮癌であり文献上第2例目である.We report a case of transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis arising in a pelvic kidney two years after resection of bronchogenic carcinoma. Primary cancer in a pelvic kidney has been rarely described and this is the second reported case of transitional cell carcinoma originating in a pelvic kidney and the first associated with recurrent lung cancer

    Efficacy of nondrug lifestyle measures for the treatment of nocturia.

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    PURPOSE: Nocturia has a major impact on quality of life and affects numerous aspects of health. Lifestyle modifications are expected to be helpful in improving nocturia. However, the efficacy of this strategy has not been established. We tested the efficacy of nondrug lifestyle measures as a first step in treating nocturia and found factors predictive of the efficacy of the intervention. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a prospective evaluation of 56 patients treated at 3 hospitals between 2005 and 2009 for symptomatic nocturia. The patients were advised to modify their lifestyle to improve nocturia. Lifestyle modifications consisted of 4 directives of 1) restriction of fluid intake, 2) refraining from excess hours in bed, 3) moderate daily exercise and 4) keeping warm in bed. The frequency volume chart, International Prostate Symptom Score, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index before and 4 weeks after the intervention were used to evaluate the efficacy of the therapy. RESULTS: Mean nocturnal voids and nocturnal urine volume decreased significantly from 3.6 to 2.7 (p <0.0001) and from 923 to 768 ml (p = 0.0005), respectively. Of the 56 patients 26 (53.1%) showed an improvement of more than 1 episode. This treatment was significantly more effective in patients with a larger 24-hour urine production. CONCLUSIONS: Nondrug lifestyle measures were effective in decreasing the number of nocturia episodes and improving patient quality of life. Patients with polyuria showed a better response to the treatment


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    症例は42歳, 男性。AFP値が高いことを指摘されて当院を紹介受診した。この患者は21年間に非セミノーマの右精巣腫瘍の治療歴があった。当院受診時のCTでは右腎静脈から大動脈分岐まで下大静脈を圧排するような形で5×5cmの腫瘍を認めた。当院入院後, シスプラチン・エトポシド・パクリタキセル・イフォスファミドの4剤を併用した化学療法を施行した。しかし, 腫瘍は縮小せずAFP値も上昇した。そのためリンパ節郭清術・右腎摘出術・十二指腸部分切除術・下大静脈切除術を施行した。術後AFP値は正常範囲内に低下して, 現在約48ヵ月経過しているが再発は認めていない。(著者抄録)We report here a case of very late relapse of a nonseminomatous germ cell tumor 21 years after first complete remission. A 42-year-old man, with a clinical history of right testicular cancer, was referred to our hospital with elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level. CT scan demonstrated a 5 x 5 cm retroperitoneal lymph node swelling compressing the inferior vena cava (IVC) extending from the right renal vein down to the bifurcation of the aorta. The patient received a total of four courses of combination chemotherapy consisting of cisplatin, etoposide, paxlitaxel, and ifosfamide. However, the retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis did not respond to chemotherapy, and the serum AFP level increased. Extended bilateral retroperitoneal lymph node dissection with right nephrectomy, partial duodenectomy, and vena cavectomy were performed. The patient has been followed up with no evidence of disease for 48 months after the operation without any further therapy


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    自然排尿型尿路再建術を施行した23例の男子膀胱癌患者の手術成績を検討した.術式はhemi-Kock法8例, Hautmann法12例, Reddy法3例で, 平均経過観察期間は36ヵ月である.手術関連死はなかった.早期合併症は7例にみられ, パウチからの尿瘻4例, 創感染3例, 腎盂腎炎2例であった.昼間尿禁制は22例で得られたが, 夜間尿失禁は7例にみられ, Reddy法では3例全てにみられた.排尿困難は4例にみられ, うち1例は尿閉となった.晩期合併症としては, 尿道狭窄2例, 創ヘルニア 2例, パウチ内結石1例, 胆石症1例であったBetween 1988 and 1996, 23 male patients with bladder cancer underwent bladder substitution after cystectomy, using either the hemi-Kock, Hautmann, and Reddy procedures. The mean postoperative follow-up period was 36 months, with a range of 3 to 85 months. There were no perioperative deaths, and early postoperative complications occurred in 7 patients (30%); transient urine leak from the pouch in 4, wound infection in 3 and pyelonephritis in 2 patients. Twenty-two of the 23 patients (96%) were continent during the day, while 7 (30%) had nocturnal incontinence. All 3 patients with the Reddy procedure had nocturnal incontinence. Complete continence was preserved in 70% of the patients. Dysuria was seen in 4 patients, including retention in 1 patient. Late complications included urethral stricture in 3, wound hernia in 2, metabolic acidosis in 1, stone in the pouch in 1, and gallbladder stone in 1 patient. However, reoperation was necessary in 1 patient for internal urethrotomy and 1 patient for removal of a stone in the neobladder. Mild degree of hydronephrosis and unilateral reflux were seen in 3 patients each, and followed up conservatively. No urethral recurrence has occurred and only 1 patient died of cancer. The need for reoperation was very low and the high reservoir capacity resulted in continence from the beginning in most patients. We considered the neobladder useful as an alternative form of urinary diversion in selected cases