


自然排尿型尿路再建術を施行した23例の男子膀胱癌患者の手術成績を検討した.術式はhemi-Kock法8例, Hautmann法12例, Reddy法3例で, 平均経過観察期間は36ヵ月である.手術関連死はなかった.早期合併症は7例にみられ, パウチからの尿瘻4例, 創感染3例, 腎盂腎炎2例であった.昼間尿禁制は22例で得られたが, 夜間尿失禁は7例にみられ, Reddy法では3例全てにみられた.排尿困難は4例にみられ, うち1例は尿閉となった.晩期合併症としては, 尿道狭窄2例, 創ヘルニア 2例, パウチ内結石1例, 胆石症1例であったBetween 1988 and 1996, 23 male patients with bladder cancer underwent bladder substitution after cystectomy, using either the hemi-Kock, Hautmann, and Reddy procedures. The mean postoperative follow-up period was 36 months, with a range of 3 to 85 months. There were no perioperative deaths, and early postoperative complications occurred in 7 patients (30%); transient urine leak from the pouch in 4, wound infection in 3 and pyelonephritis in 2 patients. Twenty-two of the 23 patients (96%) were continent during the day, while 7 (30%) had nocturnal incontinence. All 3 patients with the Reddy procedure had nocturnal incontinence. Complete continence was preserved in 70% of the patients. Dysuria was seen in 4 patients, including retention in 1 patient. Late complications included urethral stricture in 3, wound hernia in 2, metabolic acidosis in 1, stone in the pouch in 1, and gallbladder stone in 1 patient. However, reoperation was necessary in 1 patient for internal urethrotomy and 1 patient for removal of a stone in the neobladder. Mild degree of hydronephrosis and unilateral reflux were seen in 3 patients each, and followed up conservatively. No urethral recurrence has occurred and only 1 patient died of cancer. The need for reoperation was very low and the high reservoir capacity resulted in continence from the beginning in most patients. We considered the neobladder useful as an alternative form of urinary diversion in selected cases

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